Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

Whomever gave the order for the SOUTH counter sniper team to turn their attention away from the SOUTH sector towards the NORTH and AGR Bldg., should have given the order for President Trump to be removed from the stsge , IMMEDIATELY. How would the counter sniper team know to about face to the NORTH unless they were told to do so. They wouldn’t have known on their own. This question needs to be asked, it’s a must know!


Thanks for this update video, great work.
One important thing i’d like to inform you about. In your slice at 1:51 you refer to the bodycam footage of BWC2-122104. Please be aware that this bodycam’s timestamp is 12 seconds ahead of time. So it was not by 6:10:11 but by 6:09:59 and therefore 1 minute 34 seconds before the 1st shot (6:11:33).

Here is some additional infos concerning this topic.


Key questions: Why was the man in charge of Trump’s “protection”, Ronald Rowe, promoted? Why were not all DHS & USSS directors and personnel responsible for Trump’s “protection” put on temporary suspension immediately pending investigation?


It’s very important to know who told the south-facing team to turn around, because it may have been the north-facing team, and not anyone in the Secret Service site command post.

The two north-facing snipers may have been in a bit of a panic, because they knew something serious was going on, but their view of the area where it was occurring was partially obstructed. That may have prompted them to initiate the shift in position for the other team.

If this is how it went down, and the site commander deliberately stayed silent while this was all happening, that would obviously add further circumstantial evidence that this assassination attempt was allowed to happen by the Secret Service agent in charge that day, especially when paired with the inexplicable decision to leave Trump on stage for nearly a minute and a half after the south-facing team turned around.


This is the likeliest scenario to me. The counter-snipers take general instructions, but once they’re guarding an area, they just report what they’re doing, and command has to listen.

In my mind, it’s virtually certain that Hercules 2 told Hercules 1 (in whatever weird lingo they have), essentially, “I think there’s a bad guy over here but there’s a hiding spot, and I think he may be using it so I can’t deal with him”.

Hercules 1 would have radioed that they were turning. At that point, SS command should have sent out the order to take Trump off the stage.


One thing about the two snipers in the overwatch position: suppose they were totally goofing off, literally playing games on their phones or something, so they didn’t see Crooks on the roof OR the agitated crowd.

Still, even under those conditions, once the shooting started, they should have identified Crooks within, say, 10 seconds. They should have been the ones who shot him.

Instead, we just have 1) GN strolling out the door two minutes later and 2) Butler sniper “M” not known to have done the slightest thing. Never reported, never even hinted at. Was he even really there?

Here was my best attempt to track down M, maybe somebody can improve on it? Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot? - #349 by brian60221


Please note, it is not 100% certain that one of the southern snipers (Hercules 1) took the kill shot, according to Higgins preliminary investigation report.



And it’s what one would expect if the site commander was bending over backwards to let something bad happen to Trump that day.

He wouldn’t issue the obvious command to the south-facing team to turn around. And he didn’t…

He wouldn’t issue the obvious command at that same time to the close protection detail to remove Trump from the stage. And he didn’t…

And of course, even if it was the site commander who ordered the south-facing team to turn around, it doesn’t exonerate him, because the most crucial order at that time was the one that we know he didn’t give, which was to remove Trump from the stage.

In the context of a conspiracy involving the Secret Service to get Trump killed, it can be a very tight group of conspirators, literally just Cheatle and Rowe at the top, and the agent in charge of the security plan that day.

That lessens the chance that it would ever be exposed.


To me it seems like whoever was on the other side of the radio from Hercules was in on the plan to lead Trump into a death trap, and Hercules probably foiled it.


They’ve got some other things not quite right in their timeline, so until this gets elsewhere confirmed, I’m going to place this is the yellow category.


Well the other elephant in the room, which just perplexes the hell out of me, is the reports that came out a couple days after the shooting, that one of these two snipers saw Crooks on the roof 18 minutes before he started shooting.

According to Cheatle’s testimony on July 22nd, before Congress, this was information was contained in the initial FBI report:

"Rep. Jake LaTurner – Republican – Kansas: Is it true that at 5:45 pm, approximately 18 minutes before President Trump took the stage, the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit noticed the shooter on the roof and photographed him?

Is that a fact or not?

Secret Service Director Cheatle: That is the information that I have from the FBI’s report, yes.

Rep. Jake LaTurner: You haven’t been willing to share whether or when this was communicated to the Secret Service, so I’d like to get into the difference between suspicious activity and threatening activity.

