Here's Everything We Should Be Doing Now To Beat The Coronavirus

LesPhelps makes a good point about how most people cannot follow rational thought and merely believe what feels good to them, and that the PP community differs in basic personality type (INT*).
This is an important observation and I would add the fact that according to the Minnesota fraternal twins study (comparison of >80 sets of twins raised in different families), the personality feature of independent thought, (not agreeing with authority and coming up with your own conclusions), is one of the most genetically determined traits that was reviewed.
This indicates that

  1. it is not helpful to try and have logical discussions with most people. Maybe we should focus on singing and dancing with them and trying to find agreement with their religious feelings of expression instead. After all, they are the ones who will snitch and get non-conformists added to the list of enemies-of-the-state, which are being compiled via facebook / google.
  2. if there is a problem with rational thought being in short supply, we need to rely on evolution (and not more arguments with people who do not respond rationally to arguments) to fix this problem.
  3. many who opine about the collapse of societies, including those who believe we have already entered a new dark age, conclude that there will be a die off (or at least lack of reproduction leading to population decrease). This may be an instance of our continuing evolution.
    Perhaps one can determine a strategy for how rational thinkers should deal with the collapse with this all in mind. For example it may be counterproductive to discuss/argue with emotional people who are looking for a leader to guide their emotions. Just suggesting an alternative to the state proclaimed rules of social distancing to an emotional neighbor is enough to be reported to the state as a domestic terrorist or get yourself on their list of deviants. Facebook already is listing/targeting individuals who opine in public that the Wuhan lab was probably the source of the virus. This is similar to what happened in Nazi Germany and we need to be aware of it. Maybe we can develop communications on another medium out of review of the censors. Laugh if you want, but this is going to get much worse and we should prepare. My trigger point will be when CM becomes heavily censored or banned.

Hi Captain. I just watched that video too created by Ice Age Farmer that Sparky1 posted. Everyone that reads this blog needs to view it. To sum it up, meat rationing will start in about 2 weeks once the commercial storage freezers get low.
Another thing that might be getting low was I tried to buy 2 bottles of virgin olive oil at costco. They limited me to only 1. Make sure to have enough cooking oil.

Hey Sager,
Which island are you on? I am on the Big Island.

The New York Times may have been a good newspaper in the past. Now, they are living on reputation and the gas in that “reputation tank” is just about all gone.
Don’t take them seriously because they do not do serious journalism.

Coronavirus: Bad Science (Or Something Worse?) May Well Be Costing Lives (4/24/20)

Number of deaths: as of Monday when testing was performed:

Now for the death rate: 17000/8.4million *.212 = 0.95%

To echo Chris:
Several serological studies for the presence of IgM-IgG antibodies have concluded that the percentage of individuals infected with the COVID-19 virus SARS-CoV-2 is 50-80x higher than the recorded cases, due to recovered asymptomatic cases that were not tested during the infection using the RT-PCR test.
Unfortunately, this serological test yields very high false positives “due to past or present infection with non-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains, such as coronavirus HKU1, NL63, OC43, or 229E.” Yes, if a person has had a common cold they would likely test positive!!!
Other limitations mentioned by this manufacturer include:
(1) Lacks FDA review due to the urgency of testing;
(2) “Negative results do not rule out SARS-CoV-2 infection, particularly in those who have been in contact with the virus. Follow-up testing with a molecular diagnostic should be considered to rule out infection in these individuals.”;
(3) “Results from antibody testing should not be used as the sole basis to diagnose or exclude SARS-CoV-2 infection or to inform infection status.” “The COVID-19 IgM/IgG Rapid Test can be used to screen patients suspected of having been affected by the novel coronavirus. However, results of test should not be the only basis for diagnosis.”;
(4) Only used on fresh samples and tested immediately;
(5) “Results are valid 10 minutes after sample and buffer are combined in the cassette sample well. “;
(6) This test has a low sensitivity, as it has been determined to detect only 88.66% of those confirmed to be positive by the PCR test;
(7) This test have a low specificity of 90.63%, as 9.37% of those patients tested were not SARS-CoV-2 infected;
Other issues with serological testing in the fore mentioned studies include”:
(1) Lack of random sampling for age, sex, ethnic background, socio-economic status etc.
(2) Potential of super-recruiter bias from word of mouth of the drive by test site(s)
See also this video by a doctor of pathology on limitations of serological testing for COVID-19
Given the measured sensitivity and selectivity from the above test one can calculate the following for a 1% infection rate (10,000) among one million people:
Positive cases found =8,866 (0.8866%)
False positives found= 92,763 (9.2763%)
Ratio of false/real =92,763/92,763+8,866 = 91.28% of positive tests are false
Thus the herd immunity is greatly exaggerated in serological testing. For instance, if a serological study claims that 20% of the population has been exposed to COVID-19, the actual percentage of the population exposed to this virus is actually 1.74%.
All such studies using serological testing should contain a BIG disclaimer on the accuracy of the results.

