Coronavirus: The Dead Speak!

I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to see every day’s video end in “Grow your own garden!” That advice assumes everyone lives in a single-family home, making PP members that live in apartments invisible and unincluded.
If food shortages get really bad, I don’t trust that community gardens won’t be looted. So I don’t see a way to protect myself. Since I no longer own a home, I don’t have a food security plan, which leaves me feeling very vulnerable. I get it: I believe food crises are coming. I see no way out other than leaving the city, and that is too overwhelming to contemplate.

These are countries who have high surveillance and have tested large percentages of the population. And note germany is now trending above 3% CFR… remember when … everyone said oh germany is low because they test more… well even countries with testing 10 times their infection rate are all showing 5ish percent CFR or higher. I think the wuhan thing that was 2-3% not including the lag was generous. It did finish closer to 5%… and it looks like countries that do not do BCG and have greater A blood types - are being hit much harder… ( US , England, all of europe. )

I think its easy to see what is happening there. We had a distorted death to case rate early on as it seems the data becomes more accurate with additional testing. what we had early on was wuhan’s data and artificial numbers from the US and even Europe. It is now seemingly more deadly in these countries than in Asia. including germany now. Some of this can be due to the association seen with the BCG vaccine… eastern germany likely received the USSR vaccine… which may more protective. as well as what we are seeing in asia with their vaccine policies. I am mostly a antivaxxer, however , I am risk vs reward aware.
My main belief here regarding the funny curve is that its simply more deadly in countries that are now exploding… than in wuhan… or other countries with BCG vaccination. Additionally, as i mentioned in a previous comment, is that europe and the US have a greater population of A blood types than in asia as well…

The media and censorship is running rampant. I wonder what sort of culpability in this mess is on the media, specifically google/facebook and others and its pushing the corrupt/propaganda and wrong and misinformation channels like WHO and CDC.
I actually feel they are culpable in the deaths of many of americans. I wonder if a class action lawsuit is worthy… I think so…

I have posted over, and over, and over again about hydroxychloroquine. If people have parents or relatives suffering… get off your sorry asses and find a doctor who will prescribe. Don’t act like there is nothing you can do. Here is a doctor that literally saved 39 lives in one Texas nursing home. Come on people… wake the heck up!

Over the last week Jerome Corsi has interviewed Dr. Zelenko as well as several other pro-HCQ doctors. He is working with one of the doctors to tap into her network and make sure there are doctors in every State who are willing to prescribe HCQ via tele-med. This may not be the end of hurdles because some governors and their pharma licensing boards still want you or your loved ones to die… but this is at least one means to try to get the drugs;

The funny curve you see is due to two waves of infection in China vs Rest of the world(ROW), it combines the data from China and ROW so the graph you see is an overlap of two sets of data points, remember China and ROW did not happen at the same time, so the ROW lags behind China, imagine offsetting another curve behind a curve…So where it started to bottom out for China at around beginning of March, but that is when the rest of the world caught on, so it started another wave as the infection started to ramp up outside of China… But there are still a large number of infected patients remaining in China at the time that outbreak started in ROW, so the Chinese data artificially deflated the death rates for the rest of the world at the time. As most of Chinese patients started to recover overtime, the ROW started to rise, so the death rate climbed back up again, and the apex of the 2nd wave, is when China data is almost completely gone from the picture and purely ROW data at this point.

Here are a some links to give ideas. It wont create a huge amount of food, yet it could be the difference between having something to eat or going hungry.
Here is a blog about being a prepper and living in an apartment.

This plandemic has been made possible by the unhealthy. If it were not for the obese, and unhealthy the numbers would be a fraction of what they currently are.

We stopped using hydroxychloroquine in our unit because we didn’t see any benefit. Once someone is very sick, supportive care is the name of the game. Standard treatment and care like another other viral pneumonia.

In other words, published CFR may be 70 TIMES higher than it should be.
“4.1.2. Revised planning basis Statens Serum Institut informs on the basis of antibody studies in 1,000 blood donors in the Capital Region, lost in the period 1-3. In April, 2.7% had been detected with antibodies, which, with a sensitivity of 70%, corresponds to 3.5% of those examined had already been infected with COVID-19. Statens Serum Institut states that if this figure is transmitted to the entire population of the Capital Region, it is equivalent to approx. 65,000 people may have been infected as early as 26 March. At this time, 917 confirmed cases of infection were found in the region. This means that there can be up to 70 times more infected in the community than confirmed cases.”

Hi all
I also watched (and shared) the Epoch Times video of the origins of the virus. I received a notification today, fact checking me, to say that this was ‘fake’ news. Enraged, I wrote a rather curt reply and deleted the notification (I wish I hadn’t done that part).
Has anyone else encountered this?

