So It's Back To First Principles

it is certainly possible that the 2013 DPMS A-15 that was allegedly used by the man who died on the roof was upgraded to shoot full auto such that it would have been easy to fire the 5 rounds…

from my point of view, the first 3 rounds were fired by a professional from the high AGR building at the AGR parking.

these 3 shots may have been the signal for the man on the roof of the lower building (I refrain from calling this man crooks, as there is no real certainty about this man’s identity) to fire 5 rounds.

we do not know how many cartridges were loaded in the magazine of the rifle recovered from the roof.

everybody seems to assume that it was fully loaded, but it can as easily have contained 5 cartridges such that the auto-fire would stop after 5 rounds…

someone on this forum pointed to a youtube video in which a normal semi-automatic AR-15 can be shot in near-full-auto mode by jittering the trigger finger like someone would do when playing computer games, but I do not think this is something that would have been realistic to assume in this context.

what happened in my view is the following:

  • the man who died on that roof had to be on that specific roof at the exact time 18:11:33
  • due to whatever delays, he was running late to be at that exact place on that roof, which made him run carelessly over the roofs (cf. the video captured by James Copenhaver)
  • he quickly assembled his stuff and crawled up to the location from which he was seen by the bystanders
  • then, at exactly 18:11:33, the real shooter shot the first 3 rounds with a suppressed sniper rifle or a suppressed hunting rifle
  • these 3 shots gave the “all clear” to the man on the roof to fire 5 rounds in full auto towards the rally area
  • as it happened, a SWAT officer was walking from the white tents in front of the barns behind Trump across the green, looking at AGR building 6
  • as soon as the first shots were fired, this SWAT officer took aim and shot at the man on top of AGR building 6. this happened immediately after the rapid-fire of 5. this shot injured the man on the roof
  • now there are two options:
  1. the bodycam footage shows that that SWAT officer looked through is scope right before shot 10 was fired. it may as well be that this SWAT officer also fired shot 10 and finished the man on the roof off
  2. somebody else fired shot 10

I do not believe that the 10th bullet was shot from a sniper rifle from any of the Hercules teams because the bullets from their suppressed rifles are much more devastating than what we have seen as pictures of the man who died on that roof.

in all commotion, the real shooter would have had no problems whatsoever to leave his position from the high building (behind the man who just died on the low roof), and even if someone would have noticed him, he could have easily gotten away with it with an excuse about checking something out at that side…


in this sound analysis discussion, Mike Bell mentions that there are two anomalies in the sound recordings: certain shots registered by RealDjStew and the witnesses under the trees are TOO EARLY compared to the other registrations.

I have not done the sound analyses myself so far, but I would not be surprised if these “too early” registrations would match the location of who I call the real shooter on the higher roof behind the low roof on which that man was killed…

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You assume the other shooter wasn’t able to see the decoy has arrived?

due to whatever delays, he was running late to be at that exact place on that roof, which made him run carelessly over the roofs (cf. the video captured by James Copenhaver

Trump said or implied that he himself brought up the immigration topic early:

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you are right!
he mentioned he was no longer following the teleprompter!

I will check the timing to see when he said that!

At 6:10 PM ET and 30 seconds, Trump asked his staff to deviate from protocol and show the chart on the screens.

This fits very well with the total false flag theory.

6:41:47 RSBN video

ic. by then, the man was already at the roof where he was shot dead…

the shooter from the higher roof had perfect outlook over the lower roof.

from my perspective, there is a reason why 11:33 is important…
1133 symbolizes success in certain beliefs.
it may look farfetched, but we should not underestimate the importance of symbology…

there was a very high wind speed. look at the flag above the podium when the bodycam officer was walking towards the stage…

if the wind had been less intense, Trump would have died with certainty…

I am in the process of plotting the ballistic paths from each window, vent, door and roof of the AGR building that faces the rally venue, including wind drift and vertical bullet drop.

I am excluding all the paths that do not make sense wrt the angle parallel to Trump’s temple-ear…

the analysis is still ongoing, but it is very promising, as it will rule out many (if not all) of the hoaxes that are pushed by “my friend”…

If this had been a real assassination, Trump would not have been able to rule out a second shooter and therefore would not have posed for campaign photos for 10 seconds.

