Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

Because the FBI’s actual job is to prevent anyone from finding out what really happened. It’s an inversion of original purpose typical of this era.


Using Reaper to get the crack-thump differences is a cool and smart way to do that. If you feel energetic, you might see if you can tighten up any of @greg_n’s numbers for his TDOA simulation.

Well, I must confess that I’m new to gunshot analysis, and I think I made an amateur’s mistake when it comes to shots 9 & 10. I assumed the cell phones by the AGR bldg. were hearing rifle reports for the counter-sniper shots. I’ve been doing some reading, and it seems more likely that they were hearing sonic cracks (from the bullets). With that in mind, we will need to use bullet velocity for those two shots, not speed of sound. I just didn’t notice the crack-then-boom like I did when listening to the podium mic at slow speed. But now that I listed to the DJ Stewert video again, I do hear something there after the initial sound. I just don’t know if its the report coming in or an echo of the crack. Could someone here with more knowledge on the topic tell me if Stewert’s phone (and the others) would be hearing sonic crack from the bullet? Even if that’s so, I think the approach I’ve been using for shots 1-8 is valid, since I am taking that into account for Trump’s mic, and the other sources are so close to the shooter that sonic crack & rifle report would be almost simultaneous.

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well I think I read somewhere the shot that took him out was from an AR-10 chambered in .308. so someone will have to find out what rifles Butler, PA SWAT sniper team uses, and what .308 ammo they carry, or something very comparable to it. Also what suppressor they were using, since that affects both sound and bullet velocity.

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I believe you if you say you read it somewhere, but I’d still be very skeptical. AFAIK, we don’t know who took the shot, with what weapon, what round, etc. As of now it is still a state secret.

right, but that’s all we got to off of since we know Secret Service didn’t shoot and we know what weapons they use. so if it’s local SWAT that took the shot, we need to know their rifles. best guess right now is an AR-10 chambered in .308. feel free to post another theory, different departments use different guns.

Could be. On DJ Stewart’s video, for shot 10, I believe the beggining of the wave is the crack, and then 0.17s after we can hear the thump, but I don’t have experience with supressors. And on shot 9, I can identify 3 peaks (initial peak, then 0.06 after first peak, then 0.23 after first peak.

Check out this video. They record the sound of some calibers at 50-100-200 meters, some supressed, some don’t. All subsonic.

I read/heard it was a supressed SR-25 in .308 or 7.62×51mm… it was on Mr. Guns and Gear channel, I believe


It has been reported that shot #9 was taken by a BC-ESU counter-assault team member. If so, the odds are it was a AR type rifle in 5…56mm NATO. There is a pic of 3 of them in a line right to left in Multi-Cam.


The mobile microphones that are closest in line with the kill shot (eg. Stewart Video) may have the best sign of snick and report of the counter sniper shots 9 and 10.

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sounds likely as it definitely was NOT the sniper rifle given the damage to the head (minimal not total destruction)

Although Brian is correct too. Its all hush hush right now.

The CSI folks STILL havent got to Butler County yet with the Van, the flags, the white coats, the gloves to take Scene Of Crime Photos like they do for a “In n Out Till Theft” …

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we know it wasn’t the Remington 700 the Secret Service snipers use…because they’ve told us SS snipers never fired a shot…

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Really? I would have said the official story is that a sniper on the southern barn (I forget whether this is Hercules 1 or 2) took the kill shot.

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even Chris said it in his videos

I personally think that the USSS didn’t fire the kill shot, and I think Chris thinks that or suspects it, but the official story on virtually all media is that the USSS killed Crooks (from the southern barn)


I ask you that you please stop trying to gaslight me when I can access information on HD video.

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I ask you again to apply the principle of charity. I am not trying to gaslight you. You seem to be misunderstanding the situation. This thing you’re showing me, I already agreed with it. Yes, that guy fired the 9th shot. Why do you think this means “the USSS never fired a shot”?

dude SS denied taking shots, ESU confirmed taking shots, so I believe that ESU snipers took shots 9 and 10, not SS. have you been following this story at all??

Well, I think one of us hasn’t. Could you link us to your best source for the SS denying taking a shot?

Edit: just checking my own memories, here’s the NY Times from a few days ago saying the SS took the kill shot.

Edit 2: @intolerance Hi, not trying to bug you, but I’d appreciate it if you’d answer this. Seems like a pretty important point we should agree about.

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Hey man, chill, we all agree with you. You just misinterpreted our reaction to when you said “because they’ve told us SS snipers never fired a shot…”. We read this “they” as the official story as seen on the media. And the official story is that Hercules took him out on the 10th shot, and that the 9th shot was the one that made Crooks move, as told by The Post’s reporting.

Mk 13 Sniper Rifle with Nightforce ATACR 7-35x56 Scope, that’s what Hercules had.

The math I got from shot 10 puts the shooter at a minimum of 93 meters ( 102 yards) away from DJ Stewart if that 10th shot was from 5.56 and about 100 meters (109 yards) if it was 300win mag or .308. But this math was a quick-n-dirty thing using 0.17 secs of crack-thump for the 10th shot… It relies on that being the exact time on the audio waveform. If it were 0.13 secs then it would 75-80 meters, for instance.


Hi everyone! I’m new here. I sorta skimmed through this thread and was wondering if anyone has analyzed the audio that were recorded from the police cruiser that pulled up to the #6 building? Also, there’s new video of the snipers on the south barn (body cam) from someone coming out just south of the south barn. Is it ok to post links here. Both videos are available. Thanks and sorry if this has already been posted.

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