Thatchmo is on Kauai. Welcome!

To sum it up, meat rationing will start in about 2 weeks once the commercial storage freezers get low. Another thing that might be getting low was I tried to buy 2 bottles of virgin olive oil at costco. They limited me to only 1. Make sure to have enough cooking oil.
A thought: Bypass retail grocers. Get to know your local farmers and transition to buying in bulk. It's actually cheaper for top quality meats, and you'll find you don't need to eat as much high-quality organic, grass-raised meat to feel satiated, which is why we've discovered we actually save money buying the best directly from the farmer. To beat the rush that's obviously about to hit even local farmers, today I placed an order with a local grower for 1/2 of an organic, unmedicated, grass-raised and -finished cow. About 185 lbs after processing. Packaged it will work out to around $6.50/lb. Typically, about 40% is hamburger, but I get it cut as roasts because then I can cook or smoke it as a roast, cube it for chili and stir fry, or grind it into hamburger and sausage as the mood hits. I also slice some, marinate it in half-strength tamari, and dehydrate it into beef jerky. It'll be available at the end of June, but I got my name on it today. I also put a deposit on a whole Fall lamb (about 40 lbs packaged) to go with the lamb I have in the freezer. It will be about $9.00/lb, which is a great price for organic, unmedicated, grass-raised and -finished lamb. I make a lot of lamb curries, and Mediterranean style lamb dishes, as well as kofta and lamb sausage. I also take bones and organs of both and make bone broth from them. That's free, and highly nutritious. Great for soup, chili, stew, and curry. I do purchase some olive oil, but for my primary oil I get high quality hand-pressed coconut oil from Healthy Traditions ( I buy either a 5 gallon pail or 5 1-gallon pails at a time, depending on which has a better price when I'm buying - about once a year. Shipping for such quantities is free. It works in all cooking - in fact, it makes a great crispy cookie, and is perfect for fried chicken. I have a tablespoon in my morning coffee every day to assure I get plenty of omega-3 fatty acids. I don't buy eggs or chicken because I grow my own and process the meat birds myself - and use organs and bones for chicken broth. But local price off the farm is $4/lb bought in quantities of 8 or more - again, field raised and organic. We grow most of our summer vegetables and winter storage crops, but I'm not good with cabbage, so I purchase bulk cabbage after harvest from a local grower when they're ready to do bulk discounts of excess, and extra carrots if I need them, to make kimchi (and sometimes sauerkraut) for our year's supply of fermented foods. Kimchi is great because it's ready in 3 days, and you can add just about any vegetable you want, cut to match stick size, as well as some fruits - especially a green pear or tart apple. The key is to get ahead of the game. Food is primal security. You can even get a small freezer for a couple hundred dollars, enough to store a half cow. I have accumulated 5 freezers of varying capacity over the last 10 years, only one of which I paid for. One of them I only use intermittently, when everything's chock full. One, the smallest, is mostly for bones and organs, waiting to be made into broth. Butchers will often give you extra bones and organs for free because they end up having to pay for them to be disposed of; ask your organic animal's contract butcher for the bones you've already paid for in hanging weight, and if he'll toss in extra for you. Odds are he'll be happy. Slow cook bones and organs in water for 48 hours, letting the bones become soft so the marrow comes out and the nutrients in the bones leach into the liquid, and you'll have some powerhouse bone broth! If you have chickens, toss the spent bones and organs to them. They'll get a nutrient boost, including calcium from the bones. Or feed the spent organs to your dog and cat.

Wow, it was so well done! I would bet money its being played and watched at the highest levels in our country and around the world.
Please tell us if the President calls you personally.

Don’t forget a CSA for veggies, if you desire. Fortunately, our farm business is crazy these days. We have grass fed beef, lamb and pastured chicken. The limiting factor for us is local processing. We are now booking dates in late summer. Demand has outstripped our ability to get the processing done. ALL the local processors are just slammed. Hopefully, this disaster will help usher in a new (old) era in food production. LOCAL.

