Coronavirus: Why The US Is In Deep Trouble

Jello shots in the freezer are the ones NOT milky white, lol.

I went from store to store. bought the last ten. Shelves are empty, completely empty. Not hoarding, have to clean a public building on Monday . Tried janitorial supply companies they are all on back order for disinfecting wipes
did you see the tv clip of the big box store employee disinfecting shopping carts? He was using the same wipe for every cart handle That’s not disinfecting that’s spreading germs. as to quarantines. I have a friend whose family lives in Milan. He says people there find ways to go around the quarantine. He says everybody goes where they want to go, they just find a way around the blockade
so much for quarantines

Discussions on the importance of animal reproductive fluids having a prime place in your preparedness supplies aside, lets be honest and adult for a moment.
Its about to get brutally real out there for those of us who realize how bad this situation is.
You will freak out, you will shake your head at those around you who just don’t get it, you may cry, you may go into the bathroom and scream.
No matter how you deal with this, take a few minutes every day to just sit down, pull up funny videos on Youtube (I’m partial to cat videos) and spend some time laughing.
No one stays sane being serious 24/7.
Love your family, love your kids, love your pets.
Be healthy, stay safe.

Thanks, Torii! Wow, this is marketing brilliance! Yes, I wish I had thought of this years ago as well. You’ve been at this longer than me, so maybe you can sign-on to be a “Judy” prepping technical expert to answer questions on the fly through their ultra-convenient app.
Looks like its catching on as their mid-sized “Mover” kit is already sold out, but their next level kit is still available at $180. To their credit, they are raising awareness with their information and neon orange signature packaging, helping some people to “prepare” (minimally, I think, and not necessarily mentally/emotionally), and they contributed 1% of proceeds to charity.
This takes prepping mainstream/chic for now, but I wonder how it will fare when this current crisis “blows over”. (Never an issue for seriously thoughtful preppers, regardless of income bracket.) This reminds me of the neon, multi-colored braces and hearing aids marketed to parents of teens (which many teens apparently prefer), making it an accoutrement of coolness for the upper income, as the poorer folk can only afford the generic brands or, more often than not, simply go without.
Thanks for the links. Very interesting and creative product! I need to be alert to the next niche counter-intuitive-in-your-face-flaunt-it-if-you’ve-got-it-high-end-product just waiting to be discovered. I dunno, maybe something to do with menstrual products??? (This is why I’m not now and probably never will be stunningly rich…)
Wait–maybe dtremmel is onto something with his six cases of bovine serum (“BS”) stashed in his basement! Maybe it is the new age-defying secret ingredient? C’mon, dtremmel–let us in on the deal! “Don’t hoard”–remember?!?

…the political animal’s true colors shine through.
Here’s a local update from ground zero USA, Kirkland, WA.
The ongoing struggle to get the schools at the epicenter of the outbreak (Lake Washington School District) to close and shift to remote learning has been thusfar unsuccessful, resulting only in extracurricular activities being cancelled to date. Given where the math says we are the cat is pretty much out of the bag at this point. Several of the more responsibly led school districts adjacent to the epicenter have closed and shifted online (Northshore is setting a great example). Kirkland just happened to be blessed with particularly crap leadership.
In that light – here’s the petition to close LWSD schools that names Dr. Jane Stavem, Superintendent, Lake Washington School District. She’s the one calling the shots.
Close LWSD Schools Due to COVID-19 Deaths in Washington and New Cases (
“Though the CFR for children is currently low the spread of infection places their parents and elderly grandparents (those at highest risk of complications and hospitalization) at increased and unnecessary risk.
In the light of the new information that the first US death from COVID was in Washington State, King County, where the LWSD schools are located, and there are three more infections discovered within the Lake Washington School District boundary with more likely to come, we are asking Dr. Jane Stavem, the superintendent of the Lake Washington School District to close schools around the district to prevent unnecessary spreading of this virus and to reduce the risk of a repeat of the experience in Wuhan, China where the local health care system became overwhelmed with patients resulting in unnecessary loss of life.
Considering this, we request that Lake Washington School District close all schools and facilities to slow the COVID-19 infection rate, to spread the rate of infections out over time to prevent health care facilities and workers from becoming overwhelmed, and to keep students, their families and their elders safe. Recommend shifting coursework to online / remote assignments as necessary during this period.”
Here’s a parallel petition from one of the LWSD students. Well over 25,000 at this point. Feel free to sign both.
Close the schools in Lake Washington School District until we know more about COVID-19 (
As of Friday (3/6) here is Dr. Jane Stavem’s official reaction. Sioux Falls, you could do much better.
Dr. Jane Stavem announces resignation from Lake Washington School District (LWSD.ORG)
“3/6/2020 - Redmond, Wash. – Dr. Jane Stavem, the Superintendent of Lake Washington School District (LWSD), today announced her resignation from the District, effective June 30, 2020. She has accepted a position as Superintendent in Sioux Fall, South Dakota, effective July 1, 2020.
“I have loved my time in Lake Washington School District and planned to stay much longer,” stated Dr. Stavem. “This return to the Midwest allows me to be in much closer proximity to my extended family and care for needs that have emerged for them over the last six months.”
The Board of Directors will meet to determine next steps for the selection process to name a new Superintendent.”
Here is Governer Jay Inslee at the most recent daily Coronavirus Update Meeting (3/6). Ignoring the content of the briefing and just look at his eyes. This is the face of a sociopath who is in fear of losing their power/prestige, and rightly so.

