Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

Stewart standing provides the odd rope glare, before and after the shooting. We see this same effect in Window 2. But those of you holding onto the window theory, refuse to acknowledge Window 2 has similar light imperfections.

Stewart kneeling low during and immediately after the shooting, creates the different window reflection artifact glare.

Window 2 rope glare 1.5 minutes after the shooting at 6:34 timestamp on Stewart’s video. You can also see Window 3 rope glare returns.

Different window 2 light reflection.

The light flashes are long after the assassin shooting, and only about 6’ high. So they are audibly not correct, and the height probably does not clear the 6’ fence line but definitely does not clear the 9’ or taller bleachers packed with spectators. So it’s obviously impossible for it to be a gunshot.

6’ tall officers for reference.

Yes, I think we agree:

Shots 1 is fired from window 3, but Stewart did not catch it on camera, but the body cam did!


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No, it didn’t.

If you watch the Stewert video: the officer had already turned away from the window before the first three shots ring out.

There is no video evidence of the window at shots 1 to 3.

What there is:

is the difference in audio for shots 1 to 3

the distance most likely being 130 yards (closer than Crooks)

an almost perfect alignment with Crooks

an officer who doesn’t deliver loud verbal orders to Crooks at all

an officer who doesn’t attempt to engage Crooks at all

an officer who KEEPS HIS EYES ON THE THIRD WINDOW, NOT THE ROOF as he saunters in front of the building

an officer who yells “get out of the way” the way of what???

a cleared fenceline

a droopy fence in those sections

perfectly framed LOS to the podium

a weird as hell window after the 3 shots

access to the building before, during, and after

two snipers who didn’t confront the guy crawling on the roof

one sniper abandoning his post

creepy plainsclothes officers doing nothing around the building

an officer who says oddball things out of the blue into his mic, “oh man, I told secret service to put a sniper on that roof” ooooohhhkay, bud Where was that passion when you encountered a sniper on the roof? Maybe he could have tried applying that passion to a single verbal order to drop the weapon.

There’s probably more.

Why would a helper be wearing a headlamp? The light coming in from the outside would sufficiently illuminate the room. And would not a headlamp be on for more than a flash? None of your new theory is making any better case.

We are so close to coming to an agreement… :smile:

The fact that I synchronized both videos (Stewart with the Body CAM) and you see the flahing light in window 3 exactly when the first audio shot is fired. This has been confirmed by somebody completely independent in his YouTube Video of which you have already seen:

If you would accept the fact that the body cam catches the first shot, we are in perfect agreement. :handshake:

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For my theory, the cop doesn’t run because shots have happened. He runs because they are about to happen.

Original Stewert audio, thanks.

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I have given you two ways to prove my theory.

May I ask you when you think the body cam guy hears the first shot and do you have anything that backs that up?

Use the original Stewert video, not the one with audio shifted.

Line up body cam guy with original Stewert video with original audio.

Count backwards.

OK, I will do that and get back to you :handshake:

You may be right on this point. Stewart has a 4 second break on Window 3. Not sure about the officer, but if there was a break it was marginal.

Maybe, however he and about a dozen witnesses were in close proximity and had visual sight of the window. And Stewart has only a 4 second break not filming it. There is humanly inadequate time to open/close or remove/replace a window in the allotted time without detection. I will say it is humanly impossible, even with a helper, or with mechanical assistance. It cannot be done.

I agree with the audio differences strongly suggesting 2 different shooters, weapons, and locations.

Not compelling, far too many variables to isolate distance with precision.

True, but the vents, 2nd story window and the 2 story rooftop is/are a far tactically superior and easier position that is also of similar trajectory, especially the 2 story roof.

Boosted officer’s behavior is odd, incompetent, flustered, but I can’t conclude complicit. He actually appears to be the only one on scene doing the MOST of any officer. I chalked it up to total shock and surprise and being confused and flustered, having himself come across town to find nobody locally attempting to stop Crooks. I’d image a lot of confusion in his mind.

Cleared fenceline, yes. Droopy, I’ll have to disagree. The fence is about 6’ tall which corresponds to about 1/2 way up Window 3. No top rail, but also no “droopiness” to it. So your window assassin would need to be elevated toward the upper half of the window to merely clear the 6’ fence. I’m having trouble thinking of him on some 8’ tall stable platform in the room, but I suppose it’s possible.

