Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

Just 3 words and I’ll leave you to your melting ice cream.

Local to what?

Did anyone actually realise there is a good portion of blood splatter to see in one of the videos taken from westside of AGR6?

I found it.

Teacher asks: There were 5 birds on the tree, we shot 2 of them, how many remains?
Schoolboy’s answer: There remains two, others flew away.

I guess this is not blood. Birds didn’t like gunshots.

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I did not save the link unfortunately. Some officers sent photos to social media. I’m still thinking where this info came from.

FYI - I added 2 slides to help further explain the Door 13 event in relation to the AAR timeline map inaccuracies.

Beyond that, while some state it cannot be verified that Nicol came out of Door 13 because we have no video evidence of it, the same can be said for not having video evidence that he didn’t come out of that door. For that matter, there is no radio or interview evidence to support that claim either, that he didn’t come out of door 13.


AFAIK, we don’t have video evidence that Nicol didn’t come out of door 13. In fact, we don’t have radio or interview evidence that supports he didn’t come out of that door. Quite the contrary, the available evidence supports that he did.

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Somehow I feel the Ice Cream is still in the game…

you’ve seen this, right?

I don’t think there’s a door at the north side on that building AGR marked 4.

There is one on the building’s west side.

Are you trying to state that Nicol was at AGR 4 west side door?

Yes, and I keep my own corrected version of it to address all of the inaccuracies in the series of AAR timeline maps. If you care to understand what those inaccuracies are, you can read my analysis of them.

I spent several hours in Butler today trying to obtain additional information about the attempt. I’d like to tell you that I have some earth-shattering new information but I don’t.

The one fairly unanimous opinion was how little security was (openly) present. Once through the checkpoint, they moved about at will and felt they could get right up to Trump. One person shared this picture of their position.

Most felt like it was a complete security/SS breakdown, and believe Crooks to be the sole conspirator. Their opinions are based solely on news reports. Many felt like it was a setup to eliminate Trump but that’s where the conspiracy line in the sand was drawn. Everyone has pretty much moved on from it in this area.

One lady told me her (law enforcement) son was called in from another state for security because a member from a motorcycle club had shown up demanding access to the AGR property and threatened to have the entire gang show up if he wasn’t granted access. He wasn’t allowed access and the gang never showed up. She also stated that people from multiple states (and Canada) have tried to access the property. Her son has since been sent back to his state and full-time security has been retained.

I didn’t make it back onto the property today but did stop and speak to the business owners with the security cameras. They all stated that within 24 hours the FBI had confiscated their footage and they don’t know what, if anything, was captured from their cameras.

Congressman Kelley has not responded to any of my queries, and I’m still waiting for the nurse to make up her mind if she wants to speak with me. This is all I have for now.


there were a bunch of blurred out bodycam videos from early days and someone took each frame and composited it in a way entire body was visible. its a clumsy job but hey those days we didnt had any decent view of the body in a single frame.

Anyone who make a fuss out of this comp is an idiot. it was done in this forum i think to help others see an unblurred version.



two windows

By the way, do we have a close up picture of the two eastern windows?
roof access window

Did they add a door at some point? Perhaps it was a fire safety requirement, something to do with egress requirements.

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Thank you for going and for this report! Much appreciated by all.


There are actually two. Here’s a slow flyover from Sunday. The AGR building is like the Batcave with all of its doors, windows, and secret passages.


This is great footage RCG, and has one overhead shot that fits just what I need for one of my analysis projects. Thanks, again, for all your time and effort.


Yes, thank you!

It seems like doors may have been added between old g maps and now.

Probably fire code egress issues.

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I don’t know what you mean by “added between old g maps and now.” There are at least twenty doors on the buildings of the AGR complex. If you haven’t noticed, the main entrance is door #1 and then going clockwise around the complex, each successive door to the outside is marked with a higher number. On VegasPatriot’s map, a few doors are missing including door #15 in the alcove on the north side of AGR building #4.

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Thanks for pointing out the missing door 15. I’ll look for it again to get a visual on it, which is how I got all the door numbers. Did you get a visual on door 1? I assume the main entrance is 1, but couldn’t get a visual to see if it was labeled as such.