An Official Emergency

It just so happens that Pelosi was not holding up a vote and the person making it knew she wasn’t because negotiations were ongoing and they knew that. The only ones who have bungled this are the trump admin. That’s not politics, just the reality.

…lead to my husband’s death. He wasn’t cautioned to protect his microbiome. As too often happens with Clindamycin, he developed C. diff. The accompanying diarrhea dehydrated him. The dehydration triggered a heart attack, that likely was going to come but not that soon. The very good hospital mismanaged his bypass surgery (oxygen therapy he never should have had) which exascerbated the congestive heart failure started by the extended heart attack. He lasted another 3 years but with diminished quality of life. A cascade of unfortunate events. Beware the broad spectrum antibiotics.

A friend living 10 miles from the nursing home in Kirkland Washington is about to start self quarantine for her own safety. I have introduced her to PP and hope to get her to share her story as it evolves.

Same here, clicked on the thumbs up, got the green message box, but the counter didn’t go up.

Much of what I have stocked is simply so I can avoid standing in lines or other crowd exposures over the next few months. I go to two grocery stores, one only to purchase non-perishables. I have no need to enter that store now. Whatever threat it might have represented to me is completely off the books. The grocery store where I buy fresh produce I expect to continue to frequent as long as I can. If that seems unadvisable at some point, I am covered by the irrational amount of pitted prunes I accumulated, the one area I confess I have hoarded, LOL.

I’m enjoying seeing what people are experiencing in different parts of the country. I grew up about 2 hours north of Rome, NY so keep the posts coming ?
I went to Hawaii with my mom last week- it was calm in the US when we left but while we were there the state of Hawaii made the announcement about preparing. Needless to say I was happy to be getting back home to my preps!!!
I finally made it to sams last night for my final run and was shocked… customers were calm but everyone had water, TP, rice, beans and other preps. They were out of hand sanitizer, Lysol, and lots of other things. Seeing the overhead bins empty was kind of sobering.
Also, quick side note… I was sooo glad I had been preparing and had also acted on one of Chris’s posts from 2018?? About being ready for nuclear (???) warfare as I was pretty much ready based on that (already had lots of masks etc). So THANK YOU Chris and Adam for sounding the alarms…your work is greatly appreciated and has made a difference in my (and my families) life.
torii- what part of NC are you in?

I think the Italian strain is Far more virulent then the Chinese one.
(I’m doing MUCH better now btw, think i’m over the hump. My brain’s returned to normal, atleast. I’m not even gonna wait for the doctors anymore, never had a flu that stopped my heart. Anyway).
I was just making this point to a friend of mine because i detect patterns and i feel something off about the Italian strain spreading. It is spreading far faster and wider then the Chinese strain, and i’ve got some preliminairy data to consider thanks to the restrictive dutch policy that might point towards this fact.
Here’s my point:
In Hubei province, we have 67332 cases confirmed, while in next door Shaanxi province, we have 245 cases confirmed. While the Chinese are clearly lying, the key to truth is hidden in the pattern of lies; It is fair to assume that either:

  1. China lies equally across all provinces
  2. China lies More about Hubei then the rest, as there’s more to hide in Hubei.
    If either of these points are true; we can still use the Ratio of the data, even if the flat numbers are false.
    In this case, the ratio is 67332/245=274.82 times more cases in Hubei then in Shaanxi.
    Then we look at Europe, and treat the individual countries as Provinces to more or less get comparable sizes/distances. Of course there are major differences; but those only come into play if the data is too close to tell: If it’s not obvious, dig deeper.
    Currently the Netherlands is only testing people who’ve been to Italy (still). We have 38 cases as of today, 36 of which went to italy (and the last 2 being family of the first case). Italy has 2502 cases at time of writing.
    In this case we can assume the reverse of China; that both countries are equally truthfully reporting all cases found. As it’s become clear that, if these countries want to hide the problem, they simply very much restrict the definition of who is allowed to get a test. But this also helps us in this case; as we’re only interested in the sick dutch people who’ve been to Italy recently. With how virulent this thing is; we can safely assume that if the confirmed cases had not been found they would’ve lead to local infections.
    So that makes the Chinese data and Italian data comparable, through the dutch testing. And in this case: 2502/36= 69.5 times.
    With a ratio of 274.86 vs 69.5, that’d mean the italian variant is 3.95 times as virulent!
    If it’s not, we have to wonder why Shaanxi ended up with so few infections. All of Hubei’s neighbours did, compared to how fast it’s going in europe. Hubei has about 50 times the confirmed cases of Guangdong, the 2nd on the list, while Germany has 2502/244= 10.2 times as few cases as Italy.
    And the Italian strain has been spreading for a far, far shorter a time period. True; China threw everything on lockdown the moment they realised the problem, as well the Italians should have, so that skews the data a little. Even so the Italian strain is popping up in too many countries too fast.
    Finally there’s the question of “Well maybe the Chinese strain has always been this virulent and they where just lying about it” but there’s a problem with that; real world data doesn’t line up. If that where the case, the hospitals in Italy would have to be under as much strain as the hospitals in Wuhan, to put the strain on the Dutch hospitals that those few cases did.
    In simpler terms; I didn’t read or hear any Shaanxi hospitals becoming overloaded. Only the Wuhan ones. If the ratio of Italy/Netherlands is higher then Wuhan/Shaanxi, and no hospitals in the first ratio are overloaded, while the second ratio has the Wuhan hospitals overloaded…
    Well the only logical conclusion left is that the Italian strain is more Virulent.
    As i said it’s early data as it’s mostly based on logic. But hey i’ll take anything i can get in this fast moving situation. It uses some large assumptions, true; but even if we assume 2 to 6 times as virulent as China (so a HUGE error margin), we still come to a higher then 1 times as virulent value. That’s why i say we don’t need to know everything precisely, as the problem is too big for that to matter. As it stands at the moment.

I new here not sure if I am sharing in the right tread but I thought this was an interesting find. Lets hope it doesnt get worse.

Unfortunately, we will not get an early and effective vaccine for SARS-CoV-2. But, we will get early, ineffective, vaccines, and discover these only enhance this pathogen to kill, instead of protecting, people, as the result of problems, like ADE.
We are still without effective vaccines for SARS coronavirus, and many other viral pathogens, after years and years of trying.
Divine Intervention? This we have already had. This is WHY Existence includes viral pathogens, in the first place, and why they make us sick and kill us. In fact, this is why death even exists. Divine Will is responsible for the death of everything, which has ever died, everywhere in Existence, for all time…by deliberate design.

WHO numbers are wrong.
Perfect example is korea with its .7 percent CFR
They have tested 60k people to come up with 5800 infections. No one else has come close.
Proactive Korea vs Reactive Italy
italy has 2500 cases 79 dead for 3 percent CFR. But Italy is responsible for so many infections outside of it so it’s safe to assume Italy has realistically 20000 cases maybe even 30,000 cases

Hospital wait times. When I see these spike dramatically, then I will know

I agree Ision.
Ecclesiastes 3 King James Version

3 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; —————- And as thc0655 liked to say in his tagline (from the books The Hunger Games) “Happy Hunger Games! And May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor”

I would say ALL of those people forced into their apartments and welded inside…are either dead, or close to it, at this time. These people were imprisoned in their homes, as they were already infected with the virus. Since these people would be completely cut off from ANY food, ANY medical aid, ANY over-the-counter drugs, and ANY help, whatsoever…they would need to have survived COVID-19, and had enough food in their tiny home for a month. This is not likely.
Now, who would be the Chinese fellow, whose job it is to go an OPEN UP these sealed apartments, after three, or four weeks? What sights do you think this fellow would enjoy?

Let it burn to the ground. People need a huge awakening about where their food comes from. Let them starve if they can’t figure it out.

BillL being a small farmer is exhausting, back-breaking work. Most people will never make the transition.
Perhaps thats your point.

Nothing wrong with what you posted.
Just a picture of a person who claims to know what is best for you, acts like a spoiled child, can’t deal with any issue, creates tremendous wealth for herself and her masters, and sits in the 3rd highest position in our country.
Now waiting for my turn to be scolded…again.

CFR, case fatality rate, according to Britain a, is calculated using everyone diagnosed with the illness, not the subset most affected.

I’ll deal with the ramifications when it is presented to me and mine. I think it’s a survival of the fittest thing…or lucky lol!
As Aunt Pearl used to joke…“If ya got luck, shit’ll do for brains.”
Never understood that until now. :wink:

Can you explain what you intend to use the nebulizer for?