I'm Scared...but I'm Hopeful

Sand puppy mentioned the need for future communications off internet. Anyone (no technical expertise required) interested in a video chat on this please PM me. I suggest a time on zoom at 8 PM Eastern time some Friday or Saturday.

  • ham radio has the demerit that all communications must be unencrypted by law
  • if you use ham radio you must get familiar with the physical limitations of the ionosphere (frequencies/times of day/times of sunspot activities all strongly are affected). Doing this is actually a lot of fun if you have the right mind set.
  • I have a specific proposal for transmitting nodes (requires a ham license and 1000-2000 $ of equipment) and receiving nodes (100$ of equipment if strong signals are used or 300$ for higher performance. Protocal: experts and interviewers conduct live on air sessions via text (with references to downloadable files from the internet) and others can tune in and download/save/listen. The best receiving antenna for the money that I have ever seen is a $30 “MLA-30” active loop antenna. This would feed a software defined radio (30$ 8 bit dongle or higher quality 200$ 14 bit box that connects between the antenna and your computer.
  • recently I realize that we can use the internet in much more innovative and powerful way to get around censoring by the fascists than is being done now. I would like to discuss this idea with experts in software and internet use.
  • blockchain and other cryptotechnologies such as distributed ledgers WILL be used to secure validity of communications. We are entering a new world wherein the fascists or anyone with money actually, can spoof any communication. Think of “fake news” on steroids entering our private communication paths. We will have to use a distributed ledger to verify communication paths and actors. A good side of this is that we can actually rebuild the 4th estate from the ground up by using crypto technology with reputation based reporting to get away from this fake stuff.
    I can also be reached at diygrid.net

We should get a syndication together and buy Farmland. Would anyone be interested in this? I have little experience in this, but with a possible shortage of food and Farmland being sucked up by multinational Corporations I feel we need to act now.
In inflation scenarios " Debt becomes an Asset "

Yes, ham radio has been on my prep list for a while now. If you study past periods of war and authoritarianism, the first thing that happens is restrictions on media and other forms of communication. Radios were declared illegal. Newspapers were state controlled. Listening to foreign broadcasts was a serious crime.
A common theme among Holocaust survivors is the lack of any way to communicate with others. All forms of communication were eventually denied to the Jews in German occupied Europe. This served as a great disadvantage.
I suppose this item should be acquired before it becomes difficult.

This guy breaks down some legal issues regarding mRNA gene therapy, not vaccine.

During the early days of the pandemic, Chris did a video on the adjustment reaction and methods of communication that de-escalated situations and interviewed a pretty famous counselor. I think I could use another one those tutorials.
Maybe Chris could take a dive into the work of Edward Bernaise?

I’ve followed PP for about 7 years. I’ve always had decent critical thinking skills and tend to think outside the box but since following Chris, Adam, and other tribal discussions my eyes have been widened and those skills have become honed. They have changed/enhanced the way I think. So my family and I thank you all for that…
Topics to cover/discuss…

  • Currently under EUA my employer cannot mandate it but what happens when/if that changes. What are my legal options to refuse?
  • watching for ADE. With the MSM scoping these new variants (although there has been variants over the last 12+ months) I have concern that 2 potential reasons for their coverage of these new variants are: 1) if there is any ADE reactions down the road, they may be chalked up to or swept under the rug as “he had the new variant - that’s why he/she died etc” or 2) we need to tweak the savior vaccine to cover the new variant so please line-up again for round 2
  • continue with 8 forms of capital/resilience (love it’s at the individual/community level). Emphasis on emotional/physical and resilient home - thermal mass/lag. Improving ones current residents. I don’t have the income to move to a acreage/ small farm.
  • 3 E’s - it’s what brought me here in the first place. Anything insect decline, farming practices. I live in South Dakota and have watched our pheasant population rapidly decline for a multitude of reasons - mainly, IMO, habitat destruction and insecticides
  • IVM progression

surprised not to see any commentary about new variants emerging in Brazil/South Africa that may be vaccine resistant? seems like these could radically change the current narrative that the vaccine will save humanity from collapse…i think this could be one of the real game changers in the weeks and months ahead. early data shows the UK variant is 55% more contagious and up to 30% more lethal. also other variants may be able to get around vaccines.

This is a great idea. The tribe buys land, incorporates and creates an intentional community. For a primer on what a functioning community might look like check out Kunstler’s “Geography to No Where,” a wonderfully interesting look at new concepts of what constitutes land “ownership,” how commerce, residential, and low, middle and high income households can naturally reside in the same community. Putting people before cars in design, allowing for the efficient ingress and egress for goods to be brought in and waste to be taken out. Choosing a site near rail, river, or port for future ease of commerce. Learning why architecture is so important for community vitality. Lots of good info on how to develop a place to live and work that people would care about.