To Chris’s point the NPI’s will be on deck soon:
11:37am – Gov. Jay Inslee stated in an interview with CBS’s Face the Nation that local health officials are weighing mandatory measures for social distancing to curb the continued spread of coronavirus.
“We are contemplating some next steps, particularly to protect our vulnerable populations and our nursing homes and the like — we are looking to determine whether mandatory measures are required,” said Inslee.
What exactly that would look like remains unclear, but the Washington governor noted that praised local events for opting to postpone or cancel over the last few days. That includes Emerald City Comic Con, which made the decision to delay the popular downtown Seattle convention until the summer.”
Most in the area are not prepared for an extended lockdown. People do seem to be waking up fast though.
Here’s an interesting Public Relations article from Evergreen Health.
Coronavirus transmission rate is 0.5%, Kirkland hospital says (KOMO News)
“Panic and misinformation is spreading as fast as the coronavirus itself. Thousands have flocked to stores Armageddon-style in search of hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, masks, water, and toilet paper. Even third-party sellers were taking advantage of people’s fear to the point where a two-pack of Purell in 1-liter bottles were going for $350 this week.
Officials are advising the public not to panic. One out of 200 people who are exposed to a COVID-19 positive individual will become infected – that’s a 0.5% transmission rate, according to Evergreen Health. That number jumps to 10% if you come in close contact like living with a person who’s tested positive for the virus, the Kirkland hospital went on to say.”
“The hospital cites a Centers for Disease Control study that looked at active symptom monitoring of 445 close contacts, specifically two people who were household members of patients that tested positive for COVID-19. This yielded a symptomatic secondary attack rate of 0.45% among all close contacts and a symptomatic secondary attack rate of 10.5% among household members.
On EvergreenHealth’s website, those data points are rounded to a 0.5% transmission rate and 10% likelihood of household members contracting the infection, said Annie Firmani, public relations specialist for EvergreenHealth.”
“The hospital’s website went on to say that 80% of the population may experience mild symptoms that may be treated at home. Fifteen percent may seek medical care while only 5% may be admitted as an inpatient at a hospital. Only 1.6% of confirmed cases, those representing between five to 10% of all infections in the community, will die, Evergreen added.
EvergreenHealth says there is an incubation period of two to 14 days. Meaning, the period of exposure to coronavirus and the onset of the first symptoms. The average case is usually between two to eight days.
Researchers say a lot of cases go undiagnosed and the best available data is still very incomplete and may include assumptions on how many unreported cases of the disease are out there.”
“As for excessively buying masks…STOP. “Seriously people - STOP BUYING MASKS!” U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams tweeted. “They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!”
Information is constantly changing on the coronavirus. Stay on top of it and plan, don’t panic.”
Ok, so don’t panic. Question though…why is the U.S. Surgeon General YELLING?
On a personal note, I’ve implemented heavy social distancing and minimal outside interaction for over two weeks now. During the rare times I am out if someone appears to be heading in closer than I would prefer I cough, LOUDLY, give them a dirty look and ask “what the hell are you doing?” SOCIAL DISTANCING PEOPLE. I will beat it into you if I have to.
I’d say it’s fair odds it hit this PP’er late last week (location is <2 miles from the afflicted nursing home). About a week of malaise / general fatigue with two days of mild fever, an uncomfortable diffuse low grade “fire” sensation in the upper body, and elevated heart rate that made sleeping almost a no-deal. Had been taking elderberry extract and Vitamin C (1,000 mg probably twice a day) leading into this, on the second day of feeling like shit I bumped the Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid and NAC) up to a ludicrous level (tasted like crap). Next day felt way better. PulseOx never dropped below 94. Have returned to prophylactic elderberry/vitamin C levels since.
No way to know for certain however because good luck getting tested. Testing has been very limited and typically requires hospital admission.
Some fellow hikers from the local community may be getting hit (again, no way to know for certain because testing is still very limited). First guy had a fever, sore throat and dry cough. He was diagnosed with strep throat, given antibiotics and sent home. So who knows. Seems to be treat for relief of symptoms.

