A Step-By-Step Analysis Of The Copenhaver Film

Check the trajectory towards the first floor window.

Dear TinaMarie,

I’m not pushing Cullen, but would like the ideas he presents put into green, yellow or red categories, because they seem to have some validity. Will Cain is presented as having been a sniper and a sniper instructor in the Marines and the Army, special ops/forces with two tours of duty, etc with specific specialized knowledge and experience with which to judge Cullen claims. I agree Cullen is kind of a wild card and I don’t necessarily agree with how he presents things and I don’t like how he does a lot of things. I cannot give an exact credible point by point review by memory (not my strong point). I have a lot of spare time) to watch a good/compelling video (even if it is flawed and contains inaccuracies). I speak with no authority and no emotion other than a plea for the truth. I will however give you some of the things I would like to have corroborated or debunked.

Disclaimer: I apologize for any inaccuracies in the following reply to your question. I do not have perfect memory of the video despite spending over four hours watching it twice (almost did not watch it the first time because I did not like Cullen and some erroneous claims, IMHO, he made in a previous video). Please remember I am an old man without a computer doing this painstakingly all on my phone with blurred vision and clumsy fingers and flawed memory missing many salient points and connecting commentary (this is why you should watch the video as it’s much better, compelling, convincing than what I relay here.

  1. the video of the flying bullet claimed to be the kill shot of “Crooks/Yearick/unknown individual on the roof”.

  2. Will Cain agrees with Cullen that the counter sniper team in the video are moving their rifles and reacting to incoming fire in all likelihood, then repositioning their aim to the their right where their are nothing but trees.

  3. a sniper could be in a tree, secured with a shooting sling and never spotted firing modified .300 Blackout subsonic suppressed rounds (no sonic boom signature sounds) deadly rounds and that the apparent position in the tree s lines up exactly with the back row, this is the shot you see vaporizing on the guard rail after hitting things and people in sequence. A millisecond later another round hits a man in that same area two or three rows lower. Two rounds cannot be from the same gun/shooter separated by a millisecond, hitting another target with a different trajectory. The tree sniper could have quietly waited until say 3am then stealthily made his escape. Cain agees that possibility to be quite possible.

  4. Cullen claims Chris used his data them miscalculated the distance derived by ballistics from Trump to Crooks where in fact, according to him, should be measured to the first floor window.

  5. Cullen uses 3D dynamic graphics done by a world renowned programmer to show the line ups and distances i.e. Trumps ear and Coperhaven (I think that’s the right guy) line up precisely with the first floor window shooters position

  6. Cullen says he can detect the sound of subsonic suppressed shots fired (about 14 in all before and after the 8, or 10/11 supersonic non-suppressed shots we have all heard, including ones that sync up with the muzzle flashes in the first floor window (many theories about how that window might not be actually closed/impossible allowing fire to originate from there. Note: LEO was seen in video clearing that area just prior to shooting. Suggested by Cullen that the SS Uniformed officer seen on bodycam in the first floor building (Sans tactical helmet) could be the first floor shooter and names him.

  7. the gentleman’s name escapes me that briefly joins the video as a credible member of the sniper community relaying the phone call he had directly with one of the actual SS Counter Snipers that they were in fact taking incoming fire.
    I just want to have someone pick up the ball and have Chris, whom I respect and admire and very much enjoy hope he carefully chooses his words and applies science to the best of his ability citing the limits of his expertise (I have no expertise other than being called an excellent shot by an NRA instructor I met at the range). I tried to get the Stewart Video to Chris the minute I saw it, not seeing any mention of it here on the platform this last Monday and once someone told me Chris as already had it I stopped and waited for his analysis. I just want everyone to have all the data, good AND bad to be able to sift through every thing to corroborate, debunk or put in a holding pattern.

I have spent hundreds upon hundreds of hours watching videos since 2020 about why our world has changed so historically and drastically.

One last thing (though there are more I did not attempt to relay here) and that is that Cullen said the water tower is shaped like a donut with a ladder up the middle to the top. I kept thinking how could anyone get to the top. Now the murky video shadows have been generally well debunked, multiple apparent witnesses claim to have seen a shooter on the tower and like the first story window maybe we don’t have the full story. I hope you watch the video now because it has taken me almost as long (I type painstakingly slowly with many mistakes to correct) to write this as it takes to watch the video. I have watched it twice now and will probably watch it an unprecedented third time not necessarily I because it has all the facts, but because it raises shocking questions that must be answered.

Thank you for replying and I did my honest, flat out best to reply to your question/request. Again sorry for any mistakes I may have made.

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I’m guessing when you get to close to the truth it becomes very unsafe for everyone involved.

