Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

Your enthusiasm is admirable, @roger-knight, but I can’t concur with your conclusion. I did download your video and had a close look at it. Here’s the thing, your video does show the point when shot 1 is fired. It’s right at the 32 second mark, not the 23 second mark. See the civilian next to AGR 6 with his back up to it? He flinches when shot 1 is fired. Stewert flinches, too, and that’s why his camera snaps upward to the tree leaves.

This is confirmed by a video I downloaded from the Peak Prosperity dropbox called “Video footage moments before Donald Trump Rally assassination attempt”. You can see where Stewart was at the moment of Shot 1 and watch him flinch.

And, as someone else mentioned, you really should use a higher-quality video source. Here are screen shots of two adjacent frames from the DJStew video I recorded from YouTube (before I learned about yt-dlp from a kind soul on this forum, thank you sir), and these images are much sharper than what you are presenting. It’s clear that the window is closed and we are simply seeing a reflection in the corner. Sorry Roger.


An actual audio expert, a professional, analysed the shots immediately after the shooting and said 130 yds from Trump on MSM. Now maybe he didn’t know Crooks was supposedly further than that, but I think I feel comfortable sticking with that initial distance.

I watched that video over and over. Stewert does not have the window in frame when the first 3 shots are fired.

I’ll approach this from a logical evidence based position to debunk it.

And first, it’s not up to folks to prove the window was not opened. If you advance or support a theory, it’s incumbent on the one with the theory to show evidence and explain how it is plausible. I believe the 1st floor windows are not plausible because:

On to evidence:

  1. We have no evidence of them being opened. Many people including me have reviewed the Stewart video many times and he scans left and right across all those windows in key moments before, during, and after the shooting. I agree there is simply no logistical ability that a shooter or even a pair of people could surrepticiously open the window wide enough to take a shot, then shoot, then close it, without being detected by witnesses or captured on video.

What folks are seeing is normal imperfections in glass reflections. As I sit and type this, my neighbor across the street has two casement non-opening windows on the front of his house and BOTH have the similar reflections on his windows. I can see clearly they are not and do not open. In my decades of living in the real world, I know for a fact windows cast weird (or really, normal but unpredictable) reflections.

Watch the video yourself. It’s in the dropbox. There’s no point where these windows are off screen long enough to open, take shots, and close.

Video: Dropbox

Relevant timestamps to fully debunk the “window” theory. NONE ARE OPENED.

3:35 - one uniformed officer is standing there in view looking at windows, walks toward the parking lot, while another officer stands on a picnic table facing the AGR and all windows.

3:55 - we see the window closed with a light reflection, woman on horse rides by. A cop remains standing on the picnic table in total view of all the windows.

4:07 - all windows again in video view and all in a closed position, with the one window continuing to have the same light streak imperfection.

4:16 - scan again across all 3 windows, window 3 still has same light imperfection.

4:33 - boosted officer circles back to the south side of AGR#6 in plain view of all windows and shouts at people to move away (an odd statement and course of action, I admit).

4:47 - Stewart again pans his camera across all 3 windows, NONE are open.

4:49 - Stewart again catches window 3 in the exact same closed position the exact same light glare on it as the prior 2+ minutes, showing it is in the same exact closed position as before.

4:50 - The windows are all again in view. All are closed.

4:53 - Now a uniformed officer (boosted officer) is standing immediately in front of all CLOSED windows yelling “he’s got a gun,” (or someone is yelling that), and all windows are plainly in view of Stewart’s video camera and the officer and all are CLOSED.

4:55 - 3 shots ring out.

4:59 - Officer is standing/running directly in front of the south AGR all 3 windows are CLOSED as the shots are being fired.

5:00 thru 5:07 all 3 windows are in and out of view and NONE ARE EVER OPENED during any of the firing.

So, to anyone in delusional land, this is exactly how the video plays out and this is a DOA theory of nonsense that needs to be put to bed. NO WINDOW WAS OPENED on the S. AGR #6.

