Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

I’d like to understand this better. It was posted by one of the @inspectorclouseau @inspector-clouseau. This seems possible to me, but technically maybe it’s not.

First 3 had the muzzle hanging over the ridge crest and - importantly - touching the ridge crest with echoes resounding from INSIDE the building due to transfer of vibration onto the crest.

Shots 4-8 he pulled back quickly about 4 feet firing without mount and therefore wildly away from Trump. These shots echoed off the wall of the building BEHIND him. The difference of about 50 ft vs the interior “drum” of the building he used as a mount for 1-3.

We know he moved 4 ft back at some point since this is his death position. Sniper saw him in this more exposed standing or crouching position (had to be at least on a knee to clear the ridge crest).

This takes into account all the known facts: difference in sound, difference in echoes, casings on BOTH sides of ridge, and final position at kill shot. He certainly didn’t move after that!

Hi Syd3,

If you look to the oposite side of Steward, you can see the red barns.

I have made a very detailed document quite a long time ago:

I’m not sold on the echo data analysis.

I can find three independent studies that don’t back trace to the vent.

On the TMZ video, I can clearly see the casing being ejected from Crooks rifle (shot 1). It may be manipulated but it’s there.

I agree and there’s no logical reason for this unless it’s a cover-up or to lead the public down another dead-end

I’m going to try and run down what’s behind that vent. I have contacts at the Butler Eagle newspaper and another outlet in Butler. Perhaps they can find an AGR employee who can shed some light on it. It would be second or third-hand info but it would be something.

Hi howiknowthisinfo,

I actually wanted to save my time and not answer you, but I just couldn’t let this one slip away, since it is so hilarious:

The only useful information I got from you, which was actually the only information I integrated into my study, was the 0.572 ft drop. Now you are debunking your own information?

I will call you Houdini if you get out of this one….


Then what do you believe in?

  1. the Secret Service was simply incompetent. It was all just a coincidence.

  2. LIHOP: Crooks didn’t know that he was being helped. Even though he had an IQ of over 130, he was stupid enough to think he could walk across 4 roofs, then lie on a roof for 2 minutes and Trump would still be on stage.

  3. LIHOP: Crooks knew the Secret Service was helping him.
    Would the Deep State really have entrusted such an assassination to a 20-year-old amateur?

Prove it, 3 frames in a row
I took a good look at it. There are no recognizable casings.

Why hasn’t the bodycam video of the person who was first at Crook’s body been released yet?

That could have happened a month ago.

They should also look for this guy and his video.

Chris, It’s true that if the velocity of one of the shots was significantly different, it would change the origin along the trajectory line. I did run the numbers for the wall vent. To achieve the crack-boom times recorded by the podium mic of 221, 217 & 212 ms for shots 1-3, a rifle firing from that closer position would have needed to have bullet velocities at the podium of 3260, 3150 and 3030 fps. To achieve such velocities at 140 yds, the muzzle velocity would need be over 3500 fps. That is a very high number, so I’d say it’s highly unlikely.

I think there are at least two things that are causing the echo variations.

  1. Immediately after shot 3, Trump was rapidly on his way to the floor. I think the shooter lost sight of him and had to rise up a bit from the roofline to try to reacquire.
  2. For the recorders close to the shooter, the boom and crack sounds are very close together, so there will be waveform interference as the two sounds mix. For example, for the Source 2 recorder, the boom follows the crack by only 31 ms. For Source 6, the number is 37 ms.

I have not looked into the echo analysis at all myself, but I imagine that the intermixing of the crack and boom echos is going to make a very complex waveform.

You’re welcome, and I really appreciate all the effort you’re putting into leading these citizen’s investigations.

Greg N.


@vt1 here is the information you requested.
Gunshot data for TDOA analysis, Rev B.pdf (243.5 KB)

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You wont be able to find smoke and casings on this video because the first shot is just behind the guy in front of the camera. Just watch the video with sound and you will understand what I mean.

Here is my post on this topic:


I cut out the part up to the last frame before Crooks is obscured in a video editing program and then watched it.

You can clearly hear the shot before Crooks is obscured.

I looked into it more and I’m fairly confident it’s actually Stewert himself. He had a red shirt and black shorts on that day. The top portion of the window is red when he is standing, and I think his legs can be seen on the bottom part of the window. When he goes to crouch position the window turns fully red, that’s his shirt. It still looks like there is a magnification effect on the window, it’s doesn’t look completely natural to me.