Is it suspicious, or threatening, if an individual is seen around the perimeter with a rangefinder? Is that just suspicious?

Cheatle: That could be termed as suspicious.

Rep. Jake LaTurner: If that same individual, with the rangefinder, is found on a rooftop, is that still just suspicious? Or is that, is that considered threatening?

Cheatle: That could be termed still as suspicious."

So the implications of this, if true, are just enormous.

If true, Crooks was obviously on the roof twice, and he was spotted by local law enforcement on both occasions.

And nothing was done???

The earlier sighting, 18 minutes before the shooting, also fills in some of the timeline for that crucial but mysterious 5:45 to 6:02 period.

Has anyone seen any media reports of the FBI walking this back?

If they haven’t yet, you know they will, even if it’s a lie.

No coverup of this, whether it is a coverup to minimize gross negligence, or a coverup to hide a conspiracy to allow an assassination, can let something like that stand.

It has to be made to go away…


Roger that…

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Sounds right to me.

This would make the Beaver County time line incorrect as GN reportedly saw him at 6:02 or 6:05. It would also conflict with the testimony of FBI Wray

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My hunch is that it was just bad testimony by a person who isn’t very smart. I even think it’s kind of understandable, because the first question from LaTurner mixed true stuff with probably false stuff, i.e., let’s say somebody did see Crooks around 5:45pm and did photograph him, but he wasn’t on the roof. To answer the question well, the person responding would have to say which parts are true and which parts aren’t.

Do we know what FBI report Cheatle is referring to?


I would like to bring up something that to my knowledge wasn’t looked at so far.

In another thread I posted about the shooters glasses on the roof. The glasses lie on the left side of the shooter when they were first spotted from a bodycam.

As I wrote in an earlier post, Higgins isn’t 100% certain that a Hercules sniper 1 took the kill shot. But assuming he was, does it make sense the glasses are on the left side of the dead shooter?

There is a video by Jon Malis that shows the shooter just before the 10th shot rang out. He seems to be aiming at the stage in this moment. If he got shot by a Hercules 1 sniper in this position, in this case I would expect the glasses to be lying on his right side.

Graphic by Mike Bell (enhanced with red line)

After he’s shot dead, his head is facing direction west towards the ones watching, filming and screaming.

I assume here, none of the very first officers reaching the roof displaced the glasses before the bodycam officer, a few seconds later, caught them with his camera.


Well the interesting thing about that is that Cheatle was actually confirming what several lawmakers had already been briefed on, according to an ABC News report on July 17th, which was 5 days before Cheatle testified on Capitol Hill:

"Law enforcement officials investigating the assassination attempt on Donald Trump told lawmakers Wednesday that 20 minutes passed between the time U.S. Secret Service snipers first spotted the gunman on a rooftop and the time shots were fired at the former president, according to several law enforcement officials and lawmakers briefed on the matter.

Officials said the snipers spotted the suspect, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, on the roof of a building outside the security zone at the rally Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania, at 5:52 p.m. ET. The shooting happened at 6:12 p.m. ET, 20 minutes later, the sources said."

There is some discrepancy between what ABC reported on July 17th, and what Cheatle testified to on July 22nd, but both versions contain the astounding claim that Crooks was seen on the roof long before the time he was spotted by police a second time at 6:08.

The ABC report says it was 20 minutes before Trump was shot, and it was a Secret Service sniper who saw him.

Cheatle’s evidence, prompted by the questioning from the congressman, is that it was 18 minutes before the shooting started, and it was a Beaver County sniper who saw him, not Secret Service.


Also note the language in the ABC News report, which doesn’t definitively state that Crooks was seen on THE rooftop that he fired from, but rather, “A” building outside the security zone."


Wow. I bet it will turn out to be astoundingly bad reporting by the propaganda press, but I’ll go read about it. I wonder if there’s any way we can make it fit with what we think we know.


I’m thinking it’s true, mainly because of the magnitude of the revelation.

This is something that would have elicited multiple “Are you sure about that?” questions from Cheatle, and others, to the FBI, because the implications arising from Crooks being seen that far in advance of the shooting, on a roof, are huge.

It just belies belief, in my view, that Cheatle wouldn’t have thoroughly verified that information from the FBI before she testified.

After all, we’re talking about something that she would desperately want to not be true in the first place.

The fact that it hasn’t been walked back yet by the FBI is also telling.

Makes me think they’re still trying to figure out how to do it, or if they have come up with a lie, they’re not sure it’s ready for prime time yet.