Coronavirus: 'Nothing To See Here' Say Markets & The Media

Wuhan is an industrial city with extremely high air pollution, so it’s possible this is influencing the higher numbers there?

I’m taking that for high blood pressure. I’m new to the site and this is my first post.

Hello to all,
I may have missed someone else posting this link. This data looks closer to what HK and the UK were citing all along. Would also explain crematoriums running 24/7 and the lack of interest in help at ground zero.

I can see why they make this decision. No way can this be contained - and outside China the death rate is very low. So why shut down the whole economy over it?
How do I know that USA and others will let the virus run? I keep an eye on CNBC a bit to see how the mainstream is talking about it. Below are 2 examples-
God bless,

and outside China the death rate is very low. You say this over and over as though you are desperate for everyone to believe you. Perhaps you are desperately wanting it to be true, we all do. It is not a “proven” fact as you have stated. Time will tell and so far the Pandemic is in its infancy and we will not KNOW if the death rate is low for months, maybe years. Repeating something over and over because you want it to be true does not make it so. AKGrannyWGrit
Hewlett noted that while his titles could lean towards alarmism, the content of his videos, keyed to spiking interest, appeared to be reasonable. “The titles aren’t indicative of what’s in the videos. But he doesn’t seem to spread misinformation. People are just hungry for information in general. He’s just trying to assimilate media reports,” Hewlett said.
Then of course, if you lump one truthful site among all the trash, no one notices do they?

In fact, outside China there are very few “serious” cases. And we know the ACE-2 Receptor cells make Asian males far more prone to this virus.
All of this says to me this is a low-fatality disease outside China.

The study here:
…suggests that people taking this class of drug will have less-pleasant lung chemistry for a SARS-type coronavirus and may slow down any infection when contracted.
While I’m no longer licensed in the medical field, it looks like you may have an advantage if you are already taking these types of blood pressure medications, but you should bring a copy of that study to your doctor and have them explain it to you.

Thank you for your contributions. Dr’s tunnel vision, thus more lag time. I take Ocillococcinum, homeopathic for flu. It’s made from duck so covers any regular flu. If I take it and symptoms do not improve, I would strongly encourage my ER doc to consider Corona infection. I am getting better at battling doctors. Stubborn old biddy.

"Hewlett noted that while his titles could lean towards alarmism, the content of his videos, keyed to spiking interest, appeared to be reasonable. “The titles aren’t indicative of what’s in the videos. But he doesn’t seem to spread misinformation. People are just hungry for information in general. He’s just trying to assimilate media reports,” Hewlett said."
As someone who has been a member of Chris and Adam's site for several years, I'm glad at least a little truth came out in this article. Most of it though is a veiled implication that they are among the ones spreading lies and misinformation. Yes, they have focused on finance information over the years, with a bent towards the trends I believe even Mother Jones has recognized over the years, over mining of needed resources, economic inequality and climate change. Both of them have made changes in their lifestyles themselves to reflect their advice. That is why many of us have paid memberships there and continue them. Yes the one article on "Pandemic Preparation" is behind the paywall, and yet every video since then isn't. And the comments sections themselves are full of helpful information from both sides of the issues and are free for any to view and to comment on. If wanting to be paid for your long hard work is an indication of "an excuse for grifters and other YouTube creators to chase clicks at the risk of spreading panic or false information", may I point out this article ended with a large ad for donating to Mother Jones.

One point from today’s WHO conference, which I believe is valid, is that under reporting may occur due to overwhelmed lab facilities. Also, since negative results are not being reported we don’t really know how many people in China have tested negative but still use up a “spot” for testing. Here in the US CDC has been doing the testing, one location only for the entire US. And the protocol for testing a contagion this dangerous likely takes longer to avoid contamination issues.
CFR is RETROSPECTIVE not always predictive. This virus mutates and data becomes more available and things change. We can only know the data we have and what happened in the past. Sadly people want certainty on this issue and while we have some idea, as others have said, all of the data isn’t in yet.
Fortunately CDC has developed a “rapid test” that they got approved on a fast track basis. Soon it seems labs can test on sight without sending samples out, so we should see more data from the US as this gets utilized. The level of screening is quite low right now so we don’t know how many milder cases there may be.

All the while China slowly shuts down more and more of its productive capacity.
International: 194 cases, 1 death. Not so alarming at this point.

Andy - I think it’s hard to get accurate death count. there have been numerous reports china is undercounting. many factors but one is because many people die and we’re never tested. same will happen in us and western countries. i think there are more than 11 US cases - those are just the obvious ones with direct Wuhan connection. if u walk into hospital today with pneumonia and die it does not count on total and they will not test you unless you have a wuhan connection.
basically - it could be death rate much higher and a moderate rate even for western people.
hospital report in china:
even wsj reporting deaths may not being counted

I can’t verify this report but I would not be surprised. My question is has US confirmed more than 11 cases and not telling us or is there more than 11 and they actually don’t know about these because tracing back failed or testing not completed?

Its behind the NYT’s paywall so you might need to use a incognito browser window, buts a good look at Chinese journalism and the way some of the citizen-journalists are getting around censorship.

interesting theory on actual count:

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is generally non-toxic and alkalinic when in solution in water. Don’t know what pH is required to disable the ‘corona’.

In Chinese medicine the skin, large intestine and lungs are intimately related, all being organs of absorption and excretion. I am wondering if a diarrhea develops with the Corona infection, would that help drain fluids from the inflamed lung area? So supportive care to hydrate/electrolytes the body and not suppress the diarrhea? I trust the body’s wisdom.

Deaths are never captured accurately in these situations. The Spanish Flu estimate ranges between 50 to 100 million. The key point being that if this thing truly takes off like most of us expect, the true number will never be known but it will be quite significant.

Since he is desperately clinging to any and all stories which support the “everything is fine” narrative, I suspect a shiv of the mainstream media, here to do their best to contain any untoward “panic” or discredit PP somehow. On the other hand, there is tons of anecdotal evidence - including China’s overly heavy-handed and draconian response, videos and testimonies being leaked out of China at great personal risk, and legitimate doubts as to the trustworthiness of Chinese official data in the first place - which would at least warrant reasonable doubt about the narrative of “everything is fine,” but I don’t see any evidence that he takes any of that into account.
Might not be worth anyone’s time to actually try to persuade someone who’s narrative is firmly entrenched.
I’ll ask again, though; if this is “no worse than the flu” then why is China responding so dramatically? If it’s only killing Chinese, will that always be the case? Be mindful that as far as we are aware, no Chinese died of this in its first four to six weeks of starting. We’re not that far along yet.
We may be having a whole different conversation in a month. I hope not, but we might be.