Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

Simply go back one second in his video and you have this in picture:

That is prior to the shots being fired. Per the original audio, the window is not in view right before or as the first 3 shots are fired.

And after they are fired: we all know that the appearance of the window is bizarre. No other window behaves like it. Literally none. Zero reason for it to be that way unless a curtain was dropped or it was photoshopped.

Thatā€™s called a ā€œClosed Window.ā€ As is this:

And these, with the officer standing there as the shootings happen:

This is called an ā€œOpen Window.ā€ The difference is OBVIOUS.

The building is positioned at such an angle that a window would need to be opened, perhaps 30 to 50 degrees minimum, to have a shot. Thereā€™s no time on Stewartā€™s video, which is essentially unbroken continual observation (minus a few seconds here or there) in which a window could have been opened, firing happen, and closed without detection or captured on video.


I donā€™t know if you know this detail, but Stewart was arrested and his phone was with the police for days, I think 3 or 4. I am just speculating here, but if they simply offset the audio by 1 second and gave the phone back to Stewart, I think it would explain a lot of thingsā€¦

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His name is Stewert.

sorry, I edited my postā€¦

Trump was fully visible between the equipment.

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Yes, and the fence is clear:

False. The video proves it.

Itā€™s only bizarre if this is your first day on planet Earth and never seen windows, especially really old apparently aluminum framed windows like these on this old AGR complex, appear to be. Guessing that window is 2-3 decades old minimum.
Windows are glass and can have imperfections. This window does have a imperfection causing a odd light streak.

Or you can continue to believe a magical levitating assassin and his leprechaun invisible helper opened the window in a fraction of a second, undetected, fired over the fence and thru the crowd/bleachers standing taller than the windows, and then closed the window without any cops, witnesses, or videos capturing them.

So rather than simply ā€œloseā€ his phone or ā€œdeleteā€ the video, which would be super harmful to the deep state if the windows were proving a 2nd shooter, they went into it and thru the hassles of moving the audio, to throw of the scent?

Oiy vey.

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Oh, like we should believe your theory that a 2nd sniper was traipsing ā€œsomewhereā€ on the roof unseen even though there are multiple videos of the rooftop prior to the shooting from the bodycams and police cars?

Perhaps Crooks passed by him and maybe they did a fast Fortnite dance off and then resumed their assassin activities.

Thanks, no thanks, if there is a second shooter, Iā€™m sticking with AGR6 window 3.

I do not believe it is, firstoff.

2nd point, youā€™re looking at it all wrong, from a profile view, the tip top of the window frame against the tip top of the bleacher structure.

Window. So a person would need to be on a stable elevated platform exactly to the top height of the useful open window frame. What is that about 9 feet? I donā€™t see that as possible/practical.

Bleachers. Now add at least several feet height with layers of people, many holding up rally signs, all acting in unpredictable movements.

THERE IS NO SHOOTING LANE even in the best case window scenario. One can barely see the outline of the top 10% of the 3rd window in this still photo from the shooting victim. A assassin could lay there for 3 hours and not get a good shooting lane. Thereā€™s layers of standing people, clapping, holding up signs, moving to and fro, etc. in unpredictable patterns. There IS NO SHOOTING LANE from the windows.

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Your gaslighting doesnā€™t work on me. My eyes and brain work.

But I think itā€™s hilarious that you thought it made sense to put two snipers on the same rooftop.

There is only one reason Crooks was on that roof: heā€™s (was) a dumb kid who was told to be there. A second sniper would NEVER join him on top of that roof.

Trained snipers take their shots from well hidden places with escape routes. /cough like from within a building that they have direct control of

We actually donā€™t have any good clear videos of the far 2nd story rooftop other than what appears to possibly be a personā€™s head poking up in the Coperhagen video. The boosted officer video is the only other that shows that roof but the shooting was over by the time that video comes into view, from my recollection having watched it hoping weā€™d have some evidence.

But in the Coperhagen vid we have a possible lead of someoneā€™s head poking up and going out of view. Iā€™ll readily admit it might not be a person but video flaw, artifact, building structure, etc. because Iā€™m open to the truth not married to a nonsense theory easily disproven.

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My theory hasnā€™t been disproven yet. When it is actually disproven by evidence that hasnā€™t been fabricated or tampered with, then Iā€™ll drop it as viable.

Until then, I like the theory of AGR6 window 3 if there was a second shooter. /shrug It is what it is.

And meanwhile, Iā€™ll ignore people like you, trying to gaslight other peopleā€™s own eyes.

Well, the window simply doesnā€™t open, thereā€™s no evidence it was ever opened at key times (all captured on video), no way for a shooter to practically get elevated in the room because rooms donā€™t have 8ā€™ tall tables and benches typically, there would be on video and dozens of witnesses including law enforcement, and Stewart himself, and thereā€™s literally no shooting lane between the window and Trump. But you are free to believe in whatever theories you want no matter how far afield and disproven they are.

Itā€™s like you donā€™t even listen.

If this was an inside job, that window was setup to open and to close quickly, most likely a removable temporary pane does the trick. It is ridiculously easy to do that when you have control of the building before, during, and after the event. Then the window is replaced with a permanent pane afterwards. Iā€™ve already stated this theory many times.

Nobody was checking that window.

Multiple aspects of the entire security setup leading up to and during the attempt scream inside job. It wouldnā€™t stop with those glaring actions, or inactions, as they were.

It would most likely include a second shooter in a theory similar to what Iā€™ve put out there. Itā€™s literally not far fetched at all. Itā€™s an easy basic plan.

Hi Rough_Country_Gypsy,

I understand your confusion. Let me try to explain:

As you know I have been evaluating many numbers with KHunter lately and he was able to find surprisingly a lot of small inconsistencies. As you know whenever we had to decide for a number, we took the benefit of the doubt for crooks and we tried to get up as high as possible, otherwise people would be claiming that we are pushing the numbers for our 2-shooter theory. Then KHunter drew his attention to the stage height which made me unsure. His height was considerably lower than what we had. This made think that maybe we are a bit high in our trajectory and when updating some numbers I saw the tendency that the back traced bullet was pointing more back down to window 3 than Vent 3. This is actually the reason why I started to focus on window 3, because all the time I was watching vent 3 and not window 3. I was however convinced from @bumblebeeez that there was possible path from window 3.

Then I looked at body cam BWC2-122110 and could see mysterious activity coming out of window 3. Then @phasefive drew the attention that we could also see the same in Stewartā€™s video, of which I confirmed with todayā€™s video.

3 seconds before shots are fired, window 3 changes the status from a closed window with a reflecting red colour coming from the red barns which are on the opposite side, to a (half) open window with no more reflections and no more rope.

As for the line it is clear according to the simulation and according to the latest numbers discussed with Khunter the back traced bullet is showing back towards that position.

Adding Chrisā€™s 3 buffered shots without echoes, everything adds up and now we have alleged video evidence that backs everything up perfectly!

hi @greg_n.

Here is the location I found for NTD:
586690.64 m E; 4523404.18 m N

I cross referenced with RSBN position which I used 15 references points to locate with more precision (RSBN new position: 586683.94 m E ; 4523383.19 m N):

The camera men from RSBN can be seen here in the middle, and he is aligned with the pole on the other side of the lake:

Here is the map with the locations and my ref points:

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A shot from these windows could not have hit Trumpā€™s ear and then the railing at the same time.

Your assumption presupposes the kayfabe theory.

That is why Mike Bell, for example, did not consider this possibility in his videos.

It would be interesting to know if audio analysis can really rule out this location for a second shooter.

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