Coronavirus Pandemic: The Next Two Weeks Are Critical

Not that I believe the numbers coming out of China, but even a death rate for 2.4% should be worrying to them.
You stated 700 million are being quarantined… TWICE the number of people in the United States and HALF their population.
Let’s be optimistic and say only 1/2 of them catch COVID19
That’s 350 million.
And “only” 2.4% of them end up dying of this.
That’s still 8.4 million people dead.
So, I can see why they would be doing their level best effort with propaganda to keep their population from panicking.
Because the last thing they can afford right now is a few hundred million people panicking.

Medical history forms can be pretty generic. Having it filled out and available is the important part.
As for strategy for finding forms the following are the tags I used to locate what I’ve found so far. Below you will find forms from the Department of Health - Australia.
“{country} medical history form”
“{country} medical power of attorney”

Hmmmm, are we experiencing gaslighting on a national scale? An International scale?

World Bank pandemic bond under pressure as coronavirus spreads

With the coronavirus outbreak having infected more than 74,000 people and claimed more than 2,000 lives, prices for the IBRD pandemic bond with the highest investment risk - the Class B notes - have come under increasing pressure.


Losses to investors depend on the number of deaths and geographical spread. In the most extreme case, a global outbreak - defined as more than 2,500 deaths across more than eight countries with a certain number of fatalities in each country - will wipe out the bondholder's entire investment. Offer prices quoted by one broker have slipped as low as 45 cents in the dollar, while another is quoting 62.5 cents, market sources said. In the midst of the 2018 Ebola outbreak the bond traded at a little more than 70 cents.

You think NK has is together? They lie worse than China. I bet they have hundreds of cases if they are letting people live. More like if you get the disease you are shot.

is a way to control the masses. I don’t trust what the governments are saying or doing. There are too many inconsistencies.

曾錚 Jennifer Zeng
3. This is Wen Zhao's channel:… The pictures show how many of his programs are restricted. Another friend, Jiang Feng (…) encounters the same problem and is losing 90% of his income.
Quote Tweet
@realDonaldTrump @VPPressSec @SecPompeo @EsperDoD: I hope to draw your attention to this: @YouTube has been heavily censoring programs/news/comments about #COVID19. Many such programs are not allowed to have ad. income. My friend Wen Zhao has 463K subscribers...
  Image censuur

I really don’t think there is much use at all trying to calculate any kind of CFR. The numbers from China are quite obviously understated and incorrect. Deaths could be far more than we know about which boosts the CFR rate right up. Also this myth that it’s over 80’s is disproven by the younger medical staff etc dying. Or do we just conveniently ignore that?
It is also far too early to even begin calculating a CFR for those cases outside of China. Yes there is a current CFR rate but it is anything but accurate. We are only just starting to see people die outside of China. It does take time for this to happen. Consider an incubation of 24 days for an extreme case, then another 1-3 weeks for deterioration and then resulting death. You’re talking up to a period of over 6 weeks from infection to death.
Can we also please start to discuss the real deadly aspect to this virus? One which means CFR can’t be determined for some time yet. Reinfections.
Reports are surfacing suggesting that this virus is a whole load more deadly when you contract the virus for a second time. It is apparent that people can be reinfected almost instantly after recovering from their first infection. Does this happen with the flu? People get the flu and then get struck down with it a few weeks after?
Apparently reinfections can cause a different immune response. An over reaction of the immune system if you will. This is causing the immune system to basically attack the body from within, resulting in a cytokine storm and eventual death. Cardiac arrest is also cited. This would explain the videos which have leaked showing people collapsing to the floor etc. They are not saying this happens with every reinfection, just that this scenario becomes far more likely. This is all to do with ACE2 and Angiotensin 1 and 2. Look it up. Studies are not peer reviewed yet.
This means that everyone can reinfect everyone so the virus just keeps circulating. Multiple infections results in higher chance of complication and/or death. That would explain why it appears that China are dealing with far more deaths than they are letting on, and why crematoriums are running 24/7. If people can just keep reinfecting others then that also explains the welding of doors and locking people inside their homes. It also explains the constant spraying of the streets with disinfectant.
Why not allow those who’ve recovered to go back out into the world and work etc? They still need protecting from the virus. If they go back to their families then they could be reinfected right? What’s the solution? That’s more people coming to hospital as recoveries would be returning. And if they know a reinfection more likely results in hospitalisation then what’s the solution? Instead of having families etc reinfecting each other and causing each other to be hospitalised, then lock them inside their houses to continue to reinfect each other and either die or survive. Although surely they’d starve to death anyway.
It was the second wave of the Spanish Flu which caused the most deaths, and the reported cytokine storms etc. This then killed the younger generations too.
China’s drastic measures, to me, aren’t in line with a virus with 80% + mild cases and a 2% CFR. I mean they could be if it is very quick to spread as health systems soon become overwhelmed. But do we believe the number of deaths being reported? Do we believe it’s only the elderly and weak? Or is something more sinister going on? Reinfections causing cytokine storms, cardiac arrests etc? Does that fall more in line with what we’re seeing from leaked content? Just a few questions for us to be asking ourselves I think.