There is no evidence that Trump’s ear was touched by a bullet. Trump could have published a photo of his ear cleaned of blood.

about the “other” shooter:
until early yesterday, I assumed there was only 1 shooter who had been shooting 2 guns:

  • a suppressed sniper or hunting rifle with supersonic ammunition to fire the 3 rounds at Trump
  • a fully automatic with 5 rounds in the magazine for the subsequent shots in rapid-fire.

Gary Menton from Paramount Tactical showed that it is possible to fire 6 shots with an AR-15 in the same timeframe as what we have heard, and someone on this forum pointed out a youtube video in which a “jitter finger” was used to rapid fire an AR-15, but I do not believe that “because it is possible” that it also really happened like that (a jitter finger is a term of gamers in which they tick a mouse button or keyboard key furiously fast, and that seems to work with an AR-15 too :slight_smile: )

since the bodycam with audio version was released of the SWAT officer who aimed at and shot the man on the roof, the odds are moving towards two shooters. not the two shooters in the order that the general public sees this, but two shooters as follows:

  • the real shooter is the one on the higher roof
  • the decoy (that has been eliminated by misdirecting everybody to the lower roof) was there to make the real shooter get away with it

so, now I leave the possibility open that the burst of 5 shots was fired from either the higher roof or the lower roof… I am waiting for the outcomes of my ballistic trajectories to let you know what was the outcome of the analysis…

only the witnesses near RealDjStew, the parking in front of the AGR building and the witnesses near the trees could have made the distinction between a shooter on the higher roof and on the lower roof.

both of these locations have direct line of ear to both the higher and the lower roof.

all the people in the direction of the rally area could never make the distinction between hearing or seeing someone shooting from one or the other roof, as the angle from these witnesses to the two roofs is very small (less than 1.5 degrees), which is barely distinguishable with the naked eye.

this is why it may well be that the explanation for Mike Bell’s “anomalies” in the registration timing by these two witnesses…

I do not deal in matters of opinion…

I try to focus on scenarios that can be underpinned with factual evidence…

whether Trump’s ear was grazed or not is not really to the point.
we know with certainty that

  • he has been shot at, that
  • he had a painful facial expression fractions of a second before he reached out to his ear, that
  • is a timing that is perfectly in line with the audio evidence of the first shot’s registration. This makes it extremely likely that there was a painful interaction between something that was not a mosquito and a part of his ear
  • he ducked down far faster than any of the crooks of the biden family would have been able to
  • that there was hardware damaged (the railing of the right bleachers showed a puffy cloud and the hydraulic fluid from the JCB lift started spraying after bullet 1, 2 or 3 was fired (I think it was bullet 1 that punctured the hydraulics, but that is open for debate)
  • and then there are the injured (David Dutch likely by bullet 1 or 2 and James Copenhaver likely by bullet 2 or 3)
  • and then there is de person who died (Corey Comperatore) by bullet 4-5-6-7 or 8 (likely bullet 6)
  • there was also a nephew of a Congressman who got injured, but I do not know where exactly that man was seated, but he is likely also a victim of the bullets 4-5-6-7 or 8

from all the analyses I have done, I can deduce that these victims were no hallucinations and that shots were fired towards Trump and that these came from the direction of the AGR site…

Dashcams in police cars have 3 audio channels (front, middle, rear).
Unfortunatelly they parked in way that no distinction can be made. It would be better ahead south. Then we could use those audio channels like human ears at both side of our heads.


I understand that you would not do that. But Trump?

A relative of mine was an army physician when the Germans beleagured Leningrad. A peculiarity of the German “Wehrmacht” was that physicians were placed together with the regular troops at the sharp end. He wasn’t exactly a very couragous person years later, but when I asked him if he also saved wounded Sowjet soldiers, his answer was “if we could do it”.

RSBN has a zoomed-in sequence of the scene when Trump left the stage here and here, with the latter in a quite good resolution. When you watch the sequence around 01:44, you can see a white reflection, which appears about three times in slightly different form. Since isolated cartilage appears whitish, and, to my knowledge, does not get wetted from blood, the images appear to be consistent with exposed chondral material.


But those first 3 rounds are not suppressed. We have good audio of both the crack and the boom (report) at microphones in the line of fire, and of the boom (report) itself, from microphones positioned elsewhere.

