Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

Going through the available work AGR has on youtube, the strength of glass is in its surface tension. As for what more advanced work in bullet proof things that do go on there, I don’t know.

The teacher shoots pencils, no damage to the pencil tip.
board shot
remained sharp
sharp pencil

He says the stiffness depends on the speed.

@kwaka , do you not know what AGR stands for?

AGR = American Glass Research

They keep it on the down-low, but this is the preeminent research facility in the US, and they do a lot of work for the US military. (That’s why they had those high-speed military drones flying around. Duh.)

They thought no one would notice, but @roger-knight has just spilled the beans on DARPA’s “self-healing glass” project. If the Peak Prosperity forum mysteriously gets taken offline today, this is why!


A quick FBI investigation still takes 2-3 months. Investigations do take time to sort out the facts from the fiction. They have been guarded in discourse so far, standard practice in some ways.

I don’t know what they will say if/when they finally say something. I do appreciate this opportunity to be a part of a citizen investigation to help keep them in check when they do make comment. Given the political nature of this event, the next election is in play for how this goes long term.

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@brian60221 I appreciate your skepticism. This is a huge accusation. It doesn’t hurt to consider all possible explanations.
Look at shot 10 channel 1: it was registered louder than 1-8 (which I don’t understand given the supposed proximity of the car to shots 1-8) and the crappy software didn’t try to suppress high-frequency noise to make a clean waveform:

There are no “clean” sources. The Stewart source has so much supersonic crash that you can’t see the boom without filtering out the high frequencies. On most of them you have to filter people screaming and shouting to see them. But once you do, the shots each look different.


I just reached out to an audio forensics guy. If he’s not interested, I’ll see if I can find someone else. I’d love it if he said right away that no two natural recordings are that similar, or something to that effect.

Edit: audio forensics specialist agreed to look, and audio files have been sent.


The mystery of the "UFO" at the Butler PA rally / Assassination attempt has been solved, thanks to @ChuckGrassley

Secret Service DID have a Surveillance drone in the air, and it went operational at 5:20 pm.

Did it fire at the shooter?
Why didn’t it spot the kid on the roof?

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OK, so we have two guys who are shooting the first shot? That is a problem…

I was one of the first guys that mounted the animation of Crooks on the roof complaining the lack of dynamics not seeing him moving and no recoil. See my post from August 9th:


Please compare my animation (which was mounted to a gif at that time) with yours. As you can see manipulation has been applied in the meantime to his shoulder to add more dynamics to this video, because nobody believed the first version because of lack of recoil.

And another thing: Crooks, or shall we call him “Goldielocks” in this picture got himself a sexy hair wave, or was the person tying to apply more dynamics to his shoulder simply careless?

If this video has been edited, we can’t take it seriously as proof. We would be needing the original one from the cell phone directly, that would be more convincing.

My hypothesis is that Crooks waited or was not ready and the first 3 shots were fired by the 2nd shooter then Crooks nervously shot 4 – 8 into the crowd with rapid speed shots not really aiming, because Trump was already on the ground, killing one person.

I like it how in your reality, magicians, pick pockets, card cheaters, and sleight of hand con artists don’t exist.

I mean, why would anyone ever do anything that takes milliseconds with distractions happening nearby?

Right? Someone let all those people know that they have to stop immediately because it breaks the laws of Kwaka’s reality.

One thing that has bothered me is the “whiteness” of the light in the window. I’ve never seen a video looking at the business end of a rifle, but side views shows it to be much “cooler” on the kelvin light scale than that photo/gif is showing. That to me looks like a LED flashlight, rather than a muzzle flash.


I have compared. When I do zoom in on your version I can see that slight solder recoil and ejected shell. It is consistent with the version I have posted. I know it is hard to see at the resolution you posted. It threw me off for a while. It is there is you look.

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and Goldilocks?

lol, your brain is up to you. You want to go flat earth on this, your call. All I can do is present the evidence as I found it. It sucked for me too.

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Calling out on all video/image specialists that are able to analyze, enhance make images clearer for people understanding what is going on in the video.

Here is your task:

Since we allegedly have found the “smoking gun”, namely we see shots being fired from building 6 window 3, with the help of another person taking off the window 1 second before the shot, holding it to the side and his back is facing the shooter not to get injured.

It is clearly recognizable, but for example when I mount it to a animated gif with all of the screenshots (already losing quality) and the gif itself losing quality, the end result of the gif is not as nice as the original video.

So, if you feel like you have the capability in getting a high resolution animation or video out of that very small sequence, please go to the Rumble link here:

download the video and analyze the small sequence starting at 11Min and 32 seconds.

If you are at the correct place, you should be getting this kind of image:

1st shot building 6 window 3 with smoking gun

But my animated gif is too dark and I don’t have the abilty to make things brighter and sharper…

Thank you for your support.

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Something is going on in that room. Already have plenty of strange lights. As for a gunshot at Trump, does not fit.

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In a recent video, Chris mentioned the three open windows where the ESU snipers (Nicol) were setup on the 2nd floor. He suggested these rooms could have been left unattended with sniper guns left positioned and ready for use by anyone sneaking in. The inference was that the 2nd shooter might have used one of these windows.

To evaluate this possibility I have provided lines of fire from all open windows in the drawing below. You can see that none have the needed trajectory to hit Trump and the right side of the bleacher.

The height of the lines of fire from the 3 windows would only be a couple feet higher than Crooks, so they would hit near the same height of his at the bleachers, though just a few inches lower, even if 20’ to 28’ to the left of his.


Just to be clear, I don’t agree with those lights being gunshots.

If anything fired from that room, it did so during the Stewert original audio timeframe when no cameras were on that window. It was a good 10 second gap with another 5 seconds of weird blurry curtain/photoshopped window.

You can call it flat earth, but I think even flat earthers could handle dropping a temporary window pane and then putting it back in place in 15 seconds.

Try it yourself. Mimic the movement. It’s a non issue.

The complicated part would be the sniper shots and well…he missed because of a head turn.

It think this would exclude the three 2nd story windows from being a 2nd shooter position. We are left with the vent or window in the facade below Crooks.

I think it’s cute that people are assuming they know for a fact that the shot that hit Trump’s ear also hit the bleacher and/or hit the bleacher without any deflection.

There’s zero proof that those are the same bullet. There’s zero proof that there wasn’t any type of deflection.

But people have been running with it like it’s gospel. Cute.


I was only trying to be helpful and exclude the impossible. A bullet from one of the three windows on the 2nd floor would need to hit Trumps ear and be deflected 20’ to the right after traveling only 80’. Considering the speed of the bullet and its mass relative to the mass/hardness of Trump’s ear… I believe that puts it in the impossible realm.

Again, I thought this would be a clear and obvious analysis. A bullet from a third story window could have hit Dutch in the corner of the bleacher, but its trajectory would have been 14’ to 22’ to the right of Trump as it passed by Trump. That would not be a miss (or deflection). That would have to be an intentional retargeting.