Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

Window 3 is a strange one. There are some artifacts that are consistent with the other windows where the blinds are. Other things are unusual with the red glow, blinds and lights moving around.

To get such reflections during the day don’t make much sense. More like some kind of activity is going on behind the window. Was someone there spotting or supporting someone in the ceiling?

I did consider the window as one shooter location. Unless AGR has been working on some new kind of glass that can make holes and seal them up quick, behind a closed, fixed window is beyond reasonable doubt as a shooter location.

The idea of a second shooter was to make sure the job got done right. But that all fell apart as the suspect on the roof took the first shot in the TMZ video and Trump walked away. If a second shooter was waiting for the one on the roof to start, they missed too.

It was only the first 3 shots that got close. The next five shots give the impression of throwing a temper tantrum as he missed. Just aimed into empty nowhere space dealing with his frustration.

There was one unconfirmed rumor that one photographer also got shot, which would show the known suspect was at least aiming at Trump with the rapid 5 shots as Trump lowered his profile.

Chris Martenson has said shot 6 was the one that hit Corey, I don’t know what he based that on. I expect there will be a video some where showing which shot got him, but due to the graphic nature will be hard to find.

I watched it.

  1. All windows clearly closed making it impossible that someone fired from the window.
  2. No “rope” effect in window proving the “rope” effect is just a light reflection from Stewart’s angle.

3 screenshots in the 5 seconds immediately before the shooting proves the window is closed and there’s just glare.

Bonus. Light glares occur. I don’t know what the source is. Could be a flashlight from interior (nefarious or innocent origin), could be a reflection from the SUV headlight parked opposite the window, could be a different light. It is strange.

But it’s not muzzle gunfire because that’s not white. It’s usually orange. The white light is not a flash like a gunshot within a room, it instead appears to be a focused light such as a flashlight. It definitely could be a signal, or perhaps an officer inside searching a dark room. It’s unknown.

Anyone thinking that the shot was from the window is simply mistaken.


The different sound report eg lack of an echo or crack report indicated an impact.

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A few years ago we used ADPCM for subsonic records (ECG) just to reduce the data transfer from patients every day. That has a coding table, at the hig peaks the small changes disappear due to compression.

There is a very high-definition version of this body cam BWC2-122110 that spreads more light to the subject!

In this version, when you zoom in you can see one second before the shot is shot the following action:

  1. somebody pulls on the rope to pull away the curtain

  2. Glass window goes down

  3. 1st shot is fired

Here is an animated gif.


Here is a HD version of this animated gif for download:

Now we have full video evidence that the first shot came from window 3!


No. They are identical. No reason that should be true. That audio was poorly faked.

Sorry but no.

This is as simple of a logic problem as possible, working backwards from a process of elimination. And “if, then” problem.

Is the window open or broken? No.
If the window is never opened or broken, then it is impossible with known tested physics that a bullet exited through that window area.

What is happening is a really poor quality and moving video images capturing light reflections which are consistent and not inconsistent with all 5 other windows on the south and east sides of AGR6. Notice and appreciate how significantly shaky these videos are, they must be stabilized to even view coherently. These are light reflections giving the illusion or moving when it’s the camera angles rapidly moving.

This is disengenious video trickery, perhaps unintentionally. It’s an illusion that must be understood. You’re not seeing movement in the window, it’s from the camera angles quickly moving as the office is walking and running frantically moving erratically.

The focused white light flash is a curiosity but we can 100% rule out a gunshot from this room because no windows are open or broken.

I do believe that the vent location is still in play, however. The white light could be an external reflection, moving or stationary, appearing to move with the non-stationary video, or it could originate inside. Could be an officer doing a quick flashlight sweep of a dark room (no lights on inside this room), or it might be a signal (odd choice versus a verbal que, maybe code word perhaps in an earpiece).

But 1000% no reasonable person could claim a shot through an obviously closed unbroken window, which we can clearly determine is the case.


Ah, the first debunker, I have been working for you in advance to be able to give quick feedback! :smile:

By saving the GIF, there is always a bit of quality lost, therefore please use the original video from Rumble and zoom in the place of interest. You will get the following screenshots that are self-explanatory:

How high up is that alleged gunshot?

Maybe 6 or 7 feet high?

The fence is about 6 feet high. So it’s debatable that it could clear the fence. Maybe.

What is not debatable is from your own computer aided drawing this light is at perhaps 7 feet, heck let’s say it’s 8 feet, still the elevation is too low so it cannot come close to clearing the trajectory of the bleachers nor spectators which are at least 9 feet or more, so it’s several feet too low.

Also the audio on the 2 videos do not match this white light flash if I recall correctly. It’s off by a couple seconds.

I reiterate the balance of your open window analysis is simply wrong regardless, the window remains closed. It’s a solid piece of glass just like the others. And never opens. We can see it clearly on the Steward video to compare. The illusion of opening curtains is purely light reflections. We see this window from dozens of angles on several videos proving this point.

