Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

The outline of the decal on the car is similar to that of the PA State Police; so perhaps one of the lesser known departments there?


The shape of the shock wave does not matter in calculating when the snik arrives.

The snik arrives from the point of closest approach in t = d/v secs where d is the distance to closest approach, and v is the speed of sound.

Now there’s a thought. I’m checking other state agencies that might have policing powers now.

Hi to everybody in this Forum:

Since I am very busy back tracing the 1st bullet having gotten a lot of new information, especially from @rough_country_gypsy (thanks again!) I am now working on my famous drawing “back tracing bullet” Upgrade 6. I have seen a lot of people in this Forum identifying and tracking down each individual and finding out who goes in and out of building 6 ever since we got that great car video parked in front of building 6.

I personally have absolutely no idea about this, since I have been busy with my CAD simulation. This is why I am asking anybody who would have the knowledge to verify the following:

I get some funny gut feeling that the official version of “blood in the bathroom” does not pass my smell test, and I would have another idea which would fit much better into my 2-shooter hypothesis, namely: did the helper cut his hand when manipulating the upper window glass? I can well imagine, one small slip without wearing gloves would put severe damage to your hand
. It would definitely be worth the time to either disprove or confirm this topic.

Maybe somebody can start by following the “official” guy who cuts his hand. Does he actually go into building 6 to clean up his hand and does the timeline fit?

Maybe it is time to put “blood in the bathroom” back from red into yellow?

Thanks for helping.

Together we are strong!


Since nobody else has done this, out of interest I ‘photo-shopped’ in the shell casings in the correct positions on the roof in relation to Crooks final position and shooting direction.


‘Columbo Goes to College’



Wait, there was a scandal of compression processes.
“Xerox Machines Change Documents After Scanning”


“design utilizes the recognized industry standard JBIG2 compressor which creates extremely small file sizes with good image quality”

He explained that the document is segmented into discrete sections and that the WorkCentre machine compares each section to a library of stored patches.

Unfortunately, replacing each section with representative patches can result in errors. 
 Some models of the Workcentre machines consistently make the same substitution errors, for example replacing the same 6s with the same 8s. Others models make arbitrary number substitutions that are not consistent each time the machine scans a document.


that is exactly the point

these remote controlled guns require much more space than you realize

their sensors and cameras and lasers depend on a spacious area without reflections in order to lock into their target

as it happens, I have been working on security systems and applications like these for over 25 years now and already in the early 2000’s I have made and given demos of systems going boom when targeted individuals or objects came in view based on devices or tags or marks they had on their body/frame


yes, and colour printers print small dots on whatever page they print which identify the printer uniquely such that when the printer is used to print counterfeit money, they can trace it to the printer that was used for that bill

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Once I have noticed there was an ‘isotopic mark’ inside the confidential documentation, made by document server automatically. So they can follow back the information leakage.

isotopic mark

Something similar was used against movie pirates.

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we hear the hydraulic spray in sync with the 3rd shot, that is right, but the sound of the spray takes time to develop and to propagate to the microphone, which implies that it must have been shot 1 or 2 that caused the damage that led to the spray

when a spray develops, it does not go from 0 (not noticeable) to 100% (full spray), but it builds up, and what do we hear? we hear the landing of the droplets and the swoosj of the leak/punctured hydraulic hose/pipe.

would you happen to have a link to the video shown in the lower part of this picture?

ideally, what I am looking for is a video that includes the yellow JCB hydraulic lift when it gets damaged, as the spray builds up with the speed of the lift lowering the speakers.



Nice mock-up picture, well done :+1:
One thing I’d like you to investigate or take at least into account:
Was the position he laid dead really the position Crooks took the shots from. Watch the part between shot 9 and 10 in the Jon Malis video very closely. Couldn’t it be that Crooks, with his errect up and turnaround move, switched 1 or maybe even 2 roof lanes to his right after shot 9? Could it also be that he was further towards the roof ridge with the rifle maybe even slightly beyond it, when he took his shots?
Will be interessting to get your take on this theory.

hello Sorey,

you did not address the question to me, but I have been working on that observation/your questions too

  • under the assumption that crooks fired any of the sets of rounds (first set of 3, second set of 5), it is very likely that he would have fired from lane 20 or 19, but more likely lane 19
  • he died in lane 20, counting lanes starting with 1 at the AGR parking side
  • so, when the SWAT officer fired bullet 9, he may have been in lane 19, and
  • when he was looking at and directed his rifle to the Semper Fi-man near the trees, he was in lane 20, where he was shot and eventually died after having bled seriously from his head injuries

the following roof pictures are from the Spa guy ( and @rough_country_gypsy:

if we look at the position of the gun on the roof, the following position looks way too low for me, so he must have raised his position if he was firing any shots:

  • the lighter blueish bar represents the vertical separator between the lanes. each of these separators is about 15cm (0.5 ft) high, and you can see in the footage of the Spa guy that the roof edge is about half that height higher
  • the pinkish square is where one would expect crooks’ left hand to be when holding the rifle in a firing position if he supported the barrel, or above that area if he pushed the barrel down on the roof ridge
  • the greyish rectangle represents the roof ridge

in the following picture, you see the grey rectangle raised to about half of the height of the vertical separator, and this allows him to fire over the ridge, but it means that he should have raised up that roof about 1m (about 3.3ft) closer to the top of the roof:

this picture above matches very well the images we have seen from RealDjStew’s footage where you can see a couple of frames with crooks’ head in view above the ridge line

bottom line: this all means that that roof top ridge offers very good protection/obstruction from crooks’ perspective

the blurred out part under the last 3 characters of the photographer’s name (“hia”) may have been blurred for a reason and that may have been where the roof top is located


By the way, I found park rangers:

park ranger

stopped recording

south bleachers

rear view


thanks a lot for these videos!

this one is recording from the right angle and the right the right information, but unfortunately, he claims he stopped recording

I do not believe a single character in that claim :wink:

it is so unfortunate that nobody seems to have put footage from this angle online

if I did not know any better, I would start getting suspicious about why this is not shown or made available online


Maybe the video compressor just ‘recycled’ some other pattern (from other frame).

I added a slide of law enforcement vehicles last night to my original post. There is still one vehicle I couldn’t find, but it only shows up in the one bodycam and doesn’t really have any bearing on the case.


well, from a conspiracy theory perspective, the footage showing Trump’s face being shot at could be censored if “they” didn’t want us to see that side of his face, and the price we pay for that is that we still haven’t been able to determine with certainty which bullet did the damage in the boom of the hydraulic forklift

Doesn’t it depend on the Mach angle?

Screenshot 2024-08-28 at 5.34.43 PM

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