At Best The US Secret Service Is In 'Damage Control' Mode

Hello Commenter,

Thank you for the follow up and the shoutout.

The video was obtained from the Dropbox of
and made accessible by Matthew Pearson.
There are about another dozen videos regarding the Trump shooting in his Dropbox.


Nicely done. Lone Wolf narrative busted.

Hope with further scrutiny, your observations are conclusively verified.

Let it happen or make it happen. I choose the Later…

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And if Someone wants to humor me, Can anyone reasonably explain how LEO that are assigned to the outside perimeter are mostly carrying pistols. When most if not all are issued or have in their squad cars long rifles?

Didn’t anyone from LE learn anything at least from the Vegas shooting that only having a pistol, while providing perimeter protection is often worthless?

I could hit a quarter 3 out of 4 times at the range of the Mandalay Bay shooting just aiming at the muzzle flash with one of my favorite rifles even after compensating for elevation. Yet no one in LE took out the shooter(s) with not a rifle in sight.

Make it make sense though there were other forces involved at Butler with Security.


I apologize if I’m not understanding, but the thing that looks like somebody’s left elbow, isn’t it still there after Nichol opens the door and walks off to the right?


The FBI spent days sanitizing the Butler Crime scene. When the FBI runs off a Senator with legitimate Oversight concerns speaks volumes like their silence. When does the FBI clean up Crime scenes?

Like Christopher Wrays says they are only concerned about the shooter…not security, etc.

One of the hypothesis that has merit is that a sniper nest was inside Building 6. Nichols at the front door instead of his post and the FBI had the area secured long enough to have built a new Building 6, much less conceal a whole in the wall and remove a sniper nest.

What happened inside Building 6 likely solves the puzzle ( nefarious operation). Hope someone has been going over Building 6 with a fine tooth comb that belongs to the Good guys.

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I have thought something similar. Tough to make detailed analysis on a lot of this a pixel screen several states away.

Definitely solves the Dilemma Chris had on where to place the Second shooter. No question that one can line up the trajectories from inside Building 6. Just needs to be verified, because if what we expect could be True, the FBI has made an attempt to conceal from the Public.

The pre-seeding of evidence and narratives around July 13 stinks to high heaven. The seeding smells of a potent catalyst for extreme pro-Israel foreign policy and anti-gun/anti-free speech domestic policy.

Had Trump been assassinated on July 13, aggressive MSM narratives would “uncover” evidence of the perpetrator. I focus here on seeding a narrative of outrage against Iran, and against 1st and 2nd amendments.

  • On July 12, a Pakistani man Merchant who had visited Iran recently is arrested in the US, because he had tried to recruit assassins in the US to kill high profile American targets, and the would-be assassination contractor worked as FBI informant. See article on site operated by Mr. John Solomon. (As in the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot designed and promoted by the FBI remotely controlling useful idiots, so here a Merchant angry at USG policies may be yet another useful idiot remotely controlled by the DS to manufacture terror. This is the NATO Strategy of Tension updated to today, with communists replaced by pro-1st and 2nd amendment supporters.)

  • As Merchant entered the US in April, he was noted to be in a terrorist watchlist but allowed in per a “significant public benefit parole,” whereby feds can track plots … ““Parole based on significant public benefit includes, but is not limited to, law enforcement and national security reasons or foreign or domestic policy considerations,” the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website says.”

  • In direct consequence of the arrest of Merchant, CBP " issued a new warning Wednesday to its field offices that Iran or its proxy groups may try to transport “operatives, money or materials” across both the southern and northern U.S. borders to carry out attacks on the United States."

  • Although Merchant was focused on killing high profile US officials - nothing to do with Israel - the CBP’s Office of Field Operations directed agency personnel to take a “heightened posture due to ongoing security threats,” including against possible attacks on the United States mirroring the recent Iran-backed Hezbollah rocket attack on an Israeli town in the Golan Heights. The memo also warned that heightened tensions across the Middle East due to Israel’s retaliation for the Golan Heights strike – the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran’s capital – increased the risk of a terror attack in the United States , such as a Trump assassination."

  • The memo thus pre-seeds a link to be uncovered by later investigators that the terrorists who attack the US are the same terrorists who attack Israel, so that it is in the interest of the USG to attack Israel’s enemies. See past echoes here.

