Disruptions Triggered By The Coronavirus Are Now Exploding Everywhere

I long ago ceased believing the propaganda rammed down our throat every year that we absolutely need to have our flu shot or the world will come to an end. Isn’t it interesting how they never discuss getting enough rest and sleep, getting sugar out of your diet, getting your vitamin D and other nutrient levels up, using anti-virals like elderberry, etc. Nope. Just run out and get your flu shot. You must get your flu shot! If you don’t get your flu shot, you will die, your spouse will die, your children will die, your parents will die, and your grandparents will die!! Go get it!!! Now!!! Or you are an unscientific, un-American conspiracy theorist who deserves being stoned for anti-pharmaceutical heresy!!!
I was at the bank last week discussing the corona virus with the tellers. One of them mentioned that she used to work at a nursing home and the staff used to hate it when it came time to give the residents their flu shots? Why? They’d all get sick! I saw a very similar situation time and time again with patients after they had a flu shot. Not every one, of course, but enough to know that it wasn’t just coincidence.
I never get the flu shot, don’t plan to, and haven’t had the flu in decades but I do take the precautions and utilize the measures noted above as well as others that I’ve posted here in the past. YMMV.
I suspect they are brainwashing us for profit … at the very least.

Stay the F at home, Chris Martenson uses the F word! out of character, didn’t expect that, anger coming through on the latest update

Hey, I’m an older doctor (Chris’s age) and was fed up with the hospital system with it’s ever increasing bureaucracy and red tape. I’ve watched with alarm as they ignored my warnings about the coming epidemic and instead had endless meetings. I’ve just finished 2 weeks of home isolation after a nurse I was working with tested positive for COVID 19 after returning from Iran. But I insisted on wearing a P95 mask even weeks ago based on the data that Chris and others have been providing! My swab after quarantine was negative. At the time I was criticised for scaring the staff and patients and told it may be better if you stay home. A day later I’m told to stay home to self isolate as a close contact. There is still elective surgery going ahead, but the Australian ASA (society of anaesthetists) came out last night with a statement saying this should stop. Meanwhile, the charge sister, still is following the line that P95 masks are not appropriate because the hospital is designated NonCOVID. As a man in a higher risk group early retirement is looming as a possible alternative given inadequate PPE and the high risk to healthcare workers.

a friend has a serious cough that started yesterday, hospital says no test for you

Testing Information

There is currently a nationwide shortage of COVID-19 test kits and limited capacity of labs to analyze results. Testing is not currently available to the general public in our communities. At this time, PeaceHealth hospitals and clinics are only testing people for COVID-19 who fall into several high-risk categories. This includes those needing to be admitted to our hospitals, and those who are at highest risk of spreading the virus to others, including healthcare and public safety workers. We hope to be able to provide more testing in the future and will continue to reevaluate as testing capabilities increase across the nation.

Taiwanese professor says virus could be synthetic:
Chinese say “man-made” rumors are hurting their research:
Dr. Baric is well known
Baric Lab
Graduate student profile
At the beginning of the outbreak here’s what she was working on
Indians made to retract info on Coronavirus (after pressure supposedly by USA and China)sequencing showing HIV-1 sequences. Paper now removed from Internet.

Saw above here first: http://stateofthenation.co/?p=5231
I read the article and saw a tweet with the 4 areas of the HIV-1 sequences. Then the paper was retracted. I have a copy from someone else in a pdf. Sorry, couldn’t get it attached here.
http://stateofthenation.co/?p=8647 shows screenshot of US patent. I actually saw the patent but it is now gone on a patent search. [

( 12 ) United States Patent

patentimages.storage.googleapis.com › ...
by WGB Pirbright - ‎2011 - ‎Related articles
Jan 23, 2017 - ( 10 ) Patent No . : US 10 , 130 , 701 B2 ... US 2017 / 0216427 A1 Aug . 3 , 2017. ( 30 ) ... sion product of ppla as a result of a - 1 ribosomal shift.
All results for US 2017/0216427 A1 »]
Coronavirus Patent  

Official Letter Sent to US Govt Documents the Coronavirus Bioweapon & Media Censorship: http://stateofthenation.co/?p=9041

We have been in lockdown for two and a half weeks. Started adding to preps in January.and the pantry looks pretty decent. Our daughter-in-law went shopping today and offered to pick up whatever we needed. Cream, potatoes, frozen fruit…she could get the cream and a couple of bags of frozen fruit, but there were no potatoes. It was a good thing I didn’t want eggs, frozen ready-to-eat meals or any other easily fixed food. The shelves were either bare or nearly bare. Of course, no TP. And not a tater to be had–who woulda thunk.
Potatoes very quickly sprout or rot here in Central TX, so I pressure can potatoes and they are delicious. Not at all like the commercially canned ones.
Some schools just had spring break and it has been extended another week. She and our son-a respiratory therapist-have usually been able to cover each other’s time off with Grandma filling in the cracks. But Grandma wants to have many more years to enjoy family. So, Darlin’ DIL may be able to work from home. Hope, hope.

