Coronavirus Pandemic: The Next Two Weeks Are Critical

Local mail carrier truck driver, UPS delivery vans, mail room, baggage handler.

Youtube video. It does have leaked video from one of the hospitals.
I saw the leaked video from the hospital earlier today, so here is just that part:

This story has made international headlines now for close to a month. It was on January 23 when Wuhan was placed on lockdown. It was on January 20 when the US reported its first case. Fast forward to Feb 19 and the US has 15 cases. The story that has been repeated over and over is that its no worse than the flu and how its the flu that we really need to be worried about. To a casual observer, an increase of 15 cases over a month’s time is really nothing to worry about. If the US was reporting hundreds of cases and a few deaths out of those cases then I can imagine people would be more concerned.
Most (99 percent) of people that I’ve spoken to say that “this is a China problem” and that ends the discussion. Even now the new headline is “China cases fall” and “its under control”. Pretty soon China will stop reporting cases outside of Wuhan area to send its people back to work as they are running out of money. God only knows how this story will play out in the rest of China with its authoritarian regime.
Is the US hiding its cases due to "privacy concerns?"Or have we really been that fortunate to only have 15 cases? Donald has been eerily silent on this topic on his twitter and has shown no fear at all shaking hands at the racecar event.
What I’m trying to say is this: the disconnect between us and the rest of the country is huge. We are trying to figure out CFR’s while everyone else is giving two fks about this

World GDP would be cut by £850bn if coronavirus outbreak becomes a pandemic, experts warn

Was just a few days ago that new cases were in the thousands. Now steadily dropping and soon to be in the double digits, then 0.
China releases the rest of the country update in a few hours. Expect 20-30 cases countrywide lol while South Korea reports 20 cases in a day.
I’m telling you all, we will have a silent pandemic that kills who it will and will sicken who it will, except they wont tell you about it.

Well the USA are now peddling the line that all is well and they’ve contained the virus and confident of no more cases. China have reported only 349 new cases in Hubei Province. Claiming quarantine is working. Numbers will soon be down to zero no doubt. And the world economy can pretend everything is normal. Who cares about protecting citizens?
The government can say what they want but we can still track activity in china and there virtually is none. The government’s constant lying about the numbers is actually backfiring now - even if the quarantine is working and the number of cases has decreased, nobody would believe them for a second and stay inside anyway.
Speaking of which, new numbers are in and they are… 108 deaths and 349 new cases.
…yes they switched back the definition of “infected” and are now no longer counting cases clinically diagnosed via CT scan.
Just to add that to the list of links. They did announce the change before hand. Not that anybody would report on that, of course.

Haven’t we always?
Asking for a friend.

Read the last line. That’s why angiotensin II type1 receptor blockers and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors may prove very helpful, no matter your ethnic background.
Han Chinese

If one ignores the big bias created by the fact that many mild or asymptomatic cases probably go undiagnosed, the true CFR for cases that do get confirmed is probably closer to 15.46%
I wrote some thoughts on the Chinese study above, but I retract them. It turns out that there already are preliminary estimates of the variable we're most interested in, which is the Infection Fatality Ratio. From today's WHO situation report: "Modeling is a helpful tool to try to account for missed cases, such as those that are mild cases potentially missed in current surveillance activities, and the time lag between onset and death. Using an estimated number of total infections, the Infection Fatality Ratio can be calculated. This represents the fraction of all infections (both diagnosed and undiagnosed) that result in death. Based on these available analyses, current IFR estimates[10,11,12] range from 0.3% to 1%. Without population-based serologic studies, it is not yet possible to know what proportion of the population has been infected with COVID-19."   So, according to the current worst-case estimate, if you're a random person who catches this virus (regardless of whether you get a positive test result), your chances of survival are 99%. To this number you would presumably apply adjustments based on age, gender, etc.   Also interesting, it's the fact that the CFR is supposed to be calculated with all data up to one point in time, and is not supposed to represent your odds of dying from the virus (that would be the infection fatality ratio): "The confirmed case fatality ratio, or CFR, is the total number of deaths divided by the total number of confirmed cases at one point in time. Within China, the confirmed CFR, as reported by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention,9 is 2.3%. This is based on 1023 deaths amongst 44 415 laboratory-confirmed cases as of 11 February. This CFR does not include the number of more mild infections that may be missed from current surveillance, which has largely focused on patients with pneumonia requiring hospitalization; nor does it account for the fact that recently confirmed cases may yet develop severe disease, and some may die. As the outbreak continues, the confirmed CFR may change."  

Coronavirus Infections Outside Of China Are Growing Exponentially

Hello that is a good idea. This may not be feasible for all but I also read someone who is leaving all packages in garage covered in plastic after a 6% bleach spray for 10 days before unpacking

Today’s China new cases are much lower. no shock though, this is just because china changed their counting logic (again). Oh and likely lower because …300 million now locked in their house cannot be tested…oh and the count requires a serology confirmation but they don’t have capacity to do many each day…
Zerohedge explains:

Maybe the 30,001 temperature reading will catch something?

Just found this article, I don’t know this newspaper so I can’t speak to its reliability but I haven’t seen this reported anywhere else:

Iran is busy today… 2 deaths and 5 new cases. Appears to be military organization going on… one hospital was emptied of regular patients and now a nurse leaked they have only ncov patients. Can’t remember how many she said but it was not 5. Twitter hashtag qom is what u accidentally hit and found all that.
ace2 Tx with arbs… if ARBs reduces the potential for ARDs, would it be difficult to treat patients with a “blood pressure reducing” medicine if they are likely also experiencing blood pressure issues due to the other capillary leak going on, possible kidney failure and all the other cascades that come along with total body shock. Seems like then they would need a vasopresser to counteract all the other dilation going on and then you have more mess to manage. I can see the benefit before it starts but I Wonder if it’s manageable once ARDs starts.

I believe these are folks they are taking from the cruise ship but I could not find a conclusive answer?
(the way it’s written is as a transfer, not new cases?)

If these are the quarantined passengers from the Diamond Princess, why transport them from CA all the way to WA? According to the reports, all of the passengers who tested negative were to be quarantined in CA and TX, while the confirmed cases would go to NE.