Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

I have not seen that video. I have seen some similar images where the shooter points his gun towards the crowd on the west side, but they look fake and distorted with the scale out of sync. If you have a link to that video, I am always ready for more humble pie. Tough to swallow, no pain, no gain.

In trying to resolve the 530 feet calculation between the shooter and TMZ Ross camera, is there some kind of large scale information war going on? Already a lot of dead links from the early days of this event. When I first saw that Ross video, from around that area, there was one lady screaming out ā€˜Crooks, what are you doing?ā€™. That version did not stick around along as it soon became ā€˜Rossā€™ getting screamed out. Inconvenient for the lone shooter theory if someone else there knew him.

Been a lot of things not fully adding up along the way. This will always be a problem when a lot of deception is thrown in. The lies will get some pieces to fit at times, but as it diverts from reality there will also be other gaps that cannot be resolved.

It would be nice to put this mystery behind me. Knowing what the government is capable of, not there yet.

OK guys, not sure, but this one could make the case:

We are all arguing the about the two hypotheses, one being that Crooks shoots all 8 shots or hypotheses 2: a second shooter shoots bullet 1-3 and Crooks shoots 4-8.

All we really need is to have a clear video of Crooks shooting the first 3 shots, thatā€™s all. There would be no more discussions. Why donā€™t we have this video? Well, the TMZ video would be the closest ever to clearly see Crooks shoot all three shots from the roof. You would clearly see the casings ejecting, smoke coming out of the rifle and the recoil. The case would be clear: Crooks shoots all 8 shots, no discussions.

Well, the question we should be asking is why donā€™t we see all three shots? The worst of the worst thing happened, namely very very unfortunately a guy is in the way blocking off the view of the most important 3 seconds in this entire case. What a very unfortunate thing to happen. See the screen shot of the guyā€™s head below, which blocks off shot 2 and 3.

Well, Iā€™m not quite sure, (but I am sure this forum will be of help to find out). What if we could prove that there was no guy (as seen in the TMZ video) in front of the camara when the second and third shot was fired?

There is the second video taken from that spot which films the filmer! It is clear to see that nobody is in front of the guy making the TMZ video during the first 3 shots. Only a black and red chair are in front of him and nobody in sight during the shots. Why do we see a guyā€™s head in the TMZ video blocking off shots 2 and 3?

Please help me evaluate this finding and if this turns out to be true, then the case is closed.

or see x: J6Videos/status/1816551093800726894


The video of the man with the red baseball cap has not yet been published.

The man who filmed the TMZ video is standing on the other side of the tree. There is a third man filming between him and the tree. The woman (yellow circle) unfortunately bumps into the TMZ filmer. On the right is the man with the black baseball cap, whose cap can be seen briefly at the bottom left of the TMZ video.

More than a dozen bodycam videos have been released so far. But that of the security forces, who were the first to reach Crooksā€™ body and would therefore have had the opportunity to place shell casings there, is still being withheld.

That might be enough to prove that Crooks really fired 8 shots.

We need his video. The fact that he is standing outside the security zone indicates that he did not travel far, but probably decided to go there at short notice.

Dave Stewart might be able to find out if he was a local.

But perhaps he has already sold the video and signed a non-disclosure agreement.

That is the Piper Grimley Video. He has published it here in high resolution:


I donā€™t know if the video is from this man in the white shirt and red hat but assuming it is, he is facing directly at the AGR #6, and between him and the building is a person in a black shirt who appears to move into his video frame.

Note they are both in the same near side proximity of the tree, and the video shows the black shirt person move to the right, which is from right to left on his video. And as you note itā€™s at the worst possible time and blocks critical information that would help solve this case. Unreal bad luck.

Iā€™m optimistic there must be someone else with a better video, I think Iā€™ve seen a few people who were recording the event from this area but those have not yet surfaced.

OK I will look.

OK, I found it and yes indeed, this version of the video has a cartridge being ejected. But I see very litlle movement in his shoulder, head, hair or gun. Butā€¦I do see some, however it is at the similar to the shakiness of the overall video image. Could be.

Looking at the last frame before the shot, the lady in the blue shorts is way out of the way. Her face would not be according to the TMZ video. The guy in the video is facing Crooks and is right in front of the camera.

afterwards the guy making this video runs behind the guy from the TMZ video. You can see the angle from where he is making this video.

You probably mean the guy circled in green.

The link is bad because you have a space in the ā€œwwwā€.