A major lesson learned over the past few weeks…I’ve come to the conclusion that most are idiots. Including myself on some topics and days.
It’s everywhere here now folks. Expecting the hospitals to overload imminently followed by some flavor of lockdown.
@Bartells. You’re not going to find hand sanitizer easily around here anymore.
@Home Depot. The mask section has been this way for at least 3 weeks now.


Wait–maybe dtrammel is onto something with his six cases of bovine serum (“BS”) stashed in his basement! Maybe it is the new age-defying secret ingredient? C’mon, dtrammel–let us in on the deal! “Don’t hoard”–remember?!?
Somethings, young lady, you can just get yourself. You miss out on getting your share of BS, then you are on your own when you need some later, lol.

Although, there may well be some “Bull” involved here. Ran across a Flu hospitalization chart from the OH Health Dept. Very interesting thing happened to the red 2020 line around mid-January, compared to the blue line denoting the past half-decade. Just find it fascinating how flawlessly the lines overlap, right up until when Honey Badger hit adolescence.
Ohio has numerous colleges and universities with large foreign student populations, as well as the John Glenn International Airport in Columbus. Can’t quite shake the image of our taxi drivers transporting travelers back & forth from the airport, then picking up local citizens. Yellow Cab has a contract with a program called Senior Options to provide discounted taxi service to seniors, among others. How long did they decide the Badger is actively contagious on surfaces again? Up to nine days?
Oh, and now for the good news: Ohio got test kits…like about a day ago. (This in direct opposition to the person I spoke to by phone about a week ago from the OHD who claimed they were already testing.) Looks like eligibility for testing is pretty darn limited, if I’m reading this right: " * Persons who have been tested for COVID-19 and whose laboratory results are pending. PUIs have exhibited symptoms of respiratory illness AND, within 14 days of symptoms starting, either traveled to China or been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19."
Here’s the chart:

Chris, I’m sorry to hear that this virus has reached your area so soon and upended your and Evie’s lives. We know that you’ve been preparing for this for quite some time, and so will weather this much better than most. I’m sure you’re set-up to work from home, so millions of PP followers will thankfully not be deprived of your life-saving expertise and fearless leadership throughout this crisis–when we literally need it most. Not trying to be selfish here. I’m just extremely grateful that you are well and safe and can continue to put your multiple talents to great use.
I think your example of living in self-isolation will be instructive as many of us will soon (or should be) be grappling with the same issues you now face daily. Without getting too personal or intrusive, I have a few questions if you feel comfortable in answering:
You’ve said no visitors. How do you plan to interact with your adult children for communication, possible visitation or support if their situation changes? What are the (extreme, life threatening?) conditions in which you would seek formal medical care? At what point would you consider it “safe” to break your self-isolation? Probably too early to tell just yet, but what “surprises”, both pleasant and unpleasant are/have you encountered? What would you do differently?
Maybe keeping a journal to record your experiences would be personally helpful and possibly instructive to others in years to come. Such is the life of a pioneer and trail blazer.
Thanks for all, Chris, and please stay healthy and safe.

Bull semen cannot be stored in a regular freezer - it requires a liquid nitrogen tank, so all his semen is ruined. :frowning: Whatever you do, don’t buy from him even if he offers it on sale. Of course, it would still be good for skin rejuvenation though! :wink:
On a serious note, I do worry about the supply of liquid nitrogen if things get bad for a little while. My tank has to be filled every four months. We can be completely self-reliant (food, power, water, etc.) otherwise. Isn’t it bizarre that you are all joking about the one item that I am not completely self-reliant for. Of course, I can just stop breeding until everything sorts itself out, but I would lose about $1,000 in semen if the tank dries up.

Our governor, Kate, is OK, bisexual, Democrat but no scandals like the Republicans were noted for. Cases jumped from 2 to 14 in less than a week. Keep it over there on the blue side of the state, guys. Yeah, dream on. I hope I can get to town and my stuff mailed and last sundries run. Stay strong Oregon!!

Economics trump health concerns
Trump administration blocked health officials’ urgent coronavirus warning: report

Have you ever wondered why we do not see world projection maps reflecting the exponential growth of the virus? Say every 6 or 7 days.
If you consider this by Liz Specht
Exponential Math
Assume conservatively 2,000 cases in the US today (March 7 2020)
Continue to see doubling of actual cases every 6 days (super conservative)
By end of April 2020 will see 1 million US cases…
Around Cinco de Mayo we will see 2 million, May 11th 4 million etc.
The math is simple, lack of testing actually increases and hides the rate.

