Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

False and easily disproven.

This is purely a reflection, about 9’ in the air, that occurs on all of these 3 south facing windows at various times/angles. There is zero evidence of a person, zero evidence of any hands, zero evidence of the window pane being removed. This window was videoed by 2 persons at all times contemporaneous with the shooting, the cop was standing right there facing the window, and nobody saw what you claimed happen. There’s at most a 4 second break in Stewart’s video, totally inadequate time for someone to REMOVE A WINDOW, SHOOT, and REPLACE it. It’s so silly I can’t believe it has to be explained.

The alleged gunshot flash is 4 seconds after the assassin stopped shooting on clear audio consistent with Stewart’s reactions, and this light flash (which you allege is a gunshot) is about 6’ up, midpoint in the window, so possibly not tall enough to clear the fence and definitely about 3+ feet too low to clear the bleachers based on your own CAD drawing. The flash of light is nowhere near the alleged “smoke,” modern guns like an AR15 don’t “smoke” like this after 3 shots and would not produce this amount of smoke akin to a black powder muzzle loader nor would this smoke be this thick or instantaneous, and an assassin would presumably be deep inside the room so there’s literally no chance “smoke” would pour out the “open window,” so you clearly just have no idea what you’re talking about, clearly never fired a modern gun, clearly never installed or removed a window, and just grasping at straws, either making things up or falsely attributing anomalies in videos to point to things that fit your agenda. Your screen shots are pure knowing dishonest trickery. Don’t know your agenda pushing this window theory but you clearly have a non-truth agenda.

I have explained all of this in great detail with time stamps earlier today with key screen shots. See lengthy post 1671.

I then drafted this abbreviated post, 1672, which sufficiently crushes and disproves all your points above.

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OK, maybe not. Maybe they really are too similar, and they just thought nobody would look that closely. But I’m just trying to be skeptical about what I’d like to see. I hope that pretty soon someone will grab a few shots from a random 7-year-old video where somebody was shooting a rifle at a range or something, and see what that looks like.

Yeah, that’s suspicious, but remember, it is not exactly a physical system like a big ear horn carving a wave in wax, it’s basically a tiny computer with closed-source software from a megacorp that can basically be infinitely crappy and stupidly written. They may have weird microphone chips buffering the audio data, and they just think it’s close enough even though it’s not really right.

Ah, OK, I haven’t looked at that. What is the cleanest other recording? Stewart?

I don’t know, but once somebody mentioned compression, I had to admit, it did kind of look like that to me. To me even the muted areas looked oddly computerish, because some regions were rectangular. I asked Mike Bell to take a look at that, but I guess he wasn’t interested.

In my mind, as a programmer, I’d want them to use FLAC. But I can easily imagine word coming down from marketing and sales that competing products were going to advertise being able to store 20x the data, and the police departments wouldn’t understand the issue, and they’d lose sales. I can see them rationalizing it to themselves that they’d already lost the war against compression because they needed it for the video anyway. Special chips in the device are probably made to compress video and audio streams.

I see this throughout the world, that we make bad technology choices because the vast majority of people don’t understand what they’re trading for what.


Then why can’t they sound the same on three microphones in that same car?

Are ALL variables accounted for? Spacing, brand, age, type, condition, damage, direction, etc.?

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You are very patient.


I use the original Stewert video and audio, which does not depict the 3rd window immediately before or during the first 3 shots.

I’m not sure why someone thought they could move the audio and then claim it’s correct. There is no valid reason to do that.

The window is not seen on any video during the first 3 shots. And then after those shots, that window is either obscured by a curtain or that Stewert video was tampered with.

If there is a second shooter, it was from that 3rd window. It’s the only location that makes sense.

The body cam does not show that window for the first 3 shots and neither does the Stewert video. Anyone moving the original audio for the Stewert video is trolling.

Hi BigTim,

I give you an “A” for effort.

Now knowing the truth, it is so easy to debunk everybody. I just need to show these 2 simple gifs:

  1. The helper who is holding the window is moving his head. His head light is clearly seen moving


  1. You can see the smoking gun and the helpers left hand holding the window

smoking-gun and left hand from helper holding the window

I’m literally laughing at how silly this dishonest animation is. I suppose the “shooter” is firing a howitzer?

