Coronavirus Pandemic: The Next Two Weeks Are Critical

Dtrammel, that’s a great idea re: medical form. I wonder if someone could build a pdf and share it. I would do Fitbit I am about to be offline for 10 days.
Chris and Adam, is there a place on the site we can put it? We could even include blank advance directive forms for people to download and complete. Note that those may vary by country based on local law.

Coronavirus cure: WHO says eradicating virus is a top priority as clinical trials kick off
From these two databases, it looks like the majority of the clinical trials research is taking place in China or France (likely in cooperation with Chinese researchers). There’s some redundancy between the two databases’ listings.
For those that want to delve into this:
WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Program,
WHO Coronavirus 2019 Research Roadmap:
Found it interesting some of the details (and lack of details) about quarantine vs “strict” quarantine, for example:
“Sometimes those who are self-quarantining are told they may go outside and exercise if no one is nearby, or grocery shop.” Not sure how grocery shopping is considered self-quarantine…especially when we know there can be a long asymptomatic incubation period where the person is contagious.
And then later the article said, “For people under strict quarantine or in isolation after developing symptoms, public-health workers sometimes need to provide more intense services, including shopping for food and medication.”
Do we know how long the tests are taking now?

I’ve been fighting heart disease since I was 39.
I’m 52 now with a pacemaker and a mechanical heart valve.
I rely on beta blockers, calcium channel blockers and warfarin.
The warfarin is a dire necessity for the rest of my life.
I guess I’ll be asking my cardiologist to write bulk scripts?

“…after developing symptoms, public-health workers sometimes need to provide more intense services, including shopping …”
Good luck with that. Who will pay? You are on your own. Keep on prepping.
The people in Wuhan who have been welded in their homes, will anyone remember them, or conveniently slip through the cracks?

Hey my mom takes that same drug. Check with your doctor *disclaimer *she was told she could take low dose aspirin in a pinch. She also got generic but prefers name brand and with a few mix ups she now has a back stock.

Meeting 2/11-12/2020 sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Global Research Collaboration for Infectious Disease Preparedness (GRoPID-R)
Meeting purpose: “To enable identification of key knowledge gaps and research priorities, and thereby accelerate the generation of critical scientific information and the most needed medical products to contribute to the control the 2019-nCoV emergency.”
Attendees: “researchers from multiple specialties, funders, public health, regulatory experts, ethicists”

Many of your concern’s addressed in this discussion.
It seems that the Chinese gub is categorizing deaths in a myriad of ways…I can’t remember exactly which but that a couple thou may be flu related, another couple thou respiratory related, thousands more due to pneumonia, etc. NOT all related to 19.
Imagine that, a gubmint not telling the truth because they don’t want to alarm the snowflakes world wide that Dancing with the stars will not be seen tonight or that social media will be censored to only things that they “like”.
Just ignore jsnip and listen to Clif. He has sources, friends, etc. inside China as he used the ancient methods to relieve cancer from his body. I’m not sure if he is cured or not. IMO, everything he says is thought out and reasoned. It is 95 minutes long and addresses objectively who, what, why, etc. of 19 and its appearance on our doorstep.
The discussion is 3 regular Americans who scour the web for a solution to our current societal problems. Whatever you want to hear is on the web, it is up to you to determine what is beneficial to you.

Why wouldn’t it be easier to get more?
Seriously. Lot’s of meds sales lobbyists cruising in and out to doctors office with “a new pill for your ills” on a regular basis. They make huge livings of hawking pills for a living. Big Pharma/Medical industrial complex often pays for docs continuing ed, vaca’s, seminars…whatever you’d like to call it.
Sending all our pharmaceutical jobs/production to China was a tremendous benefit for the drug companies. Labor costs crashed and profits skyrocketed!
Love that Globalism!
Who can we thank for that? Well, there are 435 and 100 and 1 that I can think of that did it a long time ago. But hey, for decades, they’ve all been looking out for us. :wink:
In some states now, your pharmacist can write you a script without your/a doc I believe. Sorry no link, but I personally know one and they can.

