Coronavirus: The Dead Speak!

While leaving out Zinc, this study is still promising because at least they are explicitly cataloging those participants who are taking Zinc, and they are looking for 1500 patients for each side of the study. Full data more than two weeks out, but some possibility of early data;

Just received this document from my brother this morning. It’s in french but surely someone can translate to english. In it, very pertinent and timely information from ICU doctors on how to treat coronavirus patients. Some lifesaving information in there. The information also ties in very well with what Chris has been getting at in his latest video. I tried sending an email but don’t know if it went through all the way to Chris or not. I truly believe some of the information contained in this document could save lives and since every minute counts, please help me make sure this makes it all the way to Chris to be shared widely ASAP.

Zinc naturally occurs in the body and many people do not need to take supplements as they get it naturally through diet. In this case the HCQ would work without a zinc supplement when a covid case is treated early onset of symptoms (fever).
I found this:

About two billion people in the world suffer zinc deficiency. That includes 40% of older adults in the United States, the most likely demographic to end up in intensive care A lot of older people are zinc deficient. Anyone over a certain age should be given the Zinc. There should be a national campaign to get those people on zinc to boost their immune systems. The president could mention this in a presser. It also would be interesting to know the data of patients that experienced severe symptoms of their bodies level of zinc.  

And many, many die without being tested at all. Without even proper anesthetics and without oxygen tubes. One 96 year old woman died after gasping for breath all night in her nursing home room, given only paracetamol and “an open window.”
Swedes, in general, do not take this seriously, but now a fairly famous and
not that old (51, with no known underlying conditions) Swedish media personality has died from it, so maybe that will wake some people up. Models by researchers at Uppsala University show us heading towards over 100,000 dead.

If anyone reading this has elderly loved ones in assisted living/ nursing home/memory care facilities, get them out if at all possible. I have 2 elderly parents in such a facility. My 85 year old mother is in a memory care unit where confining residents to rooms was nearly impossible because of the care needs of each resident. Virtually the whole unit came down with COVID-19, including my Mom, who now appears unlikely to survive. My father is in the same facility in an assisted living unit. He does not have COVID-19, but is in complete lockdown, unable to leave his room, unable even to see my mom. Our whole family is having to witness this playing out without the ability to physically be with my mother. I would not wish this experience on anyone.
Until the is a vaccine and/or rapid test, it is literally impossible for elder care facilities to take enough precautions to prevent COVID-19 from becoming established within the facility.

A lot of people are making assumptions about SARS COV 2.
One rather large assumption is that there will be a vaccine the treat this virus, in any time frame. This assumption is being made by people like Fauci, Gates etc. who are engaged in policy decisions. There is one fact that is undeniable about this assumption. There has never ever been an effective coronavirus vaccine. This time will be different?
Another big assumption is that there will be widespread herd immunity. That assumption is based on experience with previous diseases. No one actually knows if that is possible with this coronavirus. The coronavirus for the common cold has never had herd immunity. This time will be different?
Another rather large assumption is that people “recover”. What is a working definition for recovered in this case? If one has permanent lung or other organ damage but does not die is that recovered?
At the moment we have many more questions than answers. Some answers I would like to get would come from the BSL4 labs in Wuhan and UNC. I would like for extradition proceedings to begin on Dr. Shi Zhengli for bio terrorism and a trial in the US. If Julian Assange can be imprisoned for publishing US war crimes then I think the world should demand and receive answers from “bat woman” . I would like to know what gain of function was she working on. I would like to know if this is from “nature” how many people living in proximity to those bat caves have ever gotten this coronavirus? I would like for Tedros to be put on trial as well for being complicit with the Chinese government. At the present time 2 million people are affected 133k are dead, untold numbers are damaged forlife, and economically millions of lives are being destroyed.
We need, deserve, and demand answers and the perps need to pay.

He has a YouTube vid channel; my French isn’t as good as my German.
It mentions difficulty in getting pertinent info out via MSM - quelle surprise.
He says patients are going to ICU for generalized venous thromboembolism, especially pulmonary.
So over ventilation pressure on failing lungs is proving a common mistake, in end game patient management, 2nd time I’ve heard this hypothesis.
Ditto the release of iron from haemoglobin rendering oxygen transfer from lungs to vital organs as a broken mechanism.
So if you don’t treat the blood disease function… you’re likely to have a poor outcome.
He doesn’t touch on its similarity to high altitude sickness equates Covid-19 more like carbon-monoxide poising.