You plainly have no experience firing guns. Here’s an AR15 “smoke” from firing. Basically imperceptible. There’s no way a typical modern rifle is going to produce what you are claiming is “smoke” in 3 shots. It’s just not going to occur.

What you’re trying to pass off looks like a bad animation ghost head with long flowing hair. Was he firing a howitzer in that room?

There’s so many flaws in your belief, totally fabricated or cleverly edited and out-of-context gifs, that it’s pointless to continue to discuss it. I’ll just direct others to go review my previous plain breakdowns with time stamps and actual images to disprove every nonsensical point you’ve made…


I have made up my mind: The first shot came from building 6 from window 3. I don’t need to see any more.

Just one additional information, the shot you see in the gif is EXACTLY (with audio delay, depending where you are standing) the time when the first shot is heard.

I let everybody decide for them selves.

It does not line up with the original Stewert audio.

What I will say is: that appears to be happening immediately before the shots are fired. I think that’s interesting because it is what I theorized:

Removable temporary window pane gets dropped

Shots are fired

Pane returned to position

It’s like it never happened except a patsy dead on the roof.

a picture has a thousand words


I’m having an actual laugh attack from that howitzer smoke…

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Don’t get me wrong. If there is a second shooter, I’m Team Window 3.

I’m just saying: there is no video evidence of that window at the exact time of the shots.

At the time of the first 3 shots, Stewert has aimed his phone at the tree top/sky. And if anybody moves the audio of the Stewert video: they are trolling.

LOL. Indeed. And this animation shows the square white security tape outline of the window, still in place. And a glare, with a circular light reflection, possibly from the headlights of the police SUV parked opposite facing the south AGR wall.

Again I have showcased ALL 3 of these windows having light anomolies and reflections. In fact, the white light in this image, is a far distance away from the other circular light reflection (probably due to the camera angle and source of reflection). Both the white outline on the window, and the glare, PROVE THE WINDOW IS CLOSE AND IN PLACE.

Image of the white security tape around the window glass in the close position.

They could not be there if the window was open/removed. So again your own theory is internally inconsistent and you’re just floundering to find any still shots that might support your silly theory.

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There is no video of the window at the time of the shooting.

I downloaded the Hi-res video direct from Stewart’s YouTube site the day it was uploaded Sound tracks all good. Between 4:57 & 5:02 he focuses on window 3 most of the time as 8-9 shots ring out.

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That is not correct at all for shots 1-3. Straight up lies. I don’t care about shots 4-10.

There is no view of the window when shots 1-3 happen, not for 11 seconds and for 5 more seconds after that, it’s weird as hell.

Agreed the sound tracks, based on his reaction the instant shots 1-3 occur at about 4:55 (time on Stewart’s video). He jumps and starts panic movements. There is no other explanation that lines up other than that’s when the first volley fires.

I will note, as I did painstakingly document earlier today, there’s only a 4 second break in Stewart’s video of Window 3, and he goes back to it repeated at 5:00 and every few moments thereafter for several seconds. We have essentially an unbroken chain of custody on Window 3 sufficient to say nobody opened/closed it, nobody removed/replaced it, and nobody fired out of it for a myriad of reasons I have documented, to include there is simply insufficient time to do so and anyone doing so would have been observed by the cop, Stewart, his video, or the dozen witnesses standing there in visual distance.

Hi Bumblebeeez,

Yes, and I would like to revise my self on this topic.

Now having found the HD video from BWC2-122110, I am now aware that the helper is wearing a head lamp. So maybe I got confused between the head light and the shot in Stewarts video and there is not a 1 second delay. If so, everything matches up perfectly, because the shot seen on the body cam and the “falsely estimated” shot in Stewarts video are in two different positions. The one in the body cam seems to be the correct height of shot 1.

My hypothesis of the one second delay seems to be debunked now. But the main part is that everything matches up. The light in Stewarts video is the head light of the helper.

I am sorry that this turned out to be incorrect, but I did not know until yesterday that there was a helper in the room with a head light.

You can just watch the original Stewert video with original audio. At the time of the first 3 shots, Stewert looks at the sky, some leaves, the tree trunk, grass…

But what matters is that the window is…weird.