  1. This/these windows are obviously closed and in the totally closed position. They appear to be casement windows with no ability to be opened. They are different than the 2nd floor windows in that they have a white square around the edges. This might be a ‘glass break’ security type tape. Regardless, unlike the 2nd floor windows which have no such tape and which do open by a hand crank, these are different.

And crank windows are very slow, takes several seconds to crank one open. No chance this could occur without witnesses and several cops seeing it, and no chance it would escape the many video frames left and right on Stewarts video. Example of the hand crank on the 2nd floor window. If you have any experience with these, they are very slow. We (and witnesses, cops) would observe a person standing there running the hand crank.

Let’s momentarily assume the window could be opened. It would only open either along the tall edge either to the left or right, or open on a hinge on the top where the bottom opens outward a few inches. The latter would be unworkable, and if it opened hinged on the right side (from the interior) that is also unworkable. So, it’s only workable if it’s hinged on the interior left, and opens all the way to allow for this extreme angle to have a field of fire to Trump.

The angle of the AGR to Trump stage is about 45% so the only way this would work is for the window to open to maybe a 50-60%+ angle. There’s literally no evidence at all of the window being open, especially to such a sharp angle.
This image, apparently be “best evidence” available, show the window 100% closed. The white outline around the window is 100% in line with the casement frame. The white streak across the window is just a imperfection in the glass.

  1. In addition to us, the viewer, not seeing any actual evidence on the videos of any window opened to sufficient degree, on any video, no less than 4 or 5 cops were running/walking up and down this grassy area in front of the windows before, during, and right afterwards. At least 2 with guns drawn approached within moments after the shooting. No LEOs reacted in a way to believe windows were opened or damaged.

A few of many scenes. This officer was standing right near this location at the start of the shooting. He would have observed a opened window.

  1. There is simply NO SHOOTING LANE.

4A: There’s a 6’ fence. So a shooter would have to be at the top 1/2 of the window. So, while possible to overcome THIS obstacle, we’re adding layers upon layers of complexity. So he’s also got to navigate getting on/off a TALL table or bench, as well as everything else. And why is there a 8’ table/bench in this particular room?? What would be the explanation for an 8’ tall table in the room?

4B: Yet another layer of complexity. Window 3 cannot reliable see Trump.
We can see from the guy’s video that was shot, Coopenhagen I think, we simply can barely see the 3rd window. There simply IS NO SHOOTING SOLUTION. At best one might be able to weave a bullet between the heads of spectators and hope they don’t put up a sign, raise their hands to cheer, etc. No pro would pick that. The stands appear to be rising in height and crowd height to our right, making the other windows out of expected view. There are literally people standing in the way.

Simply repeating that does not explain or elaborate the logistics of opening and firing and losing undetected. Witnesses were right there, and would have seen or got it on video. How fast, best case, could it be flung open, aim taken, firing, and closing? At least 10 seconds. Minimum. And that’s probably implausible.

So, to summarize and put to rest the window theory.

  1. No windows were broken or fired thru. We have ample evidence.

  2. A window would have to been able to be opened probably about 1/2 way and in the correct angle direction (not fixed, not hinged on the east, not hinged on top, but hinged on the west):

Yet we are led to believe they were not able to be open. Someone apparently confirmed these windows do not open.

Here’s an example of one of the 2nd floor windows wide open. This is what it would look like. Totally obvious. There would be no dispute. This is wide open.

3. Said window would need to be opened wide and for a period of time sufficient to aim and take shots, then closed without observation. Minimum of 10 seconds with a partner and best possible case, to fling a window open when a shooter is in position, fire, then close it. Yet several police immediately there and there immediately before, during, and after, and witnesses, and videos, saw/captured no open windows.

  1. Shooter needed to be on a elevated table or bench platform, to shoot over the fence, yet another obstacle.

  2. Shooter needed to shoot thru a crowd of people standing on tall bleechers. Not gonna happen. There is no visibility from these windows as we can see from a shooting victims’ perspective.


