Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

Dear schroederized,

Since we are being challenged from somebody about the hight of the bleachers, could you please send me (or to this forum) your DXF/DWG file as you indicated in this post?

Thank you.

Too low to have been made by typical .223 / .300 Win Mag ammunition from the grass / South Barn.

True. There are dozens of possibilities to consider, but it’s very time-consuming to explore each one, so they need to be prioritized.

Yes, suppressors provide flash suppression and some degree of hearing protection, so that’s why tactical shooters always use them.

I disagree. Subsonic ammo is available for .300 Win Mag, but there is significant ballistic disadvantage to having muzzle velocity of 1100 fps vs. 3100, so why would the SS counter-snipers have been using it?

Also, looking at Shot 10 on the podium mic, we see an abrupt impulse that engages the audio limiter:

Shot 10 is very loud compared to Shot 9, which leads me to believe it is a supersonic crack.

I’ve watched that video of the North counter-snipers many times, and just pulled it up to watch it again. My assessment is that those two men were trying to get eyes on the suspect but could not see him through the foliage. The video is titled “New Video of Secret Service Snipers Firing at Gunman from Roof,” and, at first, I also thought that I saw recoil movement. However, as I watched it more carefully I came to the conclusion that neither of those men fired. Instead they were startled by the first shot coming in. I know they are trained professionals and should have been perfectly composed when taking incoming fire, but I don’t think that’s the way things work in real life situations.

I think I did see the video that you are referring to, but I could not find it just now to cite it. I recall that Melton’s guest was very emphatic that Stewert’s phone was hearing several suppressed shots. However, when I listened to those same noises all I heard was the type of sound you hear when you reposition your fingers on the body of a plastic-cased smartphone. So, it seemed like a nothing burger to me.

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Excellent idea! I gave it a shot, but failed. I think the swoosh sound is very broadband, which makes it difficult to isolate. But maybe someone else here has the right experience and software tools to figure it out.

:rofl: Another excellent observation!

Hi BigTim,

After having spent so much time and effort with my previous post, I would like to mention that I was also a bit offended with your comment:

But let’s put are feelings aside and simply talk facts, since we both have the common goal to find out the truth!

I am sorry for my insufficient explanations in my post not giving you a concise point for the eventual evidence, that Mike DiFrischia, can’t be the person who shoots the TMZ video, despite having made a special effort to be as clear and open as possible.

I worked overtime for you, I hope you appreciate this special effort! Simply comparing 3 seconds of the TMZ video and the video from Jon, namely 11,86 sec after the first shot up to 14,86 seconds you can clearly see how Mike loses his balance (I am guessing, but maybe he was standing on the root of the tree, to get a higher view). The fact that he is only holding his camera with his right hand and using his left to catch his balance by holding on to the tree, forcing him to completely go out of the scene and make a major fluctuation with his camera. Timestamp 13,10 - 13,43 seconds. I was able to measure the angle in my CAD system. The fluctuation within 0.33 seconds is 30°! This is major and we have to see this in the TMZ video.

Taking the TMZ video, and comparing the same time frame, we only see grass on the floor. This is not consistent with what we should be seeing.

We hear the guy from the TMZ video say: “oh, he is turning this way” with a voice of 260 Hz. assuming it is Redcap and you can see his wife and daughter (just guessing) hiding behind the tree looking very scared. However, on Jon’s video at that time you don’t hear that sentence coming from Mike, even though he is right in front of him. You don’t hear anything!

Later we hear Mike talk with a 155 Hz. voice and he says: Dud, that’s exactly why we need f. Trump here. This sentence is heard in both videos.

Assuming Redcap is the person from the TMZ video, he would be turning back to his family warning them. The voice gets cut off by the tree in Jons video. There is no other reason we are not able to hear this sentence in Jon’s video, except if Redcap is making the video.

Everything adds up with Redcap and nothing adds up with Mike, that is why I assume 90% that Redcap is the guy who is filming the TMZ video.

For better understanding I generated some animated gifs so that you don’t have to go back and read my long post again, these gifs are self-explanatory:

If we are trying to accurately calculate shot spacing I would use 50 msec

…it was the Covid crisis that revealed the corruption for all to eye. The mask fell. It was then that I knew I had believed lies my whole life.


