Honey Badger Virus Video Update

Another reason for not wanting to get this thing. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/jmv.25728

I saw in the video and in dtrammel’s post about the virus resident time on gloves. I work in a pharmaceutical company that uses both cleanroom and isolator technologies for the aseptic filling of pharmaceuticals. Part of our cleanroom behavior is to spray down gloves every 10 minutes regardless of activities and to spray down after any activity that puts our hands in the risk zone and allowing the hands to dry. We use 70% Isopropyl Alcohol (aka Rubbing Alcohol), but this works better for some viruses than others. Some people also use 70% Ethanol as well which has better wide spectrum effectiveness against viruses. The key is to let the alcohol fully dry before your next activity otherwise it will not be effective and the liquid could just then act as a mode of transfer to another surface.
So my suggestion is that if you don’t have hand sanitizers, gels, or other disinfectant chemicals try and find some clear liquor in the 130 to 150 proof (65-75%)range (Think everclear) and use that.
Hopefully this will help with another avenue for surface disinfection. See a couple references below. As a reminder these two chemicals are most effective in the 70% IPA or ETOH range with 30% water and should be allowed to dry.
EDIT: Just wanted to add that this is for light contamination. If gloves are significantly soiled, i.e. cleaning up someone’s bodily fluids, you should remove the soiling from the gloves and then disinfect them if possible and remove using an inside out technique and dispose of with your other contaminated materials.

I had to smile when you stated your “aggressive” treatments are silver and honey. My solution for wounds is to use silver (colloidal) right at the beginning, so a biofilm never gets a chance to form. Of course this means a patient or care giver needs to have it on hand.

Think I’ll go gargle with bleach.
Seriously folks. “We’re going to have to walk right thru this one.” quote from a friend.
It will be damn close to impossible, if not impossible to avoid it. The sooner you realize that the better.

over the full course of the virus, but I am feeling VERY VERY anxious about flying tomorrow. Seems batshit crazy to get on a plane and fly to south FL, especially since a Miami woman came back from Italy last week with it and despite the doctors insistence she has it, they couldn’t get her officially tested. She had symptoms on her flight so who effing knows who she infected. It’s maddening to keep hearing people say its no big deal and to go about your business as usual.

No one in the US will work for a buck and hour and threat of death if you don’t produce.

17 COVID-19 articles on the website of one of our local news stations. This doesn’t seem to be “nothing to see here, move along” coverage. This is more “there’s enough to worry about, prepare, don’t panic” coverage.
Not sure if other local news sites are as through in their coverage.

I do 4 grams vitamin C every half hour till my stomach grumbles. Works 95% of the time. I’ve done it 2x in the past month with success but I have an iron stomach. My kids didn’t take enough and were sick this past week.
Just make sure you don’t need to leave the house anytime soon!

We’re likely down to one of four men between 73 and 78 years old. All high risk to contract the disease and then high risk to not do very well. Best scenario would be they’re just off the campaign trail for a few weeks as they recover. I imagine they’re all on the best preventative anti-virals money and connections can secure and maybe that will be enough (in which case, wouldn’t we all want to know what works!). What concerns me is the societal and economic disruption of their getting sick or worse, at a time there is already so much chaos.
We have been hearing about the risks of facing the crowds on election day but I haven’t heard any mention of the risks the candidates themselves are taking and must continue to take. Or are we about to ban rallies and go back to just tv and radio appearances? The second wave could start in time to be a thing by the fall general election.

Was The Day after made in the 80s? Want to make sure I’m watching the right movie.

One of my hero’s is a cardiologist (long time WFPB lifestyle) who lived to 105, fully functional at 100. When asked, he said “I’m not afraid to die, I just don’t want it to be my fault.”
One of the non health related things about WFPB, is that it makes prepping to feed yourself much easier and less expensive.

