So It's Back To First Principles

Dang, these theories just get more and more convoluted.

  1. We clearly have the Secret Service doing things that would get a dozen of its people fired if there was any accountability in the agency. It got the head forced out and the secret service’s reputation destroyed as it is. What did they have to gain by doing things like having a security perimeter stop at 100 yards on one side and not pick up radios the local police provided?
  2. Who would volunteer to be a patsy for this operation? There were WITNESSES that saw the guy get killed. There was a live guy videoed on the roof before and a dead videoed on the roof afterward. There was no time or means to swap out a live guy for a dead body.
  3. Why would the FBI do things to trash IT’S reputation like scrub the crime scene and release the body for cremation? Why isn’t IT bringing up the idea that Trump planned it all? They tried to keep him from being elected after all, and raided Mar-a-Lago when they could have asked for the documents nicely. They hate him.
  4. Why would every single arm of the mainstream - and non mainstream - media go along with the narrative that it was a real assassination attempt? Why isn’t even something like Mother Jones promoting the “Trump did it” narrative? Why is it only anonymous keyboard warriors?

Thank you.

With each passing day, I’m leaning more and more toward the one-shooter narrative. I believe Crooks had assistance with the planning and was allowed to access the roof, but the evidence thus far has pointed to him being the only shooter.

I’m waiting for @roger-knight and @howdoiknowthisinfo to bring their final presentations to the table and see if they can agree on anything. One thing I have learned, I wouldn’t want to be the defendant on trial for a shooting and have to depend on echo data to determine my innocence.

I think the monetized YouTubers have done us all a great disservice with their desire to be the “first to report” and their “clickbait” titles. They’ve flooded the internet with so much disinformation it’s nearly impossible to weed through it all. It would be nice if we could “SOLVE” one conspiracy theory at a time before jumping to the next.


The Secret Service head only got fired so quickly because the operation to kill Trump failed, and so the Deep State needed to start throwing expendable agents under the bus more quickly, to ensure a “Let It Happen” incompetence narrative prevailed. The Secret Service was only “following orders”, and had the operation succeeded, would have mostly stayed out of the primary investigation and publicity lime light.

The intelligence agencies have a long track record of successfully grooming mind controlled patsies for such operations.

It’s the FBI’s job to scrub such crime scenes. Like the Secret Service, they don’t work for us. When the operation failed, the FBI had to double down on the crime scene cleanup.

All the news agencies (except some “fringe” sites and commentators) are going along with the “lone nut” shooter. That is, and was intended to be, the main stream narrative, as usual in such operations, and whatever Trump might have done (by my speculations anyway) to turn that operation into a sting against the CIA/FBI/SS agencies, still didn’t seek to or depend on changing that “lone nut” narrative. Rather Trump just needed, whether by luck, miracle or cunning, to have the shots miss.

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Hah - not a chance :smile:

Hi guys,

Go look at my new post in the other forum:

Yesterday Chris Martenson was with Brett Weinstein. Starting at 1:16:10, he talks about how shots 4 through 8, if fired by Crooks, could not have hit Trump, who was lying on the ground, because the left bleachers were in the way. The sixth shot hit Comperatore.

This fits the theory that at least the first 3 shots were real but not meant to hit Trump. The professional sniper was aware of what Crooks was doing. Before Crooks could shoot, the professional sniper intentionally missed. 3 seconds later Trump is lying safely on the ground and Crooks could never have hit him. What Crooks then does or doesn’t do would be beside the point.

And also important: the Secret Service bodyguards would never have been in danger either!

If the first three shots were never supposed to hit Trump, they could have been fired through a small hole using a machine. It would have been open for only 3 seconds. It could have been on the front of Building 6 just below the roof, on the front of the left two-story building, or on the front of the rear two-story building.

But everyone is looking for an opening or spot from which a human shooter with a scope could have fired.

So far, no analyst is investigating these possibilities.

And no one has filmed these locations in close-up using a drone.

In my opinion, Greg Nichols’ opinion that there was only one shooter is not entirely correct.

He just thinks that all the shots were fired from roughly the same place. but how accurate can that really be calculated?

He admits that he can’t determine the location from which the shots were fired.

“all the eight shots came from a single location, so there is only one shooter. To be clear, the analysis does not prove that the shots came from this particular spot”

If the second gun was not far from Crooks and was fired through a hole in the front of Building 6 below the roof, for example, that could still fit Greg Nichols’ data.

He has published his raw data, but as far as I know there is no confirmation from other audio analysts yet.

The fake assassination theory that Trump hired someone to actually get shot in the ear is obviously bullshit.

The other fake assassination theory, that the shots were never meant to hit Trump, requires cooperation with the alleged political opponent because the Department of Homeland Security and thus the Secret Service are controlled by the Democrats.

The mainstream media would have to consider that there is only one big club. But the people are not supposed to think about that.

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In particular, I am now wondering whether Greg Nichols’ work could distinguish whether or not the first three shots came from a position perhaps 50 feet or so to the west (slightly northwest) of the patsy (Crooks?) on the roof.

Looking at the images of the sound spectrum and echo delay that Chris Martenson has shared far and wide, those first three shots (perhaps because they were it seems shot from inside a room or enclosure, with more sound reverberation) have a their lower frequency portions spread out over perhaps 60 to 80 msec (almost half the way to their 180 msec echo also visible in those same sound images).

At my napkin math speed of sound of one msec per foot (as if sound were 1000 fps), that 60 to 80 msec long sound allows for a 60 to 80 msec error in timing when those first three shots were made, hence a 60 to 80 foot error in their position.

