Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

what are the odds?

the fast buriers of information bragged in November 2020 with their remotely operated sniper station…


add some shock absorbing stabilizers to the tripod and you have a very solid platform from which sniper shots can be fired…

the following is a demo of 10 year old technology… i.e., today it would be much more advanced…

the accuracy of these things can be improved by pointing a UV laser at the target that needs to be destroyed/killed/damaged/injured: someone points a UV laser beam to the target, the automated/remote controlled weapon looks for the UV-dot that is lit up, et voila, the bullet travels to that location…

is this what you mean by a machine triggered rifle?

they also have machine gun versions :slight_smile:

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As an aside, what a cool device. Seems like it would be super helpful during war times. Set that up and you aren’t risking the safety of your fighters.

Plus, you can conceal it in areas where humans can’t sit and wait.


yes, and it never gets tired, does not need to eat anything else than ammunition and never goes on strike…

but, as you can see, it is not the most compact thing that one could put in a ceiling shooting from a vent as it requires quite some operating space and its cameras and radars and sensors need some reflection free area to do their job properly…

it is totally unrealistic to assume that this type of device could have been used in a confined space like a false roof or ceiling:

  • it takes quite some time before the next bullet can be shot after the recoil of the previous shot was taken care of
  • the radars, lasers and sensors of these devices require low to no reflection to operate properly
  • the device is much bigger than a human with a sniper rifle
  • the device cannot anticipate any miscellaneous situation that needs to be addressed

There is another, but the dude stopped recording just seconds befor the shooting.

Yes, thank you very much for this find. The machine gun is probably too fast (overlapping sounds), but I will look at the first and second one.

Well, gruesome that, but in a certain sense also good news for @roger-knight and all other looking for shots through vents or from remote locations. UV-lasers are a pretty recent development, for civil use at least.

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it is extremely unlikely, not to say completely impossible, that this type of remote controlled sniper rifles were used for this event:

  • they require much more than a vent or a window to shoot from
  • they are not that compact
  • they require at least one human to monitor its proper behaviour
  • where did they hide the device?
  • what location would you expect this type of thing to have been shooting from?

deploying this sort of equipment is really not that easy as one would expect…

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Your point list is kinda an “all” assertion, so one example may suffice to falsify your arguments. Do you know this market, do you know all such devices? Is it really impossible to mark a target with gin-mounted laser pointer and push a button in your pocket to trigger a shot? Angular adjustments would be minimal.

Only a remote control gun would functionally fit into the tight space under the roof of AGR Bldg. 6. To place a sniper therein appears as a monstrous idea: tight space and high temperature as well.

Remotes provide a comparably low profile and could be deployed almost anywhere, on a tree, a roof and also behind an open window. And it could explain the blank-faced behaviour of Greg, the confused (counter) sniper who simply left his stand just at the right time.

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Question for you, since you’re from the general area. Do you recognize this vehicle and know what department it’s with? I’ve got local and state police vehicles identified, along with state park rangers, but this one eludes me. Thanks for any information you can provide.

No, I sure don’t. Sorry. :cry:

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Thanks anyways.

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Here’s the shot, @sorey. This is a little inaccurate to the area where the camera is pointed. The camera is pointed a bit more to the right.

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Amazing, thanks a lot for your efforts and the on site investigations :clap:
Hope you got yourself an ice cream there :icecream:

Just offering to help tighten up your argument. From photos I know the ceiling is at 8 ft, which means there is over 4 ft height above the ceiling to the roof deck. It would indeed be very hot up there, unless… they leave a tile open which would have a constant flow of cool air from the room, or if they undid a flex duct and pointed it at themselves. A flex boot is the supply air connection to a grille in the ceiling serving the room below. Since it is an accessible ceiling, that duct connection is usually a flex duct. Best.


No. The only way to access that high roof would be from the lower west side roof.

I think that’s what he meant.

I’m sorry, @roger-knight. I don’t see any of what you’re seeing let alone clearly. I see an intact window and reflections.


Oh, OK. I thought he meant crawling out one of the windows I arrowed.

Thanks for correcting yourself straightforwardly here, much appreciated. Could this be your signal to take the intensity down a notch?

Hi Rough_Country_Gypsy,

Thanks so much for your efforts you did providing us with so much interesting material.

Putting it to work immediately, this is a screen shot provided from your drone of window 3. It is clearly “inactive”, meaning there is no dynamic action from one screen shot to another. This is how it should look like in Stewarts video.

But if we take Stewart’s video frame by frame:


we can clearly see the upper window being pushed out by the helper.

But wait, there is much more damning evidence comming… :grinning: please stand by.

Once you know the truth, it is easy…