Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

I think it is briefly visible in Spa Guy’s original video.

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I meant that old google maps streetview did not seem to have a north side door on AGR bldg marked 4 per a previous image posted… It was pretty self explanatory.

Other users who had current resources provided them.

Thanks though.

Formerly I saw two courtyard doors.

(By the way, there is another separated building at nortwest. Maybe not important.)

Funny you should mention that. Just now I saved my upgraded map with all doors located, after @macd pointed one out to me. I thought about adding that standalone (maintenance?) building, but I didn’t see it as adding value.

Edit: I’ll double check the location of “D?” since I just noticed we differed on it. I’ll update here if mine is wrong.

Edit 3: @kincses-zsolt pointed out my error on Door 12, revealing a door I missed. Thank you for the correction.

I had “D?” right, but I’ll try to see if there is a second “D?”


Edit 2: No, that was the only door in that courtyard. My thanks to @rough_country_gypsy for his excellent onsite work, and the ways it helps us figure things out.



Once I posted two photos.

I’ll try to find.


From this video:

So, the Door 12 you provided is on the west wall of the east passageway from AGR 3 to AGR 5, correct? Does my corrected map excerpt fit, then?

My mistake. It’s at west side. Connected to the 2-level building.

Got it! It’s the west wall of the west passageway.


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Hi ! I just now see a video of Jeffostroff, where at 16.40min this man seems to collect a gun form a police officer, at the entrance of building 6, at around 19.00h …


AGR needs a full-time employee just to maintain the doors. That’s freaking crazy. Nice work, @vegaspatriot.


Right? I was thinking of the night security guards having to check each door with their RFID token reader. Do they do hourly rounds? :rofl: Thanks, RCG, your drone footage came in handy again,


they must have programmed a drone that sweeps their card in front of that reader at regular intervals :slight_smile:


:rofl: Their secret is safe with me.

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@vegaspatriot @bumblebeeez

my take on buildings and doors

Edit: updated with door 1 (assuming this is the main entrance) and 2 MD = Maintenance Door for non public access to the 2 inner courtyards.

@rough_country_gypsy Did you by chance find out any of the AGR building # that I have still missing?


There is a flag in front of main entrance.

Very nice. You are missing the 2 non-numbered courtyard doors, though.

Saw these 2 as well but didn’t put them in the graphic since I’m not sure if they (AGR) account them as doors. I’d guess they do so bc these are just access points for maintenance and not official doors for people coming in or going out. But I could add it with another color as access points.

My guess would be that since they are not accessible to the public, and the courtyards do not otherwise have access to an “exit discharge,” (NFPA term for getting from an emergency exit to a public way) those doors do not have card access locks, therefore they do not number them. To me, they are important to show as a possible escape route from a roof for a would be assassin.



This is the flagpole. I’d assume flag was off the pole when this footage was taken or no wind and flag hanging down.

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