Please add mine to the voices of respect and gratitude for the colossal work done here.

Sounds like if you pushed this … moderna and pfizer - will not have liability shield for vaccines… by redefining this is actually not a vacccine which it isnt.

Hi Chris,
I’m from the Netherlands (Europe) and found you early last year, when i was trying to find more information on ‘the virus’.
I was already focussing on the US for some 4 years, when Trump started running, bc i didnt see much happening in my country. After decades of trying to steer things in another direction (while raising 2 kids), i had given up on my country and frankly, most of western Europe. Trump would be the outsider to change things. And he won and indeed did some good things. Quite a lot, considering who and what he was up against. Thats over now.
You see things in a broader light, but i am even broader. I was busy writing a giant philosophical work, 2 decades ago and failed. Because i found myself increasingly dealing and fighting even crazier things and never got the rest needed to do what i wanted to do. It had to be a new direction, but we only increasingly went the bad direction. On top of that i lost most that matters on a personal level aswell and that had close relation with what i was trying to do.
Eventually, i ended up in prison because of all this.
Im sorry to say, but its even much worse than you think. (although of course i do not know all that you think…)
Its all connected, partly natural ‘progression’ of things, but for a large part, definately for the last 35 years, created. And it is not for our benefit or anyones benefit, except some rich/powerfull people.
Actually, since my health has greatly suffered, i decided a week ago that i should quit all this and finally do something to make ME a bit happy. I’m poor and have limited options. The fact i just turned 60 doesn’t help either.
Last ~10 years i also increasingly started to see how i never had a chance. Society changed so much from when i was young and socialized, that everything i thoughy i should do and did, was reverse now. It was no longer appreciated, or rewarded. On the contrary.
This societal change is what has weakened us, the entire white civilisation.
The lies of feminism. The lies of racism. The undermining of family and its values. The exodus from the church. The misinterpretations of rights we acquired from enlightenment. The illusion of free trade. The illusion of equality. The illusion of democracy. Etc
All these have been greatly detrimental to white civilisation. So bad, that we are the brink of extinqtion now.
We won’t agree on everything. But i can talk with anyone that values truth, the scientific methods, reasoning and fairness.
So you are asking for feedback. Well, i can discuss anything and im sure we can get to a direction we all support. The question is how.
I like your idea of ‘conscious stewards’. Its more or less what ive been doing my entire life. I found that no good deed ever goes unpunished. But my fight was alone. If we can actually group somehow im willing to go for it again. But it will be SO difficult.
Mid 80ies here they made organisation against mass immigration, against the delusion of ‘multi culture’ impossible, by law. The first political party on this theme was attacked (literally) and forbidden by law. The second attempt; they murdered the leader. The third attempt, that person has not been able to walk the streets without body guards for over a decade now. Yet, they talk of ‘democracy’.
You may think what does this have to do with covid? With oilprices? With China? With communism? With families? EVERYTHING. It is ALL connected. And i can explain exactly how it is connected and what function it has in the greater scheme of things.
Would anyone object if immigrants from Pluto would unite, protest and demand things? No, right?
Imagine what would happen if someone would dare to start an organisation for white people’s interests…
Isnt that odd? Thats how bad it is.
I don’t know anymore Chris. Like i said, i tried every possible way without using violence, ever since i left, left politics i was in up till '90. All of a sudden i was deemed a nazi, racist, bigot, etc. Things we never had before 1985. Well, maybe we all were nazi’s. It doesnt mean much to me anymore.
If nationalism is a bad thing, shoot me.
If being social (bc thats what it was, not socialistic) is bad, shoot me.
And that’s how far back this thing goes, i guess.
It was empires agaist peoples. It always is. And this time, they are going for the super-empire and there will be no escape. Unless we turn it around.
Ill see what you come up with. Wish all the best.

I am absolutely interested in crypto but my biggest concern is getting hacked. I am woefully ignorant when it comes to keeping my network along with my cell phone off the hands of pirates.
We need step by step 101 education on what to do with our routers, our pcs, cell phones, etc. There’s a million dollar idea for you as people sorely need this new, tech safety information.