I think your friend, or any of us, that has symptoms should just assume it is likely COVID-19, and act accordingly. Self isolate and take care of yourself, do not go out and make others sick. DO call your doctor or urgent care or whomever and ask what they would like, but if they say there is no need to go in or to be tested, then please do not clog up that system right now that is busy taking care of critical cases. Stay home and treat at home unless it becomes bad, then do go to ER. Ask you doctor what to look out for to know when you should go in.
At home, have the sick person isolate away from other family members and get lots of rest, fluids, good sleep, soup, etc… and stay in another room away from the rest of the family, with the door closed and make sure to have someone clean the bathroom and the patients dishes very well. Regular household cleaning ( dishwashing) gloves to carry the sick person dishes to the kitchen. Wash separately, but soap makes the virus die, so just hand wash, with the cleaning gloves on and set that plate, silverware, drinking glass on a towel on their own to drip dry. Take the gloves off, set under the sink out of the way of children. If you have 2 bathrooms, the sick person should use one, and everyone else the other one. If you have one bathroom, then make sure the sick person has their own dedicated hand towel, and clean the sink area and outside of toilet after the sick person uses the bathroom.
I know it seems like a hassle, and that we would all rather know, but we need to respect the limitations of the healthcare workers and let them take care of critical needs if that’s what they need to do. So what if you treat it like COVID-19, and it was only a cold ? Be thankful and cooperative of the medical system during this trying time.

You have made a common error in converting a decimal number to a percentage. You are correct in 61,000/45,000,000 = 0.0013. To convert a decimal number to a percentage, multiply by 100. So 0.0013 x 100 = 0.13%
from a picky math nerd

Knowledgeable physician on another board wishing to stay Anon. reported:
"Many patients do not have fever, just cough. This explains why the temperature screening at the airports did not work.

Lab testing is so unreliable that the Chinese found the CT scan was best for a diagnosis. Naturally, this is a late diagnosis. We really need an accurate lab test.
For example, if real-time PCR tests were accurate- they would have developed one for Lyme disease and HPV infection.
So we will have to live with the false Positives ( test says that they are not infected and they really are) and the False negatives ( they really are sick when the test says they are infected).

I find it strange and subtly misleading in the flattening the curve hypothesis to have symmetric curves that look like normal probability distributions. First, regarded as a probability distribution, they suggest that you are most at risk when you are close to the axis of symmetry on either side of it, whereas, as I understand it, the very top of the curve is when small numbers of new cases are added, even though the cumulative total is very large, as is the case with current Chinese data. Thus, the right side of the curve should show a steep dropoff in new cases, since there are miniscule numbers of new cases, as in China now. Secondly, the curves are always filled in, which mimics the total area under a probability curve which = 1. I‘m guessing that people have been grabbing probability curves off the internet for these illustrations. Personally, I find that confusing. I would like to see non-filled-in curves that are unambiguously not probability distributions. Please correct me if I‘m wrong here.

GOP Lawmaker Who Voted Against Paid Sick Leave in Florida Takes Paid Leave From Congress

Well, California cannot run a quarantine. I know this will not surprise most of you. California Department of Health is in charge of quarantine for the California residents who were on the Cruise ship that disembarked in Oakland ( San Francisco Bay) recently. This is worse the the ones quarantining on the ship off the coast of Japan last month, at least in that cae the people were kept isolated. Not here in California, they are not keeping people in their rooms, they are having everyone go down to the lobby at the same time, to get food ! So, if one person has the virus, they will all be exposed. Plus, they have had issues with not having soap and towels . https://www.ksbw.com/article/santa-cruz-resident-describes-lack-of-toiletries-aggression-during-quarantine-at-air-force-base/31517737?fbclid=IwAR1HYaAhJX17lCK7oAerLQPhGWVf5_Br-wT7XkLMiKxPuTfZTxwcbXyqLGo
Richard Lovelace said there was a lack of towels, blankets, tooth paste and even soap. Lovelace also said that there was no organization when catered food was brought to the hotel lobby and "Next thing you know people started pushing in line and then it was a mob around the food counters. Some people were a little unruly since we didn't know when our next meal would come."
California likes to complain about the Feds, but this has NOTHING to do with the federal government, who nicely has given us money to help with all of this, so our own department of health can botch the job. I am sure the fed quarantine for the last cruise passengers at Travis AFB was handled much better, but it is not the Air forces job to keep doing it...