Sir, that is the same officer that behaved odd as hell after observing the shooter. He doesn’t appear to try to engage the shooter at all after observing him with a rifle, nor does he warn people in a way that makes sense.

Matter of fact, he tells the people near the fence to “get out of the way” like he’s clearing a lane for the shooter.

Then after the shooting, he’s like a child who’s trying to make up a cover story on the camera. “Shucks, guys, I told the secret service they needed to put a sniper there. Ah, jeeeez. I told them.”
/talks loudly into mic

So yeah, I don’t trust him generally and I don’t even trust him to evaluate windows.

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I’ve always had the belief that one of those windows - on the second floor - (probably the one closest to where Crooks body was located) - was the likeliest spot where the would-be assassin took the first 3 shots at Trump. They were open and it was disclosed the counter snipers on that floor did not stay at their posts.
I havent heard or possibly I missed any thoughts on that theory. I believe that Nikol was stationed near there & yet he mysteriously left it and was unaccounted for a few minutes.

It seems an obvious starting point since the windows were open, the first shots did sound as if they emanated from a ‘box’ or enclosure as mentioned by some experts. Also they have a clear line of view at Trump.

Tell me why I’m wrong in my feelings on that 2nd floor vantage point.


Regardless of this officers behavior, which is not at issue, justified or odd, is immaterial and now you’re simply moving goal posts and dodging the obvious.

You stated a known easily disproven false statement

I just provided the exact timeline and yes, these 3 windows are in plain view of Stewart, his camera, and at least 1 officer and many witnesses instantly before, during, and after the shooting. NONE ARE OPENED.

I’ve bracketed them for minutes beforehand, NONE ARE OPENED.
1 second before the shooting, they’re all on Stewart’s video. NONE ARE OPENED.
During and for several seconds afterwards, they’re all on Stewart’s video. NONE ARE OPENED.

So unless these are magical windows, with a levitating assassin inside who can shoot OVER a 6’ fence and shoot thru crowds of people IN THE BLEACHERS, the windows are a DOA red herring waste of time.

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No, the windows aren’t. Stewert is looking at the damn tree. He does not have the third window in view WHEN THE SHOTS are fired. Gaslighter.

Yes, it is much harder to prove a negative than a positive. It is a trick people use in their ‘prove me wrong’ videos.


Liars are the worst. Oh, gee. No window in the frame. IMAGINE!

Here are the frames right before the shots on Stewert’s video and as the shots are fired.

And Stewert does NOT look at the window again until after the first 3 shots are well and over with. And then the window is weird as hell for multiple seconds.

Oh, I’m getting so many reactions, it will be hard to keep up with.

Let’s go step by step…

Bumblebeeez, the audio of the original Steward video is offset by almost 1 second. This is why you see him in the trees when the 1st shot is fired. Everybody got fooled by that. In my video for download, I set the audio correctly.
The fact that in the original video from Steward, he already reacts to the first shot 1 second too early and is already filming the trees when the first shot is heard. This is impossible. You can’t react to a shot when it has not been fired yet.

In the video for download, is perfectly synchronized with the audio and is in accordance with the visual shot fired from window 3.

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Sir you’re being totally disingenuous. Paint us a picture how a assassin, even a team of them, could fling open a window, take 3 shots at a target that is concealed behind a crowd, and fling the window closed all in a fraction of a second and luckily totally off camera that has no significant break in coverage (and they’d not have known that anyway). Cannot happen. You’re taking screen shots advantageous to your incorrect position to bolster your position, but it’s 100% disingenuous because these windows are covered almost every second immediately before, during and after sufficient to make what you’re proposing, literally humanly impossible.

Here’s again the abbreviated breakdown from above.

It’s 100% clear and I’m sorry to report but you’re simply mistaken in your facts, if I provide the benefit of doubt. Or if I’m synical trying to mislead people or mock this investigation.