…and am seeing quite an increase is interest.
robie,husband,father,farmer,optometrist (and JHK thinks I should become a mule skinner)

This virus is a mirror of our own financial and social system. Invade a host, exploit til exhaustion or death and spread to the next resource source. Whether it be renewable resources of forests, soils, fisheries, aquifers, and air, or the non renewable resources of coal, uranium, oil, rare earths, or natural gas. And along with it the commodification and financialization of everything, including all life, and even our own lives. The suppression of effective modalities of treatment for financial reasons, the exploitation of the crisis for financial and political gain or blame.
What is our response to all this, casting about, looking for someone or something to blame, certainly we had nothing to do with this. Nary a mirror of self reflection anywhere to be found. The CCP did this, no it was the CIA, no the WHO or the CDC, republicans, democrats, no it had to be Putin trying to bankrupt the American shale industry. How about the Bilderbergs, Rothschilds?
When I was young, my favorite mantra was - things don’t have to be this way. But slowly, the painful realization that I still uselessly try to fight from time to time dawned on me - if things could have happened any differently, they would have.
If this virus had not shown up, how would this all have ended anyway. Ecological collapse, endless wars over dwindling resources, financial collapse because of endemic political and financial corruption. We are fighting the physical manifestation of our own darkness. And I’m afraid they do have to be this way till eventually they don’t.

Your slide on CFR vs IFR appears to be incorrect. Below are the IFRs of the flu and H1N1.
Source for flu data:
2009-2010 H1N1 0.02%
2013-2014 Flu 0.13%
2014-2015 Flu 0.17%
2015-2016 Flu 0.10%
2016-2017 Flu 0.13%
2017-2018 Flu 0.14%
2018-2019 Flu 0.10%
2019-2020 Flu 0.09%
The estimated number of illnesses is calculated. H1N1 was not a severe as other flu. You might want to re-evaluate this.
A link for how the CDC estimates illnesses is on the page.

Of course Stanford IS the deep state. Google came right out of Stanford. Federal money was used to start it.
Does anybody really believe Google came up with and developed Google Earth? It is military technology.
LOL Just Google how how Larry and Sergei got started

Is there nothing worth fighting for? Is there nothing that should be fought for? Should we have not fought WWII because there’s a little of the Nazi evil in every one of us? Should certain Americans have not fought for civil rights? Should I not fight to expose the man behind the curtain… the Deep State… because I have some of the exploiter in me? Should our Founding Fathers have not fought for the America of our Constitution?
I don’t actually buy your line of thinking. We can acknowledge our own imperfections while fighting against those forces that would oppress us.

Hi DaveDD,
My apologies for the question. You did provide the data, or a link, in your first reply but I somehow missed it. I see what you’re getting at and at the fact that Covid-19 is at least 24 times as deadly as the flu.
From that antibody testing data, I did notice that the tests weren’t random (they were all supermarket shoppers) and that there is some question about the accuracy of any antibody tests at the moment. Of course, uncertainty goes both ways, so I suppose it may be less than 25 times as deadly as the flu but I wonder if typical supermarket shoppers are more likely to have picked it up, more likely to have a very mild or asymptomatic version, or that recovered cases are more likely to go shopping thinking they are immune.
Earlier, you mentioned the extreme seasonality of the Swedish cases. Can you explain that comment? As the virus has only been going for a couple of months, there isn’t much evidence of seasonality. Perhaps you were referring to the flu but your link was to a Worldometers Covid-19 page.

Chris QT prolongation is a well known side effect from Azithromycin all by itself. I’ve had patients who were on drugs that caused QT prolongation and Dr’s prescribed ZPak for a sinus infection and died from cardiac issues related to QT Prolongation. These people never used hydroxychloraquin.

It wont be long before the ignorant and dumb become educated and wise. I call for Revolt… They are afraid of panic? and social unrest… As we know in this group… panic is caused by failure to plan… They are trying to avoid planing and hoping no one will panic… Well… that is a no go!!

davefairtex said: “This is the CCP dream scenario, of course. Which makes me automatically suspicious. If there’s any organization I distrust more than the CIA, its the CCP.
And of course, this alleged US bioweapon is now causing a ridiculous amount of damage to the US – possibly sending us into a depression. It doesn’t feel much like a bioweapon attack on China, unless for some very odd reason, the US IC wanted to actually execute an attack on the US and European economies, using China as the vector.”
Could well be exactly that Dave. I wouldn’t put anything past the current crop of “Deep State” (whomever comprises). All of this is sure providing some excellent cover for a global debt implosion brought on by 100+ years of Federal Reserve and worldwide central banking currency debasement. We’re at 26 million off the roles in 5 weeks and the MSM is busy getting the collective psyche prepped for rationing going forward.
These fine folks killed ~3,000 Americans in broad daylight on national TV and the MSM press went along in lockstep with them. If 3,000 didn’t give pause then 300,000 or 3,000,000 are just a few extra zeros. All for the greater good of course.
Perhaps it was a natural occurrence or perhaps it was the CCP. But if we’re already going through the trouble of turning over stones might as well flip them all over.