Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

That’s what I’m thinking. Those large stacks might be for test ovens, but who knows.

Yes… I bet there are glass making kilns in there. The kind where you blow and shape molten glass.


@roger-knight ,

Thank you for the still frames. In the sequence, the camera is slowly zooming in. On several of my past projects, we used imaging seekers. When an object of interest is small compared to the pixel size, like 2x2 pixels, small changes in camera position cause it to sometimes be 2x2, sometimes 2x3, sometimes 3x2, sometimes 3x3. This causes the object to change apparent shape and luminance as it wobbles with respect to the pixel grid. This can be exacerbated if the object is actually changing size, like you are closing on the object.

All of this is happening in the bush in front of the gunman’s head. There is wobble, there is closing in based on the zoom. There is no little “object” in the bush that is seen in only one frame–sometimes little things are dimmer or brighter or changes shape, or goes away for a bit. Look at other parts of the bush as well and you will see the same behavior, but there aren’t cartridges there. I don’t see the parabolic arc of an ejected cartridge in the sequence.

Now, could someone add a few little fuzzy “blips” judiciously to the sequence to kind of lead the eye between the scintillating leaves or whatever?, Sure, the eye is easily tricked. I don’t see them here.

Turning to the shoulder, I aligned all these crops where the pants intersect with the roof. Because the phone is zooming in, I then added dashed lines at the peak of the dark spot in the armpit, front of shoulder, and front of glasses. The relationship between the four control points stays basically static during this 1/2 second of video.

Like you said, I can’t vouch for the chain of custody for these frames, other than I got them from your Google Drive. But at least in these, I don’t see recoil and I don’t see a tumbling shell.

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You think they could have cremated the shooter right on site?

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Hi Offtheback,

Thank you for your analysis.

However, the hole point of having both videos are to compare the one from last Friday with the one from Tuesday. Did you compare frame by frame?

I think if you look very carefully in the video from Friday, you see one small casing ejecting in one frame, but no dynamic action by Crooks.

Then in the video from Tuesday you can see more body and head dynamics by Crooks and enhanced casing ejecting throughout more than one frame. This has been altered between the two videos and we have the proof if you compare each frame by frame using the dif checker tool.

Like I said, for those who want to download the older version (from Friday) please go to the scoopernews page and download the video.

You can compare it with the newest version on the homepage of TMZ.

I will post my findings at a later stage…

Thank you! :+1:

I will state this:

Immediately after the TMZ video was posted, everyone began to complain and remark upon the lack of recoil. It was the number one point of concern and disbelief.

Then all of a sudden there is a video released that has recoil and a casing?



we agree on that one! :handshake:

there is more to come, you won’t believe my findings!


I guess these small vents belong to the restrooms.

These AC units are huge. I strongly beleive they have clean rooms, since it is a glass research laboratory, which needs high pressure in those rooms to flow the dust out at any openings. So these units look to me not simple air condition equipments.

Is it possible someone to take a closer photo? Type, manufacturer?

I will compare the two videos frame by frame. The analysis for the other one will be like this one–establish control points and allow the eye to compare along the sequence. I first wanted to establish what one of them shows. This one shows no flying cartridge and no recoil.


Wow, thank you for your efforts!

Please have a look at Frame 175 from the Friday’s video. This is the casing I was referring to. But I think it was so small that nobody could see it (including me) then eligibly somebody took the risk to edit the video over the weekend adding more dynamics and emphasising the casing in more than one frame. I think somebody got caught with the hand in the cookie jar…

There are similar areas all over those trees.

That is no legitimate reason to fake recoil or an ejected casing.

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I guess you take the first door left at the corridor.
Here you can was your hand. There might be a shower.
And there are two toilets.

I guess

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I made a model myself of the first bullet using James camera footage. Here it is: 1 ; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6

IDK if there is a second shooter but for me it does not come from the vent, but from Crooks location.


yes, I agree, but if you take frame 173, 174, 175 and 176 you see that casing shows up and then it vanishes again. The problem was that there was no riffle recoil in this version from Friday…

Is that just a suggested room diagram, or are you holding out with a floor plan? I would sure like to get a floor plan.

Just I guessed.

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They are more concerned about the shape of glass and plastic bottles.

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What confused most people (including me) is that the bodycam of one of the first people on the roof shows him counting 5 casings. Then later in that same video, he counts 8.

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As far as I understood, he first missed 3 casings because they were on the other side of the ridge, therefore his first count was only 5.
I think somebody even made a post at one point, indicating the casings on a still.


That was from my recollection of a discussion a few weeks ago. But in reviewing it now I see that the version of the vidieo where the vents or ports were obscured was from a low-res police body cam. In the high-res version they were present.