Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

The difference is 1.2m, that is close to 1.4m of elevation corretion.

I put File Browser on Brian’s server.

if you slide the transparency of the roof photo up/down, you will see that it is well aligned to the roof lanes

the angles and viewpoints are quite delicate to assess position and elevations, which is where the kml file comes in handy for comparison…

I think I did explain accurately the elevation correction.

When you superimposed the photo on the roof the photo is in the wrong geolocation because the roof is the wrong geolocation.

Let me prove this:

If you look on the East side of the building you will see the side of the building. That means the satellite picture is not perfectly top down. But inclined from the East. Also, by definition the edge the wall is vertical so any point on South East edge must have the same geolocation only with different elevations. But in this satellite picture it is not.

These are the geolocations of those reference points:
B6_SE_roof: 586778.46; 4523517.22
B6_SE_ground: 586779.86; 4523517.22

So which one is the right one? I consider the soil position to be the correct one and the roof position to be the wrong one. The roof geolocation is dislocated to the West by 1.4m in my measurement. That means the geolocation of the roof on that edge must be corrected 1.4m to East.

Crooks elevation is 3.8m in my estimations, so the correction must increase in the same proportion that results in 1.75m correction to East.

Since the correction varies with the elevation the superimposed picture is not correct at all points in the roof also, because the roof is inclined.


I disabled the 3d building view in my google earth pro configuration now and removed the absolute heights of the ground overlays.
this has removed the image distortions of the overlay images.

basically, this means that the overlays are now a vertical projection of the surveyor plane’s view.

I am including your coordinates as-is in my trajectories plotting, so there should not be too much interference from the different angles and perspectives.

for the coordinates you use for the point “Crooks”, is that his head or would that be the muzzle.
if not, what would you suggest for the coordinates of the muzzle of crooks’ rifle, and would you put that at 3.8m from the ground too, or at another height?

That elevation is for Crooks roof elevation. I will diferenciate the gun muzzle position and elevation and Crooks head position.

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it may have been that crooks started shooting at a roof lane more to the side of the AGR parking than where he was found dead.
so, if you could differentiate the muzzle positions from the roof lanes you think are reasonable, I can include these…

I had that impression too but after my detail analysis I came to the conclusion Crooks was in lane 20 when he fired the first shot. Since he had an angle to aim towards the stage, the rifle muzzle was half way into lane 21.
This is a screenshot from the Dayve Stewert video, about 1sec befor he pulled the trigger.


Here is the final results with altitude and height.

The geolocation in degrees and altitude were obtained by this site conversion:
GPS Visualizer: Assign DEM elevation data to coordinates
The precision is 0.1m in altitude.

ref longitude E (m) longitude N (m) latitude (deg) longitude (deg) altitude (m) height (m) height method altitude + height (m)
RSBN_V3 586684.48 4523383.68 40.85692611 -79.97151665 407.4 2.850 pixel-degree conversion 1 fottage 410.250
NTD 586691.16 4523403.54 40.85710427 -79.97143464 408.1 2.850 pixel-degree conversion 1 fottage 410.950
C3P 586733.45 4523409.60 40.85715432 -79.97093211 407.7 1.500 guess 409.200
DRONE 586719.64 4523375.42 40.85684794 -79.97110066 406.9 119.000 drone study 525.900
Corey 586736.21 4523417.70 40.85722706 -79.97089814 407.8 1.800 guess 409.600
Source 5 586658.66 4523405.68 40.85712697 -79.97181986 408.6 1.500 guess 410.100
James_v3 586722.04 4523372.12 40.85681797 -79.9710727 406.9 3.500 pixel-degree conversion; altitude model SB 410.400
David_v3 586719.97 4523371.22 40.8568101 -79.97109734 406.9 3.000 pixel-degree conversion; altitude model SB 409.900
Trump_v2 586726.82 4523394.08 40.85701528 -79.9710129 407.4 2.957 6 stairs of 8.25’+ pixel-degree conversion 1 fottage 410.357
Trump_MIC 586726.64 4523394.28 40.85701706 -79.97101497 407.4 2.837 6 stairs of 8.25’+ pixel-degree conversion 1 fottage 410.237
South Bleacher lower 586722.47 4523376.15 40.85685428 -79.97106701 406.9 1.500 guess 408.400
TMX_v2 586740.37 4523498.02 40.85794999 -79.97083764 407.8 1.500 guess 409.300
Middle Bleacher NE 586744.48 4523394.30 40.85701539 -79.97080339 407.4 2.438 4 stairs of 8.25’ + guess 409.838
Dstew, bullet 1 586774.15 4523486.16 40.85783965 -79.97043855 407.1 0.894 pixel-degree conversion 1 fottage 407.994
Dstew, bullet 2 586775.89 4523486.19 40.85783967 -79.97041794 407 0.486 Dstew@1shoot - pixel-degree conversion 1 fottage 407.486
Dstew, bullet 3 586779.50 4523486.33 40.85784055 -79.97037502 406.9 0.500 guess upon fottage 407.400
Dstew, bullet 4to9 V2 586781.91 4523486.56 40.85784241 -79.9703464 406.8 0.300 guess upon fottage 407.100
Dstew, bullet 10 586775.11 4523488.07 40.85785673 -79.97042692 407 0.100 guess upon fottage 407.100
Dstew see Crooks 586772.23 4523486.67 40.85784445 -79.9704613 407.1 0.950 pixel-degree conversion 1 fottage 408.050
source4, bullet 1 586693.00 4523528.92 40.85823332 -79.9713953 408.3 1.400 guess upon fottage 409.700
source4, bullet 2 586691.84 4523529.60 40.85823957 -79.97140895 408.3 1.400 guess upon fottage 409.700
source4, bullet 3 586690.60 4523530.21 40.85824519 -79.97142359 408.3 1.400 guess upon fottage 409.700
source4, bullet 4 586683.23 4523537.98 40.85831595 -79.9715099 408.2 1.400 guess upon fottage 409.600
source4, bullet 9 586682.84 4523539.08 40.85832595 -79.97151437 408.2 1.400 guess upon fottage 409.600
source4, bullet 10 586683.83 4523544.57 40.85837024 -79.97151182 408 1.400 guess upon fottage 409.400
Ross_V2 586683.91 4523543.33 40.85836408 -79.97150106 408.1 1.460 pixel-degree conversion 1 fottage 409.560
Crooks_muzzle 586767.70 4523529.08 40.85822689 -79.97050914 407.041 4.080 pixel-degree conversion; altitude model B6 411.121
Crooks_head 586768.02 4523529.67 40.85823213 -79.97050518 407.041 4.050 pixel-degree conversion; altitude model B6 411.091
South barn snipper 2 586763.45 4523360.11 40.85670541 -79.97058311 406.9 7.466 pixel-degree conversion 2 fottages 414.366
South barn snipper 1 586762.39 4523360.54 40.85670938 -79.97059563 406.9 7.550 pixel-degree conversion 2 fottages 414.450
SWAT officer Shot 9 586761.86 4523426.72 40.85730557 -79.97059263 407.4 1.700 pixel-degree conversion 1 fottage 409.100
Cruizer 586793.39 4523525.12 40.85818848 -79.97020489 406.2 1.200 guess based upon cruize height 407.400

I found an error in Ross position, 0.4m. It’s corrected now.
The Crooks position (1st shoot) was corrected for his head and the muzzle.
Here is the positions zoomed and the line of sights.


I just dropped a matching kml file on Brian’s server: //

if you download it, together with the //, you can browse through the overview: