Here's Everything We Should Be Doing Now To Beat The Coronavirus

In the old persuasion video (Chris calls out today) I learned that (particularly with my wife) I was falling into if she just understood this one more thing, she’d agree. I also found the sideways question of what evidence or events would change your mind? I did sometimes ask my self what evidence would change my mind about a particular belief. I challenge myself more often now. It’s the sign of end times but I found topics where I agreed with both Hannity and Michael Moore.
And for the first time ever disagreeing with Ron Paul. Mr. Paul’s re-open the economy is well taken but he never talks about potential mitigations. He seems to be downplaying pandemic and implying this is simply media/government induced panic.
Nobody seems to be considering that an immediate un-lockdowning is not going to V recover the economy. I hadn’t heard much lately but I understood that micro-loaning was an effective tool in bootstrapping small businesses in poorer countries. I suspect the US is going going to fall into the poorer category.

French connexion,
Thank you for the good chuckle! I’ve enjoyed “The Who” my whole life (have seen them 3 times in concert, first time Keith Moon was still alive…).
“Aucun preuve clinique – no clinical proof – you know blind testing, the Who, See Me Feel Me Touch Me Heal Me.”
The movie “Tommy” seems like a appropriate analogy for the chaotic idiots and their inflexible brains (I really liked the article DaveDD linked to earlier), leading around the other chaotic idiots, unfortunately they muck up stuff for the rest of us that embody Integrity, INTJ, introverts, and other critical thinkers. I don’t know where she heard it or if she made it up, but my roommate a few weeks ago used the word “Covidiots”.
I also enjoyed the information about left and right, Integrity and Chaos included in yesterday’s video. It seems to me that a lot of managers and management represent Chaos, and I always find managers that embody Integrity a breath of fresh air…

After posting the article above (“The Data Is In… Stop the Panic & End the Total Isolation”) I thought more about the Hoover Institute at Stanford. I’ve come across them before and concluded that They are The Deep State.

So the devil will be in the details: Exactly what "sensible precautions" are they proposing to reopen?
  • A tracking app on everybody's phone?
  • Immunity verifying RFID chips implanted under the skin?
  • Mandatory vaccinations?
  • An AI run global computer network that locates and tracks everyone?
I will assume that the Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute is up to no good, even though he echos some of DaveFairtex's ideas. :-)

Credit cards only as money is dirty. Really credit cards and pens are not any cleaner.

Head of NIST: On 9/11 building seven fell due to, “normal office fires”.
We now know, absolutely, definitively, that this was a lie, based on a years long university study of the building and the manner of it’s collapse;


FDA cautions against use of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for COVID-19 outside of the hospital setting or a clinical trial due to risk of heart rhythm problems   Remember, the swamp has not been fully drained.. in fact the Deep State is fighting for it's life right now. There is little difference between the two lies above.. they are both intended to force you into a narrative. They both come from agencies where people's jobs (or maybe their lives or those of their children) somehow depend on towing the line.

Chris, you have my vote. It sounds like you have the beginnings of a solid campaign platform! Given the dearth or worthwhile choices currently on offer I am writing you in on my ballot. Does anyone in our PP community have experience in running a write-in campaign? And if you don’t feel comfortable with that Chris you can always do a ‘Pat Paulsen’ and claim denial. But actually I’m serious.

After yesterday’s video on Hydroxychloroquine, in which I didn’t quite understand the relevance of the news report on the U.S. president’s military actions in Iran, I’m in support of the idea of leaving political leanings out of the discussions. Chris does not need to justify any of his comments or conclusions to those who would equate them with political leanings. President Trump is not a medical man, so obviously any announcements he makes regarding treatments are based on advice he’s received and research he has done, just as any other world leader might do. The fact that other people may be saying the same thing is irrelevant with respect to political beliefs.
Also, it has always been my understanding that politics and religion were taboo subjects on PP, which is one thing I have liked about this site…
In any case, criticism of the world’s political and medical leaders, their incompetence and lack of timely action, is entirely justified and does not equate to a demonstration of one’s political beliefs.

China helping to oppress Americans Chinese style. Including fines.

