Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

I do not have the videos handy, but

  1. there is a technique called “jitter finger” with which you hit the trigger rapidly. the jitter finger technique originates from the computer gaming world where people hit a keyboard key or mouse button like crazy, and this technique shoots easily 5 shots in that time frame.

  2. Gary Melton from Paramount Tactical also showed that he can shoot 6 rounds with an AR-15 in the same time frame.

  3. another possibility would be if the rifle had been changed such that it would shoot in full auto.

  4. there is also a crazy trigger extension you can install to turn almost any gun into a gatling machine gun:
    as this sort of extension was not reported before, it is extremely unlikely that this sort of gatling trigger extension has been used by crooks to shoot 5 shots in 1 second :slight_smile:
    the gatling trigger extension fires 2 rounds for every rotation…

so, these are the 4 possibilities I know of to shoot that fast :slight_smile:

note, however, that the rapid fire stopped after 5 shots, and the 9th shot came only 1 second after the last shot of 5.
I think the rifle had been modified to shoot full auto and that the clip only contained 5 rounds because it requires serious training to use the jitter finger technique or do it like Gary Melton showed…

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The 10 ms phase shift would have made sense if the distance between mic 1 and mic 3 was about 3.3 m and if the order was front, middle, rear. In that case you would not even need to compute a TDOA in order to know that the source of the gunshots had been located in front of this car, i.e. AGR bldg. 6.

But as I already explained here, my confidence in the chain of custody of the video- and audio sources as collected in Chris’ dropbox is quite low, especially when seen in the context of a highly political attempt to murder a former and highly likely next president. Your source “Ross, get over here” (which is source 3) is clearly manipulated by an unknown person but used here without restraint to analyse and discuss a wide range of questions.

The same goes with the Dave Stewart film which is source 6 according to Chris’ nomenclature, since Dave’s cell phone was confiscated and released by the FBI only after three days.

And then the public gets presented a fitting dashcam video by the Butler police together with another one, where the audio streams of the bodycam of the very driver of this car were mostly overwritten with noise just within the most critical and most interesting timespan.

Hence I simply do wonder about your good faith, which outside of a criminal context of this magnitude is certainly a likeable trait.

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yes, my confidence level in these sound analyses in general is rather low too due to the very uncertain nature of the various analysis techniques and the many variables they depend on, but that does not imply that the registered sound should not be analysed, as it may add weight to the overall confidence level of the audio/video recording: if the audio has been tampered with, it is more likely that the video has been tampered with too…

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No one’s shooting from that roof, @howdoiknowthisinfo. I know it lines up but you have to trust me. Lol!!

I could’ve made the shot under those conditions and the other two trained snipers that shot back both hit their target, and one was shooting offhand. Crooks missed because he ran across the roofs, people were screaming at him, the roof was scorching hot, and his adrenaline was most likely maxed out. A trained sniper shooting from any other location at the AGR building would not be suffering any of those conditions and would’ve made the shot. Even if they missed the first shot, they would’ve compensated on the second shot because there was time and they had a clear indication the shot went left based upon Trump’s reaction.


I believe it’s legit, but every piece of video viewed on this site has been scrubbed and then released. How do we pick and choose which ones we believe? The ones that most fit our narrative?

Gary melton agrees with you

Also Vincent Oshana

I remember some other professional snipers who were of the same opinion, but I don’t remember where exactly they made this statement.

But since I think that the Deep State would not trust a 20 year old amateur for such an assassination, I think the kayfabe theory is the most likely.

We have a different opinion on this point.

I can’t take you seriously… you’re sitll here in denial annoying everyone? From what you write, it’s clear as day that you’re not a rifle shooter. You wouldn’t be saying all this nonsense if you had experience with a rifle (and I’m not talking about you going to Vegas and shoot a magazine out of fun type of stuff). It’s just pointless to argue with you, you do not have the required level of knowledge for this particular playground. “First you have to pause”. where did you get that from? Online Manual for DemocratHeroes Without a Clue? And from a shitty video? Get the better-res video from the source, at least… “Artifact”… It would be laughable, but now you’re just annoying and stupid.

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To compare frames to see if alleged casings move, you don’t need to have shooting experience.

the video must first be paused so that you can then fast forward and rewind frame by frame using the ‘,’ and ‘.’ keys.

