I'm Scared...but I'm Hopeful

2retired, you are so right
The death rate is so low, how can we even conclude that “the virus will mutate to less lethal form!!!”
We will keep getting new epitope versions every year and fascist Gates will use the govt to push a vaccine “update!” into our veins every year… except of course for those of us who escape America.

I am wondering if a network of communities and/or homesteads can be connected somehow - “remnants” in different places which are connected through communications?

I have been ignoring this topic suspecting that TPTB are just trying to scare us.
But in Charles musings report he passes on his concerns that the variant strains are likely to bring us a fresh and bigger wave of illness.

The Super-Covid Tsunami Is Coming We're in the brief interlude of false confidence where the water is receding from the beach and the conventional crowd declares the last big wave was the tsunami and now the risk has passed. Nobody's better at declaring that the worst is past than Wall Street: Wall Street Declares "The Beginning Of The End Of The COVID Crisis" But the tsunami has yet to hit, and all those who listened to the soothing claims that the risk has passed will soon find they cannot outrun the tsunami, which arrives with breathtaking speed and force, sweeping all before it. The tsunami analogy isn't mine; Danish authorities used it to describe the rapid spread of the U.K. variant: "This period is going to be a bit like a tsunami, in the way you stand on the beach and then suddenly you can see all the water retracts," as cases drop, Krause said. "Afterward, you will have the tsunami coming in and overwhelming you." Denmark is sequencing all coronavirus samples and has an alarming view of the U.K. variant But the British variant is spreading so quickly that Danish authorities project it will be the dominant strain of the virus in their country as early as mid-February. Danish officials say that as a result, daily coronavirus cases there could quadruple by the beginning of April. Charts from the public health institute project that in the worst-case contagion scenarios, even with a strict lockdown in effect, cases would skyrocket. The tsunami speeding toward us is powered by the Super-Covid variants, of which there are currently three: the one devastating the U.K. (B.1.1.7), the one that originated in Brazil and the one in South Africa. Each variant has gained function: they are much more contagious, may well be deadlier, may afflict younger people and may evade the highly touted vaccines that are currently being presented as the sure cure for Covid. There are many disturbing dynamics in these variants; here are a few of the most potentially consequential: 1. Measures that limited the spread of the initial Covid strains no longer work on the Super-Covid variants. The New COVID-19 Variant Sends Britain Into a Crisis. World Braces for Surge of Coronavirus Variants: That is a disturbing possibility in the United States, which has long had the world’s largest coronavirus outbreak and is in the midst of a post-holiday surge. On Friday, federal health experts warned in dire terms that B.1.1.7 would most likely be the dominant source of infection in the country by March. But the British variant is spreading so quickly that Danish authorities project it will be the dominant strain of the virus in their country as early as mid-February. Danish officials say that as a result, daily coronavirus cases there could quadruple by the beginning of April. Charts from the public health institute project that in the worst-case contagion scenarios, even with a strict lockdown in effect, cases would skyrocket. 2. These three variants will not the last mutations. All organisms respond to selective pressure. Viruses that get wiped out by robust immune systems don't have time to generate enough mutations to escape the immune response. Trevor Bedford on Twitter: "Hints that these emergence events are related to chronic infections come from multiple sources." But viruses in patients with chronic viral infections have plenty of time to respond to the selective pressure by generating mutations that evade antibodies and other immune responses. The more people who are chronically infected with Covid, the more "petri dishes" there are for Covid mutations that gain function--become more contagious, become better at evading vaccines and antibodies generated by previous Covid infections, etc. Thus these three variants won't be the last new strains of Covid; they are likely the first of many more variants, some of which could be even more consequential than the Super-Covid variants now spreading globally. 3. The variants appear to be following a path of convergent evolution, meaning that are evolving along similar pathways to evade antibodies and thus vaccines. This suggests that the Covid virus has tropisms for mutation pathways that increase its contagiousness and weaken the efficacy of antibodies and vaccines that generate antibodies. New UK variant 'may be more deadly' Why new COVID-19 variants are on the rise and spreading around the world 4. The Super-Covid variants spread faster than our systems can distribute vaccinations. Yves Smith of nakedcapitalism.com has done a superb job of tracking new developments in the pandemic/treatment/vaccine space. Here is her response to the notion that Biden's team has 3-6 months to do a better job of managing the pandemic: Yves: "Not sure he has even that much runway, with the Super Covid strains expected to create a contagion blowout by mid-March. That will force even more stringent lockdowns. But if you don't restrict interstate travel, which only the Feds can do, it's not clear that even that would be adequate. What happens if/when we have even more essential workers sick than last year, with resulting breakdowns in food supply, and many hospitals so overwhelmed that they won't be able to handle ER arrivals from people suffering strokes and heart attacks, or smashed up in car crashes? As we said in our post on the incoming CDC chief, the Biden administration is acting like it is fighting yesterday's war, and that getting enough people vaccinated will dampen down the Super Covid wave to a manageable level. I wouldn't bet on that, particularly with vaccinations prioritizing old people who are already not getting out much, while the new strains are much harder on young people." 5. The real-world efficacy of the mRNA vaccines is not yet fully known. Some studies have found it's about 50% effective after the second shot, but the three-week lag time between shots means many people who received the first dose have yet to get the second shot. The vaccine trials are not as conclusive as they're being presented: What Vaccine Trials? (via Jeremy B.) The most important, meaningful phase of CV-19 vaccine trials has barely begun, let alone been completed. [SP note--this is really shocking to me--there is almost NO EVIDENCE that the vaccine is effective OR safe.] And the number of people who are dying after receiving the vaccine is far higher than the number who die after getting a flu shot: Update from the @cdcgov vaccine reporting system: "148 post-#Covid deaths were reported as of last Friday. Deaths are now running at ~120x reported flu vaccine deaths per-dose." 6. How far and fast the Super Covid variants have spread in the U.S. is unclear due to the haphazard way the U.S. sequences Covid samples, and the modest number of samples being sequenced. "The United States is sequencing 0.3 percent of cases, ranking it 43rd in the world and leaving it largely blind to the variant’s spread." It's difficult to contain an infectious disease you know very little about. 7. The mainstream discussions about Covid focus exclusively on the death rate, ignoring the evidence for long-term chronic consequences that are potentially devastating in terms of long-term care required, lost months of work and earned income and human suffering. My 'Long Covid' Nightmare: Still Sick After 6 Months: A Times reporter caught the coronavirus during the New York City outbreak last April. But the acute phase of the illness was just the beginning. 8. Given that the U.S. is unprepared to deal with fast-spreading Super-Covid variants, the new variants could be the dominant strains within 4-6 weeks (mid-March). The number of people who will have received their second shot of vaccine is unlikely to be even 10% of the U.S. population by that date. 9. How long the natural immunity of those who caught the early variants of Covid is unknown; some studies suggest natural or vaccine immunity might only last 5 to 6 months. Again, how effective the new variants might be at evading antibodies is unknown. The current thinking is T-Cell immunity is more important than antibodies, but re-infection of people who had earlier versions of Covid would still have potentially serious consequences in terms of Covid becoming a chronic infectious disease which cannot be eliminated and which mutates effectively enough to keep re-infecting human hosts who already recovered from previous variants. What's worrisome is that convergent evolution might lead to new variants faster than we can generate new vaccines, mass produce them and inject them into billions of humans. If the vaccines prove to be only 50% effective in the real world, what have we gained? If variants arise faster than we can counter them, then where does that leave the promise of a "return to the Old Normal by mid-2021" and a new economic boom? 10. I have been discussing second-order effects from the very start of the pandemic. First order effects, every action has a consequence. Second order effects, every consequence has its own consequence. This comment by Virologist Christian Drosten outlines a few of the potential second-order effects few others are even discerning as possibilities. Put another way: just because we didn't anticipate negative second-order effects doesn't mean they won't happen. Furthermore, these second-order effects may reinforce each other in a feedback loop which triggers non-linear dynamics that will break down systems we reckoned were robust and immutable. Interview with Virologist Christian Drosten "I Am Quite Apprehensive about What Might Otherwise Happen in Spring and Summer" Drosten: "Once the elderly and maybe part of the risk groups have been vaccinated, there will be immense economic, social, political and perhaps also legal pressure to end the corona measures. And then, huge numbers of people will become infected within just a short amount of time, more than we can even imagine at the moment. We won't have 20,000 or 30,000 new cases a day, but up to 100,000 in a worst-case scenario. It will, of course, be primarily younger people who are less likely than older people to have severe symptoms, but when a huge number of younger people get infected, then the intensive care units will fill up anyway and a lot of people will die. Just that it will be younger people." My view is being aware of the possibilities is not being alarmist, it's simply being practical. A note of appreciation for correspondent C.A. who has kept me well-informed on Covid related developments globally

