An Inconvenient Question

*“They” don’t believe the propaganda that they blast us with incessantly.
They don’t believe that all humans are equal. They know that humans have different propensities and different Values. (Go get the smelling salts Gladys.)
And They need to get rid of people with Freedom as their highest value. (Freyans, Gettit? It’s in the Name, Freyan). That’s you and me, Muggins.
And where are all cause mortality highest and where the lowest? It is highest amongst the Freyans, and lowest amongst those with the highest tolerance for dictatorial social societies.
Its a planetary takeover by “Them”.
*And we all know who “They” are.


I just signed up for a three month membership. That video earned every cent of it.


Welcome, Will!

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Thank you Chris. 22 years at MGH in the neonatal and pediatric ICUs, Medflight, ECMO. Made them fire me for refusing the vax. Mandating EUA phase trail drugs. Hopefully the courts hold them accountable. Got a couple of wins last week and this week at the federal level. Dennis Gaudet RRT, RN, Revere MA


This may explain some of the increased mortality in 2021 vs 2020

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Be careful when taking these studies into account. We would call this associative, not causative.
Meaning people who had severe covid likely already had some health issues , that would likely already increase their risk for death. Basically sicker people more likely to die sooner, are likely to have a harder time with any infection, be it covid, flu or bacterial.
Though, I am sure there definitely some people that were pretty toasted by their covid effects. It is not likely a 2x/1 yr increase in death.

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Thank you Chris. 22 years at MGH in the neonatal and pediatric ICUs, Medflight, ECMO. Made them fire me for refusing the vax. Mandating EUA phase trail drugs. Hopefully the courts hold them accountable. Got a couple of wins last week and this week at the federal level. Dennis Gaudet RRT, RN, Revere MA
Dennis - We all stand with you. I can't even imagine how hard it is to discover after 22 years just how little the system and its administrators valued your skills or who you are as a person. These are dark times. What's different now, is that we can actually communicate with each other and express our observations of the growing nature of the mass formation psychotic event as it unfolds in our communities and lives. That works in our favor. Working against us is that the architects of this cultural implosion also have better tools at their disposal. What hasn't changed is that in every period of time there are shameless (probably sociopathic) grifters and power-hungry individuals who exploit the moments for their own ends. Fauci is one. But. again, we do have the ability to find each other, band together and speak out. I'm so sorry it has come to this for you Dennis. I support your courage and honor your standing up here, because really you are standing up for us all.

I may have missed it, but I have not seen much discussion of RFK’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci. It provides a stomach-turning, meticulously documented account of Fauci’s numerous crimes against humanity, an account that includes the torture and killing of children. I can only read it for a few minutes at a time, it is so horrifying. It far exceeds what any prosecutor would need for a rock-solid case. In a sane world, it would soon land others in court as well, notably Bill Gates. I urge people to buy it and make it # 1 in America, preferably from local book stores though some to my disgust refuse to carry it. It is already #3 on Amazon. The story told in this book might do more than any scientific arguments to break the mass hypnosis. Below is a link to an interview with Kennedy that is well worth sharing.


“That’s what it takes. The question that can’t be answered satisfactorily.”
I think its that last word that will save us. Obviously the press will come up with some “answer” if enough people ask, but how can it not ring hollow?
“Experts say they know why and its too complicated for you to understand”
“Climate change”
“Crazy Joe got people taking Horse Dewormer and they are dropping on the soccer fields in droves with the tubes still in their hands!!! Lets get him!”
I have lovely boomer parents who unfortunately trust the news. Not long ago, my mother said, “I’ve never said, ‘I don’t know whats going on’ so many times in my life as I have during this”.
That moment of piercing will come