It is humanly impossible to do what you’re pretending could happen. You can’t take 1 screen shot of him behind a tree and conclude anything from it. The shooting is bracketed by continuous Stewart video minutes before and after. These windows are on video unbroken but for perhaps 1 second here or there, the entire time. There’s not human earthly way a assassin, even with a helper, could fling open windows and remained undetected at that precise 1 second off Stewart’s video, take shots, and close the window. It’s so impossible that it simply could not and did not happen. Any notion to the contrary is delusional by definition.

And that doesn’t even address that there is no shooting lane. Even if a shooter had an hour he can’t see the target.


I think I’ll go with his original video and his original audio. I don’t know how you think you can MOVE the audio and try to claim that is right.

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You’re acting like swift action or sleight of hand is an impossibility for snipers?

Are you being silly for funzies?
That setup is just: removable pane and a gun. EZPZ

  • walk in with buddy, gun is already set up (plausible deniability if it were even discovered- “this is one of our crowd observation areas, we’re supposed to be here”)
  • buddy removes pane
  • take shots
  • buddy puts pane back in
  • break down gun and go (a “sniper” could just run that rifle back up to the second story with the other gear…and then come down out of the AGR 1 minute later, filled with relief and calm that they didn’t get caught: just saying)
  • replace window for real that night or on nights 2 or 3 (and just to be clear, you can even make that window replacement look old, rub some dirt or mold or rust on it, scratch up any frame parts if needed, it’s the exact same as when people want something to look distressed for aesthetics, literally not hard at all).

never happened, whistles and walks away

Magicians pull shit like that all the time and for this one: you don’t even have observers.

If you want to play out this scenario, you can count the time needed.

How long does it take you to grab a prepared frame and lower it? How long to slide it back into place? It’s so incredibly fast, especially if you’ve practiced.

For all those who claim there is no shooting lane, I have been simulating in my CAD for more than a month now and I am able to say that there is no collision from that position:

Do you have line of sight past the big red combine?

Good theory, totally unsupported by facts, reality, video evidence, and no witnesses observed this complex teamwork action of what you’re describing, which would take minutes of time. And the snipers need to double, I guess, as David Coppefield too? Rriigghtttt…

Again, Stewart’s video offers continual almost unbroken video minutes before, at all times except a few seconds at most break as he scans around, and for many moments afterwards, video of all these windows. I think at most there might have been a 5 second break. Regardless, nowhere near sufficient time to accomplish what you’re proposing. To the point this has become distraction and gaslighting.

And you continue to ignore THE WINDOWS OFFER NO SHOOTING LANE, even assuming he’s up on some 8’+ tall inexplicable bench to see over the 6’ fence line. THERE ARE SPECTATORS AND BLEACHERS IN THE DIRECT LINE OF SIGHT THAT EFFECTIVELY TOTALLY CONCEAL TRUMP FROM THE WINDOWS.

That fence is 6 foot at max. At the parts where the bullets crossed: the chain link is off the top lead wire, relaxed, AND EVEN BENT AND PULLED DOWN across various sections of the fence. Even if that weren’t true, it clears it at a full 6 feet.

The fence is a non issue. The window had LOS to Trump, the LOS is a non-issue.

I’m not sure how you can consider the possibility of a second shooter and refuse to acknowledge that it would have to be sneaky.

So how do you do it when you have complete and utter control of the scene before, during and after? Exactly like I described.

It puts the second shooter DIRECTLY in line with the guy on the roof. It’s roughly a similar distance. It protects most non-targets. It provides protection for the second shooter.

It literally makes the most sense other than using a vent.

Again, your CAD notwithstanding, it is totally contradicted by actual real world physical evidence from a camera from the position of a shooting victim.

The window(s) is/are entirely blocked by humans standing on tall bleachers. Even from the very top of the window (even if we have a levitating shooter 8 feet off the floor, and a helper opening the window in a fraction of a second totally undetected by witnesses or camera, there is NO SHOOTING LANE.

(This sets aside the fact there were no shooters in the windows, for reasons I’ve written at length above.)


Uhm, we can see the window. That’s the point. If the guy in the bleachers had LOS to it, the view from the window to Trump was even better.