Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

I really like Crichton’s work.

His observation was confirmed in my life by two direct experiences with journalism. First, an event I participated in, and second in an article I was interviewed for. It was hard to believe how much the two articles deviated from reality, and I think without ill intent. Both articles were favorable to the event and me, but the journalist could not get even the basic facts correct. I felt dumber for reading them. I then adopted the rule I can only trust half of what I read. Years later I amended that to only trusting 10% of what I read. At present, even that is too high.


“3rd shot hits [the lift] hydrolics”

That brings a recognition that the 3rd shot probably did not come from Crooks, since his trajectory was on a downward slope. More probable would be the trajectory of a 2nd shoot from the vent. Just a thought.

See Drawing Section B:


Local community paper, they reported the township meetings as being utter out of control chaos. I had some business with the Twp Supv, and asked him about it. He asked if I had ever been to the meetings, and I had not. I went to the next meeting. I found it to be very calm and very professionally run. Paper came out the next week, there were people throwing chairs, police had to get involved. It was absolutely surreal, having seen with my own eyes that what a complete 180 to what was reported to has happened. Studying it further, apparently the {local} deep state R party lost the election and were doing anything they could to discredit the D party that won that election. Here’s the real irony, decade later, the R party very likely won the election, when out of nowhere, came absentee ballots that 95% were for the D party, and it tipped the election.


ch3 shifted against ch1 about 410-420 sample time:

The first period does not fit, due to different attenuation I guess.

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In the very beginning I had the stage where Trump was standing at 40 inches, but many people in this forum argued it to be 48 inches. Like I always said, we wanted to find the back traced bullet back up to Crooks, so I took the better of the two, namely 48 giving Crooks the benifit of the doubt.

Looking at the convincing arguments from KHunter with stage height to be 40 inches instead of 48 inches made rethink the whole thing. However, if we would put Trump on a 40 Inch stage, the back traced bullet would no longer be coming from the Vents, but much lower? Maybe window 3? @bumblebeeez is waking up now!

It motivated me to have a closer look at window 3 screen by screen, namely the body cam BWC2-122110. I have been concentrated mostly on Vent 3 and not Window 3.

The first question you have to ask in this video is why there is no sound? Chris said probably so that we can’t listen to the radio conversations, but now I have maybe have another theory.

Not knowing exactly when the first shot was fired in this video, I used the same technic I used with the TMZ video cross examination, namely I took the video from Steward and was able to set a time stamp on body cam BWC2-122110.

And you won’t believe it! At 0:00 in the video, you can actually see the smoking gun come out of Window 3 ?!?!?

I don’t want to make my post too long this time, so I am simply uploading the BWC2-122110 with time stamps here:

The file is over 1GB

The source of this video can be found here:

Can it be that we solved the case today?


(and merged cells… :face_with_thermometer:)

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Can’t say I follow the time-stamped video all that well, but window #3 is closed at the start of the footage. It looks like it remains closed in the still-frame you have. Tough to consider it a reasonable shooting location if the window was closed and unbroken. Would have been really nice though.

edit: figured out what you meant with time stamp. I went and clicked through the moment of the shot in 0.25 speed and found that the little dot of light is visible at 0:0:13 of your time stamp as well. Not sure if that puts it officially before shots were fired or not.

edit2: here’s a capture

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Nice. I had never read or heard it phrased like that… didn’t even know (or completely forgot) there was even a name for it. I get these ‘wait a minute’ moments of clarity usually when I remember that journalists get many wrong details about weapons or economics… news reporting quality appears to have most definitely decreased over the years, globally.