Curious you should ask. I just heard RFK Jr. recommend James Douglas’ book Unspeakable as the single best resource. He raved about the book. I have not read it yet.


yes, that is very true, but I do not think any of the snipers on the barns behind Trump fired the 10th shot… the Washington Co. Sniper from the stands across the green is much more plausible than any of the barn snipers, and the pictures of that sniper’s muzzle does not have a suppressor…

subsonic ammunition is available for every caliber and any weapon: it all depends on the barrel length and the powder load that goes with it.
these sniper rifles are bespoke and it takes a minor effort to customize the bullets they fire too…

snipers have nerves of steel and would not pull their tripod back with them should they get scared…

look at the recoil absorbed by this man firing the same MK13 mod 7 with 300 WinMag: (first 30 seconds show several shots fired with the MK13 mod 7)

shooting a .300 WinMag from a tripod (which is much higher than the one on the roof): (without suppressor)


about the hydraulic oil capacity, I found that the tank contains 132 liters (35 gallon) of hydraulic fluid (

so, about 130 liters of hydraulic oil is pushed into the 4 segments of the beam.
if, let’s say that 65-70% of this fluid was swoooshed out, which comes down to about 87.5 liters:


so, if we can figure out what oil volume per second is reasonable to spray out given the pressure we have seen in that video, we can narrow down whether it was bullet 1/2/3. I included the other bullet numbers too for completeness, but from my point of view, bullet 1 damaged the hydraulic line…

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…thats totally true. But since “the dead person on the roof” still had his head attached to his neck - and parts of his skull still intact whole - NO subsonic rounds hit him from anywhere.

Hi Roger,
I used an older version of MicroStation (dgn) to make this drawing, then saved it as a dxf and dwg file. Hope you’ll be able to use one of them. I’ll also include the Speedy Bleachers .jpg file that I used to trace the design.

BTW, I understand that English is not your primary language, but from here forward, would you please stop using the term “floor” and use the term “ground” when referring to the elevation of any certain location on the ground. This can be very confusing when you are actually referring to the ground elevation but call it the floor elevation. As an example, you call out 1335.15 as the floor elevation at Building 6 when the floor is probably 6" higher than the ground. At the stage, we have ground level and floor level. The floor elevation is the top surface of the stage, and the ground elevation is the earth’s surface that the stage is sitting on. I don’t mean to be a nitpicker, just trying to avoid confusion.

Well dadgummit, I tried to attach the dgn, dxf and dwg files but Peak prohibited them.

I have considered covered_bleachers_west as a possible location for shot 10 in the past was not able to find anything close to convergence, but I will look at it again and consider a wider range of muzzle velocities.

What you say is true, but why would the Wash. Co. sniper team have been using subsonic for the rally? What possible tactical benefit would there be to justify that?

I didn’t say scared, I said startled. There is a subtle but important difference.

Thank you for sharing the two videos, but I think they actually make my point. The recoil is an inch or so rearward, and the barrel stays perfectly level - exactly what you would expect from a nice, heavy rifle like that. When I look at the video of the North barn sniper, I see significant up/down movement on the muzzle. It really does not look like recoil to me.


I’ll definitely check into that. Thanks.

It’s OK, I actually don’t need it anymore, since you have given a more than accurate answer and I think we all came to an agreement, which is the main part.

Thank you so much for your efforts. I have to say, you have been giving the most accurate data in our “joint back tracing bullet” project of which I have integrated in the document.


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However, if we can’t find the “second shooter” in this case, perhaps we need to look again at the possibility that the dead shooter on the roof was not actually a 20-year old kid, but rather a 37-year old military veteran. In other words, I can’t shake the suspicion that there were two patsies, Thomas Crooks and Maxwell Yearick, whose activities and bios have been merged in the official narrative into a single “lone gunman.” Notice that the “white van” has been memory-holed, even though the officers on the roof already referring to “the van” an hour after the shooting. (See the end of third body cam video released by Sen. Grassley on July 25th: BREAKING: Chuck Grassley Releases Full Bodycam Footage from Beaver County Emergency Services, Revealing the Full Aftermath of Trump Assassination Attempt | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft)


That is a rabbit hole I have not gone down. But the washing of the roof down by the FBI to erase biological traces makes it tempting.


It is not so simple.

Yeah, Mr. and Mrs. “Redcap”?

And here is “Redcap” spotted relaxing in his chair by the tree in the shade… little did he know what was about to happen….

You’re not the lone ranger.

"Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray’s case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the “wet streets cause rain” stories. Paper’s full of them.

In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know."
– Michael Crichton (1942-2008)



Had this video saved and was going to post it, but couldn’t find it again online. You can clearly see the time gap between the railing puff on shot 1 and the hydraulic shot on 3.