Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

I have fully read every word of your theory and when it was first presented 5+ weeks ago with the ‘flash of light’ my curiosity was peaked. I did a DEEP DIVE INTO THESE WINDOWS.

Sorry pal, the evidence proves they did not ever open, nor was there ever sufficient unobserved opportunity, nor is it a practical firing position unless that room has some 9’ tall flat structure (maybe a big flat machine or something), but a big problem is no shooting line. People are simply in the way. These are elementary concepts.

Look Stewart’s video is just a starting point. We also have many eye witnesses including no fewer than several cops in uniform and undercover. We have the woman on the horse immediately beforehand. We have Stewart himself and whoever was with him. There’s several others in the video. Nobody saw a window open or close.

Probably 20 sets of eyeballs on these windows, directly or in periphery to a point that a open window would be OBVIOUS. People were scanning for threats.
Your concept of some magical window opening and closing in an instant demonstrates a total lack of firearms, aimed shots, timing, etc. None of that is going to work in the real world. Might work in fantasy hollywood in a movie script but in the real world it’s just far too complex and impractical to impossible.

I deal in evidence, facts. Not conjecture and improbable theories.

I agree it was probably an inside job. But these operations are designed to be low-work, low evidence trail, not complex. Complex plans have too many points of failure.

The window theory has 50 points of failure. To include, no shooting lane, too many witnesses, some predictably with cameras, windows that don’t open and would need to be replaced before hand and swapped back afterwards, then a 9’ platform in the room, a helper in the room to remove and replace the window undetected, and on and on and on.

The vent theory is plausible. The 2nd story AGR windows are plausible. The 2nd story roof is plausible. Because they’re all fairly simple, the vents are the most complex but plausible. But zero chance the shots were from any of those obviously closed windows that have no shooting lanes.


Do you understand “science” and “controls?” If you do, you’ll understand this. Your first picture is from a radically different angle than your 2nd picture. They are also plagued by being cherry picked snapshots from a moving video camera that is moving both in terms of depth and laterally.

This discussion cannot be captured effectively with still images that can be easily manipulated entirely out of context. It requires video context. Go watch the video, frame by frame. At all times (with minor breaks of 1 to maybe 3 or 5 seconds at most) these windows are all in and out of view as Stewart scans left and right continually and in an unbroken fashion.

There is simply NO TIME for a person to fling open a window and allow shooting to happen and then fling it shut without being observed or someone observing the action, the window open, the person opening it, etc.

Witnesses, cops, video, etc. nothing captures that activity which would be obvious.


The whole point is that my theory is simple and easy to perform.

I don’t know what your deal is, but you are being intellectually dishonest and outright making claims in numerous posts that are easily proven false. You are trying to gaslight to the max and that’s just giving off super weird vibes. Ignoring you now, pal.

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The window theory is literally the most complicated and difficult theory, and simultaneously easiest to debunk. It’s all based on a common and consistent window glare that exists before, during, and immediately after the shooting. There’s no evidence they were ever opened. Ample evidence they cannot nor were ever opened. No human possibility to open a window, fire 3 shots, and close it in mere seconds whilst also remaining totally unobserved by a police officer standing almost directly in front of it, Stewart is also filming it all happen from almost directly in front of it, and a bunch of witnesses and cops are within view. With literally no good shooting lane as proven by a video/photo stillframe from the shooting victims vantage the window is effectively totally concealed meaning no shooter there could see the victim or by default have a shot at Trump.

You’re the one pushing easily proven false information. Every word I’ve written is true and provable to the best of my knowledge. I encourage everyone to take my timeline and go frame by frame on the Stewart video and see for himself.


I appreciate your effort but I don’t believe that window is open.


Because I was curious about the time series of p-values also returned by cor.test(), I added a third pane displaying -log10(p) after a Bonferroni correction (the latter without much effect). Maybe this could help you to mentally reconstruct the engaged signal generator?–sample.pdf (67.0 KB)–s123–correl.pdf (2.4 MB)–s45678–correl.pdf (1.8 MB)

Btw, the p-values are so miniscule (<<1 E-100) that the frequentist approach appears like surreal idea. Or do these data reflect a random experiment that could have been carried out about 4x10^5 times?

Re you thanking me: without your diligent and deeply experienced signal analysis I obviously would not even have thought about how I could contribute that comparably small thing. The most frustrating part was waiting for Cairo … Now that the script runs pretty fast (after switching to the standard pdf device), I’ll run it on source 4 and subsequently also on the audio track of the shooting range video Brian suggested some time ago.


One of objections I had to shooting from a room is the blast residue and smells that would be left. So window 3 must be in a room that has a furnace for glass making or some other smokey environment. Only then does it make rational sense. The 4 tall vents next to window 3 give the appearance that is indeed the case.


Thank you for providing an accurate location for us to use and showing the lines of bearing. I will use this in the TDOA model.

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you are comparing window 3 with window 2, but I will answer this question in your other post…

There are lots of things you can do to clear out a room of smoke. 15 to 20 minutes would clear out a room fast with fans and a filter.

Most importantly, whether there’s an air filter or fan running, we know the doors in that hallway were shut when the officer with the body cam enters AGR6 and several people are sort of gathered in there. That was quite awhile after the first 3 shots were fired.

We also know that everyone was sent home in about an hour and a half after the shooting.

What this means is that the room could have been cleaned and any equipment used would have been removed. If there were shenanigans with the window, that would be resolved either that night while it was still a closed crime scene or very soon after, probably also at night.

Neither the room nor the window seems to have been considered a focus of interest after the shooting. It seems like they focused on the rally area, the roof, his access to the roof, and some trees.

If there had been a faint gun smell at the time, they probably would have just attributed it to Crooks being directly above.