I agree, maybe the last frame before the guy gets in front of the camara. But you can see seconds before he is moving his riffle, this to me indicates that he is still aiming and not ready to shoot…

@howdoiknowthisinfo while updating my location data to incorporate the elevation info that you carefully mapped out, I noticed that there was a significant difference between your location for the podium and mine.
mine : 586730.00 m E, 4523399.00 m N
yours: 586728.04 m E, 4523390.94 m N

As I looked into this discrepancy, I found what looks to me like a positioning error for the bleacher layout. Please look at this PDF file and flip back and forth between the two pages.

Layout Compared to Spa Guy.pdf (381.0 KB)

Notice the two dirt patches near the back left corner of the rear bleachers. The right dirt patch shows where a utility pole was located in 2023 but was subsequently relocated closer to the South Barn. Your layout shows the corner of the bleachers just to the right of the Right dirt patch, but when you look at Spy Guy’s drone shot, it looks like the imprint left by the bleachers places that corner on the Left dirt patch. If this observation is correct, it’s a 6 m error.

ref: Spy Guy Drone Footage

@daniloraf posted this link previously and on my desktop going frame by frame, I can see the casing being ejected. I’m not saying it’s not doctored, but it’s there.


I can’t take that seriously.

If you want to rule out artifacts, you can only do that with frame per frame analysis.

With most video players, you can play frame by frame using the “,” and “.” keys. First you have to pause. Why don’t you try that? It even works with youtube.

Take screenshots of 3 consecutive frames. The casing should be visible on the second one. Circle it and upload it here.

You will see that the exact spot that appears as the casing in the second screenshot also stands out from the background in terms of brightness in the first screenshot. This effect is greater in the second screenshot, which is why it appears to be a casing.

The camera is moving all the time and the leaves of the tree in the background are certainly also moving due to the wind.

@cmartenson @dmonk
Have you seen the Clay Higgins report and the claim that a bullet hit the gunman’s rifle stock (term?) and caused damage, also “fragmenting into his face/neck & shoulder”…
How is a guy at slightly elevated Far-Lawn position, in between, going to see over the roof-ridge and drop a shot to hit the body of the gun behind the ridge… The officers at the Front-Lawn couldn’t see much, if any, of the gunman or weapon
Their story is not believable…
It would be helpful to show DMonk’s drawing with an added frame to show this impossible angle/shot…
Can an image be shared with Higgins and linked to this podcast?


Do you think that’s a casing?

Brilliant work Greg!

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I just checked it out a little closer.

a 55gr .223 bullet fired under low wind conditions (5 mph, where the actual conditions during the rally were high wind conditions around 7 mph, so 5 mph is in favour of the hypothesis) develops a muzzle velocity of 3240 fps. a full metal jacket has a ballistic coefficient of .27

the distance from the vent to Trump is 138 yards and to the distant corner of the right bleachers is 161 yards (distances rounded up to the closes yard).

if the rifle is zeroed at 100 yards (which is not unreasonable), the bullet would start its downward trajectory at 100 yards.

the bullet drop at 140 yards would have been 0.38 inches = 0.96 cm = 0.03166666 ft.

as Trump’s ear did not suffer a real bullet impact, it is reasonable to assume that the deflection of the bullet due to grazing his ear is minimal.

the bullet interaction with the bleachers is at a distance of about 161. the trajectory tool shows that at 160 yards, the bullet drop would have been 0.79 inches = 2.0066 cm = 0.06583333 ft.

this means that the bullet drop in roger’s model of 0.572 ft = 6.864 inches over a distance of the 20 yards between Trump and the bleachers’ corner can NOT be associated with an AR-15 style rifle using .223 55 gr bullets…

other types of rifles and bullets will not make much difference…

I cannot agree more: it is what it is…

I know very well that all these models and parameters and input variables and estimates are to be considered with a serious mountain of salt, but these values are so far from any plausible possibility that it is really very improbable that shots were fired from any of these vents in AGR building 6…

I have no data for assertion #3.

My best audio ‘squinting’ hears the hydraulic puncture during the string of five rapid shots.

But I’m not really sure.

Further, since bullet #1 turns into a dust cloud on the railing, I am hard-pressed to see how it could have also still ruptured a hydraulic line.


it depends on the distance at which the rifle is zeroed and the ballistic coefficient.

as @bumblebeeez mentioned, it all depends on the parameters…

if you ask whether 6 inch would be possible as the bullet drop over 160 yards, well, yes, with the parameters mentioned in the legend of the image you pasted, 6 inch drop is possible…

but that is the total drop from the shooter’s elevation to the 160 yards and NOT the drop over 20 yards, which is the distance between Trump’s ear height according to your scheme and the bleachers’ railing…

I do not see what the issue would be, as it is clear that it is IMPOSSIBLE for such a bullet to drop 6 inches between Trump and the bleachers’ railing…

you should really learn some basic ballistics before you start arguing.