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Atmospheric x-ray research explained by journalist:

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Hi VT,
it was too late to make a GIF, but yesterday I downloaded that video (from the PP dropbox, so if you happen to have a higher resolution from another source, please do share a link). I did see it, and I checked it briefly on GE to agree on that being Crooks’ location… and the white I could only attribute to either his face/hair when white/darker or glare (from either his glasses or his red-dot, but I’m not familiar with how these glares/glint manifest from a distance in real life). One thing that struck me as odd was that other similar white spot, on the building behind Crooks (the HighRoof one), to the right of that electric post. That area of the facade, from the Spa Guy video, has no vents, no lights, no nothing on that particular area. To the left of the post (if I got the angle right), there are some pipes, but not to the right… EDIT: however, from this video by @rough_country_gypsy there is a light (or camera dome, maybe, dunno… probably light) on the electric post. That white dot higher up on the frame could be it:

Do you have a link to the original 2 hour dashcam video of that patrol car parked in front of the main entrance of AGR6? I saw people talking about a 2 hours long video, and I would like to download it to take a closer look at that.

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Here is the link to the 12 body and dash cam videos. The vehicle parked in front of AGR 6 is the third from the last. He is driving from offsite so it takes a few minutes for him to get to the building. He stops briefly near the water tower on his way.


this is a 26 minutes version of BWC2-122110 synchronized with Trump’s microphone:


the following high resolution pdfs contain the results of a shot 1 sample of each audio stream correlated with each stream. Sample x stream is near 1 for all shots if the sample was taken from the same stream, otherwise the coefficient is < 0.5.

I refined the beginnings of the samples based on audacity, and now the high coefficients normally coincide with the beginning of the shot wave pattern. But shot 6 in stream 3 is an exception.–sample.pdf (67.0 KB)–x–stream-1–s123–correlation.pdf (2.0 MB)–x–stream-1–s45678–correlation.pdf (1.5 MB)–x–stream-2–s123–correlation.pdf (2.0 MB)–x–stream-2–s45678–correlation.pdf (1.5 MB)–x–stream-3–s123–correlation.pdf (1.9 MB)–x–stream-3–s45678–correlation.pdf (1.5 MB)–sample.pdf (67.5 KB)–x–stream-1–s123–correlation.pdf (2.0 MB)–x–stream-1–s45678–correlation.pdf (1.5 MB)–x–stream-2–s123–correlation.pdf (2.0 MB)–x–stream-2–s45678–correlation.pdf (1.5 MB)–x–stream-3–s123–correlation.pdf (1.9 MB)–x–stream-3–s45678–correlation.pdf (1.5 MB)–sample.pdf (68.2 KB)–x–stream-1–s123–correlation.pdf (2.0 MB)–x–stream-1–s45678–correlation.pdf (1.5 MB)–x–stream-2–s123–correlation.pdf (2.0 MB)–x–stream-2–s45678–correlation.pdf (1.5 MB)–x–stream-3–s123–correlation.pdf (1.9 MB)–x–stream-3–s45678–correlation.pdf (1.5 MB)

Could you save the result of this operation, append a .pdf extension … and post it here?

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Why is this video age-restricted? It’s not the first one here!

I believe it is done by the YouTube AI system. There is something AI sees in the video and age restricts it. The creator can ask for a review and sometimes the age restriction is removed.


BWC2-122110 and the police cruiser dashcam M500-010482 are almost in sync (<=1 s). Therefore both have an offset of about -1 s when compared to the RSBN livestream. In the dashcam video the shots start at 18:11:32, in the RSBN livefeed at 18:11:33.23 s.


Nice method!

Unless the window was open, as we can clearly see in this gif. The frame section of this gif is EXACTLY the time the first shot is fired! What else do we need? This is the smoking gun we have been looking for!

@bumblebeeez @phasefive @sonjax6


In other words, I can’t shake the suspicion that there were two patsies, Thomas Crooks and Maxwell Yearick, whose activities and bios have been merged in the official narrative into a single “lone gunman.”

If you read the machine transcript of the third FBI press conference which was curiously held phone(!), it becomes apparent that Crooks was not named at all: the term “suspect” was almost constantly used instead. Yet at two or three instances the “suspect” morphed into “our suspect”.

The transscript is attached to my post here.


I think you might have something here. Well done.