Most video players work like this.


Have you looked at shot 9 as recorded by the Cruiser? I see a similar time shift between the three channels for that shot. Why would a shot from the side have similar delay characteristics as those fired from the front of the cruiser?

Is it:

  1. Solid evidence that the video has been doctored to deceive us all?
  2. An effect that we are having some trouble understanding?

For me, #2 makes the most sense. I think if I was going to go about the complicated and tedious process to edit a video like that, I would not have been so “sloppy”. I would have made the shots from the front have the delay you were looking for, and then I would have made the shots from the side of the vehicle coincide time-wise. What would you have done?

Have you looked at the radio traffic that was clearly picked up on the front row mic and also audible on the other two? I haven’t, but I’m guessing that if you take the time to do that, you will see the same channel delay there.

It would have been fantastic if Chris has been able to contact the phone owners and obtain the original MP4 files directly from them instead of going through TMZ, etc. But in the case of the TMZ video, I’m sure that person signed a contract ($$$) with TMZ that would have prohibited them from giving it to Chris. So, we were stuck with what we got.

I came to this forum a week or so after the shooting, so I was a little late getting started. I’m not sure what you’re referring to. I’m trying to keep an open mind. Would you please point me toward forum posts or a published analysis that demonstrates that Source 3 was doctored?

True. But what you are suspecting, if I understand you correctly, is that the deep state got custody of these devices and/or the MP4 files from them, manipulated the audio tracks on them to conform to a particular narrative (one shooter, shots 9 & 10 from the grass and South Barn) and then released them to the public. Do you realize how much credit you are giving to the deep state? Consider this scenario. Let’s say that you, @pk2019, wanted to deceive us all here on the PP forum. Even if you spent a week working on it, could you manipulate the five sources in such a way as to make shots 5-8 to appear to come from the second floor window? Think about how much skill it would take to do that. In my mind, if the deep state really has that much capability, we are all seriously screwed.

The YouTube link that I had for the Cruiser officer’s body cam is now “broken”. It says, “sorry that video has been made private.” I guess I should have recorded it when it was public. Would someone please provide a Dropbox link so that I can download an MP4, or point me to a YouTube/Rumble link that works?

I began my TDOA project because I wanted to know where shots 9 & 10 came from, and was wondering why they weren’t telling us. Until I started reading this forum, I did not seriously consider that shots 1-8 could have come from any other location than the roof shooter. I understand why many are suspicious, but nothing I have seen leads me in that direction. Yes, I accept the published videos as is. If they have been doctored, then I’ve been fooled. As you should have been able to discern by my first YouTube video (where I incorrectly determined the location of Shot 10), I was kind of hoping to uncover some dramatic information. In the end, I ended up confirming the currently accepted common narrative. I understand that is a very boring outcome, but I’m not just going to make stuff up. So, no YouTube monetization for me, I guess!


Clearly ones does, because your pitiful ass is not seeing it. LOL… stop using frames, whatch it in motion from the original source and not that ridiculous altered video on the dropbox…

I agree 100%

Agreed. That TMZ video on the Peak Prosperity dropbox has been altered from the original, it has a reduced resolution than the version you can find on TMZ website I keep telling people to watch. It’s the video that Chris, Roger and now Daniel keep using say ‘no recoil’, all finding magical ‘artifacts’… come on… Even Chris didn’t show that to keep the ball going for audience… no recoil my ass… you can see the case and the recoil, wtf people… wake up, that dropbox video is the one that has been altered… by who? Chris or Roger, probably…

Here, Mr. Magical Artifact… set it to the highet resolution, then reload the page… that tmz player sucks… sometimes it loads on a lower res, than at high… even the . and , thing doesn’t work… set it to full screen on the desktop and watch it hi-res… just after the camera zooms in on crooks…


I’ve learned a lot from this forum in recent weeks, but Daniel, I think this tip about the “,” and “.” keys may be the thing that benefits me the most 5+ years from now. You make it sound like a common-knowledge thing, but I had no clue about that feature, and it really works well. So, thank you, sir!