The video is now age restricted.
Interestingly, the author of this video, Piper-Grimley, says in the comments that what is being shouted is ā€œRussā€ and refers to an old man there:



2 weeks ago

Ok you were close to the lady screaming. Was it Ross or Crooks she was yelling for? If Ross was it a so. Or husband?

2 weeks ago

Russ is the guy in the red shirt standing out in the open in front of the tree. Russ is old and didnā€™t give to shits. He didnā€™t even flinch. He just stood out there like a boss. I was going to have a shirt made with him on it.

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The more we dig the more Iā€™m convinced Crooks fired all 8 rounds.

I think he has the receiver of the rifle almost on the peak of the roof. There are 40 ridges along the west side of the building from edge to peak. I circled the exposed tree in the distance for future reference and the light beyond Crooks looks to be to his left, but in actuality is almost in line with his head down the center of the roof peak.

The light is dead center on the roof peak.

thumbnail_IMG_2954 (Small)

The zoomed-in image of Crooks shows the same exposed tree with 17 of the west side ridges to the right of him and 23 to the left. I think this puts him right to the roof peak.

This is his position on the roof.

position (Small)

If you watch the casing ejecting from the @kwaka video this is how the first three casings end up on the south side of the buildings peak.

Crooks then sets up or rises to his knees and fires the five quick shots which puts those five casings on the north side of the roof peak. It also exposes him to the ground sniper who hits him in the right hand or arm (and possibly the gun stock as weā€™ve been told). This is why his right arm and hand are bloody.

arm shot (Small)

This confuses Crooks, hurts him, disorients him, or he realizes this isnā€™t part of the plan, and he turns to the west and takes the final shot to the head.


Here is the link in the web archive to the page on July 13th at 8:34pm:

The video plays but the resolution is nothing like what is shown in the newer one.

And here is a link to all the backups of that page: Wayback Machine


canā€™t be that guy circled in green, our suspect is filming with his cell phone
in his left handā€¦

Then the TMZ guy was probably standing behind the tree and the back of the head belongs to the guy circled in red standing next to the tree.

There are more and more videos that have not yet been published.

Not seeing anybody that comes close to the dude in the video, frankly speaking, the probability of haven placed that guy in the most important 3 seconds, would point more to edited video than anything else.


Thatā€™s the guy circled in red next to the tree from behind.


Always be minfdul of the one holding the keys to the playgroundā€¦

Itā€™s also the reason why Iā€™m interested in that HighRoof. You mention AGR buildings being too exposed, and I agree. HighRoof however is just 260 yards from Podium and more concealed than the rooftop Crooks died onā€¦ Why didnā€™t Crooks use that spot? I believe Crooks fired the first shot (the whole case ejection video discussion), but WHY DIDNā€™T he go for that HighRoof? Why pick an even more exposed place? :thinking:

Ah, but is the HighRoof the simplest of suggestions? The simpler one is Crooks going to where he died (okā€¦the man that died on the roof) and just opened fire.

Yeah, I think I know where youā€™re going with thisā€¦

ā€œOnce is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy actionā€
ā€• Ian Fleming

100% agree. There is one thing I was thinking about yesterday. On the KML files weā€™ve been working on, yours and the one Iā€™ve have, the ground photo we use doesnā€™t show 2 things that caught my attention. The entire yellow crane with speakers close to the north bleachers and that big red truck north-northeast of the podium (the only that our Greg N first placed the 9th shot ESU sniper. WHAT IS THAT BIG TALL RED TRUCK-FARMING MACHINE DOING THERE? Looks like a farming machine, I believe. Why put that big farming machine there? To do what? I believe it could have been placed there as a barricade. That red truck placement appears to essentially block the podium from the smaller AGR parking lot, the area behind it, and also from the corner where SniperGreg was located. We would need the height of that machine to check this whole thing, of course. Not to mention the elevations (again the elevations).

Spot onā€¦ :beers:

Not even after seeing the case ejection on shot 1? and to be fair, we still havenā€™t finalized that whole elevation and bullet drop discussion for HighRoofā€¦ Have you gotten better elevations after that excel approach I sent you?

Here you go :beers:

One thing I got from this sighting is that gait. That struck me as the gait of a determined, confident person with a plan and a place to be. Chest out, arms back, head up. That is not the gait of fear and doubt.

:rofl: great reference name.

