Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt

Ah, now I understand what you’re saying. No, I haven’t consulted anywhere. You asked me about the distance and the sound of the bullet, and I’ve tried to explain it as best I know. I have tried to explain it in a clear way, and to understand several things that affect sound with clear examples. I’m not from your country and I don’t speak your language perfectly, and as I write I translate little by little to make sure the translation is correct. Maybe that’s why my paragraphs seem strange to you. But I was just trying to answer your questions and that it was well understood.

The closer team was facing the right direction but obscured by a tree.
The farther team was facing the other direction and had to turn around, reposition, reorient, locate and identify the target - that all takes a lot of time.
These positions were incompetently placed, FYI. Too close, too vulnerable, terrible sectors of fire that had obstructions.

All very good questions, leading to the only plausible conclusion that this was an inside job due to the layers of basic failures and the lack of any transparency or good answers.

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@vt1 Yes, I do incorporate elevation into the TDOA calculations, and I’m sure it makes a significant difference considering how close the recording sources were to the elevated shooter. However, I was only using rough guesses for the building heights until I found this Washington Post diagram last night. Are these numbers accurate? If anyone can provide more accurate numbers I would appreciate it. Here is what I have been using for my analysis work today: Shooter @ 5m, Ross (src. 5) @ 2m until shot 10 @ 1m, TMX (src. 2) @0 until shot 10 @ 1m, DJStew (src. 6) @ 0, Trump’s Podium @ 3m. If someone who has been to the site could give me better numbers, that would be great.

WaPo Elevation Diagram

Can someone post the new video from youtube?

Having some trouble downloading it with the normal youtube downloaders. Or can we get the channel to send it to us?

H-2 could not see Crooks because there was a tree blocking their line of sight to his position. This has been known since day 1.

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I had problems downloading it too, but I got it. Thinking how to get it to you. Edit:


Thanks bud. I was able to download it from your link.

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I’ll echo Jim’s thanks. :+1::+1:

It would be nice if Chris’ team did something like this for all the sound videos.

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I have some of them on my google drive. Video Analysis - Google Drive in the reference folder.

They’re the highest quality vids I could find, but they’re not the source videos.


Thanks for posting.

This video solidly dispells any 2nd shooter up there ON THAT SECTION of the AGR#6 roof. It is likely impossible given the number of witnesses and phone videos that a 2nd shooter would have been able to fire move and escape while remaining unseen.

Close the book on theories of another shooter on AGR #6 rooftop with Crooks. It’s impossible.

Look at the links of the videos I have posted. The first video shows the further team on the south barn, Hercules 1, was looking north towards the AGR building. They repositioned and reorientated themselves in the second video, one and half minutes before shots were fired.

Edit:I have mistakenly swapped Hercules 1 and 2 names. I was talking about Hercules 1.

Yes! This!
I have yet to hear how the redhat/white shirt man falls. Aren’t the two ‘critically’ wounded spectators up in the west top corner of the bleacher?

The #2 video intrigues me. It shows a guy in white drop upon the first shot in the top row. Chris may have alluded to his reaction being the ringing of the handrail by bullet to west top corner. But he sure looks like he took a hit. Here’s another view that I saw July 14.

As Chris pointed out it could be the reaction from the rail vibration from the bullet hit.
Also some people in the bleachers started to become aware there was something wrong because they saw some people running near the Crooks position. The level of awareness (more adrenaline) reduces the reaction time.
Also the sound of a supersonic bullet would come at a small delay in the position of the footage.

anyone have a link to the TMZ video of crooks seconds before shots fired? I cant find a clean version of it anywhere somehow.

Thanks in advance.

Official place where Chris puts their video evidence

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awesome. thank u

Thanks Greg for your interesting work. I wanted to ask you what is your take on the 2 videos below showing 2 audible shots a 2 different locations in a synchronized manner?

How can 1 shooter reach 2 different locations at the same time? Check the impacts of these 2 synchronized bullets… when Trump says “take a look at what happened…”!

Thank you!!


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