I saw this…
I have been spending as much time outside as possible to help prevent covid. And keep windows open if possible.

He who pays the piper calls the tune. So its the Gates Foundation/WHO and govt health systems to the rescue with mandatory vaccines that will eventually biotag you.
As hacking phones to fool locations is an obvious dodge to the apps being applied now.
The MSM wants fear, isolation… and a broken 99% to roll over
A narrative that cheaper existing drugs and protocols are possible is being for want of a better phrase… - whitewashed.
BIG Pharma wins.
BIG Industry wins…
He who lobby’s and pays the govt influencers salaries gets the results they want.
What’s new?

I totally agree with you. If we look at history though, civilizations where oppression is rampant - they don’t last. And this one won’t either. People don’t like unfairness and the jack boot of oppression on our necks will make people angry. And then…

This doc is just a social engineer trying to make it look as bad as it possibly can like many others. His first comment or so seem genuine and now not so much. We have been following the standard lung protective protocol for ARD’s and it is working just fine. Unfortunately, unhealthy patients are responding very poorly to this virus and those that end up on the vent have a 20-40% mortality rate. Small hospitals that haven’t see a lot of really sick patients in past don’t know what to do are using too much oxygen and are causing fibrosis rather quickly.

Good morning folks,
Today I revisited what has become one of the most valuable short discussions about the human psyche I’ve ever come across.
Let me give you a tiny quote and suggest you spend 18 minutes to get some clues about how to bring curiosity to a difficult conversation.
“I think it’s very difficult to find a way to speak to somebody who is coming from Certainty without finding yourself collapsing into a similar kind of language. So you come back at the Certainty with another kind of Certainty and that gets us nowhere - it’s hopeless. So the question would be, how does one find a way to have a conversation with someone who is in that state without yourself falling into sounding Certain and using the same language, which I call the Language of Blame ”

Former HIV researchers have switched their labs to Covid research. Here’s an overview of what’s going on.

The Coronavirus Is Even More Dangerous Than Previously Thought (4/15/20)

First, your videos are great! I am glad I found you on YouTube.
As a renal transplant patient, cadavaric kidney and going strong 30 years, I have concerns about COVID-19 and the meds in the subject line. So started looking for Cyclosporine A (CysA) and Coronavirus and found some published papers. Interestingly there are papers addressing the use of CysA and the effect on T cells. The papers (I have the links but not handy at the moment) address how CysA was shown to reduce the COVID-19 replication. As for Azathioprine (Azp) those papers address how it causes apoptosis of T cells.
I was wondering if the topic of transplant meds, a lot of which are also used for other conditions, would be something interesting for a future video segment?
Thank you for providing the informative, factual, and scientific treatment of the Honey Badger virus. Be safe! And to all, be safe and stay healthy.

Our whole family is having to witness this playing out without the ability to physically be with my mother. I would not wish this experience on anyone.
PaulJam - good god, I am so sorry for your situation. That's truly horrible. I find myself frustrated, angered and saddened by your experience. I don't know what to say... Be strong. Be well.

Very sorry to hear that, what a horrible thing to go through. And many tens of thousands of families are going through similar experiences. Hundreds of thousands more will. Just unimaginable how much suffering this things is causing. Here in Sweden, it’s tearing through the nursing homes, lots dying without even the supplies needed to do so painlessly and comfortably. And most not tested.

I have been a pathologist for 35 years and have seen the sickcare system pruning terminal branches without concern for root problems. Why? It makes the participants feel good, and keeps the profits rolling in. The root of SARS-COV-2 is labs in the U.S., Canada and China (and probably other places) experimenting with dangerous viruses by inserting “gain of function” genetic code. Peak Prosperity is ignoring this elephant in the room.

How does a woman who is nurse, without any health issues die from this and leave a husband and 4 year old behind. This disease is really very very scary. The flu doesnt even compare - and some people ( officials ) are saying this will likely be about .06 CFR when its done… Yeah we already have a whole years worth of deaths in NY in just 2 weeks… That is not a couple times the flu… its like 50 times . this thing is 30-80 times as deadly as the flu. with 3-5 times as many to get infected. that will end with about 6 million in the US dead… and they are speaking like its going to be 180k.

Epoch Times Origin of the Wuhan virus