LabCat, you say you’ve been fighting heart disease for years. You may want to consider going plant-based. Have you read about Dr. Dean Ornish’es studies? A (close to) plant-based diet is the only diet that has ever been shown in clinical trials to not only stop the progression of heart disease, but to actually reverse it. Here’s his TED talk. Also highly recommended is the evidence-based site NutritionFacts: introduction.

Dtrammel, that’s a great idea re: medical form. I wonder if someone could build a pdf and share it. I would do Fitbit I am about to be offline for 10 days. Chris and Adam, is there a place on the site we can put it? We could even include blank advance directive forms for people to download and complete. Note that those may vary by country based on local law.
Suzie I should be able to have home patient care forms, as well as a general copy of a medical power of attorney and a medical directive, done by the weekend. I'll put them in a pdf, I'll have to see where I can put them for download. Chris and Adam might run into some legal issues if they host it on Peak Prosperity. I can probably put it on Google Docs.

Is the Chinese chart on fatalities based on known (diagnosed) cases, or on the total population?

For those who would like to purchase in advance a few months of their medications, and whose insurance won’t cover additional medications, and you’re thinking of going out of pocket, look up your medication on GoodRX online and see which pharmacy may have a good price for it. You can ask your prescriber to send a prescription to that particular pharmacy.

Since when did we start accepting that 2.4% was an honest CFR mortality figure? If that is true then why are 700 million people still under quarantine and lockdown? If this illness really only kills old, sick people then why are entire cities full of healthy able-bodied people shut down?
I think the Chinese CFR numbers look plausible if you run the adjustments I did. I arrived at a 2.0% CFR for males aged 30-39, and you get a roughly similar CFR for males aged 20-29 too. It's a pretty high case fatality rate, and that's just for those young age groups. Added to the fact that having your health care system collapse country-wide and remain that way for months is a highly undesirable outcome, and if these numbers were approximately right, it would still make sense for the Chinese to take the draconian measures they've taken. I'm sure the total number of cases is way too low, but I'm taking these adjusted CFRs at face value since they are all we've got. I cannot rule out fake data, but I have less reason to distrust them than I do total number of cases.
Is the Chinese chart on fatalities based on known (diagnosed) cases, or on the total population?
Those case fatality rates are based on confirmed cases only, not total population.

I found this link yesterday after reading about advanced directives here.
Some thoughts on self home care. There has been a big push on tele-medicine from companies I I believe the plan is to us it in this case to keep people out of the doc offices and hospitals. I keep reading that people are being sent home to self quarantine. I too have had no real luck getting family to look at this. I finally just stopped talking about it. The eye rolls always but this weekend I gave my sig other a rundown on an article from ZH and received a well you have my eye open what do we need to do. It lasted about 24 hours at best then we were back to can we talk about something else. Sometimes you just have to take what you can when you can and move on. I find most people want to live in a fantasy world and that can not be changed. So I keep doing what I need to thanks to this sites information. I start here each day with


GO PLACIDLY amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.  

I think it’s a great suggestion to ensure you have your medicine in reserve just in case there are significant problems with the supply chain.
I also think that the US numbers are far too low. The most reliable state IMHO in terms of COVID-19 reporting seems to be Singapore. So Singapore reported 84 as of this morning, and 84 / Singapore’s population of 5.6M (drop the millions to make this easier) or 84 / 5.6 = 15, and 15 * 330 (population of the US, agains millions dropped) = 4,950 or roughly 5,000 people, most of whom are fine, perhaps 500 (10%) to 1,000 (20%) in the hospital or ICUs somewhere all over the country being treated for the “flu” mostly because they do not fit the CDC test criterion, or if they did, nasal swabs said “negative”.

A good idea to create one or some. Yes, think of differing national requirements. For example, Australia does not use social security numbers, but citizens and residents are issued with Medicare numbers to provide access to the national healthcare system. This is crucial.
On reflection, it may be better for the different national PPers to create their own forms. A pooling of ideas could be beneficial, however.

NAB Show Still on Amid Coronavirus Scare

Different states may have different requirements for Medical Power of Attorney, so here is a resource for y’all.
As for Medical History, here is one from Walgreens…