I think the light is a reflection of the body cam light.

However, if there is a second shooter, it is from that window.

I don’t agree with the timing and think it was opened and shot from when no cameras are on it- original Stewert video and audio applied- he was looking at the sky and tree.

I wouldn’t be shocked if Stewert is a plant. He was bro’ing way too hard.

But I also wouldn’t be shocked if he isn’t.

And yes, a shot from the top portion of that window clears the fence. It’s just geometry. I calculated it rough math as soon as the Stewert video dropped and CAD models confirm.

There was LOS, nobody was in the way at the fence or the bleachers, and it clears the fence.

Not possible, as has been clearly proven yesterday and today. I’ll be discussing these as windows 1, 2, and 3 from right to left, with 3 being the subject window where the shots are alleged to have originated.

@roger-knight has also raised this window issue, so because both of you are so adamant I returned and watched the Stewart video frame-by-frame. You’re both simply wrong. I’m going to prove the “rope” is purely a light reflection based on the position of the person taking the video, Stewart. When he is standing, before and after the shooting, there is a “rope” reflection. Sometimes also a “curtain” reflection, and other times when he is in a different position (kneeling for instance) these reflections abate or disappear. Nobody is in there with a curtain or a rope, it’s all reflection on the glass.

Source video in dropbox: Dropbox

4:47, about 8 seconds pre-shooting. Window has a lighted top-section reflection.

At 4:48 thru 4:49 there’s a “rope” reflection and reddish reflection, mostly likely reflecting the red barns. This proves the window is flat facing the barns and intact (no opened, not removed). This is about 6 or 7 seconds before the shooting. Would have been improbable to impossible to have opened or removed the window in the remaining time before the first shot, no person is even observed near or inside the window, and a cop is standing easily within view.

About 1 - 2 seconds before the first shot. Police officer standing in close proximity to Window 3 looking directly at it. He would easily have observed if the window were opened or glass removed or other shenanigans. Note window 1 had no window shade.

4:54 - Last image instantly before the shooting at approximately 4:55. Window is flat and closed. Nobody was seen moving inside or on the outside to open or remove the window. No reflection due to Steward “getting down” and moving behind the tree for cover, as instructed by the cop. Note the audio aligns because at 4:55 on the video, Stewart jumps and gets erratic, reacting exactly as the first gunshot is heard.

4:58. Police officer is in plain view of the CLOSED window and takes no action towards it because the shooting is obviously not coming from the CLOSED WINDOWS. Instead he runs back toward the rear where he last saw Crooks. Note, the audio aligns because of both Stewart’s and the officers reaction to the gunshots. Note also, window 1 appears to have a window shade only on the lower half of the window, yet there is no window shade on window 1.

4:57 - The last of the first volley of 3 gunshots stops.

4:59. Next volley of 5 shots begins. Window 3 is present again in Stewart’s video, notice an odd glare on the entire window, because Stewart is now crouched down and in a different angle/position which causes a different light reflection on the window. It was off screen from 4:55 to 4:59, a mere 4 seconds. All of that time a cop was standing in close proximity to the window, observing it, and we can tell from other segments there were other people on this side observing as well. Humanly impossible for a person to have opened the window, shot 3 shots, closed the window, without being detected, even if he had an assistant. Window 3 appears to have a total window shade, which is just a reflection. Notice also, Window 1 which clearly has no window shade, appears to have a shade on the lower 1/2. This is again just a reflection.

5:00 - 2nd volley of 5 ends
5:01 - counter sniper shot #9 total.

5:04 - a flash of light in window 3 occurs. Long after the assassin stopped firing, perhaps 4 full seconds later. What could account for this? Unknown. Could be a officer inside searching dark rooms with a flashlight, or it could be a headlight reflecting from a parked police SUV combined with Stewart’s movement and repositioning. Or a yet unidentified source. But in addition to the window being unopened and unbroken, and this light happening 4 full seconds after the assassin shots, we can completely rule out this being a gunshot from within the room.

6:34 - Steward has resumed standing up and we now again see a faint rope reflection in the obviously closed unbroken window 3 as the officers patrol this section of the S. AGR#6 wall. Notice also, Window 2 appears to have a similar glass defect causing a larger but less defined “rope-like” reflection, not unlike Window 3 at times. This is yet another data point and PROOF to illustrate these windows had glass imperfections that caused odd reflections.

6:46 - Window 3 had a rope reflection moments before, now it is gone. This is again due to Stewart’s altered position.

6:59- Approximately 2 minutes after the initial shots at 4:55, two officers with guns drawn patrol and inspect these windows. Both are closed and undamaged.