There is no need for an implanted chip. We carry them around already.
The bluetooth chip in your phone can tell who you’ve been around - or whose phones you’ve been around anyway - and it can record the bluetooth IDs of everything it sees along with the timestamps. Then your phone can upload this information blob to the cloud. This would need a new software update, but those happen often enough, don’t they? It would not be hard code to write.
A somewhat less precise mechanism is simply to periodically (every few minutes?) record and timestamp your GPS coordinates, and upload them every day, which google devices already do by default. You can supposedly turn this off - theoretically - but presumably a software update could simply decide to ignore your request and track you anyway.
A less precise monitoring mechanism involves just getting approximate location information from the cell towers your phone is talking to. No update to phone required.
So if you are going to do something criminal, like say going for a walk, or sitting in the sunshine somewhere, you could decide not to take your phone. And/or turn your phone off, and stuff it into a faraday bag. Just to be sure. (Is that phone really off when you turn it off? I have my doubts. Faraday bag. Just to be sure.)
I guarantee you they are tracking us all right this moment, to a greater or lesser extent, to assess our compliance with the lockdown.

The bluetooth chip in your phone can tell who you’ve been around – or whose phones you’ve been around anyway – and it can record the bluetooth IDs of everything it sees along with the timestamps.
That two-timing SOB, Siri said he liked spending quality time with just me! And all this time has been schmoozing with others? and spying on me! He’s gonna get a time out!

Whitney Webb and Ron Unz both do long essays flowing around the topic and finding many connections and associations. No smoking guns. Evidence in entirely non-classified, but not in the mainstream news flow either. They simply connect some dots. They do not review the biological type of evidence either. A couple of points listed below

-There are long chains of evidence of the US IC is actively engaged and funding coronavirus and bat virus research over a decade and over many continents. Lots of details provided.
-The most interesting arrest of Professor Charles Lieber

in late January my morning newspapers carried major stories on the sudden arrest of Prof. Charles Lieber, one of Harvard University’s top scientists and Chairman of its Chemistry Department, sometimes characterized as a potential future Nobel Laureate.

The circumstances of that case seemed utterly bizarre to me. Like numerous other prominent American academics, Lieber had had decades of close research ties with China, holding joint appointments and receiving substantial funding for his work.

..he was accused of financial reporting violations in the disclosure portions of his government grant applications—the most obscure sort of offense—and on the basis of those accusations, he was seized by the FBI in an early-morning raid on his suburban Lexington home and dragged off in shackles,

Although Lieber was described as a chemistry professor, a few seconds of Googling revealed that some of his most important work had been in virology, including technology for the detection of viruses. So a massive and deadly new viral epidemic had broken out in China and almost simultaneously, a top American scholar with close Chinese ties and expertise in viruses was suddenly arrested by the federal government ...

-US soldiers were in Wuhan China for the Military Games in the 30 days before the first SC2 cases appeared in Wuhan. Unz asks: "If 300 Chinese soldiers visited Chicago and 30 days later an epidemic started there would we question the connection?" -He notes the ABC News special and the Times of Israel article that showed that the US IC warned Israel and NATO about the pandemic in November 2019. The US IC knew of the pandemic >1 month prior to the Chinese doctors becoming aware of the pandemic in the end of December, first of January. -The official poistion of the US IC is that they only learned of the SC2 on Jan 5, when the WHO told them of the pandemic. (and here) My summary: They make a pretty strong case of the plausibility of this being a US based bioweapon. The articles are long and take lots of bandwitdth to work through. Again, no smoking gun. Just lots and lots of connections. -------
Bats, Gene Editing and Bioweapons: Recent Darpa Experiments Raise Concerns Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

This is the CCP dream scenario, of course. Which makes me automatically suspicious. If there’s any organization I distrust more than the CIA, its the CCP.
And of course, this alleged US bioweapon is now causing a ridiculous amount of damage to the US - possibly sending us into a depression. It doesn’t feel much like a bioweapon attack on China, unless for some very odd reason, the US IC wanted to actually execute an attack on the US and European economies, using China as the vector.
Which seems a bit beyond the pale, even for them.
The storyline I remember hearing from CCP alleged that it was a US bioweapon, and that the US had a vaccine already, and that we offered to sell it to the Chinese government. That story actually made sense. The pieces hung together.
Sadly, at this point, it is pretty clear we don’t have a vaccine. So the story falls apart.
And we were so dreadfully unprepared.
“Masks don’t work. Except for hospital workers, for whom they do work.”
What organization says stuff like this, except a bunch of incompetent boobs?

From Thc0655:

…Fact 1: The overwhelming majority of people do not have any significant risk of dying from COVID-19.