I think … that TPTB showed Congress the info and thus, - this reaction.
THIS video has had a lot of impact because you can see the emotion and tell he disagrees with the decision to treat YOU as expendable, stupid and unimportant and keep the truth hidden from you. Take a listen!
What do you think, where is that video progression map? You know there has to be one.

Did I ever think I’d read this on a forum, lol.

Isn’t it bizarre that you are all joking about the one item that I am not completely self-reliant for. Of course, I can just stop breeding until everything sorts itself out, but I would lose about $1,000 in semen if the tank dries up.
TY I needed the laugh. Hope you find some liquid nitrogen soon.

All this talk about Bull Semen, and I didn’t even know cows could swim.

Great hot spot report. Ision says sometimes, Distancing requires a stick. I think I will use my cane and start swinging it around wildly. I am on Vitamin C to bowel tolerance and other prophyactics mentioned here. Stay strong, Kirkland!

Hi everyone! I’ve been following this site since the first Coronavirus video. I thought I would share how things are in my county. Some things are good, some very concerning.
This time of year, schools close for a week for a “wintersport vacation” (Not all of them the same week though) and families who can afford it often travel to ski resorts in the Alps or other places. Many are coming back around now, which has lead to many new import cases.
People who have been abroad (high risk areas) are told to watch out for symtoms during 14 days, and if they should detect any, call a special national number for assessment and information. They are NOT to go directly to the hospital. If they are judged to be a suspected case, they can be picked up by a perpared ambulance if needed, or may travel to hospital using their own car and get received by health care personnel in PPE for testing. Testing is free of charge, as is the care.
Confirmed cases are isolated, either at an infection clinic or at home depending on the situation and the symtoms. Those at home are in frequent contact with their doctors.
For all new cases, there is extensive contact tracing being done. This far all known cases have gotten the virus while travelling abroad (mainly Italy and Iran) or have been a close contact of someone sho has.
Authorities will start testing people with severe pneumonia to see if there are any cases of Covid-19 that might have gone undetected.
Asymtomatic spread is not thought to be s major source of infection. So, it’s okay to go to work or school as long as you don’t have any symtoms.
Hospitals have been slimming their organization for years for increased “effectiveness” and often operate at over 100% capacity any given day, with supplies arriving very much just-in-time and not much stocked. While well educated and skilled, personnel can only run that fast and take care of that many patients. As for ECMO beds, we have one compartement in the country, with - if I remember correctly - eight beds.
Health care providers are told the virus spreads through aerosols. The general public is told it’s spread through droplets. When people questioned this, the answer was basically that it’s pretty much the same thing, only the aerosol droplets are smaller.
Authorities encourage a general preparedness for unknown emergency situations, like storms, power failures, war and other things - but most prepare for a few days, not months.
I expect us to go BOOM in 2-4 weeks.
The compassionate aspect in her leadership is so, so appreciated. It helps to foster that all important trust by letting us know that she understands and prioritizes the human impacts of this epidemic. How refreshing to have a leader who shows genuine feelings and is not afraid to be vulnerable. She gets a big thumbs up from me for how she is handling this thus far. It would great to see other leaders take a cue from her playbook.

Granny, I’m not sure if this is what you’re looking for, but it’s not bad for locating cases (hope I’ve inserted it correctly, this is the first time I have done anything but a plain post):

Sorry to hear that, Chris, but I get it. We’re there, too. My wife has a decades-long chronic issue and has cheated death several times, we’re aiming for one more. Her self-isolation Red Line was triggered last Monday. She no longer goes off-reservation.
You know, even though we’ve been preparing for this kind of event for 8 years, not knowing just what it would be, it’s still surprising that it’s actually here - even though it’s been inevitable for a solid month, hey?
Returning from a shopping expedition I ran through my complete decontamination procedure for the first time, today. I’ll probably be able to go out once or twice more before we think it’s just too close to us, even in our sparsely-populated area. Fortunately, we can hunker down a very long time and, if it comes to it, we can do without utilities and the market economy.
I don’t think we’ll see grids down, but it’s nice to know we have a plan for it. So, yeah!, we’ll also have fantastic gardens this summer, focused on growing plenty extra to ferment, can, store, and freeze for next winter.

Today I am persistent. Pls see post #69
We hear and do a lot of complaining that people just don’t get it, they don’t understand. Well many people are VISUAL learners and all the running around and saying the sky is falling does not register. However, the/a video progression showing the exponential growth can be a game changer.
I suspect it is highly censored. I’ve tried to locate one. Perhaps you analytical, engineering, IT, scholarly folks can un-burry this.
Anybody up for a challenge!