You do not need to look far at all. The death rate is not the same as the case fatality rate. but lets keep it simple as I think you are referring to one in the same.
I have said that the disaster princess will give a sort of good closed finite random sample. Which it did. We had 696 infected. X amount severe and X amount dead. That will have to play itself out - which will take about 3- 6 weeks. However, I have used this sample many times in the forum but with a significant caveat.
The current dead from the disaster princess is 7 ( +1) they are not sure died from this - and are counting another cause of death - but did have the virus so , its a bit hard to say there. That is at least 1%. And it can only move higher - as you can not un dead people… and you are unlikely to diagnose more cases at this point as they have been surveiled. The big problem with this that these people have be so high-profiled they have received celebrity type care - as if the drs mess up these cases - there will be heck to pay as they are under a microscope with these cases. if you are dr and your patient comes in and says Hi, i was on the disaster princess … what do you do? You get the picture? So, I have always said with incredible supportive care , you could probably save everyone … or at least keep it to 1%. with good responsible attentive care, with all available resources its maybe 2%. and with an over-whelmed hospital systems where beds, vents, antibiotics, saline, antivirals , constant and quick blood tests to measure metabolic states etc. are low or unavailable or overburdened…, that number can drastically rise. Its not about if you can survive this its how many need some form of medical care to survive it. So for me, the important number is how many need to be hospitalized -and how many need ICU… ? They probably know these numbers for the Disaster Princess - but we wont get them until this thing is long done. But I assure you it has to bee greater than the 1/2% - 1 Percent you state… As it is even this on the disaster princess. And many more times this in other places, even before getting overwhelmed. And just for reference… The flu - though technically the same deadly - wherever you are, more can die in some places than other changing the death rate significantly. My state ranks 49th in the US in flu deaths… Or flu death rate. only behind MS. Each year they calculate our child flu deaths - We usually have around 5-15% of all child flu deaths in the country , though we account for only 2% of US population. reprensenting a 5-10 fold increase in flu death rate than the average US. I know this is hard to believe , But if you saw the medical system where I am , you would understand. Never the less to say that flu death rate in the US is one thing… but to say the flu death rate where I live is a totally and drastically different number… Again , this all based on availability to adequate health care. so you can see if the flu can be at 1% - which means they basically didnt do anything to help you. this could be much higher than that… so it is at least 10 times you talk about certainly not the 5 times. and in reality its going to be 20 times or more as Chris has said… So , you do not need some study here… This is obvious… again its also obvious that flu is at least as deadly as the 5 to 10 times - if you cannot receive proper medical care - which too will happen once the system is trashed… but it will not change anything in my state… that is the nice thing, when they do nothing to help , now. It wont change anything… But as the flu is 5-10 times worse here in my state for death rate., I expect it to be 10 - 20 times the rest of the US for covid… So its all relative. Then they use the excuse - oh so many people have it we dont know about, well same can be said about the flu. but in reality they are pretty good at estimating this.
But , if you sit around and only focus on the dead you have a bigger problem. You are ignoring the permanent damage to , cardiac, respiratory, immune , and nervous systems that leave the “recovered” people disabled. and you are also missing the fact of a second wave that will be more deadly due to the ADE effect. So , do not get comfortable … Because the death rate is not the only thing to worry about … you must worry about if this causes permanent harm to those who survive. and then what happens with you get the infection again… Dengue jumps from less than 1% fatality on first infection to 10-43% on second infection… So… we know far too little yet. And way too much to know that if you cant get antibiotics,saline, oxygen, vent, antivirals… that way way more people will die… With great great care - the death rate could be Zero. , but in reality not likely… So, yes its survivable to a low low low death rate… but the question would be how many would die, if no supportive care could be provided… And iI can tell you the flu will go way up as will the rate of death for all other causes… evecn heart attacks… you will see when it takes 20 minutes to get an ambulance vs 5 minutes… or the lab takes 2 hours to get your blood results vs 35 minutes.

Please give your approx geographical location on every post that talks about your area, I have to remember that too. Then we know how conditions vary around the world and even this country

Comparison of South Korea (where they tested so many) and Italy (where they are running out of tests and testing only very sick people) shows that the age group most likely to be infected and infectious is the 20-29 year old age group #staythefhome

Why am I getting the back of the nape of the neck feeling this isn’t going to turn out all peaches and cream?