I guess this is a clever joke. The Chinese characters read " #WHO cares about you". If you read the English sentence below the Chinese as "Who cares", it means one thing. You can also regard the "WHO CARES" as the English translation of the Chinese above it. Get it?

After listening to last episode and seeing how the Italian CDC equivalent handled the situation in their Q&A page it got me curious on what the Dutch site had to offer. So long story short I translated about 5 pages of the Q&A and I must say it has a lot of valuable information. I didn’t translate the last couple bits tho because I was already busy for almost 3 hours and the last parts were mostly info about the situation in China and the symptoms all of which is frequently talked about already in previous video’s.
There’s especially good information on how the Westerdam cruise ship is handled now that many passengers got of it before it was known that someone on the ship was infected.
I figured this might be good content for a Coronavirus update video so if there’s anyone who can make Chris read this please do.
Also my English translations probably aren’t perfect but i tried.

I was really happy to hear Chris mention the limited impact observed in the data so far for children, especially young children. As I’ve thought about that in the past day, I remembered seeing a video a week or so ago purporting to show children who died from the virus. The video was paired with an article that was discussing the shortage of body bags in Wuhan. It claimed that multiple young children were having to share a single body bag. The video showed 2 Asian looking children who were clearly dead, but not disfigured at all, being placed in the same body bag by 2 adults wearing full PPE of the style we have been seeing used in China right now. If I recall correctly the children were wearing fairly normal looking clothes, not medical gowns or comfortable looking clothes that you might wear when sick or admitted to a Western hospital.
Does anyone else remember seeing something like that? Is it possible that children are being tested in low numbers and thus aren’t showing up in the stats but are being impacted similarly to adults? How are children viewed in Chinese culture compared to Western culture? Are there any biases there that could lead to a reluctance to test children? It really is strange that this wouldn’t be affecting them since many illnesses have an out-sized impact on the old and young.
First identified case fully cured - hoping this is full transparency and accurate… if so some welcomed positive news.

Have you had a Heart Scan Calcium Score? See Wheat Belly author Dr William Davis (Cardiologist) and Undoctored.

Local Victoria BC news poll:


Only the finest guidance from the CDC, I guess that’s why they make the big bucks. ?
  • Travelers to Hong Kong should avoid contact with sick people, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said, and regularly wash their hands to prevent contracting the coronavirus.

We don’t have reliable data. Cruise ships are going to tell a lot, but they are mostly inhabited by older people.
I share your worries.

AC16, agree the re-infection risk and severity could be a huge issue. If those videos of people collapsing are related to this that would be scary.
Posting these links to the “whistleblower” reports of reinfection and the huge problem of false negatives.

This is where the media and governments party line of preventing panic and downplaying this whole thing is wholly irresponsible and dangerous. People are complacent in their behaviour as a result, helping to spread the virus like wildfire.