  • Merchant was allowed to stay beyond May 11, the expiration of his parole

  • “Prosecutors unsealed a complaint against him earlier this week, charging him with organizing a “murder-for-hire” plot in a scheme to assassinate U.S. politicians or government officials [i.e. Trump!]. Justice Department and FBI officials said Merchant was working “on behalf of others overseas” and pointed the finger at Iran.”

  • ““This dangerous murder-for-hire plot exposed in today’s charges allegedly was orchestrated by a Pakistani national with close ties to Iran and is straight out of the Iranian playbook,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said in a statement.” [Note, lawyer Wray is not saying Iran was behind Merchant’s plans, but suggests so.]

----Now we come to Trump, one day later on July 13----

  • On July 13, Trump is assassinated with a headshot except for the fact he turns his head at the right second, and the MSM as part of DS immediately puts out a narrative uniform in content and timing of updates.

  • Had he been assassinated, then Nikki Haley would have been the Republican frontrunner (see her traitorous position here at 1:28-1:32 and at 2:10-2:20) as a de-facto Israeli representative with US-title), while Josh Shapiro or amoral Harris/Emhof been the Democrat frontrunner, a win for Israel either way

  • As campus protests had been spreading against Israeli government’s obliteration of Gaza, and US youth becoming more anti than pro Israel, Israeli Ministry of Diaspora Affairs has been pushing to define in US law criticism of Israeli behavior as anti-semitic (anti-1st amendment IHRA definition), and to threaten US universities with withholding of federal funds (to force them to quell protests against Israeli government policies)

  • Post-Butler, MSM launches narrative of “intelligence” that Iran plots to assassinate Trump, in part from DNI Avril Haines and perhaps also from CIA Deputy Director David Cohen

  • On July 24, Netanyahu arrives in DC to give a speech to US Congress amidst faltering popular support for his government’s ethnic cleansing, and anti-Israel protests in DC erupt that conveniently are highly offensive to Americans and tagged as pro-Hamas in social media and amplified by astroturf pro-Israel “conservative” accounts like Oli London’s and probably filled with mix of agitators, infiltrators, and useful idiots … the strategy being to con offended Americans to support Israeli government policies

  • In his speech, Netanyahu asks USG to hit Iran, calls offensive DC protests the work of Iran; had Trump died, surely Netanyahu would have exploited a traumatic national event to provoke a massive hit on Iran.

  • This is the psychological strategy promoted by Philip Zelikow, 9/11 myth-maker and drafter of the 9/11 Commission Report, in his article [Catastrophic Terrorism](https://“Like Pearl Harbor, the event would divide our past and future into a before and after. The United States might respond with draconian measures scaling back civil liberties, allowing wider surveillance of citizens, detention of suspects and use of deadly force.): ““Like Pearl Harbor, the event would divide our past and future into a before and after. The United States might respond with draconian measures scaling back civil liberties, allowing wider surveillance of citizens, detention of suspects and use of deadly force.” 9/11 became Zelikow’s useful event to catalyze domestic surveillance and the pro-Israel WoT.), with Zelikow creating the narrative of interpretation in his tightly-controlled 9/11 Commission Report.

  • With Trump unexpectedly alive, Netanyahu asserts to Congress anyway of intelligence that Iran did have plans to kill Trump

  • Trump falls for the “Iran intel” behind the attempted assassination, and posts on Truth Social that he wishes Iran be obliterated (the country, not government) if he were killed … which psychopath Netanyahu surely reads as a great path to get what he wants, the USG to hit Iran

To me, this coincidence of arrest and media buzz around Merchant on July 12, and the attempted assassination of Trump on July 13, by Thomas Crooks with an existing but unknown social media content, seems to allow the DS to paste onto a blank slate any narrative it wishes - “We decrypted Crooks social media accounts connected to Iran!”. If this sounds far-fetched, though in Gab posts Thomas Crooks was pro-immigration and pro-Democrat, FBI Deputy Director Abbate did in fact plant in Congressional testimony for the whole country and MSM a massive pro-Israel narrative with zero evidence, like Powell’s anthrax vials: “Something just very recently uncovered is a social media account, which is believed to be associated with the shooter in the 2019 to 2020 timeframe. There were over 700 comments posted from this account. Some of these comments, if ultimately attributable to the shooter, appear to reflect anti-Semitic and anti-immigration themes, espouse political violence, and are extreme in nature.”