However, despite this seeming to me to be an incorrect detail in your otherwise, at first reading, quite interesting possible scenario, I am left wondering why you even assert that detail, as it seems to have no serious impact on your larger considerations. Why state something that doesn’t matter, much less why state such if it seems manifestly incorrect?

Clearly, I must have missed some, likely interesting, turn in your considerations.


P.S. – Perhaps I am showing my lack of expertise with guns. Perhaps by “suppressed” you mean in particular “muzzle flash” suppressed, while still allowing for a substantial “report” sound from the rifle.

Agreed. My various conjectured hypotheses have all assumed that by the time Trump stood back up, something, somehow, had actually injured that ear, actually tearing flesh and actually causing Trump to bleed noticeably.

Trump and those working this with him had to know that that wounded ear shot would be an image “seen 'round the world.” Hence, if at all possible, it had to be real, very real, right then.

Is that Crooks Hyundai Sonata in the street parked across from AGR???

13:48 in video.

I think someone said it’s an Elantra.

No, that’s an Elantra.

yes, the mentioning of the use of a suppressed rifle is an important detail…

these are the possibilities:

  • the rifle can be equipped with a suppressor or not
  • the bullets used can be supersonic or subsonic

this gives 4 combinations:

  • most typically, someone uses a non-suppressed rifle with supersonic ammunition.
  1. here you can see and hear the explosion at the muzzle;
  2. the sonic boom when the bullet flies by;
  3. the impact of the bullet
  • if the rifle is suppressed and uses subsonic ammunition,
  1. the sound and flash of the explosion is suppressed. this sound is not silenced, but suppressed (which is why it is a suppressor and not a silencer). Gary Melton from Paramount Tactics showed decibel readings around 77-80 db for a suppressed round measured next to the muzzle; the flash of the explosion is reduced to a fast dissolving cloud of smoke. if you watch a video where a suppressed rifle is fired you will see that cloud for 1-3 frames if you watch that video frame by frame. a normal person does not notice this, you only see it if you know what you are looking for and you are paying attention
  2. a subsonic bullet does not cause the sonic boom…
  3. the impact of the bullet can always be heard. if the target is hit and can still scream, the impact can be noticed easier than when the target is taken out immediately :slight_smile:
  • if the rifle is suppressed and fires supersonic ammunition, you will
  1. not see or hear the rifle firing the bullet
  2. you will still hear the bullet flying by
  3. you will still hear the target taking the impact
  • if the rifle is not suppressed but fires subsonic ammunition, you can
  1. see and hear the muzzle flash and the explosion
  2. you will not hear the sonic boom
  3. you will still hear the target taking the impact

so, what I think happened is that the shooter on the higher roof behind the lower roof fired the first 3 round with a suppressed sniper or hunting rifle using supersonic ammunition:

  1. the explosion of firing the gun is not visible or audibly noticeable at all from that distance
  2. the sonic boom can be heard when the bullet flies by
  3. the impact can be heard if the bullet hits a target

the 4 snipers behind Trump were using suppressed rifles, and I believe they were using subsonic ammunition. this makes their shots extremely hard to detect, as only the recoil of them firing the gun would give it away, and that is what we see in the videos.
I believe the snipers behind the left bleachers (closest to the AGR site) returned fire almost immediately when the first shots were fired, but as their view was obstructed by the tree in between, their bullets must have pruned the trees, or must have flown over the AGR buildings and have ended up somewhere in this orange cone:

suppressed only refers to whether you can hear and see the explosion at the barrel…

a subsonic bullet will not be associated with the sonic boom, and a supersonic bullet will…

you are mixing suppressed with subsonic or supersonic ammunition.
in the post I submitted a couple of minutes ago, I explain the 4 different possibilities:

  1. normal case: rifle is not suppressed, using supersonic ammunition: you see/hear the muzzle flash/explosion, you hear the sonic boom and you see/hear the impact of the bullet
  2. suppressed rifle using subsonic ammunition: you cannot easily see/hear the muzzle flash/explosion, and you do not hear the sonic boom, but you can still see/hear the impact of the bullet
  3. non-suppressed rifle using subsonic ammunition: you see/hear the muzzle flash/explosion, but you do not hear the sonic boom, and you still can see/hear the impact of the bullet
  4. suppressed rifle using supersonic ammunition: you cannot easily see/hear the muzzle flash/explosion, but you do hear the sonic boom and you can see/hear the impact of the bullet
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