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i’ve had this question bothering me that nobody i follow has touched on or shown. There is/was an MSNBC Breaking News segment from the day this happened that seems to have used a camera/view that i have not seen anywhere else. I could speculate on reasons why that might be but i don’t think that’s productive really. The reason this unknown source (if it were MSNBC’s own camera wouldn’t they use the footage from it in other segments they produced? I haven’t seen them use it again if they did) sticks in my mind is because it seems to show sniper team 2 pocketing a spent casing.

Thanks to Chris Martinsen showing the MilkBar TV compilation I have been able to put a rough timeline together for when sniper team 2 is shown in the MSNBC video, about 18:13/14 or 6:14pm:

sources for all videos used in that video are linked in the description on yt. I really like NTD’s video because it continues streaming unedited until they are forced to shut down and leave.

youtu. be/rLLTmANI4rk - NTD’s camera, things i have noted from it:
12:28 camera pointed towards grandstands in distance, can see movement in stands but no real detail…
15:00+ can hear interviews with NTD lady of ppl leaving
31:41 NTD reporter does her piece after crowd has been cleared out, just before can see paper labels for CNN & NBC taped to floor of media platform/corral, CNN lady in pink sleeveless shirt, green shirt guy is probably CNN’s cameraman where warm WB footage comes from that most american MSM has used from what i’ve seen - including CSPAN, PBS, NPR, etc.

I genuinely appreciate the effort you have gone to in replying to my comment.

How you laid out the summaries is exactly what is needed to help assess if going to the video is worthwhile for other members or not as it has details of the type of content in the Cullen videos.

You must understand that while you may have the time to watch alot of content and sift through good and bad info, i would assume many do not, and is part of the reason why they want to leverage off Chris.

So you have some context as to why details and accuracy is key, I’m a pretty busy SAHM who is trying to set up a homestead, prepare for future homeschool and make connections in a new community. I dont really have alot of time to deticate to online time, so I prefer to stick very close to the most accurate evidence based information as possible. It’s why I’ve chosen Peak Prosperity as it ticks many boxes for me and has helped me make big desisions in the past (like selling my home and buying on the outskirts of a large regional town).

I have watched 2 entire Cullen videos in the past on the Trump Assassination, and before being influenced by other content creator’s like Chris or people comments, my husband and I decided he wasn’t someone we could get board with.

Please note that while I’ll still need some convincing (or increased spare time…), I’m probably not going to watch the video anytime soon, but have instead opted to reply to your message with more effort than I would normally.

I’m glad there are people like you that are able to view many sources in real time to be able to cross pollinate in the comment sections-I view it overall as a positive addition to the PP community

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Ray, even if there was a shooter in the window, it does not aling with David Dutch and Trump.

This Frame (from James Copenhaver camera) alone can prove. If the shot of Trump was from that window, it would be definitely going up. Therefore, it would pass James Copenhaver above his head. As he is right beside David Dutch, it cannot have hit David Dutch.

Except Iran isn’t going to attack meaningfully. Wait for the false flag.

There is safety in numbers. Spread the word.

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I have not seen that sniper pocket the “shell casing?” Yet, but he is I believe conjectured (I think) to have a suppressed rifle and to have taken the/a shot that killed Crooks/Yearick.

Great job :clap: :+1:

Going off of this, I heard @cmartenson and/or Benny Johnson say recently that when Crooks got to the event, he did everything he could to BE CAUGHT (openly using range finder, having a rifle bag on his bike, pacing back and forth strangely – so much so that Local law enforcement got him on their radars)… he was visibly shaken… people were commenting that he was pulling his hair… something was eating him from within. Nevertheless, he still got up on the roof to do the deed he went there to do. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that his last search results were pornographic. Porn, like drugs, cigarettes, etc. gives you momentary comfort in times of stress (that’s why they are vices/addictions). Maybe he was trying to search for something as an impulse to calm him down, ease the tension that was brewing inside him. Just a thought. Again, I believe that NOTHING IS A COINCIDENCE WHEN VIEWED IN ITS FULL CONTEXT.


In reference to the victim who was high on the farthest bleacher. If he was videoing Trump, then he was also capturing the rifle flash.

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How do you explain the action of the LEOs at lapsed time 6 minutes, 10 seconds in the Dave Stewart video (x.com)? I would be interested in your take. Seems to me all LEOs are moving towards a roof access point that is behind the trees!

I agree with Thinker120 (post #97). Trump is still in grave danger. And if he’s in danger, that means we’re all in danger. Buckle up - butter cup! It’s going to be a hell of a ride to November.


I want to bring to everyone’s attention a photo posted by larrywasham (post #18). It is a gruesome picture of the head shots (yes - I said shots - as in plural) to Crooks. Granted, I’ve never personally seen a shooting victim that’s been shot in the head, but to me, it looks like Crooks was shot twice, and it certainly doesn’t look like he was shot from the front (in fact, quite the opposite). Can anyone explain why the evidence (the picture) doesn’t align with the narrative? Curious to learn something!