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Everybody has to admit that something strange is going on with window 3.

However, it does not seem to be simple reflections changing with the position of Stewart. What is your explanation about the rope? The rope changes the position even though Stewart remains in the same position:

My main hypothesis up to shortly was that I was concentrated on Vent 3 since that is where my simulated CAD model pointed to. I was even of your opinion haven goten into a heated discussion with @bumblebeeez , telling him that Chris put the window hypothesis into the red zone:

Bumblebees got angry with me and finally I made up with him in the meantime and I accepted his hypothesis being theoretically possible shooting from window 3.

What made me change my mind?

Together with KHunter we evaluated some important data points in my CAD simulation and he drew the attention that the stage Trump is standing on is much lower than we all estimated. Having a lower stage would mean that we would be even lower in the building 6 with our back traced bullet, giving me the doubt that Vent 3 is not the most suspected place anymore, rather it is starting to point to Window 3. Oh, I immediately thought of my heated discussion with Bumblebees. Maybe he is right with his hypothesis :thinking: ! Having always concentrated on Vent 3 in all videos, I started to take a deeper look at window 3.

You quote:

I would have to disagree with that statement.

The only 2 people which have the action on camera are Stewart and the cop from web cam BWC2-122110 and they both have exactly the same evidence that the first shot came from window 3.

You can verify this finding by going screen by screen in YouTube:

by pressing . key and , key starting at 2Min 28 seconds and advancing screen by screen to 2Min 30 seconds

You can see in this video, the second the shot is fired from window 3, the cop starts running back to his car.

This triggered a big “ahh” effect to me and I posted the following:

Zooming in and taking screen by screen, you get the following gif, of which it is clearly to be seen that the window goes down and the shooter takes his shot.


After that, phase 5 drew my attention that we can see the exact same smoking gun in Stewart’s video, which then brings us up to date and I posted the breaking with the Stewart video having placed the sound in the correct postion, since it was offset by approx 1 second. Now we have two alleged video proofs that the first shot is coming from Window 3 of building 6.

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I don’t think that was the first shot.

Just my theory:

I think that was the signal that the fenceline was clear and Crooks was ready. I think that light is either bodycam guy’s light or just a flashlight from inside.

“Get out of the way”

The cop doesn’t even look like he’s checking the roof. He seems to check the fenceline and then it looks like he is checking the third window. In fact, he doesn’t try to engage Crooks at all after seeing him.

He doesn’t yell, “Police, drop that weapon!!”

He doesn’t do anything at all except seem to signal.

I think the initial Stewert audio is correct and after the cop is seen, the snipers know it’s a go.

I think that Stewert pans away from the window to the tree and the cop runs away from where shots are about to happen. Then the first three shots ring out.

I think the Stewert video may have been altered to hide the 3rd window after the shots. The third window is just too weird for no reason.

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  1. Obviously folks are waiting for Official Reports to be Released BUT I am still of the opinion (backed by witness testimony) that 2 (TWO) dead bodies were removed from the Scene that day.

  2. One was already in a body bag and on the floor.

  3. The other was “the dead person on the roof” - who I did not see being placed into a body bag nor any subsequent video footage later.

  4. The 3rd suspicious person was arrested at the scene and was later released without charge.

I didn’t get chance to say this when your post was first placed but I wanted to say that this is excellent work.

In view of the fact that comings and goings in and out of that entire area were NOT locked down at all - It is perfectly possible that TWO folks moved into that location, one quickly sorting out a window and the other shooting.

As folks noted yesterday:

  1. it wouldn’t look at all suspicious to have an additional Rifle setup in that Building (as well as in the other rooms) and it may have been there for some time.

  2. In these scenarios, it is perfectly possible to consider that a Counter Sniper COULD become a Sniper. Even for a short time of 30 seconds or less.

  3. If they were clever, folks would ALL be using the same ammunition, so Ballistics Data matched (important for subsequent events.)

  4. Setting the Target BEFORE the window was opened may have contributed to the near miss - by one half an inch - as per comments yesterday.


Sorry, I disagree.

I put a time stamp on Stewarts video setting “zero” at the first shot. Then by synching both videos with the cop raising his hand, I was able to set the exact time stamp on the body cam: BWC2-122110. As you can see in these two screen shots, we are perfectly synchronized. Both videos show the hand gesture of the cop at 1Min 50 sec before the first shot is taken.

Fast forward to “Zero” on the body cam you see this screenshot:

Please refer to my post here:

If you have 1GB free space on your harddisk you can download the body cam video with the time stamp here:

Now everybody understands why there is no sound on the first part of this video. It would have been so obvious to spot the first shot if you would have sound. But there is a guy who added sound. You can see that the two videos are is in accordance with eachother:

It is clearly seen in the body cam at timestamp “zero” the shot from window 3 is fired. One second after the shot is fired, the cop starts running back to his car. It is very clear and straight forward evidence.


Agreed !

If you watch the windows of AGR6 as the cop walks west and yells to get out of the way: the light follows him. Pretty sure it’s just his body cam light reflecting in the windows as he moves.

I do not think that light you see is a shot nor do I think it is the time of the first shot.

It makes MUCH more sense that the Stewert audio was correct and that the body cam audio should align with the Stewert audio… not some guess as to when the cop’s reaction time occurred.

did you watch this video with sound?

EXACTLY at that positoin the shot is fired

I don’t really trust the sound on any of those videos. And that is a video that we know someone has added the audio to. So no, I don’t trust it to be fully accurate/correct.

Look at the dashcam of the car’s audio. It clearly had copy pasta shots on it. Someone broke it down and showed how they matched each other exactly. That’s not even possible.

For now, I’m going with the Stewert audio being accurate.

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