The audio samples that Greg Nichols uses have samples spread out over a long north-south spread, which would provide good north-south accuracy, but don’t have as good a spread east-west, with the sources he has on the west side of Bldg #6 less spread out and also more mobile, resulting in reduced accuracy in east-west positioning, especially when it comes to distinguishing between the two distinct volleys, of 3 then 5 shots.

In particular, one key audio that Greg depends on for east-west positioning is the “Ross” audio, taken west of the two story building. When I look at, or listen to that audio, which is filled with a woman screaming “Ross”, the shots are particularly difficult to place accurately. Moreover, Greg presents no data on whether that mobile phone was moving at the time, which could easily throw off his analysis tens of feet.

Given the data Greg has available, I doubt that his work could reliably distinguish between shots coming from inside one of the 2nd story windows just northwest of the patsy on the roof, and that patsy himself.

I’m solidly back in the two shooter camp – first a pro sniper shooting the first three shots from a 2nd story window, and then the patsy shooting the 5 rapid “spray and pray” shots from the roof … where the pro sniper was “persuaded” to miss. The pro sniper would have been in a perfect position to first determine when the patsy was almost ready to shoot, so that he could first get off his controlled shots, which would cause Trump to get down and covered and out of high risk before the patsy could get any shots off.

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Note: Accuracy and resolution are not the same thing.
I struggle with fitting audio data. It seems the sample rate has benn manipulated.
My other problem is, when I apply a bandpass filter, subsequent samples have to be added, which means some delay.


Another way to ensure that Trump couldn’t have been hit by Crooks (besides the bleachers getting in the way) would have been a rigged rifle.

It’s not difficult with the right tools to get into a house and open a gun safe without having to break anything open.

If Crook was a mind control victim, his weapon could have been replaced with a tampered weapon at an afternoon meeting on July 13th.

Or without his knowledge when his gun was in his car and he was scouting the situation. He didn’t have a backpack with him.

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I see no reason why “cooperation with the alleged political opponent” is required. Quite the contrary.

All that’s required is for one of Trump’s people to make an offer to the designated “real” sniper that can’t be refused: “You kill Trump, you die. You miss, we’ve got you covered.

No one else in the Deep State should or would know, until “they missed.”


Trump needed the help of all the Secret Service bodyguards.

He didn’t put the blood on his ear himself.

One had to apply the blood and the others had to at least agree to keep quiet about it.

Only the one applying the blood or cutting the ear needed to know ahead of time.

Secret Service agents normally keep quiet about their inside knowledge - it’s a rather important part of their job (even for DEI hires). That secrecy could be reinforced after the fact, if need be.

it is certainly possible that the 2013 DPMS A-15 that was allegedly used by the man who died on the roof was upgraded to shoot full auto such that it would have been easy to fire the 5 rounds…

from my point of view, the first 3 rounds were fired by a professional from the high AGR building at the AGR parking.

these 3 shots may have been the signal for the man on the roof of the lower building (I refrain from calling this man crooks, as there is no real certainty about this man’s identity) to fire 5 rounds.

we do not know how many cartridges were loaded in the magazine of the rifle recovered from the roof.

everybody seems to assume that it was fully loaded, but it can as easily have contained 5 cartridges such that the auto-fire would stop after 5 rounds…

someone on this forum pointed to a youtube video in which a normal semi-automatic AR-15 can be shot in near-full-auto mode by jittering the trigger finger like someone would do when playing computer games, but I do not think this is something that would have been realistic to assume in this context.

what happened in my view is the following:

  • the man who died on that roof had to be on that specific roof at the exact time 18:11:33
  • due to whatever delays, he was running late to be at that exact place on that roof, which made him run carelessly over the roofs (cf. the video captured by James Copenhaver)
  • he quickly assembled his stuff and crawled up to the location from which he was seen by the bystanders
  • then, at exactly 18:11:33, the real shooter shot the first 3 rounds with a suppressed sniper rifle or a suppressed hunting rifle
  • these 3 shots gave the “all clear” to the man on the roof to fire 5 rounds in full auto towards the rally area
  • as it happened, a SWAT officer was walking from the white tents in front of the barns behind Trump across the green, looking at AGR building 6
  • as soon as the first shots were fired, this SWAT officer took aim and shot at the man on top of AGR building 6. this happened immediately after the rapid-fire of 5. this shot injured the man on the roof
  • now there are two options:
  1. the bodycam footage shows that that SWAT officer looked through is scope right before shot 10 was fired. it may as well be that this SWAT officer also fired shot 10 and finished the man on the roof off
  2. somebody else fired shot 10

I do not believe that the 10th bullet was shot from a sniper rifle from any of the Hercules teams because the bullets from their suppressed rifles are much more devastating than what we have seen as pictures of the man who died on that roof.

in all commotion, the real shooter would have had no problems whatsoever to leave his position from the high building (behind the man who just died on the low roof), and even if someone would have noticed him, he could have easily gotten away with it with an excuse about checking something out at that side…


in this sound analysis discussion, Mike Bell mentions that there are two anomalies in the sound recordings: certain shots registered by RealDjStew and the witnesses under the trees are TOO EARLY compared to the other registrations.

I have not done the sound analyses myself so far, but I would not be surprised if these “too early” registrations would match the location of who I call the real shooter on the higher roof behind the low roof on which that man was killed…

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You assume the other shooter wasn’t able to see the decoy has arrived?

due to whatever delays, he was running late to be at that exact place on that roof, which made him run carelessly over the roofs (cf. the video captured by James Copenhaver

Trump said or implied that he himself brought up the immigration topic early:

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you are right!
he mentioned he was no longer following the teleprompter!

I will check the timing to see when he said that!

At 6:10 PM ET and 30 seconds, Trump asked his staff to deviate from protocol and show the chart on the screens.

This fits very well with the total false flag theory.

6:41:47 RSBN video

ic. by then, the man was already at the roof where he was shot dead…