To me this is not coincidental. The stakes are much higher than Trump’s life, or the US’s survival as a semi-republic, but whether the country gets traumatized by forces to con the USG into launching a devastating attack on Israel’s enemy du jour (after false-premised attacks on Iraq, and covertly Syria), a multi-decade enslavement of American minds and USG foreign policy to zionist principles, a loss of the 1st amendment (IHRA) and a loss of the 2nd amendment (Crooks’ AR), to disable Americans of their speech and self-defense, and then impose the WoT against Americans.

The assassination of Trump would have been just as traumatizing as 9/11, and just as useful to create a new traumatic myth to rush the country to war and a desired foreign policy. I am afraid that the risk that he is assassinated is now higher than it was on July 13, given Trump’s prophecy on Truth Social.


Oops, you may be right, I did not look carefully after Greg Nicol opened the door. Maybe my eyes are fooling me? Does that “elbow image” not seem to move around a bit for a while before the door opens?

At the very least, the fact that Nicol leaves the building only at 6:13:23 adds another 83 seconds to the preposterously long and vague “6:05-6:12” gap in the BC post-action report about what the ESU snipers are doing. Now we can extend this mystery to “6:05-6:13:23”!

Greg Nicol certainly does not look stressed coming out of door 9, like all LEOs running around in the dashcam video. And he would have heard the shots from above and south of door 9, so why is he looking down and north when opening the door? It’s almost like the reflex when you get busted staring at a woman’s chest and turn your head in the opposite direction pretending to be looking at something in that direction hoping she did not notice your staring. It suggests to me that Nicol is acting as if he does not know where the shots came from but pretending to be figuring it out and hoping we did not notice his enabling/collaboration.


I think you’re onto something, just that it might not be exactly what you thought.

Absolutely! The windows are narrow, the rifles behind the windows, the snipers even further behind. They had no visibility!

It’s a convenient set up to

  • make ESU snipers fail to see Crooks on the roof below, assuming they were trying to thwart “suspect”, an therefore also
  • make ESU snipers look innocent for failing to stop Crooks on the roof below, assuming they were trying to collaborate with and enable Crooks

So either way, whatever the assigned ESU snipers’ team really is (pro or contra Trump), the setup is convenient to get Trump killed while preserving ESU snipers’ image as the good guys.

Now, who set the ESU’s up that way? Someone high at Secret Service - it was SS who told them to be inside rooms rather than on roofs. Ergo, that element of SS may well have wanted Trump killed, with or without ESU snipers’ collaboration.

The natural question arises, who at SS told BC ESU snipers to be inside rooms rather on roofs? And who at SS approved this?

Btw, it’s understandable that SS did not show up at that morning’s meeting with BC ESU snipers to go over plans, because SS would have been called out on the absurdity of the deep-inside-the-room overwatch.


Greg Nicol’s very early picture and text is smelling to me that way, as a psychological implantation in the minds of post-event investigators that he was a “diligent white hat.” And his leaving his post to personally look for suspect is just more of the same, an “extra diligent white hat.” The access card story about helping his buddy sniper adds a dash of human clumsiness to the recipe, and we’ve got now Greg Nicol looking like “an extra diligent white hat who failed because of his humanity to colleague.” All a nice cover for enabling Crooks to fire unimpeded.

Heck, Crooks’ sitting on the retaining wall and allegedly scrolling the news on his phone - so Greg Nicol could take that picture of him - may all have been part of the same act. That is, Crooks at that moment is a supporting cast for Greg Nicol’s act as a diligent white hat.

Seriously, if you were going to assassinate Trump in ~90 minutes and had cased the area thoroughly for both firing position and LEOs (as Crooks “appears” to have done by walking around, flying drone, etc), would you then take a public break to check your phone right under the ESU snipers’ windows you cased earlier? Does not add up.

So perhaps Crooks unknowingly played a role to build up Greg Nicol’s innocent image, even if he did expect to die a hero for killing Trump. “Before you kill Trump on this spot on this roof, be sure to check your phone on this retaining wall” could have been his instruction.


The pre-seeding of evidence and narratives around July 13 stinks to high heaven. The seeding smells of a potent catalyst for extreme pro-Israel foreign policy and anti-gun/anti-free speech domestic policy.

Had Trump been assassinated on July 13, aggressive MSM narratives would “uncover” evidence of the perpetrator. I focus here on seeding a narrative of outrage against Iran, and against 1st and 2nd amendments.

