Coronavirus: 'Nothing To See Here' Say Markets & The Media

What I have noted all along is that the fatality rate OUTSIDE CHINA has been low - and continues to be low. But certainly it is worse than the Flu!!
Also I have noted that Asian males have 4 or 5 TIMES the ACE-2 Receptor cells - meaning they are far more prone to this virus. All of this has been referenced by Chris himself.
God bless,

This strikes me as a bit unfair. Andy has been accused of fear mongering and being an MSM plant to contain panic all in the comments of this one video. He’s simply pointed out that there are no deaths among non-Chinese people so far, which is true. It is the reason we have been discussing things like CFR with proper care vs. without proper care, and susceptibility associated with ACE-II. If you believe, as I do, that the CFR in China is worse than they’re admitting too, this is a bit of a mystery. It’s not easily explained, and it’s not totally unreasonable to think that this could sweep across the Western world with a much lower fatality rate than has manifested in China. I agree it’s way too early for comfort, and there are lots of reasons to think this could crush the West, but I’ve been coming to this site for 10 years because people here have always been willing to consider and discuss ideas with which they disagree in a civil manner. I hope that’s not going to change now.

Kunga, I’ve heard there is a low incidence of diarrhea based on a recent Lancet article that studied 100 patients. Sorry, I don’t have the link, but look up 'medcram corona update #10 on youtube. This guy is really good, speaks crystal clearly, doesn’t include annoying background music in his videos, and is informative just like Chris’s videos

Seems to have arrived with “something” to say, with that Join to Post ratio. :slight_smile:
Anyway… We’ve pulled all of our planned 2020 purchases forward, and are getting near done “ordering most of Amazon”… before the China supply chain to dries up.
Best to you all!
-eric & cindy

Anyone who has caught the flu or a cold from someone else knows that the other person doesn’t have to look sick to actually be sick.
So, maybe a little good news among the fear mongering.

According to the new report in Science, the businesswoman’s 2019-nCoV infection symptoms went unrecognized because they were mild, masked by over-the-counter medications, and—most notably—the authors of the NEJM article didn’t speak with her before the article was published.
The Chinese businesswoman who spread the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) to four colleagues in Germany while reportedly experiencing no symptoms of the infection actually did have symptoms, according to a news report in Science.

The woman’s case, published January 30 in The New England Journal of Medicine, was considered the most clearly documented evidence that the novel viral infection could spread silently from asymptomatic people. Public health experts have been particularly anxious about such transmission because it could potentially ease disease spread and negate outbreak control efforts, including screening travelers for symptoms, such as fever.

“The fact that asymptomatic persons are potential sources of 2019-nCoV infection may warrant a reassessment of transmission dynamics of the current outbreak,” the authors of the NEJM article concluded. But that conclusion now appears to be based on false information. And, while the new information on these specific cases doesn’t rule out the possibility that asymptomatic spread has occurred or is occurring in other cases, it could help ratchet down fears that asymptomatic spread is driving the now mushrooming outbreak.

Thanks, MrCurious, I like their stuff, I will check it out.
Wish we had the net for reference education back in the day.

Here’s a link to medcrams #10 video

Video shows interior of new Wuhan ‘hospital’ resembles prison
article w/video embedded:

What do we know ?
First clue was a posting from a collaboration between a retired professional scientist with 30 years of experience in genomic sequencing and analysis who helped design several ubiquitous bioinformatic software tools, and a former NSA counterterrorism analyst.
Quote :
“Early research found that 2019-nCoV targets the ACE2 receptor, which is found in Asians at roughly five-times the rate of other global populations, indicating that the Wuhan Strain 2019-nCoV was likely developed as part of a gain-of-function defensive project possibly linked to immunotherapy or vaccinations – never meant to leave the lab, but meant to serve as a Red Team to fight back against, not as an offensive weapon since the virus is likely wired to be much more virulent among Asian populations.”
We than learned more about the virus using the ACE2 receptor in the AT2 long cells of humans.
This is now studied everywhere on the planet.
Second clue was given by a study.
“We also noticed that the only Asian donor (male) has a much higher ACE2-expressing cell ratio than white and African American donors (2.50% vs. 0.47% of all cells).”
“Of note, the 2 male donors have a higher ACE2-expressing cell ratio than all other 6 female donors (1.66% vs. 0.41% of all cells, P value=0.07, Mann Whitney Test). In addition, the distribution of ACE2 is also more widespread in male donors than females: at least 5 different types of cells in male lung express this receptor, while only 2~4 types of cells in female lung express the receptor. This result is highly consistent with the epidemic investigation showing that most of the confirmed 2019-nCov infected patients were men (30 vs. 11, by Jan 2, 2020).”
The third clue was a study giving further data.

Not only we from PP noticed these things. Russia Today gives some points.
There is an older study about the flu.
The ethnic differences are not just a concept. These differences can be identified quantitatively in a number of epidemiologic parameters. here is no doubt that the identification of different susceptibilities among various ethnic groups to a specific virus means that the viral virulence is relatively low and thus not a high risk to human beings.
So are we 100% sure that we are safe outside Asia ? Will Japan be the worst kid in the class ? We will see, but so far i have not seen evidence on the contrary.

I too have brought some purchases forward. Hate like heck to build up card balance. It is good the U$ dollar is remaining strong. Maybe retailers can bid for the last remaining stocks of goods.

