Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

Not a mathematician, but I’d check with the equations in that paper I linked to as well (#5-8 on pages 9-10). They look like they may be simpler to implement.

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IDK exactly where the echoes come from, but if it’s an echo the wall is within an ellipse as I explained here.

LOL! It was a great and interesting comment and I appreciated that you did the calculations, no harm intended on my end. :grinning:

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I initially had the same thoughts, but after seeing other videos from attendees showing similar objects (but most others calling them UFOs), I started looking into them further. CryptoPatriot1’s video was another clear sighting of the object (drone) as well. The reason I think it’s fascinating is that the USSS & FBI clearly stated they did not use drones during the rally.

If the distance from Trump’s ear to the mic is 1.07 feet, as your drawing shows, then to match with the 220ms snik-report difference of the 1st shot which hit his ear, the average speed of the bullet must have been 2622 fps as is shown in my graph here:

The assumptions as I’ve calculated and shown in previous posts and are listed in the graph are:

Speed of Sound = 1152 fps
Distance from Mic to Shooter muzzle = 454 ft

I don’t think there are any 5.56 NATO rounds below 77 grain that could travel anywhere near that slow. And even 77 grain rounds would just barely get there.

The FBI told Congress three or four weeks ago that they HAD “bullets” and “bullet fragments.”


OK, so our joint investigation “back tracing” of the bullet version 5, after all comments and inputs has put the shooter directly to vent 3 and not to Crooks, therefor according to our calculations, hypothesis 2 is more favorable, meaning that there are 2 shooters.

So how do we go from here? Simply by presenting 3 “non echoes” shots and our back traced bullet to vent 3, it might convince 10% of the people in this forum.

However, with all the new body cam videos that have come out recently, we know exactly where to look. Our calculations are pointing to the needle in the haystack. Looking at the newly released BWC2-122104 body cam, we can concentrate on vent 3 to see any abnormal activity shortly before and during the shooting? Sounds like a good idea?

Before watching that body cam, please have a look at the 7 American flags and the stand that goes with it. Keep that image in mind. It so happens that these 7 poles are positioned exactly in front of the vents while the guy walks up to building 6 shortly before the first shots are heard. Strangely enough all 7 poles vanish behind gray color during the critical time just before shooting. Once the poles start getting out of the way of the vents, they become visible again. See screen shots below and have a look at the animated GIF. Actually, the length of that animation is much longer, but my I9 ventilators started to smoke, so for the moment, here is the short version.

Maybe it’s the American flag that will make our case?

Together we are strong!


I think they should probably have the actual box, the cardboard packaging, that the rounds came in. If it wasn’t in Crooks’ bag because he discarded it, then they should know exactly what type of rounds they were from talking to the people at the gun shop.

The FBI doesn’t conduct investigations. They conduct obfuscations. If the FBI was a legit organization, we would have had a multi-hundred page report with every boring detail about this incident weeks ago.


I’m still going with insects for these things.


Average velocity of 2622fps implies a muzzle velocity of something like 2930fps (not precise - just eyeballing). That’s seems doable from a 16-inch barrel with 55 grain to me.

No, the average bullet velocity CANNOT be anywhere near that fast if the following are true:

454 ft - muzzle to mic
1152 fps - speed of sound
220 ms - snik-report difference
1.07 ft - mic to Trump’s ear

It’s simple math. See my post.

That was a reference to muzzle velocity, not average velocity.

Would you trust what they say about bullets, anyway?
Or what casings and where?
Or what the autopsy shows?
At this point whatever we have from Citizens is all that we can count on for the Investigation. And even that has been in their hands before being in ours in some cases.

ADD-ON: Rather than making a post of apology which clogs the conversation, @cohler, I’ll say here: it seemed you were asking the FBI for the data we need. Of course, they are the only ones who can provide that particular information. Unless we get a whistleblower.


Here’s my math, which won’t be as accurate as yours since I didn’t account for the 1ft distance from the microphone, but it’s still close to yours. The two solid lines are average velocities for 55 and 77 grain bullets (solid) and the same shifted down for a 16-inch barrel (dashed).

I had used 141 meters for distance to Trump, but I added your figure. Also used 350 and 352 m/s for speed of sound to add a range and account for a bit of uncertainty.


Just to give you another example:

not seeing the patch, not seeing any vents, not seeing any windows, not seeing any flag poles, but where is the f. air conditioner in this screen shot?

Please go have a look at the animated GIF from above post, there throughout the entire animation, the air con is missing!!!

For those who don’t have access to this newly released body cam here it is:

I see there is a version with sound and better quality out there. If anybody has the link, please share…


If I’m looking at the same video, that’s a very highly magnified detail of a very small part of the video. What’s the original resolution of the video?

I can’t see the flagpoles distinctly on my 1920x1080 resolution monitor. Maybe it’s time to move up to a 4K one. Looks like they can be had for about $300, but I might need to get a video card that costs at least as much to run it. I’m using built in graphics on a desktop that’s probably a good 7 or 8 years old - kind of like Dave Stewart’s cell phone.

The original filename is 1302_202407131800_BWC2122104-0RATF.mp4, the video resolution is 1920x1080.

I had downloaded it from the website of a Butler journal, which was said to be the original publisher, but can’t remember its name. The site was linked to in one of the audio threads. A stereo audio stream is contained, but overwritten.

I’ve downloaded probably all of these files (12) and can upload them to a PP directory if that makes sense.


mp4info version 2.1.3:

Track   Type    Info
1       video   H264 High@4, 1317.370 secs, 9989 kbps, 1920x1080 @ 29.968801 fps
2       audio   MPEG-4 AAC LC, 1317.418 secs, 47 kbps, 48000 Hz
 Encoded with: Lavf58.29.100

sha256sum sum is 

edit: btw, this video is not that newly released. I downloaded it more than a week ago.

edit2: this post has a link to the dropbox of someone named Mathew Pearson, also containing the BWC2122104 bodycam. The checksums match.

I don’t view that as a simple question. Maybe you could make a drawing of what you want, clearly indicating the angle in question. The front of building 6 is a plane, not a point or a line.

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Not a problem if the shooter used a SBR with a 10.5/11.5/12.5 barrel.


Hey pk2019,

Thanks for providing the name of the file of which I could even find it here on this platform. Great Job:


I quickly had a peek preview in this new HD version and spoiler alert, no air con in sight!

If you have trouble zooming and croping and reducing the speed of this type of video, I recommend Microsoft Clipchamp. It’s for free and it supports all of the above features…

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Compression artifact?