This is a maybe, we don’t really know the extent to who was in the building at what times.

Nope. There’s nothing unusual about the reflections in window 3, other than the white circular light which probably has a innocent explanation. The rope effect and the odd square and other effects are a reflection seen before and after the shooting in window 3 and also observed in window 2 based on the angle of Stewarts video position.

Definitely suspicious behaviors and strong evidence of a criminal conspiracy. Now we’re getting somewhere!

Sadly this is where the window theory dies. The window is simply too low to have a clear line of sight to the podium because the bleachers and spectators are too tall and dense. You simply cannot bypass this major problem. The image from the shooting victim Copenhagen lines up to the plotted heights by a member on the forum almost exactly. There is no visibility of Trump from the windows. End of analysis, all other points aside.


Sorry bud, setting aside the magical invisible window that somehow can be fired thru without detection, the levitating sniper inside the room, and other hurdles, there’s photo evidence proving there is no shot from the Window 3 to Trump, or the victim Copenhagen seen from his vantagepoint.


Sounds good.

It is just a theory, of course, but how it would work is a temporary removable frame.

Once the window team has the signal: they drop the removable framed pane, fire 3, return the frame to position.

This takes mere seconds, more than enough time on the window is missing from the video to do it. And lets be honest, the weirdness of the window immediately after is likely a bad photoshop.

It would be a bad photoshop job just like the police car cam was a bad audio copy paste job.

Then after everyone has left: the removable framed pane would be replaced with a permanent one. Easy. None the wiser.

Nobody seemed to worry with that window or its room the day of.

If anyone looked at the window weeks or months later: there’d be no way to tell. It couldn’t be proved.

OK, I took time to verify your claim, of which you say both my provided sources are off and the body cam guy does not see the first shot in his camera.

I claim that both my sources one being synchronizing the two videos (Stewart and bodycam) and second the YouTube video with sound, perfectly match up and the first shot is captured on the body cam.

So, the easiest way to verify is to compare Trumps speech with the YouTube video and Trumps speech with Stewarts video.

Concentrating on the sentence:

“And you know that’s a little bit old that chart, that chart is a couple of months old and”

you can see in the YouTube video, Stewart is running for shelter under the tree.

And when you listen to Stewarts (it is a bit difficult, because he is running) but you can hear exactly the same sentence.

Seconds later the first shot is fired.

Sorry and I hope you don’t get angry, but now we have 3 different methods that all line up together….

I am even more convinced that the first shot is caught on video by the body cam.

Yes! one guy is holding the window while the other guy shoots… and we have it on video. Look at the helper holding the window with his back twards the shooter:


And they done all this in a matter of seconds that was perfectly synchronized with a camera bouncing around in front of it? With this level of synchronization they still missed Trump?

I understand looking at these theories, trust is in short supply these days. To continue down this path is unreasonable from here. I know we all have to work through this as best we can.

The only dumb question is the one never asked.

The tides have turned my friend.

Now having the first shot on video caught on BWC2-122110 is damming evidence!

We can lean back and relax and wait for others running around to find proof that this information to be false.

More evidence that confirms this hypothesis:

First 3 shots buffered sound without echoes, whereas shots 4 – 8, completely different frequency, with echoes

Back traced bullet leads to building 6 and not to Crooks on the roof

It’s now getting tough for the 8 shots believers…

I think he was watching the south snipers turn. That’s what made him run.

The ‘fence’ girl starts running away when shooting started.

I will run for a little while in the quest to deny ignorance. Three frames of a white light does not match the blast at the end of a rifle. I do not know the source of that light, but to propose a bullet can pass through glass without damage ain’t adding up.

TMZ has found the source of shot one.

tmz ross 06 a

When backtracking the shot and taking into account the offset of James camera, it does fit with the shooter on the roof.

All I want is the facts. I did not like to accept the work of Greg_n when first seeing it. I do not like living in deception more. I know there are issues in the audio. Maybe there is more to the story? At least with shot 1 coming from the top of the roof is strong.

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A classmate in high school suddenly got a light bulb out of the restroom. He not just gently dropped it, but totally thrown against the floor. And it bounced back. (I was able to reproduce this experiment at home three times.) :upside_down_face: