Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

The deadline fulfilled by ex-agent.

9,510 views - Sep 10, 2024

But no evidence (photo taken) with range finder, nor lurking behaviour.
(He was sitting on the retaining wall - what’s wrong with it? The plain clothed cop was sitting there too.)

Nobody was born to be evil. That’s from the interactions with other people.

He 3D-printed chess pieces - for his mother?

The instructor, who declined to be identified, said his homework responses were thoughtful and his emails polite. He excelled at an assignment to redesign a toy for people with disabilities. “He did a chess set for the blind. He 3D-printed it. He put the Braille on it. He talked to experts in the field”

This guy has nowhere near the understanding of the evidence involved with the event that’s needed to accurately analyze it. Having experience in Secret Service protection details does not an investigation make.


For me, anybody who 2 month later is still coming up with a graphic that shows Crooks on the west side of AGR6 has lost all the credibility right away.


Right? Unbelievable! He’s proof of the lack of competency in the SS, if anything.

For me the question is now, who has contacted him.

What is the credential/possibility that Crooks made the first contact with LEOs, maybe paid them for information? Seems almost impossible. Way more probable the service had contacted him.

Mistake? Negligence? Intentional deception?

What might be behind? Does he worry about someone might find a 2nd shooter from 2nd level open window?