Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

They hold trainings (3-5 days). Someone might look around.

AGRi trainings

I’d like to point something out:

GN left his post against standing orders.

There was no reason to do so, clearly, because two officers pulled up outside the door…so they knew. The other officers were aware that they were there to look for Crooks.

GN didn’t have to meet them and tell them in person to go look for him. They had a photo and were capable of searching.

He abandoned his post and he did so without any type of solid reason.

GN’s behaviors are bizarre. From when he sent out the pictures, to everything he did later. Beyond weird. Makes no sense.

It’s like he and the officer who spotted Crooks on the roof are trying to see who can behave the weirdest and do everything opposite of what they are supposed to.

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I agree, but keep in mind, we focus on GN just because nothing has ever been reported about what Murcko did. He’s there in the room, and he hears a rifle being fired ~70 feet away and he… does what? Apparently nothing.

Then, almost two minutes later, GN emerges from door 9 with pistol drawn, apparently unaware that Crooks is dead. Where’s Murcko? If that was him sitting on the table in the dashcam video, he seemed pretty unbothered.

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The two officers (standing by the trees?) why didn’t see the running away Crooks?

We don’t know the timing on where Crooks was visible when officers arrived.

What we do know is: GN left his post. GN left the place that was within a stone’s throw of stopping it all from ever happening.

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Of course.

He’s weird too. We have no info on his movements or his failure to engage Crooks from his seemingly perfect position.

It is interesting that according to their map, the roof was never in their assigned zone of coverage.

Perhaps that will be the excuse they use.

Rowe says it should have been, but per their map, it wasn’t.

It’s weird that they didn’t have Murcko at the east side of the AGR building.

Why overlap those 3 so much?

What are the odds of double pie pieces??

USSS has a giant pie piece for the AGR complex and then there’s a smaller pie piece within the local coverage… AND that just so happens to be the spot Crooks found. Ok, sure. The one spot.

There’s no way anyone with half a brain would get up on that roof unless he thought it was safe to do so. Someone fed that spot to him.

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Try this. Erroneous evidence can still help you understand what really happened. You can pick and choose what evidence to accept and ignore, but if you ignore the Door 13 testimony then you have to back it up with evidence. What do you have? These maps? Until someone can prove to me that it would be impossible for Nicol to be at Door 13 at ~18:03 and Door 9 at 18:13, I will accept that testimony as accurate and the AAR references as inaccurate, having pointed out the repetitive inaccuracies in it already.

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I definitely don’t think it’s impossible GN came out of door 13. I just don’t think we have any evidence it happened other than the suggestions of the anonymous author of the AAR and the press.

Then you might not want to base any of your arguments on press-related evidence, or any printed evidence such as FBI statements, because you can’t “arbitrarily” choose to accept some of that evidence and not the rest. Either you have to refute it’s wrong with other evidence, or you need to let it stand as presented. You can’t have your cake and eat it too, as the saying goes, with evidence, especially if you want your argument to stand up in court.

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I’m confused. Allegedly this is the picnic table Crooks was seen with backpack:

  1. He parked his car somewhere.
  2. Went to the picnic table with backpack.
  3. He was seen around door 13.

But there is a 26-minute footage by Stewert. We should have seen him walking with backpack in front of AGR6 building.

OK, but I’m not sure I have any arguments based on stuff the press or the FBI said.

I don’t see any need for us to argue. I think I’ve said it pretty clearly, that I accept that somebody seems to be saying something about door 13, but we don’t have any videos to corroborate it.

The video of Crooks in Vendor Alley refuted the alleged sighting of Crooks at the picnic table outside of Door 9. You should consider this post, to be clear.

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I use the word “argument” in its purest sense, not to mean fighting. I use it in the sense of arguing one’s case.


I’ll try again…

  • Rally goer footage (Elvis). 1707
  • Greg saw him watching the building. 1710
  • Photo taken at retaining wall. 1728
  • Greg saw him fith backpack. 1802

And yet we have video evidence showing him walking onto the AGR property at ~17:04, heading toward the west side of the building. My timeline map will help you understand his likely path and the various sightings afterwards.

As for the Stewart footage, here is his 5:38 to 6:06 pm footage. It is primarily directed at the barns and stage area. Crooks is already on the north side of the second story building time by 5:38. If he has any footage prior to that, that he took, I am not aware of it.


@sorey, I think your ice cream just melted. Sorry. :smirk:

The good news is, you can still have a hot fudge sundae or a banana split if you’re open to it. I’ve tried them and they are deliciously sweet. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This is my favorite hot fudge sundae!

How do you know this?

Well, I cannot remember. It was in some video I saw recently.

Well, the photos of the dead body on the roof have all come either from the Beaver/Butler Co After-Action Report or from the body cam footage released by Lt. Matthew Pearson of the Butler PD. So are you saying that Pearson or someone associated with the A-A report have been punished? I would find that highly significant.

It almost looks like, but the Ice is still cold enough not to get melted just yet.
Unfortunately the two pictures taken show a little bit a narrow view, focusing towards AGR door 21. Would have been great we could see a little bit more on the left hand side, view towards roof of building 6 (AAR). Ultimately we don’t know the recording angle of the cameras in use or if they maybe changed the orientation since J13.

The fish might look off the hook, but I don’t let him go yet.
But if it really turns out it was the AGR camera, I’m fine with hot fudge sundae as well.



this would be the view I’m interested in.

Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene - News & Current Events / Public News & Current Events - Peak Prosperity

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