The recent Stanford University antibody study now estimates that the fatality rate if infected is likely 0.1 to 0.2 percent, a risk far lower than previous World Health Organization estimates that were 20 to 30 times higher and that motivated isolation policies.

And from a recent Buzzfeed article that just came out - Fact #2: The lead author of the paper had his wife recruit people from their tony zipcode.

A Stanford University professor’s wife invited parents in a wealthy enclave of Northern California to sign up for her husband’s coronavirus antibody study this month, falsely claiming that an “FDA approved” test would tell them if they had immunity and could “return to work without fear,” according to an email obtained by BuzzFeed News. The email, sent to a listserv for Ardis G. Egan Junior High School in the city of Los Altos on Thursday, April 2, advertised a study set to begin the next day. With the subject line “COVID-19 antibody testing - FREE,” the email described how participants could gain “peace of mind” and “know if you are immune.” The results would help researchers calculate the virus’s spread throughout the surrounding county of Santa Clara, according to the message sent by Catherine Su, a radiation oncologist married to Jay Bhattacharya, the Stanford professor of medicine leading the study. Weeks later, early results from Bhattacharya’s team would conclude that, based on the tests, the area had 50 to 85 times more infections than reported cases. That finding, along with their claim that the coronavirus would therefore have a lower fatality rate than previously thought, made national headlines. But almost as immediately, the study came under fire from scientists, who said it was based on a heavily flawed data analysis that ignored questions about the antibody test’s false positive rate — as well as a problematic Facebook recruitment strategy. The email reveals that the researchers did not disclose another way participants were recruited that could have further skewed the results. In addition to targeting a specific demographic of parents in a wealthy part of Silicon Valley — making it even less likely that the participants represented a random sample — the email falsely claimed that the study’s antibody test was FDA approved, and was worded in a way that might have disproportionately attracted people who had previously been sick. It also misrepresented what participants could learn about their health from the testing.

Given how new this coronavirus is, scientists do not definitively know how long antibodies can protect you from getting sick again. Yet Su’s email stated: “If you have antibodies against the virus, you are FREE from the danger of a) getting sick or b) spreading the virus. In China and U.K. they are asking for proof of immunity before returning to work. If you know any small business owners or employees that have been laid off, let them know -- they no longer need to quarantine and can return to work without fear.” Marm Kilpatrick, an infectious disease researcher at the University of California at Santa Cruz, told BuzzFeed News these statements were “super concerning.” (Source)
Yeah - not only is the study now completely null and void, but the actions by Bhattacharya cut against the core principles of study design and scientific ethics. A failure to disclose of that magnitude is scientific fraud. He should be fired immediately. If not, then Stanford students should just plagiarize and cheat on tests because apparently those sorts of things don't matter once you get a job a place like Stanford.  

Are you sure?
Because when I look at the faces, they mostly look Costa Rican to me, not Chinese. I thought this was Costa Ricans calling from the Chinese Embassy in San Jose to China.

If not the embassy, then I can’t explain the Chinese flag. But I’m pretty confident that majority of the people in the room are not Chinese nationals.

Like Nicole Foss, I very much appreciate your prescient reporting on COVID19. As just one example, you hit the nail smack on the head with your Stanford study criticism.
I am re-posting a link to a YouTube video from Dr. Mike Hansen, a pulmonary medicine/intensivist doc who reviewed the latest research on COVID19 drugs. He is agnostic, in the best scientific tradition; though he doesn’t rate chloroquine particularly highly, he does include info about a choroquine + zinc study that likely includes patients with mild/moderate disease (though probably after folks have been hospitalized). My hope is that you might consider communicating with him, and through that channel, your ideas for clinical trials (early, pre-hospitalization for chloro (quercetin?) + zinc) will find a way to be included in the types of robust clinical studies the mainstream media will report on. Title of video: Five Best Drugs for COVID19:
Thanks for the work you are doing!