Notice: Window 3 had no rope reflection which was present at times before and after the shooting. Yet now Window 2 has a rope reflection very similar to Window 3 at earlier times. This is plainly a glass imperfection reflecting at an odd angle creating an illusion.

See this Window 3 “rope” reflection to compare.

Notice: Assuming these officers are about 6’ tall, the alleged “gunshot” that occurs 4 seconds after all assassin shots, would be approximately 6 feet off the ground. We know the fence is about 6’ tall.

The timing of the white light flash is 4 seconds or more past the last assassin shots. The height of it appears lower than the 6’ fence and it’s definitely too low by about 3+ feet to clear the bleachers and Trump supporters standing in a tight crowd on the bleachers.

This image shows the height of the bleachers compared to a person in yello standing on the ground. My eyeball estimate is the bleachers are about 9-10’ tall, and the heads of the people standing on the top would be taller yet. Precision isn’t necessary for this observation, it is obvious that the AGR#6 (sitting in a slight depression) windows (especially that flash of light) have no shooting lane thru the 6’ fence and especially not thru the 10’ tall or higher bleachers, approximately several feet lower than the bleechers.


And to simply but an exclamation point on a few of my longer points above.

  1. Rope in the window, is one of many weird reflections that happen in all 3 windows on the SE side of AGR#6. There’s a “rope” effect at various times in windows 2 and 3.

Window 3 “rope effect” reflection

Window 2 odd reflection looks like shades are being drawn or lowered.

Window 2 and 3 “rope effect” or other odd reflection.

  1. The “flash of light” happens 4 seconds after the assassin shootings, so it’s not aligned with the sound and cannot be the assassin.

  2. Flash of light also only about 6’ off the ground, mid point the window, so it arguably cannot clear the 6’ fence and it definitely cannot clear the 9+ feet tall bleachers with humans standing tightly packed on top.


Presumably 6’ tall officers, heads at the mid-point of the windows.

Approx 6’ tall fence

We know the bleachers are at least 9’ tall or much taller.

@roger-knight you’re CAD shows the top of the window (about 9’ tall) barely clearing the bleachers. I don’t even think we need to be precise here, because the flash about 6’ tall might not clear the chain fence, but is several feet too low to clear the bleachers.

Someone provided the height measurements

And I personally think this is more accurate based on the photo from Copenhagen. The windows are simply far below the height of the crowd by several feet. There’s no shooting lane from the windows.

This drawing is more consistent with the actual photo evidence from Copenhagen.



Geee, bleachers at two sides look lower than middle.

You should just ignore him.

He posts excessively long winded blatant mistruths without shame. It’s shady and seems like attempts to gaslight and muddy the waters, specifically in regards to the third window.

It’s not worth it to engage.


The ones in the middle were definitely taller. Focus on the ones to the viewer’s left. There appears to be a person wearing a yellow shirt. Bleachers can be estimated around 9 or more feet tall. Precision not necessary since we know from measurements and vids/pics the windows are too low.

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I’m still not sure. I confirmed for myself that the waveforms are almost identical, but that may be the case if I set up a mic and record myself clapping my hands eight times.

I want to believe there was tampering because it would be a break in the case, but sounds that sound similar probably really do have similar waveforms. Maybe we should hire an audio forensics person.

Following up with the 2nd shooter from building 6, window 3, I was able to extract the HD frames directly from the video getting a much better quality. Now everything seems to be clear as follows:

There are two people in the room, one takes off the window completly, so that the other guy can shoot.

Below are screenshots that are self explanatory of which one we can actually see the smoking gun!

I recommend you look at the HD version from Rumble and convince your self. Here is the link:

Here are the screenshots:

1st shot building 6 window 3 with smoking gun

Here is the HD version of the GIF:

@brian60221 there may be some sort of controlled situation where you could make eight mathematically similar analog percussive sounds but it wouldn’t be hand claps and the correlation coefficients wouldn’t be 0.99 like this.

But what is going on here isn’t JUST that the waveforms are basically identical:
a) even though the waveforms correlate from shot to shot on each channel, they correlate badly between channels. How is this possible with three microphones within six feet of each other in a same enclosure recording a distant, outside sound source? Try this trick with hand claps and THREE microphones.
b) no other source that we have shows the eight shots having the same signature, and most show drastic differences between the first three and last five–why is the police car the only recording that didn’t observe this?
c) why is the in-car noise missing during the recorded shots? Some have thrown out selective spectral compression as a reason, but this isn’t replicated elsewhere in the tracks, where louder sounds have lower energy noise preserved in the recording. Why would a high-quality recording that is there for use as evidence use a codec that throws away some sounds in an uncontrolled fashion?

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No shots came from Building 6 3rd window!!


I’ve pointed this out before with real-world police shooting(s), rifles and pistols being fired outside the sealed patrol car sound nearly indistinguishable due to the insulation and other factors. Rifles and pistols that would normally sound much different, sound the same.