The talk of domestic travel restrictions comes as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday issued an unusual advisory on travel within the United States on its website. The headline: "Should I travel within the United States?''

The CDC said it doesn't generally issue advisories or restrictions for travel within the United States but is doing so because cases of COVID-19 have been reported in many states and some areas are experiencing community spread.

Are police check points soon to follow?

Pros: Stock up on supplies which can be used to help friends, family and some of the people around you while they are available.
Cons: I might (or might not have to pay this back.) Could completely close my credit limit. This would take me to about 50% utility, and in this crisis, cause my issuing banks to cancel any more credit.

I’m not that cash rich but I have about $50K in a recent work related 401K, that I was going to use to put in a garden workshop/ storage shed in sister’s place where I plan on moving into this Fall. Along with the $8K for that (big shed 8’x16’) I’m putting a simple apartment in her basement to live in.
Unfortunately this crisis has kept me from going back to work part time like I’d planned. At 63 I’m 2 years from being able to draw 90% of my Social Security. I’ve drawn down about $10K of it so far.
I’ve got about $8K in existing credit card debt, and put another $3K in prepping for this $hit $torm over the last 6 weeks, about half of that to backstop family who didn’t at first see the wisdom of preparing when Chris’ alert got me very worried.
An advantage is that Social Security payments can’t be garnished by anything but Federal tax liabilities. So after this crisis I could conceivably just stop making payments or declare bankruptcy to wipe out my expenses. That’s if I don’t get sick and die, lol.
I have to be honest, I’m getting a bad feeling watching the reactions of government officials to all this. I’d make references to Keystone Cops but I don’t want to belittle the Keystone Cops. We’re also starting to see local police departments warn, you are on your own.
I have a friend who is way more hard core prepper than me, who would gladly let me and my sister shift to their home to hunker down. We have a long history and they like me cause if I show up, I bring a lot of supplies with me. It would be uncomfortable and tight though. My sister would kick and scream if I suggested leaving her home.
I’m thinking hard about putting another $2-3K on the cards this week, for long term prep supplies, and say $crew my credit.
Any opinions or suggestions, PP community?

Spike, you don’t like people to fill in the curves? We do that so people can clearly see the two different ones? It doesn’t mean much if its a black line on white background or a black line filled in under it with blue or green.

Personally, I find that confusing. I would like to see non-filled-in curves that are unambiguously not probability distributions. Please correct me if I‘m wrong here.
You want a variety of non-symmetrical curves to take into account the differing possibilities of rapid increase or decrease of infection cases at the beginning or end of the peak? You are welcome to generate those graphs and post them. Though I have to say, just like all the argument about different factors affecting CFR and whether I'm right or you are right about a number we're not going to know until years after this outbreak, arguing about different factors of early or late drop offs of infection rates seems like mathematical masturbation. (sorry its late, I'm tired and should have gone to bed an hour ago) Yes, I'll say it, you are wrong here. What is being demonstrated by these diagrams isn't the whole range of possibilities but one simple concept, if we don't lower the number of cases happening at any one time, to be under the maximum capacity of the health care industry, then WE ARE SCREWED. The graphs don't have to be perfect.

Threaten to quit as it is a OHSA issue, and will only stay if if provided with HEPA filter PAPR as there are peer reviewed papers that show surgical masks are 0% effective against viral aerosols, and another the finds no difference between N95 masks and surgical masks in protecting against influenza in hospital ER’s.
Cheers Hamish

dtrammel, thanks for your response. I do see the concept and accept that entirely, the concept being to lower the curve so that the peak falls under the hospital capacity line. No objections to that whatsoever. And I understand that ad hoc arbitrary curves pose a problem. Nevertheless, I found that I personally was bothered by these standard curves resemblence to the normal distribution curve. It reminds me of how on the Rocky and Bullwinkel show, Boris and Natasha would always show up in some new disguise to which Rocky would say, Haven‘t we seen you somewhere before? I would not have noticed this but for the fact that when Chris first started illustrating this curve he would hand draw curves that seemed to represent this phenomenon, which curves did not resemble probability curves. Now, it seems like everyone is using the NPD curve. When I see that curve my knee jerk reaction is to think it‘s a risk profile rather than simply the number of cases over time. I have to remind myself of that each time. Come to think of it, when people were speaking of this wave and much higher wave to come next winter, I recall that this was being referred to as a binormal distribution which would naturally lead me, personally, to a misinterpretation.