In reply to Kunga, I also trust the body’s wisdom, but when diarrhea causes dehydration, then sometimes it makes sense to reduce it (as opposed to when diarrhea comes from a regular virus of food poisoning, under regular circumstances, when you would usually let that run its course).
Also controlling fever is a similar issue - mostly you want to allow fever, but if the person is becoming dehydrated then you could be losing the battle.
Finally, so many people in the world are suffering from environmental toxicity and not in optimal health given the problem food we consume, too much sitting, not enough sleep, etc. In that case, what is the body’s wisdom, and what is the immune system’s attempt to “help” that goes too far?

[embed][/embed] Dr. Gregory Poland of Mayo Clinic gave a Grand Rounds on 2019 nCoV indicating that the receptor target for 2019 nCoV is not the ACE receptor associated with SARS corona virus.
Please comment.

Today I contacted a Chinese individual that I have worked with for several years. I really like and trust this guy. Straight shooter, no nonsense. And bright. Turns out he is originally from Wuhan and still has family members there. Currently his brother is a medical doctor in Wuhan. I asked a bunch of questions:
What’s the mood like in Wuhan? No panic, people are calm.
Is your brother still working as a medical professional at this time? Yes, and he hates gowning up and wearing a face shield every day.
What happens if you break the curfew? The city is heavily monitored by drones and they will almost immediately instruct you to return home.
How do you get your food? We still have access to food, but your temperature is checked before you are allowed to purchase.
So what happens if the food runs out? The military will step in and provide.
Do you trust the numbers of deaths coming out of China? There is no way of determining that from an individuals standpoint.
Will it be contained? Yes - in a command economy any measure will be taken to contain this.
I saw no concern or panic in the individual.

I beg to differ.
Goto 10:40 - 46 and hear how this novel virus uses the spike protein on ACE2
Goto 13:39 and look what is on the screen

The body is the temple of the soul. The seven deadly sins are still deadly. Especially the Sin of Gluttony. Which is the wish for death.
Clean up the diet and lifestyle and the body will give a clear picture.

Listen to what he has to say - particularly at 2:38, that resonated with me.

[1 I follow a private Facebook group called Prep Club. Just sign in to FB and then type Prep Club in the bar. I see Daisy Luther, Gail Levy, and other preppers I’ve seen around. Lots of practical info about what people are stocking up on.
[2] Daisy referred to a couple of links that discuss stuff that might be hard or impossible to get from China. (I gotta check my sewing machine needle supply…) These are in the context of tariff wars but are surely pertinent here too:
and a very long list that blog post is based on:
Makes me think about what will happen without some of the supplies that up till now have come from China.Car parts, health care items, a lot more.
[3] Dogwise, a magazine, just put out this article. Kind of MSM but worth a look:
[4] NY Times article on why children are less likely to get coronavirus:

This is the exact kind of censorship that seems shouldn’t happen in America. Beyond that there is no reason to sensor it. There is no conspiracy theory. This is a real virus. its a real pandemic - Chris just predicted( by the available data ) it before it was announced by the officials… He did condemn the media , which was fair to do. And they now are all coming around a bit. We have seen some of that. The first acceptance by authorities now is that it is a pandemic it will likely circulate in the masses and will not be stopped. Meanwhile everyone else said this is just false scare like sars and H1N1 - which is in circulation also… and does kill normal young people without health issues. The differnce is H1N1 is a flu and acts like a flu - this is a coronavirus and acts and tastes more like the spanish flu which is a coronavirus not a flu… so, it was troubling. The H1N1 was never suspected of a mortality rate that was high - just who it killed. this is different. Anyway… Chris laid this out as it should be with the avialable evidence and he was correct about the pandemic coming and being here - which it is - and i could have predicted it too with the evidence provided by Chris… any educated person that actually objectively reviewed the evidence would come to the same conclusion… What is worse about the removal is the page said nothing more than the facts of who he was… and he is a pathologist(phd) from one of the top 20 if not 10 medical and science universities in the nation… So, this is clear censorship without foundation. as their were no non facts there. reprehensible… Again unless we take a subset of the chinese population randomly and following them for 4 weeks we cannot make any predictions regarding mortality… as it takes longer to kill to than it does to infect… so it will never out pace or catch up with the actual mortality rate… chris demonstrated with a model how after so many cycles a 6.5% mortality would like 2% if it had a lag of just 5 days,. we know it probably more than that and we have a case study of 21 days… not 5 … so we know it can be as high as that , though the average could be half that. so that model was conservative… and the cdc chair said that the rate is lower because there are lot more infected than reported… “thank you” stating again … do not blow this off it is here… So, what really need to concern our selves with is mortality. and it looks like it produces a high incidence of severe illness beyond the stressed capacity of medical systems… Fact again… which means - its a big issue if you have this many critical people with ARDS and no available medical treatment. as it gets more and more people… that are not counted… "CDC chair again " so, where is the foul by Chris?? there is no justification of rightious man’s statements…which could prepare thousands as the govt dont really care…why woudl that medical costs and SSA burden for the elderly population is big issue for the govt , this could be a problem solver… conspiracy?? not really. Motive ? yes. Doing nothing is as wrong as doing something negative sometimes… but not in the US govt book…

Not trying to attack you. I just thought you sounded anxious. Clearly there are different genetic predispositions to certain illnesses (women get more breast cancer etc…). It is a sensitive issue when the issue of race is thrown into the mix throughout the history of mankind (e.g. Nazis using “genetic weakness” as a reason to eradicate). The scientists certainly are looking at it and hopefully we will know if this ACE receptor is the cause of fatalities and if it can be used to help treat this thing.

Zana - Thank you for the links. The long list of items and materials from China gives pause for thought…