Yes, the tip about the’,’ & ‘.’ keys was new to me. Just as I learned resently that the left/right arrow keys moves the video in 5 second units. And those work on MacOS and a Mac keyboard, too. Not all keyboard shortcuts transfer between Win/ Mac keyboards.

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I see it the same as you @daniloraf.

It’s also much clearer than the second shooter’s casing and recoil. :smiley:

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no I prefer the ones that are corroborated by the most angles and recordings and which have been made available online as close to the event as possible.

the RealDjStew footage has, e.g., a lower trustworthiness score in my world than the live broadcast we have seen on the day itself because the fast buriers of information have had 3 days during which they may have altered some or many frames and audio tracks…
I still have to see the first drone sighting from a phone recording which has not been “analysed” by the fast buriers of information…

so, the older the footage, the more I like it.

and indeed: I doubt it very much as well that we will ever find any footage that shows someone climbing up/down that high roof :slight_smile:

but what I find very funny/remarkable is that the crooks sightings on top of that roof right before het got shot all started to appear when the bodycam footage with the 9th shot was released…

before that time, nobody (including myself) seems to have seen crooks on that roof and above the ridge, and now it seems that he peeped easily 1-1.5 ft above that ridge line…

Almost any decent math environment like matlab and so on provide correlation functions. There you wouldn’t need to fumble with csv but work directly on raw data. In R the autocorrelation function is called acf(.), here is an example. R is freely available; apart from versions for diverse Unices and Mac there is also a version for Windows here.

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The TMC videos are downloadable e.g. by yt-dlp (but there are many others) if you provide the specific video address. So start the video, click the share symbol and copy its URL. Then watch it locally by any decent video player.

This was even the first thing I noticed in a Fox-News version I downloaded before Matthew Pearson’s dropbox became known. Therein, the 9th shot was masked by a beep …

I’m with 2. Nine days ago I wrote this now appears to me like a systematic error in the video surveillance system, because undercarriage noise shows the same effect (and structure born sound is extremly fast in steel).

He could at least have referenced the videos in a form commonly accepted for a dissertation, and he wrote at least one. And for some obvious reasons he could also have added a checksum to each particular file.

This one, although in form of a question to @kimtomg, and my followup comment. Not exactly a deep analysis as you requested, but very obvious if you look at its filename and watch the video itself: Try to present something like that in court …

I feel honored … Yet I really don’t now what that entity called “Deep State” is or could be; maybe it is rather shallow instead, like the Baltic Sea. However, if you want to make me believe that JFK simply slipped on a banana peal, I’m all ears.

I think it’s this one, within the dropbox of Matthew Pearson, who is a Butler city police officer.


Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. I want to provide you with actual snick-boom times for DJStew (These are just seconds in the table below, I dropped the minutes from the video). The cacophony you hear for each shot is all high frequency stuff which we can assume starts when the bullet shock wave arrives. I applied a filter to unmask the lower frequency stuff–here is an example around one of the shots, top is unfiltered, bottom has everything above 1 kHz whacked hard:

Anyway, I think the booms are visible here–this is what I have measured in my spreadsheet for all ten shots, based on the first channel:

I haven’t had time to do this for any other sources that can hear the bullet. As you can see, these snick-boom times walk down from 28 ms on shot 1 to a steady 15 ms at the end.


OK, wait, let’s not get excited here….

We have been discussing this first shot many times and at one time, somebody referred to a X link of this video, which showed the short sequence of Crooks on the roof without sound.

I did indeed take that short video sequence from X and copied each frame of the video. Then with photo shop you can make an animated gif with automatic alignment. So, yes, the animated gif is not the original video from TMZ. But it is much easier to see what is going on with the stablized versoin. There we can see that Crooks is still moving his riffle indicating that he is still aiming and not ready to shoot.


However it is true, we shold be using the original video which is this one:

But I don’t quite understand what the issue is here. Is somebody claiming to see smoke and empty casings in this video? Because if you listen to the first shot, it is the last frame just before the guy goes in front of the camera. So, the only possibility to see anything would be in the screenshot below? Does everybody agree with my analysis?

By the way, I am suspicious about something now, of which I will get back to you later… In the meantime everybody can study the original video and draw your own conclusion. Thanks to the downloaded version everybody can pause the video and with the , and . button you can watch it frame by frame, something I learned in this forum!