So It's Back To First Principles

this is not a genuine photo and the video is clearly counterfeit too…
I would not trust this photo and video if I were you…


Sorry guys for posting a fake video, this video has been mirrored and represents his left ear with photoshop…. once again sorry. There is so many fake stuff out there at the moment….

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In theory there is a small deviation (zero does not exist) and I don’t want to take away BigTim’s ref. 511. Therefore, if everybody agrees we add a 1.5 inch deviation off of the blisters corner? It will not influance the simulation much, but at least we can say we took this topic into consideration should somebody challange us…

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At least “@TrumpTalklive”, the author of this artifact is kind of a joke without legs. Look into the one and only comment from someone named “@vincenator5000”, who asked “Original clip?” to which this clown answered by pointing him to just another clip with a frontal view of Trump, hosted on his own channel of loneliness.

yes, that would be great.

could you also include in your next version of this scheme:

  • the bearing (also known as the heading) of the blue line that connects the front of building 6 and the corner of the right bleacher,
  • the height of where you place crooks’ head or the muzzle of his rifle, and
  • the distance between his head and the side of the roof where he was found?


When Trump was interviewed by Elon Musk, he recounted that the illegal immigration slide was always on his left, never on his right and always at the end of his speach, not at the beginning. Trump also states that his people weren’t prepared, but rushed to put it up immediately.

I was reminded of your thoughts while I followed his dialogue with Musk (here at 17:50), and searched already a while for your posting.

May be this unexpected change was giving reason to hurry up and thus leading to the observation of a “running man”?

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Yeah, I agree.

This guy on X turns off his camera 8 seconds before the shooting. We would have had that shot. Well we can’t be lucky all the time.

But I do see a lot of phones up, so maybe a legit video may show up?

see: on X the following post: /C3PMeme/status/1812605525844267181

Screenshot 2024-08-15 223709

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yes, and IIRC that guy did also not show those who were hurt, out of respect for privacy or something to that effect.

of which I respectfully understand

I think you’re right.
To solve a case, it’s not enough just to look at the facts. You also have to consider which facts are being concealed.

Concealed facts:

  1. at least one person (man with red baseball cap next to the tree) filmed how Crooks should have shot. This video has not yet been published.

  2. over a dozen bodycam videos have been released so far. But the one of the security forces, who were first at Crooks’ body and therefore would have had the opportunity to place shell casings there, is still being withheld.

  3. about 200 spectators sat behind Trump in the center stand. So far, not a single video has been released showing Trump’s ear being hit by a bullet.

  4. Trump’s fresh ear injury could have been photographed. Why has no photo been released to date?

Translated with (free version)

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Maybe the people with such videos thought they would be redundant, given the video we’ve all seen 1000 times where we see Trump wincing and putting his hand to his ear as supersonic cracks and gunshots are heard, as people and equipment behind him are being struck by bullets.

You make a comment like this again, you go in my mute bucket forever.



Pretty good match, right? The strange thing is, when I search for PA State Police badge, the vast majority of the sites I get back are not credible, i.e., they’re random places that make badges.

I’d like to hear from the PA State Police themselves that this is their badge, but so far I can’t find it. I do see some references that this is what their badge looked like historically, but it may be obsolete.

From some strange archived eBay listing:

Your looking at a PA state trooper badge with 4 digit number. The badge is old. I’m not sure of it’s history but is being sold from a long time former state police collectors collection. The center seal is.part of the die in accordance with an old style authentic PA SP badge.

This is interesting. Nice work.

So why was a state officer hovering around the AGR?

I didn’t see any state police assignments posted there.

Do we know what time he showed up to the party? Did he have gear in the AGR? Where did his holster and vest come from?

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Is this the same guy with a police backpack?

State troopers accounted for 8 of the 21 LEOs who entered AGR 6 during the first 7 minutes of entry. I don’t recall the number of personnel they had at the rally, but I remember it seeming like a lot.

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That is a guy who is being detained and the officer is bent over behind him adjusting his zipties or handcuffs.

I’m not seeing it, man… plotted the elevations (green) and bullet drop for 5,56 62grains (blue) all in ft, and then angled it (in red, needs checking), but even still, if I got the elevations correctly for RS, C, T and DD, I can’t see it happening from up there, either 5.56 or a larger caliber… need sleep now.


thanks for having checked it out!

you need to consider other types of calibers and rifles than AR-15 style guns…
it is perfectly possible that the man on that higher roof was using

  • a hunting rifle, sniper rifle, automatic rifle, etc
  • with or without a suppressor
  • with subsonic or hypersonic ammunition

all these options and combinations should be considered!

could you share that spreadsheet with me?
I can easily automate the generation of spreadsheets like this for the various combinations I mentioned…

many thanks!

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Not just one – it really seems like he had a partner. I think Chris has been referring to him as Camo Shorts Guy. Camo Shorts Guy seems to have a similar badge to Bearded Volcom Shirt Guy. You can see them near each other at 18:26 in this video: Dropbox

Pretty early. At about 18:17:30 in this video, we see a guy do sort of a ninja move to open the door, and Bearded Volcom Shirt Guy is one of the people who goes in. Dropbox