Hawaii has (last I checked) 12 deaths out of 1.416 million people. We are under a fairly rigorous SIP lockdown but there are loopholes and ways to just outright evade it (and still maintain social distance) and believe you me, we have. Not everybody has been assiduous about social distance but most people have made good faith efforts.
We have peaked and are heading down the backslope. The gov is saying we’re gonna do another month of lockdown. Perhaps because as soon as people can travel, we’ll get (potentially-infected) travelers from every corner of the planet, because Paradise. Regardless, I have been wondering about our sweet outcome for weeks now and best I could come up with is strong and direct UV-drenched sunlight (close to equator) and high humidity, plus low background environmental toxicity (our air is fresh off the ocean, no major landmasses or industry for thousands of miles in an direction). We also routinely score high on “Happiest State” surveys, and happy people have less stress, less stress stronger immunes.
So – to the extent you can, everybody, get out in the sun and recreate. Run, ride a bike, just lay out and make some Vitamin D. Pretend it’s Spring 2001 and your Redhat Software stock is at 207/share, shed some stress. If you can’t get out, sit in front of a window and get some sun that way (raise the glass, it blocks UV). Might just save your life!
VIVA – Sager

Social Media Censors as Food Shortages Begin (4/24/20)

Wow…this is pretty intense.
Why isn’t this getting more coverage not only here but in the MSM…?

And I thought there were only three of us wondering that!

...How about doing and trying everything other than stay-at-home/shelter-in-place?

1) Latest word from WH briefings and the CDC (caveat emptor) is that summer sunlight and temperatures kill this thing on surfaces and in air in less time than a commercial. So a priority ought to be lifting the jackassical lockdowns on outdoor recreation areas and beaches. The bathrooms there, and any indoor air-conditioned venues, not so much.

2) Ordinary isopropyl alcohol apparently kills this bitch deader than canned tuna in half a minute too. So how's about we all agree to decon the f**k out of everything not moving, especially in public, over and over again, with every anti-viral cleansing agent known to man?

3) There will always be the 10% Gilligans in any population (Stout cudgel. Cranium. Assembly required.) , but people should be required to wear and use properly appropriate PPE, like masks and gloves, and given the opportunity to take responsibility for their own protection, and get out and about. I've taken care of 1-2 dozen Kung Flu patients already, at close range, using nothing more complicated than that. It works, and if I can do it, you darned sure can, if you have access to enough of the PPE to do it. Let's require its use in public, universally, and crank that stuff out by the metric f**kton.

4) We're going to have to test, and universally. First to find out who doesn't have it, and who does. So we need gajillions of rapid tests, that are accurate, and specific to SARS-CoV-2, not just any coronavirus including ones that cause a cold. We should start by testing the populations of lesser inhabited states first, and turning them loose, both because they'll be easier to clear faster, and if mistakes are made, they endanger fewer people. Besides, it's time North Dakota and Wyoming were at the head of the line for something. IL, FL, NY, TX, and CA should be dead last. Suck it up, buttercups. By the time we get to them, we should have a lot more tests, equipment, etc., so we'll be better prepared to open them as well, and fast enough to get it done.

5) And BTW, start by testing the actual essential workers, to clear them. Transportation/drivers, freight handlers, farmers, grocery clerks, water/gas/power engineers and workers, garbage collectors, cops, firefighters, EMS, and medical personnel. Then, everybody else, household by household.

6) Actual no-shit quarantines of infected/contagious people, with full lockdown "stay your @$$ at home" quarantine rules, posted signs, public health monitoring, and draconian enforcement for any violations, until they're cleared. Instead of locking up the healthy people.

None of that requires waiting on treatments nor vaccines made of vaporware. It isn't stupid, and it's all doable starting tomorrow. And none of it, done right, is liable to contribute a single new infection or death. It simply takes hospital and public health common sense from a century ago, and demands that we use it now.

Let's do this by hemming this bitch virus in, instead of stupidly doing unilateral lifting of lockdowns, which will just spread it around, and guarantee that we spread this to everyone, create 49 or 100 more NYFCs, and kill people off by the bushel for the rest of the year.

That, I can get behind unreservedly, and other than the contagious infected, requires just about Jack and Squat Big Brother nannyism, or any more jackassical overreach by local petty tyrants and our would-be clipboard commando overlords. It also requires not one single bit of dubious surveys, magical models, calculating unknowable percentages of exposed, sick, hospitalized, dead, nor any other wild thing.

That doesn't mean they, and sheltering in place, never served any useful purpose, but their utility is largely over (unless TPTB/Idiots In Charge cock this up by the numbers, and get us back to Square One).We know what we need to know about things, and pushing decimal points back and forth solves nothing.

It will require hordes of testing materials, and PPE and decon supplies in small and large mountains. Okay, so let's get on that.

Wash your damned hands, wear your mask, and gloves - and change them! - decon the hell out of everything not moving, and lock up the infected people, and we can get through this without killing off worst case estimates.

Or, slow-roll an idiotic unilateral lockdown lift, and spend the whole year killing great gobs more people slowly, with a dull rusty saw....