Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

Can you imagine how hot it would be in a ceiling space behind that vent on that day? Under a metal roof?

I remain interested in the 3rd window.

“It can’t clear the fence.” It can.

“Machines are in the way.” They’re not.

“People were in front of the fence.” Not right there they weren’t.

Hi @kwaka. The fact that we haven’t figured out where a second shooter might have been yet doesn’t bother me. My deal is the audio, and it will take a lot of contortions that no one has been able to make to explain how one guy with one gun lying prone on a roof made shots 1-3 and 4-8. So based on audio, the preponderance of the evidence right now is in favor of two shooters.

Greg N did a lot of work, but it isn’t right that he concluded “single shooter,” because of the fact that the arrival times for all of the cell phone sources don’t sync up with the podium for a single shooter. I need to find time to finish my write-up, which is contrary to his video. The only source that aligns timing-wise with the podium (and which he relied on) is the police cruiser, which showed up three weeks late and reeks of manipulation.

The “spinning cartridge” definitely requires more investigation, but right now it seems to be misaligned badly with the audio track (and maybe if it did align it would have been behind that guy’s head, which isn’t convenient if one is trying to establish a narrative).

So there are still lots of things to be chased down, and there are weird things being injected into the mix, and probably people hanging around here trying to discourage people from continuing the investigation. I will keep doing my part.

Hi Bumblebeeez,

I think we have already come to an agreement about this topic together. I respect your hypothesis. The fact that my hypothesis is based on math gives me a bit more confidence to go with vent 3.

One thing I think we can both agree on is that the water tower and the 2nd floor building are out of the question, something that MacD is referring to.

Perhaps I can elucidate on the wisdom of a vent location:

  1. It can be set up well in advance.
  2. It can be removed days or weeks after the event.
  3. It readily allows the 2nd shooter to hear Crooks on the metal roof right above him for coordination.
  4. The extra height above the outside ground is above the heads of people outside and very close to Crooks line of fire.
  5. Blast residue would be outside of the building air system in the attic.
  6. Using the vent opening brilliantly masks the origin of the shots.
  7. It offers a hiding spot for the shooter before and after the shooting.
  8. A sweep of the building after a shooting would not discover the above ceiling setup.
  9. The building accessible ceiling makes it easy access and easy to seal back up.
  10. Once above the ceiling, all that is required is the removal of the duct from the back side of the vent and the installation of some plywood for the shooter to lay on.

It was 93 degrees outside. Multiple people got heat stroke/heat injury.

An attic area would have been 15-20 degrees hotter, even if well vented. That’s 108-113. If it’s not well vented, it can reach temperatures of 150.

I just can’t imagine even a well trained sniper hanging out in that space and not in their gear.

If I may elucidate on why shooting from a window is a bad idea for the shooter who wishes to not be found:

  1. You can be seen through windows and see the shooter and his setup.
  2. You could be easily discovered during a sweep of the building after the shooting.
  3. Opening and then shooting through an opened window then closing it would be very conspicuous.
  4. The windows in AGR are close to the head height of people outside.
  5. Blast residue would be left in the room. It would smell and be obvious to anyone for days.

maybe you just found out the reason why he missed? :grinning:

  • You can be seen through windows and see the shooter and his setup.

No, you can check the Stewert video. It was obscured by a curtain prior and the area in front of that window was cleared by the AGR guy.

  • You could be easily discovered during a sweep of the building after the shooting.

They shot and immediately left the room. EZPZ. They just went back to their assigned spots.

  • Opening and then shooting through an opened window then closing it would be very conspicuous.

Crack it, take the shot, close it. Removable frame, replace the frame. Takes mere seconds. There are so many answers that make that a non-issue.

  • The windows in AGR are close to the head height of people outside.

They are quite taller, actually. You can tell when you watch them “clear” the windows.

  • Blast residue would be left in the room. It would smell and be obvious to anyone for days.

Fans and an air filter, meanwhile the shooter supposedly fired from directly above. Non-issue. The whole place was cleared out in like an hour and a half, by the FBI. The same guy who, you know, immediately gave the casings to some random ATF guy. How convenient.

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Well reasoned list. You might add how planks between roof trusses would provide for the support of the shooter’s weight other than the drop ceiling that wouldn’t.

As for the vents, they are often used for condensation control in metal fabricated buildings, but it seems to me those would likely be fixed vane rather than flaps. The flaps would allow warm air out, but that’s the role of the roof’s ridge vent. The wall ceiling vents I believe would need to let cool air in, which the vents in question block, if the flaps open outward only, which they appear to do. You mention removing ducts to access them, which would make sense for an exhaust vent. But there are multiple vents along that south wall. What do you think the purpose of those vents is.

Heat stroke sniper fail.

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I have researched the vents. They are 12 x 12 powered exhaust vents that open when a large fan is activated. I am fairly certain they look like this:


And our “Peak Prosperity Citizen” secret undercover investigator @rough_country_gypsy made this video.

If you zoom into Vent 2, you can see it is actively blowing air out of the vent. There seems to be some kind of hair bundle caught in their blowing in the wind.


I saw when you posted that. But what do they service? Given the number of them, I’m doubtful it’s equipment like test ovens for glass research. If it is for ceiling space condensation and temperature control, with one or more fans in that spade ducted to them, that would make sense. I just don’t know if that’s a method used for that purpose. Anyways, that’s why I brought it up when you mentioned removing a duct, something I didn’t consider before.

I believe everyone has noticed how large the ridge is that Crooks may have laid his gun on. It is conspicuously a vent ridge where it vents the interior of the attic space passively by allowing the hot air to escape at the peak of the roof. That means the attic is passively vented. The vents in the wall are for something else.

That’s a hope, not a certainty.

My point was only that if I were planning this, I could not be certain that the “nest”, or the disturbed panels, dust, etc., would not be discovered.

On the other hand, I count in favor of the vent hypothesis the fact that on Dave’s video the vents seem to have been airbrushed out.

Yes, that’s why I was surprised to see they are exhaust vents, but there are so many of them. One would likely be a bathroom, a smaller one though, and the others could be for lab areas I suppose. Oh well, back to my current project. Thanks.

Is that an analysis you did or someone else did? link?

I don’t know about that, but there is absolute weirdness around the 3rd window. No other windows behave like it does.

I agree, not only window 3 but also window 2, 10 seconds before the 10th shot, a guy looks out the window…

Screenshot 2024-08-04 080416

I don’t know what they did in that building, but if it produced smells or gases, that would explain the large vents.