At Best The US Secret Service Is In 'Damage Control' Mode

If Crooks’ gun was pointing at the cop pulling himself onto the roof, is it really plausible that within the next 30 seconds or so he had time - and calmness! - to reorient his gun by 180 degrees and fire quite accurately toward Trump? Wouldn’t Crooks have been kind of shaken up by being almost apprehended from behind?

Here is the post about Lt. Matthew Pearson. Different person.

jeffostroff - Meet Secret Service Snipers Who Killed Trump Shooter BWC2-122104


I’m really unimpressed with jeffostroff’s work. He’s always talking down about “conspiracy theorists”, but I’ve never heard him admit fault or give credit where it’s due when it turns out that the “theorists” were correct. In this video he seems to just be repeating the official story.

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There is something about his voice and the way he talks, that is fingernails on the chalkboard to me. I can’t quite put my finger on what it is. Just hard for me to listen to.

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exactly right and perfectly in line with what I have been explaining over the past days too!

EVIDENCE and EXPERTISE @cmartenson Chris, could you have a look at the posts I made the past few days in which I clearly show that there is a direct line of sight from the higher building behind crooks that has very similar bullet trajectories as those should they have been fired by crooks!

you can download and run the Google Earth KML file and browse around too:

all measurements are shown in both meters, yards, feet and degrees where relevant…

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I want to know these things:

Detailed timeline of Greg and his sniper buddy.

Who was his sniper buddy?

How did Greg’s wife get the assignment?

Who shot #9 at Crooks?

Who killed Crooks and from where?


Good list. I would add “why did the southern snipers turn north?”


Dare I share this post of mine suggesting who fired shot 9? To hell with it, it’s 5 hours past my bedtime and I’ve had enough for one day.

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I’ve slept on it and i’ve read all the posts from everyone. Many folks think the cop who was hoisted up did his best. I think my hang up with the “hoisting” is that it didnt make sense to pop your head up. Upon further review and a lot of perspective from you guys, I can now see clearly.

  1. The cop in the neighborhood had very little info.

  2. He went over to check the AGR building not really believing that there would be a shooter on the roof. thats why he popped his head up

  3. he ran to the back of the building to pop his head up, saw the shooter, and he ran around the building to see if he could see the shooter from another vantage point. If he sees the shooter from the "rally side " of the building he could potentially take a shot without shooting into the crowd.

  4. he couldnt see crooks when he went to the “rally side” but he told people get out of the way-so he was saving people close by

  5. i’ve argued that he couldve fired warning shots. I think he thought he was out of bounds. How is he going to come from a neighborhood and then start firing shots (even into the ground)? It’s too big of a risk! he wasnt even on rally detail. He would only fire a shot as a last resort because the crowd might stampede, maybe the guy on the roof was LEO etc. Too many unknowns.

  6. if the cop who hoisted up is legit, then we focus on everyone who was on site walking around doing nothing. there is a problem if a guy has to drive up 8 min away and get involved. the rally was crawling with cops.

  7. if the hoisted cop story is real, then it brings a large microscope on people who were in and around building 6.

  8. Intolerance, Vegas, Big Tim and all others thanks for your imput.


Agreed. I had initially mis-placed negative thoughts on this cop until I had a larger picture. He came from across town 8 minutes away by car, and yet somehow was the “first responder.” It’s almost too hard to understand as I sit here with 4 weeks to think about it. I can’t imagine rolling up to a scene 8 minutes after the radio call, that SHOULD HAVE LONG BEEN RESOLVED with dozens of cops in the immediate vicinity to find oneself as the ‘first responder.’ It would be disorientating and confusing, like WTF is going on!!! And then having about a minute or less to solve this deadly field problem when confused, scared, worried, frustrated, and having no idea why nobody has already responded to this.

So in that light I give this guy a lot of slack because the Crooks field problem should have been resolved long before he arrived to find it unresolved and a murder and attempted assassination in progress and nobody doing anything about it.

That to me strikes as the local cops and SS were MIHOP and LIHOP with a lot of incompetence and indifference. Every local and SS and law enforcement needs to be under heavy scrutiny for their actions and inactions that day. I’d also pull their voting records and social media posts regarding politics, the J6 prosecutions, the 2020 election, etc. to uncover any hatred or bias.


Is this guy anywhere near the bleachers or the red vehicle?

Shortly after the Stewart video focuses on that ESU officer it scans to the right and the red vehicle is several feet away. Here is an aerial view showing about where he was based on the Stewart video. The other image of him right before the shots has him in pretty much the same spot. I highly doubt the red vehicle came into play for this guy.

One thing that has bothered me about the officer that was lifted to the roof was that he saw (he says) the shooter next to the book bag it would have been a mere) 38 seconds before the shots rang out. From the west side video of the shooter on the roof, he is already moving up the roof line and away from the book bag long before that time.

I find it hard to believe that he made almost no progress towards the top of the roof in 20 or 30 seconds (perhaps the officer who was lifted to the roof merely misstated that he was close to the book bag or) perhaps from his angle, the shooter looked close to the book bag.

The other thing that has always bothered me is if the shooter really was just close to the book bag 38 seconds before shots ring out, could he really have climbed to the top of the roof and steady himself to really take those three shots; that always trouble me. I would think that he probably would’ve been in such a panic seeing the officer that his nerves would not have allowed him to get to the top of the roof and steady himself to take three relatively conservatively timed shots at the president. I find it Much more likely that he took the five shots still in a panic and only those five shots. Obviously all this is speculation.


I would agree with you, other than the fact that the video of him just as shot one is fired shows him in a pretty stable firing position, ready to take his shots. I don’t believe he fired shots 1-3.



We really need to look at this hypothesis badly.

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His voice is really soft. So it feels like any moment he’s going to tell you a secret. Something he thought of himself or figured out. But it’s never info like that. He only whispers the myths of the media. So you’re always a little aggravated at him.


I’m still interested RawRoku
What does the 13 secs mean?

Think about this from Crooks perspective. After being surprised from behind by a cop pulling himself up on the roof, Crooks turns his gun toward the cop (i.e., northward) and sees the cop disappear (and perhaps hears him radioing/calling for help). How does Crooks know that it is safe for him to swivel away from where the cop was and get into a prone firing position to start unloading on Trump? How can Crooks be confident that the cop won’t come right back and shoot or taze him, or perhaps that someone else might be alerted to his presence and immediately shoot him? Are we supposed to believe that a twenty-year old kid on his first(?) major assassination assignment would not panic here, but rather is able to calmly swivel around, get in a stable prone firing position, and get off fairly accurate shots - all within 38 seconds?! Yes, maybe a pro could do the quick swivel and get off an accurate shot, but even a pro ought to be concerned that he might get shot from behind by the cop. What am I missing here?