The answer to AstraZeneca’s blood clot problem has been found:-
The careful wording includes “sometimes leaks into the bloodstream”. Well how can you minimise this risk? ASPIRATION OF VACCINE DELIVERY. Do your research good enquiring folks. Try something that might make you wonder at your stance either side.
One could imagine that this is also happening with all the other vaccines. I have brought this subject several times, nobody seems to notice. I am over 60 with an ever shrinking thymus gland (boot camp for antibody learning). I am not in either camp over vaccines I am in the middle. I feel I have to protect myself so have had my third roll of the die. This last time I asked the vaccine to be aspirated…what a fight that was but I got my way. There was a roving pharmacist who listened in on my reasoning with the nurse. I watched her jaw drop when I mentioned this is a new lipid vector vaccine and I do not want it in my blood stream. I mentioned some of the vaccine damaged appearing before the US Senate had reported feeling a cold trickling down their arm or a metallic taste in their mouth seconds after jab was given. The pharmacist’s jaw drop again. The only way this would happen is via the blood stream rather than staying in the deltoid muscle. This seems to happen to the young and fit, you could understand with bigger muscle they need a good blood supply around the muscle so easier to hit especially with inexperienced volunteers. Incidentally I watched the Senate hearing from across the pond for vaccine victims. There were empty seats of Fauci, representatives/heads of CDC, NIH, FDA, Pfizer, Moderna etc. They were all invited but obviously would not dare to listen to the devastation of people’s lives.
Personally I took the vaccine as I am considered as at risk being twice as good as a thirty year old. I am fit, slim, replete in vitamin D3, zinc, quercetin, not on any meds, low, BP that makes my doctor jealous. However I am angry at this outrageous pushing of all the youngsters (especially pre / pubescent ones) to be vaccinated to protect us ‘oldies’, type 2 diabetics other people who have abdicated their health care to allopathic doctors that push statins and other poisons like m&ms.
I am hacked off that I have had 3 jabs and prevented from doing anything remotely contentious as far as infection risk. So what was the point?


I didn’t really have a choice. There is something very wrong going on at so many levels. I put it out there to stake a satisfying claim of being able to say I am one of the ‘Be that guy’, person with his arms folded while everyone else salutes Hitler. And to let others know we are out there and they are not alone. We love your videos. Keep up the awesome work Chris. Thank you. That Guy???


I really believe the health status of health care professionals was resolved with HIV back in the 80s. SO it seems totally illogical to fire a very qualified medical person for lack of a vaccine, which doesnt even prevent trasnmission. ( not to mention if the person even has any transmissible disease at all. )
Back to the HIV thing. Not that HIV was the most easily communicable disease, but we are talking about nurses etc handling IV lines, injection, open wounds etc. I saw a clear and definite risk even if minimal. And this was for a disease which will definitely kill people if not for tons of costs and medical interventions. Clearly a bigger issue than COVID.
I believe on that ruling - there is zero chance that these medical institutions wont be drive to their knees. However they are lining there pockets with tax payer and printed money - for using insane treatments to harm and make people sick to reap yet more rewards or eventually kill them to get yet more benefits. Show me the incentive, and I will show you the out-come.


I am listening to the audio book of RFK’s book The Real Anthony Fauci. I have been a longtime supporter of the FLCCC and early treatment and have vaguely understood that there are counter-forces preventing this stuff from getting widely adopted. The section where they recount the conversation between Dr. Andrew Hill and Dr. Tess Lawrie shook me to my core. We are literally living through a culling by an elite cabal of evil men on par with parts of the holocaust. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” When I search within myself for their motives, I am very uncomfortable with where I end up. A billionaires incentive to double their net worth is not the same as my incentive to double my net worth. So that’s not it. Why fund the creation of a disease (either intentionally or accidentally), finance the rapid dissemination of untested therapeutics, violently suppress the competition at the expense of perhaps millions of lives and continue to promote your therapeutics for younger and younger cohorts even as data accumulates that brings the safety and efficacy into question. It’s more than pure inertia…there’s something very evil happening here. When do we start calling this what it is and what is the appropriate reaction to a full frontal assault on life and liberty?
One thing that nags at me though as I work to digest all of this: with all the censorship in the world today, how is it that RFK’s book is available on Amazon and in fact their number 1 best seller? How have the good Doctors not started to disappear? Is the censorship as leaky as the vaccines? Or is there still a larger game at play? If so, what is the next crisis? Is this a misdirection and if so who is really behind the curtain?
I hate sounding this far off the rails, but where else can one go with this sort of data?