  • On July 12, a Pakistani man Merchant who had visited Iran recently is arrested in the US, because he had tried to recruit assassins in the US to kill high profile American targets, and the would-be assassination contractor worked as FBI informant. See article on site operated by Mr. John Solomon. (As in the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot designed and promoted by the FBI remotely controlling useful idiots, so here a Merchant angry at USG policies may be yet another useful idiot remotely controlled by the DS to manufacture terror. This is the NATO Strategy of Tension updated to today, with communists replaced by pro-1st and 2nd amendment supporters.)

  • As Merchant entered the US in April, he was noted to be in a terrorist watchlist but allowed in per a “significant public benefit parole,” whereby feds can track plots … ““Parole based on significant public benefit includes, but is not limited to, law enforcement and national security reasons or foreign or domestic policy considerations,” the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website says.”

  • In direct consequence of the arrest of Merchant, CBP " issued a new warning Wednesday to its field offices that Iran or its proxy groups may try to transport “operatives, money or materials” across both the southern and northern U.S. borders to carry out attacks on the United States."

  • Although Merchant was focused on killing high profile US officials - nothing to do with Israel - the CBP’s Office of Field Operations directed agency personnel to take a “heightened posture due to ongoing security threats,” including against possible attacks on the United States mirroring the recent Iran-backed Hezbollah rocket attack on an Israeli town in the Golan Heights. The memo also warned that heightened tensions across the Middle East due to Israel’s retaliation for the Golan Heights strike – the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran’s capital – increased the risk of a terror attack in the United States , such as a Trump assassination."

  • The memo thus pre-seeds a link to be uncovered by later investigators that the terrorists who attack the US are the same terrorists who attack Israel, so that it appears to be in the interest of the USG to attack Israel’s enemies for it. See past echoes here.

  • Merchant was allowed to stay beyond May 11, the expiration of his parole

  • “Prosecutors unsealed a complaint against him earlier this week, charging him with organizing a “murder-for-hire” plot in a scheme to assassinate U.S. politicians or government officials [i.e. Trump!]. Justice Department and FBI officials said Merchant was working “on behalf of others overseas” and pointed the finger at Iran.”

  • ““This dangerous murder-for-hire plot exposed in today’s charges allegedly was orchestrated by a Pakistani national with close ties to Iran and is straight out of the Iranian playbook,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said in a statement.” [Note, lawyer Wray is not saying Iran was behind Merchant’s plans, but suggests so.]

----Now we come to Trump, one day later on July 13----

  • On July 13, Trump is assassinated with a headshot except for the fact he turns his head at the right second, and the MSM as part of DS immediately puts out a narrative uniform in content and timing of updates.

  • Had he been assassinated, then Nikki Haley would have been the Republican frontrunner (see her traitorous position here at 1:28-1:32 and at 2:10-2:20) and 2:24-2:32 as a de-facto Israeli representative with US-title), while Josh Shapiro or amoral Harris/Emhof being the Democrat frontrunner, a win for Israel either way

  • As campus protests had been spreading against Israeli government’s obliteration of Gaza, and US youth becoming more anti than pro Israel, Israeli Ministry of Diaspora Affairs has been pushing to define in US law criticism of Israeli behavior as anti-semitic (anti-1st amendment IHRA definition), and to threaten US universities with withholding of federal funds (to force them to quell protests against Israeli government policies)

  • Post-Butler, MSM launches narrative of “intelligence” that Iran plots to assassinate Trump, in part from DNI Avril Haines and perhaps also from CIA Deputy Director David Cohen

  • On July 24, Netanyahu arrives in DC to give a speech to US Congress amidst faltering popular support for his government’s ethnic cleansing, and anti-Israel protests in DC erupt that conveniently are highly offensive to Americans and tagged as pro-Hamas in social media and amplified by astroturf pro-Israel “conservative” accounts like Oli London’s and probably filled with mix of agitators, infiltrators, and useful idiots … the strategy being to con offended Americans to support Israeli government policies

  • In his speech, Netanyahu asks USG to hit Iran, calls offensive DC protests the work of Iran; had Trump died, surely Netanyahu would have exploited a traumatic national event to provoke a massive hit on Iran.