Ahemā€¦ I did pointed out elevation concerns with bullet dropā€¦ considering shot #1 grazed trump and hit the rail, your original kml that the bleachers at a higher elevation than the podiumā€¦ the bullet wouldnā€™t fly up againā€¦ so we have to check those elevations. I believe I read last week some of Rogerā€™s new elevations and he had changed them to place the ear and the rail at the same height, something to that effectā€¦ So essentially, without everyone agreeing on these elevations and that rail hit and shot1 are the same (and we have no reason to think otherwise so far, I believe), weā€™re not going to get anywhere conclusive. Elevations are needed to compare them to the bullet drop. If from HighRoof you place that south bleacher hit above trumpā€™s head, then HighRoof firing shot 1 would be a no-go.

Ok, Iā€™ll be fair to your kayfabe theory, but you will have to be fair to how wild other assumptions would have to have taken place for this kayfabe thing to be true, instead of just cherry picking the part of my explanation that fits your hate for a particular candidate. What you call ā€œmade by handā€ is what is called Reloading. Iā€™ll be going through this considering evidence we ACTUALLY have and then adjusting this to your kayfabe theory. We have video of Crooks on the roof firing the first shot and a case is being ejected. Your theory of trump not being in danger would assume one or a combination of these things:

Trump has a sachet of blood in his hands and is in on it.
Crooks would have to know about it, and was a willing participant.
Crooks fired at least the first shot using a blank round (not as loud, but does cycle the weapon and a case is ejected. There is no projectile that leaves the muzzle at supersonic velocity). It is not lethal at all lethal at that distance, and Trump was not in danger. Crooks then turns his weapon to the crowd and fires 5 live rounds this time killing one person. And then dies happy to have helped his candidate get some sympathy votes.

Problem is, is that we see and hear the effects of those first 3 shots. Bullet one misses Trump and hits a rail on the south bleachers, blowing dust all over the place. So you would need hollywood pratical effects on that rail to create the illusion of a hit, setting up booby traps right under the nose of the participats. Same for shot 2 somewhere, but we donā€™t have evidence of where it hit. You would also need to set this up on the craneā€™s hydraulic line for shot 3, since he can see the liquid spraying all over the place after it is hit (on one of the bleachers video we can even hear the swoosh of the leaking hydraulic line). Oh, since we can hear the crack-thump effect of bullets breaking the sound barrier on trumpā€™s microphone for shots 1-2-3 (and all others, really), then we would have to either simulate those sounds in real time in front of thousandā€™s of people with a pre-recorded track or just make sure something else crosses the sound barrier close to trumpā€™s micā€¦so we either have to call little green men or hans zimmer for this to occur, Iā€™ll leave that one up to you. Oh ohā€¦ OR we could have an elusive professional 2nd shooter or machine firing real bullets at the overall direction, safeguarding Trump and giving us the sound we need, but it would have to be exactly at the same time that Crooks fires his rifle, so we need AI, the israelis and an aluminum hat. Now say it after meā€¦ itā€™s Comma-La in LaLaLandā€¦the land of special effects. All of that being said, why did Crooks, who apparently planned all of this days in advance, decides to buy ammo on the day of? The guy planned everything but OH HEY I forgot the ammoā€¦ Did he maybe was in on it for the fake attempt, but then decided he was going to do it for real? That would technically be a real attempt.

This must be very interesting. :beers:

I thought they were flashlights after, on the dashcam video, just before and after the shots we can see lights turn on and off on the front entrance to that buildingā€¦ My initial thought was that someone inside the building was turning lights also inside the building on or off and the lights on the outside by the doors were on the same circuit, switch pannel, got slapped along the others, etcā€¦ but someone else mentioned that for all of the dashcam video duration those outside lights are turning on and offā€¦ i didnā€™t check, butā€¦ I mentioned it to Roger about a week or two agoā€¦

On a bleachers video where we can see the dust from the rail on shot 1, we can only hear the swoosh of JCB line leaking after shot 3ā€¦ keep that in mindā€¦

You guys need to sit at a bar and talk about your elevationsā€¦ maybe Zoom?

I donā€™t believe bullet 1 hit jcbā€¦ Iā€™d say 2 or 3 given the swoosh sound of the line leaking.