BREAKING NEWS ** West Point Mint Shuts Down - What Happens Now? | Andy Schectman

But I am having trouble reconciling Chris’s very scary overviews of just how dangerous and deadly Covid-19 is with the fact that the overwhelming majority of people who contract the disease suffer either mild symptoms or none at all. Couple that with the reports of tent hospitals being dismantled and predicted hot spots not materializing and I’m genuinely confused. Can anyone help me out here?
Answer is easy, create a new virus that people don’t have antibodies too and will hit hard those that are unhealthy, obese, and the at risk (old,etc). Then, most everyone will over react and want and desire to live in a police state where there will be mandatory testing, vaccines, etc. Also, by shutting down the economy they will bankrupt or near bankrupt large segments of low and middle class families and businesses, making them dependent of the government for handouts with strings attached of coarse. Welcome to your third world country, where your one injury or sickness from bankruptcy.

I have seen some amazing places apartment owners use for food storage. SO, start food storage for your food security. One of the things that apartment dwellers store is seeds for sprouts, alfalfa, radish, sunflower, pea, these seeds are biught not at the garden store but are bought in larger packages for sprouting. Eating sprouts is very nutritious and will give you good vitamins without a garden if fresh vegetables become hard to source.
You can also buy, as part of your food storage, dehydrated carrots and onions, packed in number 10 size cans that will store for many years. There are many, many servings in a number 10 can of these. I practiced cooking with those two a few years ago, bought and opened a can of each and lasted for many months incorporated into soups, stir frys, etc… I would also recommend canned tomato products. So now you can have salads with your fresh sprouts, and have carrots, tomatoes and onions as vegetable bases to cook with.
So, instead of comparing yourself to situations you dont have, make do with what you do have.
I just put that link in because of the list of types of seeds and how they taste and what vitamins they have. Not as an endorsment to buy from them, I know nothing about that company. Many seeds that can be sprouted, such as legumes, you can buy any legumes, in other words, a one pound bag of lentils from the grocery store can be used to sprout with.
1/8 pregnant woman in NY giving birth test positive for Coronavirus, thoughts?

As the above video about Pregnant cases shows, the actual number of unreported cases is ENORMOUS. The Danish testing shows the same.
This is actually good news - it means true mortality is very low.

as someone who is just getting over the virus (i hope), and who agrees with your assessment that the virus is being used as an excuse to implement systems of totalitarian control and take away peoples’ rights, i can offer my take on that.
i, too was of the opinion that the vast majority of people who were going to be seriously affected by the virus are over 60, smokers, overweight people, and those with pre existing conditions.
i’m 49, i was going to the gym and biking regularly, was taking all the right vitamins and supplements, had a good diet, didn’t smoke, and so i felt ready to take on the virus and wasn’t worried about it.
i came down with first symptoms on mar 15th, was sick for a few days, felt it spreading to my lungs, then felt it spreading to my chest and heart and spent a week wondering if i was going to have a heart attack, though i’ve never had heart issues before.
now, it’s a month later, i feel mostly recovered, though i still feel a pressure in my chest that wasn’t there before, and my energy level is still low. i’m hoping there’s no lasting permanent damage.
i think the virus affects people differently, and you are taking your chances if you get it; plus, there are multiple strains of the virus, some of which are more dangerous than others it seems.
i think there is a cognitive bias in that we tend to focus on the more interesting and extreme cases, and perhaps chris does that to some extent in reporting as well.
but the risk is there, and my advice is, avoid taking chances with it if you don’t have to.
of course, your rights are your rights, and anyone who tries to take them away citing medical emergency or any other excuse, should be recognized as an aggressor and an oppressor, an enemy of a free society.
no self-proclaimed “authority” can know your personal values, goals, and risk-preferences, it’s up to you and everyone else to decide what risks you want to take.
but right or wrong, it seems the lockdowns and other measures are having a big impact, and the virus spread is slowing down a lot, which is why cases aren’t materializing as expected…

There are a LOT more cases out there than show up in the “confirmed” case counts.
The “NYC mothers” study says that - during March - that most likely 14% of NYC was infected by end of month. By end of April, what do we imagine that number will be? Higher, certainly. That’s our “denominator” for the CFR.
I think when all is said and done, this will be a whole lot less deadly than we feared, and way more infectious. Especially on cold & dry subway lines. With nobody wearing masks.

And our friend borderpatrol suggests that, mostly, its obese and compromised people that end up dying. In his experience.
So. Lose weight, tubby! :slight_smile:
Damned hard to do when cooped up indoors. I’m already up 5 pounds, I can feel it.