You wrote:

A good side of this is that we can actually rebuild the 4th estate from the ground up by using crypto technology with reputation based reporting to get away from this fake stuff.
I had the exact same idea of cross linking citizen reporting but it never occurred to me to use ham radio and blockchain to effectuate it. It is truly a terrific idea to join citizen reporting to ham radio to block chain technology. It is something that could really take off, if done right. Lots of people know that they are being lied to and want to put an end to it. If I did not already have so much on my plate, I would sign up for that effort in an instant. Honest reporting is something that the world desperately needs.

Sorry m8, but more contagious AND more lethal is extremely unlikely. Mutations usually get more contagious and less lethal, as lethality is a negative variable in virus mutation.
It was very suspicious to begin with that they came with this right before they started vaxxing in GB.
Fact of the matter is, pcr was changed in september, so it shows vastly increased false positives. Thats your increased contagion.
And of course more people will die as these idiot measures go on and people get risky ‘vaccines’. And those are counted as covid victims.
Dont believe a word of it!
That is exactly how they can decimate world population. The perfect tool as long as people keep believing it is real.
There was hardly increased death over ALL of last year. That means there is NO dangerous pandemic.

Hi Chris and Evie,
I hope you are managing your various stressors as well as possible.
A minor point I have, and not trying set up a wall here between generations, is that we Boomers (with a tiny bit of input from me) helped start PP with our thousands of comments and suggestions in dozens of subjects. Our needs and contributions, sometimes financial, helped spark interest and awareness in the Crash Course. While you may need to, and wish to, address some of the Millennial and others’ specific concerns and interests to keep this a viable enterprise now and in the future, IMO Boomer interests should be on one of the front burners. Perhaps an area addressing more specific Millennial interests and concerns could be developed in a way that promotes cohesion, rather than division of the PP tribe.

How about an update to the tight correlation between light levels and case counts. We appear to peak as predicted - about 2 weeks after Christmas for cases and 3 weeks after for deaths.
The charts appear to be rolling over on daily increases.

To put it another way, I have no hope in a human solution. To borrow a phrase from the great master Tolkien; The line of man has failed.
But take heart because nature will not fail. Everything is going to be exactly the way it’s supposed to be. Maybe it could have been different, MAYBE it didnt have to be this way…then again maybe it did.
I have a great faith in the universe [ you can call it God, but names dont matter]. All streams lead to the big waters, everything goes where it’s supposed to go.
It might not be pretty, it might not be easy but its going exactly where nature intends. Nature is funny, when you embrace her and go with her flow, she takes care of you. When you fight her, you suffer. As the old saying goes “when you smile the universe smiles back”.

I think the psychology of Hollandaise Sauce is a great idea.
Oh I mean Edward BERNAYS.
For anyone interested in the work of Edward Bernays “The Century of Self” is a great introduction. I don’t know what else would need to be said about his work.
On a related topic this video if you can understand it is interesting. It is about Neuro Linguistic Programming.

@Brushdog, I find myself thinking along these lines as well. I have an 8 year old to raise so checking out now would be very bad. But apart from that and after that work is done, I don’t think I have much fear of anything including death.
I grew up in the tailend of the cold war when we were all supposed to be a afraid of Nuclear War (certain to be started by either the US or the USSR depending on your politics).
After the Soviets punked out, there has been no shortage of new threats that Im supposed to give up my rights to fight.
Now along comes Covid and I’m just plain not having the fear.
There is a guy named Jasun Horsley who might be a little too “out there” for the audience here, but he has run commentary on the Covid fear and he made the following argument:
“If there was gonna be a plague and it was going to kill, say 20% of all the people on earth, couldn’t we just be OK with that?”
He was making the point that the Western World is animated by an absolutely hysterical fear of death. The fear is so intense and so all encompassing that no one knows how to live. He isn’t a promoter of any specific religion but he thinks the West is so thoroughly materialistic and “scientific” that all we really have is this death terror to motivate everything we do.
If we had some kind of “spiritual” component to our lives we wouldn’t have to be this way in his opinion.
I’m still trying to find some specific form of this for myself, but his idea rings true for me. I have this real feeling of my consciousness being some kind of focused energy that will eventually become unfocused as my body disintegrates. But the energy was always there, will always be there and was never really “mine” anyway.
We gotta learn to enjoy this ride. There is so much wonder out there when you turn off the shrieking TV screen

The level of hysteria around a virus that is treatable, but even untreated is much less than 1%, is astounding. Perhaps without a solid theology behind the populace (or because), fear can take hold. Past generations withstood attrition through death and disease magnitudes worse, without such reaction. In ‘Rembrant’s eyes’ by Simon Schama, he chronicles his life and work and in passing, notes of all his family, brothers and sisters and their children, he had only one survivor on his death, a niece.