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I learned something new, and significant, this morning from a briefing the FBI gave Fox News last Monday. The FBI said Crooks actually bought a 5’ ladder at the local Home Depot on the morning of the shooting…but he took it home and left it there. It was not in his van when he went to the Trump rally venue. Why is that? Did he learn something between the time he bought the ladder and the time he finally went to the venue - something that led him to believe the ladder wasn’t necessary? Perhaps he was told there would be a ladder in-place behind the trees that he could use for roof access!

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Good point. – (I joined the party late; do we know if he accessed via ladder or air conditions?). I believe it was air conditions, and I also recall a politician accessing the roof via the ACs.
After he was walking around the location flustered, he could have definitely seen the ease of access to the roof via the air conditions.

Consider this as well, it wouldn’t fit inside his car, and having it on the roof near the rally site might draw unwanted attention.

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I am not saying that, Cullen is and he goes into great detail how his graphic was developed by leading world experts and very accurate. It’s dynamic, he can change perspectives and the 3D graphic moves accordingly, just as if you were there moving around. The line formed by Trumps ear the window and the guy that got shot by the ascending bullet match up precisely, as does the distance to the window vs Crooks position. Nobody has time to watch a 2 hour video except me, everybody wants the headlines, The CliffsNotes version, spelled out for you. This is inherently bad because you don’t get any of the foundational information supporting the claim. I am just a retired old guy with enough time on my hands that I spend a substantial amount of time every day watching many of these long form videos and it is frustrating trying to relay what I saw in the video or to get people to watch them. I have watched anywhere from 6-12 hours virtually EVERY DAY, it seems like it is all I ever do and everybody wants to do a pop analysis and dismiss it and me without watching the video. Ok I tried. But here is my point; I am not an expert at anything, but I am The only person I know of that spends this much time watching these videos day after day since 2020, probably 1,000 hours plus. I have picked up A LOT of info, some later proven to be true, some later proven false, but I have a pretty good general idea of what’s going on in a lot of areas around the world and when I watch something that is presenting new, important, shocking data I want to get as many other people to investigate as much as possible, as soon as possible to determine if it is true. I am not emotionally tied to any position, but the truth as can be best determined. I was raised by the top experimental chemical research scientist at one of the biggest companies in the world and he taught me the value is to be right and admit when you are wrong and adopt new proven facts as they emerge and use them. If they are wrong show me how and I will agree. Watch the video and tell me where Cullen is right, where he is wrong and what this means. He is making claims nobody else is and he has the concurrence of a world class sniper/sniper instructor. Somebody (can’t remember his name), who talked directly on the phone with a member of the Hercules Sniper team who says that they were taking fire, suppressed, subsonic fire. There is video of them reacting, jerking around and changing aim to the right at the trees, which supports the claim of a sniper using a harness firing subsonic, suppressed Blackout .300’s at the shippers and at Trump and the crowd, hitting people in the crowd. He shows the timing of two separate shots a millisecond apart by definition means two shooters. He gives data that supports that. The timing of audio analysis supports the distance to the first floor window not the roof where it is said Crooks/Yearick fired from. Cullen likes to be dramatic, get paid for his time and a number of other things I do not like about him. I much prefer Chris who talks like my Dad did. I have yet to talk to one other person who has actually watched “Multiple Shooters? John Cullen & Clay Martin” on Rumble. Rather than argue a point with me, watch the video then tell me how Cullen is full of it and I may say, “Wow, Chris really needs to shut Cullen down” Cullen has gotten 82k views and 750 likes so far for this video. I like Chris, I like his methods and style and want him to have ALL the possible data and best experts and be the repository of all possible evidence so we can point people there for the truth and maybe get some bad people held accountable. Sorry for the rant, but everybody wants to tell me their opinion admit the video, but they want to watch the video, they want someone else to watch it for them so they can debunk it at a distance and if they are wrong can always claim, “ Well, I didn’t actually watch the video myself”.


Macro view as a Deep State event. This event looks like a total diversion to get everyone arguing over the nonsensical evidence and illogical testimonies, having the people spinning their theories and taking sides. Meanwhile Theil’s VP Technocratic nominee installation takes place without question. Yup Technocracy dead ahead.

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I saw a lot of LEOs walking around the perimeter and looking toward the roof of this building with stacks. They already had reports, by people, that there was a man on the roof with a gun. Seems stupid to stay on the ground. Get your ass up there. Oh, you were told to stay on the ground and provide a distraction and cover for the shooter. Ok, that makes sense. They took the person’s phone that was taking the video to smug the shots of the window to the immediate right of the stacks. It was open!

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