I found this this morning in our “reputable news source”, I’d love Chris to comment on it, because it seems to me that more vaxed are dying, but the creative reporting has turned it around. This is where I get so confused. Pauline Hansen is Australia’s Trump, as far as media makes her to be.

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In the 1980s, the percentage of processed foods in the average American’s diet was 32-percent. Today, that number has risen to 70-percent.
Processed foods are anything that has bulk to it, but provides almost no nutritional value. Anytime we consume processed foods we are eating ourselves to death, while starving to death. We are dying of starvation.
What are processed foods? Anything that comes in a box or bag.
Visually represented perfectly in the 1960s Star Trek episode “The Trouble with Tribbles.”


TheTallestManOnEarth asks: “One thing that nags at me though as I work to digest all of this: with all the censorship in the world today, how is it that RFK’s book is available on Amazon and in fact their number 1 best seller? How have the good Doctors not started to disappear? Is the censorship as leaky as the vaccines? Or is there still a larger game at play? If so, what is the next crisis? Is this a misdirection and if so who is really behind the curtain?”
I’ve noticed this too. I sometimes wonder if the goal of it all is to start a global civil war.

That pic at the beginning had me thinking of you, Chris! ?



We have the choice to refuse to comply. It may not be pretty and probably won’t be a comfortable transition for many.
These psycho’s cannot force all humans to buy and eat commercially processed foods. They cannot force anyone to eat crickets, though I tried fried crickets twice and they are kinda tasty when fried up in clean oil; once in Taiwan on top of a mountain overlooking Taipei in the distance and again in remote undeveloped village deep in the mainland of China. There are times when they have to eat crickets. We can be sure we don’t have to do that if we don’t like eating fried insects ? But we have to plan ahead of hunger, work, store what we can preserve, and very important…rotate through stored goods so nothing goes to waste.
Yep, refusal to comply takes serious learning and planned lifestyle changes. It’s more “work” to grow and process your own. I quit the establishment food sourcing years ago and you can too. Tending to the matter of providing your own 100% clean sources of nutrition has to be a lifestyle.
Even in small spaces we can learn to grow our own vegetables, in many parts of the US, 10 months of the year.
Meet your community. Find independent ranchers, bee keepers, nut tree growers, welders, and builders of things. We all need each other.
The LDS (Latter Day Saints) have this lifestyle down pat. They don’t need or depend on a Facist food supply. I learned a lot from living in Utah for 5 short years some time ago.


One of the many shocking things in RFK Jr’s book is that HIV was the first scam Fauci ran. It’s still going on, thanks to the billions in grant funding and new “treatments” being developed by the pharma companies. The HIV virus was never proven to cause AIDS. AIDS is a separate disease whose source is not yet proven. There are some strong candidate theories but causality has not been proven. Even today they are generally referred to as HIV/AIDS.
AZT, the first therapy approved for treating HIV/AIDS is a toxic chemical akin to chemotherapy drugs. When ingested it creates the same symptoms as AIDS. When testing determines that someone has the HIV virus it rarely progresses to AIDS. However, they are encouraged to take AZT and in a few months or years they generally develop the symptoms of AIDS. From then on they are on the AIDS pharma merry-go-round. Often they die, supposedly from AIDS, in reality from AZT poisoning.
The complete history of the scam is chronicled in the book. Lest you RFK is wrong, consider what would be the likely effect of publishing something that outrageous if it wasn’t true. He’d be sued by Fauci or one of the other individuals he names in the book. RFK knows they won’t because the last thing they want is to end up in court where RFK gets to depose them and gets discovery powers.
As outrageous as the claims in his book are, I don’t doubt a single one of them.