This is very sadā€¦

There is evidence. The shell is there. Watch it in motion, not frames. Light is faster than sound. Youā€™re smart, no need to elaborate more.

that is exactly right!

that big red thing and the JCB hydraulic lift at the AGR side are there to block the direct line of sight from the vents and lower windowsā€¦

I am finetuning my new kml version. release is expected wednesday eveningā€¦

normally, the organizers of such events put high devices or machines at strategic places to hinder direct lines of sight, but in this rally, almost every thing was aligned such that the two roofs had a clear line of sight.

yesterday bumblebee showed a picture where the red thing and the yellow JCB lift are shown, and Trump is not to be seen whatsoeverā€¦
through the greenish window of the JCB liftā€™s cabine, you can see the yello JCB lift beam at the opposite side, but no Trumpā€¦

BumbleBee used that image to claim that the vents would have had an open line of fire, but that is not trueā€¦

his body and blood trail were photographed in the 20th rib, starting from the AGR parking side. there are 72 ribs in totalā€¦

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It could be there to block line of sight to the stage. That is something the USSS does for outdoor events.

How does a blank round cycle the action on a AR style rifle without a blank adapter? Do you understand how a AR style rifle functions? If you do have a blank adapter on it, how do you fire live ammo from it?

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Mr. Martenson, please donā€™t put much stock in this analysis until someone else knowledgeable in this kind of analysis (and not wedded to the single gunman hypothesis) has looked at it.

Even scholarly papers published in peer reviewed journals arenā€™t considered ā€œprovenā€ until they are reproduced. This video is the equivalent of something put out on a preprint server, by someone who admittedly just researched TDOA on the fly and made mistakes in calculating snap-bang times.

The sounds of shots 1-3 and shots 4-8 are qualitatively different. Thatā€™s true across most sources, with the notable exception of the police cruiser dashcam, which offtheback has pointed out is likely altered. The snick-boom podium time difference is about 0.220 seconds for shots 1-3 and about .213 seconds for shots 4-8. That translates into about a 13 to 14 foot difference in distance from the shooters to the podium, if the muzzle velocity of the two rifles are the same. (Of course, since that 13-14 foot distance is rather less than the distance we have if the two shooters are Crooks and a person behind the AGR building 6 vent, the muzzle velocities are almost certainly NOT the same).

Here is my analysis of the distances involved:

He explains his methods most clearly in his first video which is found here:
In it he is using 4 sources (podium, TMX, ā€œRossā€ and Dave Stewart). The method he is using, time distance to arrival (TDOA), depends on knowing exactly when the arrival of the sound occurs. Greg_N is taking a VERY big shortcut by simply aligning the videos according the report sound of shot one. That creates an error equal to the distances in travel time of the first bullet. Thatā€™s a HUGE error.

How big an error? Dave Stewart was only about 150 feet from Crooks. Assuming Crooks took shots 1-3, those bullets had a muzzle velocity of about 2660 fps, based on the .220 podium snap-bang time. It would take only 0.060 seconds for those bullets to pass over Daveā€™s head. It takes 0.1876 seconds (see my excel pic above) for the bullets to reach the podium. Thatā€™s a 0.1276 second difference, just wiped out in his model.

His results are going to be invalid.

In his last version, he is trying to use the ā€œBangā€ time, and so is adding the snap-bang time difference to the time of the snap (which still has the problem described above). But heā€™s ā€œcalculatingā€ those differences for most of the sources, using methods that are opaque, and that can only be based on his assumptions of the distance between the source and the shooter.

Thank you.
Sonja B, BS Math, 1987, MA Math 1992, University of Kansas
Associate, Society of Actuaries.
Proof of above credentials provided upon request.


The puppet masters wanted him there becauseā€¦

  1. They manipulated the security zone to exclude the AGR building and they could easily get him onto the roof.

  2. They wanted him to have the easiest shot they could orchestrate.

  3. They wanted him in a position where he could be easily eliminated by people who werenā€™t part of the plot.

I fully believe Crooks thought he was walking off that roof. (Idiot)

Itā€™s almost unfathomable that with all the planning and grooming that went into this, they counted solely on Crooks making the shot, but thatā€™s where Iā€™ve arrived, and this is the only reason Trump is still alive. A pro doesnā€™t miss that shot. All the evidence comes back to it. Itā€™s also the safest avenue for all parties involved. (Except for Crooks)

Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a plan B already in motion. Weā€™re still over two months out from the election.

Iā€™m not certain on the chain of command but it probably goes something like thisā€¦


                        NICOLS & HIS BUDDY   

                          SECRET SERVICE 


Iā€™m not sure about the drone, rangefinder or backpack. Iā€™d need more evidence but my gut says the drone and rangefinder are misinformation, and they probably helped him in some degree with the backpack.