Chris, it would be very interesting if you comment in an update about the thought provoking article by Bill Sardi published yesterday on Lew Rockwell at https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/03/bill-sardi/trump-halts-cdc-fearmongering-but-why-are-antibiotics-not-anti-virals-quelling-the-covid-19-coronavirus-is-it-really-a-virus/
Keep up the great work

Hello community! So glad to get to benefit from everyone’s knowledge and wisdom.
One question I’m attempting to research, so wondering if anyone knows: Do antihistamines suppress the part of your immune system that would fight off this virus? The reason I ask is I take one daily, but it’s for minor allergies, so I would absolutely stop taking it while this is going on if there was a risk it was lowering my ability to fight off viruses. Thanks!

I’ve added a “SummaryByProvinceState” to this spreadsheet which pulls daily from John Hopkin’s datasets and updates around (8 pm ET).
What that means is that in the second tab you may view by sub-location (for certain countries like US and Canada). John Hopkins is not recording it by state for the United States, but by county. So you can plot data by “County, State.” Keep in mind that the growth of viral populations is generally in a normal distribution (bell curve). It may die out, or it may form some periodic trend (sine wave). Also, be hopeful and keep your eye on Christ.
Please make a copy of this sheet in your Google Sheets account if you wish to use it frequently.

This is a fascinating explanation of the undetected transmission of the novel 2019 Covid virus in Seattle but the computational biologist Trevor Bedford. https://bedford.io/blog/ncov-cryptic-transmission/

We know that Wuhan went from an index case in ~Nov-Dec 2019 to several thousand cases by mid-Jan 2020, thus going from initial seeding event to widespread local transmission in the span of ~9-10 weeks. We now believe that the Seattle area seeding event was ~Jan 15 and we're now ~7 weeks later. I expect Seattle now to look like Wuhan around ~1 Jan, when they were reporting the first clusters of patients with unexplained viral pneumonia. We are currently estimating ~600 infections in Seattle, this matches my phylodynamic estimate of the number of infections in Wuhan on Jan 1. Three weeks later, Wuhan had thousands of infections and was put on large-scale lock-down. However, these large-scale non-pharmaceutical interventions to create social distancing had a huge impact on the resulting epidemic. China averted many millions of infections through these intervention measures and cases there have declined substantially.

It will be interesting to see what the choices the Governor of Washington makes about large-scale non-pharmaceutical interventions.


This tells you something…

The Cincinnati-based company posted a notice to its website Monday, saying "Due to high demand and to support all customers, we will be limiting the number of Sanitization, and Cold and Flu related product to 5 each per order. Your order may be modified at time of pickup or delivery." Additional details were not provided. The new limitations seem to only apply to online sales. It is unclear if the limitations apply to in-store purchases. WLWT has reached out to Kroger for comment.

Hello Sparky1,
My apologies for not finishing my post last night. I fully intended to but a phone call came in regarding a sudden situation that I had to deal with. Unfortunately I don’t have enough time to finish right now (woke up late and must get to work). Please excuse me for the delay…it is important information and I will provide the scientific research later today. Thank you.

Iran’s coronavirus outbreak has hit the highest levels of government

The coronavirus has hit the highest levels of Iran’s government, and it seems to be spreading rather quickly. Mohammad Mirmohammadi, a member of a top council that advises Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, died Monday of Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. His death follows those of two other Iranian leaders — a former ambassador and newly elected member of Parliament — who also succumbed to the illness. Reports indicate that about 8 percent of Iran’s Parliament tested positive for the virus, while a total of about seven top officials have fallen ill. They include Iraj Harirchi, the head of the regime’s coronavirus task force, and Iranian Vice President Masoumeh Ebtekar. The disclosure of Ebtekar’s illness last week was particularly troubling for Iran’s leadership, as it came only one day after she attended a Cabinet meeting where she was in close proximity to regime officials, including the 80-year-old Khamenei. That he and other Iranian leaders are elderly means they are at increased risk of dying from the disease, though there is currently no evidence to show Khamenei is sick.

With such a large percentage of adults potentially contracting the virus, an 8% mortality rate for people aged 70-79, and a 14% mortality rate for people over the age of 80, how might this affect the age distribution problem facing many countries. Intentional or accidental, might the culling of the elderly have profound economic impacts on the burdened health care costs of aging countries such as China, Japan, U.S., and Europe?