  • This is the psychological strategy promoted by Philip Zelikow, 9/11 myth-maker and drafter of the 9/11 Commission Report, in his article “Catastrophic Terrorism”:“Like Pearl Harbor, the event would divide our past and future into a before and after. The United States might respond with draconian measures scaling back civil liberties, allowing wider surveillance of citizens, detention of suspects and use of deadly force.)" 9/11 became Zelikow’s useful event to catalyze domestic surveillance and the pro-Israel WoT.), with Zelikow creating the narrative of interpretation in his tightly-controlled 9/11 Commission Report. The need of a new Pearl Harbor event to accelerate new military policies had been suggested by Wolfowitz-Cheney-Kagan one year before 9/11 in the Project for a New American Century: ““the process of transformation” that PNAC envisioned, “even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor.””

  • With Trump unexpectedly alive, Netanyahu asserts to Congress anyway of intelligence that Iran did have plans to kill Trump

  • Trump falls for the “Iran intel” behind the attempted assassination, and posts on Truth Social that he wishes Iran be obliterated (the country, not government) if he were killed … which psychopath Netanyahu surely reads as a great path to get what he wants, the USG to hit Iran

To me, this coincidence of arrest and media buzz around Merchant on July 12, and the attempted assassination of Trump on July 13, by Thomas Crooks with an existing but unknown social media content, seems to allow the DS to paste onto a blank slate any narrative it wishes - “We decrypted Crooks social media accounts connected to Iran!”. If this sounds far-fetched, though in Gab posts Thomas Crooks was pro-immigration and pro-Democrat, FBI Deputy Director Abbate did in fact plant in Congressional testimony for the whole country and MSM a massive pro-Israel narrative with zero evidence, like Powell’s anthrax vials: “Something just very recently uncovered is a social media account, which is believed to be associated with the shooter in the 2019 to 2020 timeframe. There were over 700 comments posted from this account. Some of these comments, if ultimately attributable to the shooter, appear to reflect anti-Semitic and anti-immigration themes, espouse political violence, and are extreme in nature.”

To me this is not coincidental. The stakes are much higher than Trump’s life, or the US’s survival as a semi-republic, but whether the country gets traumatized by forces to con the USG into launching a devastating attack on Israel’s enemy du jour (after false-premised attacks on Iraq, and covertly Syria), a multi-decade enslavement of American minds and USG foreign policy to zionist principles, a loss of the 1st amendment (IHRA) and a loss of the 2nd amendment (Crooks’ AR), to disable Americans of their speech and self-defense, and then impose the WoT against Americans.

The assassination of Trump would have been just as traumatizing as 9/11, and just as useful to create a new traumatic myth to rush the country to war and a desired foreign policy. I am afraid that the risk that he is assassinated is now higher than it was on July 13, given Trump’s prophecy on Truth Social.


240810 f
Apperantly they knew about it.

Great catch proving Greg coming out of door 9. Not sure there is proof that he was there the whole 4 minutes…we think the reflection is the flag on the motor bike that occasionally blows in the wind. We also think Greg could have fired the first 3 shots up in the roof cavity shooting thru an open vent…time will tell, at worst Greg and his mate allowed Crooks to get on the roof.

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One detail I noticed was that Greg finds himself locked out of the building at the 8:26 mark. This is a bit odd, as he supposedly had just helped someone out of that same situation moments before. Did none of the snipers have keycards that day? We might want to consider adding that to the long list of planning failures that day…

Also, in examining the video, I’m unable to see the elbow you mentioned, as the frames I examined before and after he left, appear virtually identical.

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Gray Hughes Investigates - CRAZY! Watch Clips All Put Together!

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The police car arrives at the right moment?

But how did the other cop see few minutes before? Strange. Or perfect timing?

They’re still trying to find that source because that timing and angle is incredible. It seems that only FOX News showed it for a few seconds, and no one else can find anything on it. Even with the bulk amount of bodycam footage that was released, that particular clip is never found anywhere.

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I believe for sure that Crooks did what he was told and Nicol’s must have either been in on it or could not NOT have stopped it by just yelling at the kid from a window. Also, he needs to explain why if he first took the photo at 5:15 p.m., he did not circulate it until 5:45 p.m. (or so). His “excuse”, perhaps would be, “I only thought he was a threat when I later saw him with a range finder.” Of course there is no photo of him with a range finder??? Could it be, that the photo got circulated only when Nicol’s was informed about when Trump would soon come on stage? Did Nicol know that the scheduled start of the rally was being delayed by an hour?

Nicol’s true whereabouts and the true story of he and the other sniper in the overlook building is the key to this “mystery” IMO. Of course, Congress has yet to speak with any of these people even though at least one person on the “committee” said that was the way to get to the bottom of what happened.