Hi Chris,
My FIRST ever post here. First off, I just want to say THANK YOU for everything that you do; it is sincerely appreciated.
You mentioned that we must fight for the future. My guess is that this is about the environment and how we must transition our economy to a more sustainable one without destroying people’s livelihoods during that transition period.
Of course that is of critical importance. However, I believe most people here will agree that we really need some information concerning the vaccines and these mutations.
I don’t trust what they are telling us in the media (I’m sure most people here feel the same).
We really need an update on anything that you’ve learned because we TRUST you.

I agree completely. This is the role that I want to play, being outside and far away from America and kind of equally far away from everyone there.
The Tokyo to East Coast path is expected to be somewhat reliable at sunup and sundown as signals follow the grey line. Maybe we can start via SSB (voice) transmission on the 20/30 or 40 meter band once a week at 15 minutes before published sunset time for NYC (which changes through the year) for fun. Anyone can be a listener who has an antenna (I recommend SLA-20) connected to a $100 Tecsun receiver capable of SSB, or connected to a $30 SDR dongle RTL2832U (see RTL-SDR.com). I dont see an easy way to get the West Coast in then except by repeating at different time/frequency. Maybe others with more experience can opine on this. I think that RandomMike or perhaps Mike from Jersey may have more experience in this area.

Thanks sand_puppy.
I have nothing but respect for Charles Hugh Smith. Still, I read that as being more about the direction the narrative is about to take than necessarily being about the course the disease is going to take.
How many many Billions could Moderna make churning out one vaccine after another for 5 years if this is true?
How long could current political and business realities continue to strangle small business and the self-sufficiency of individuals to the benefit of the powerful if this is true?
How long can they hold off on recommending Ivermectin and HCQ if there needs to be study on all the variants before “science” knows if they are “safe”?
On the other hand, what use is a vaccine passport for proving protection against 3 new variants a month, forever?
My conspiracy theory? “They” don’t want lockdown and the prohibition on social organization to end yet so they are making every minor genetic variation into some brand new thing that is “potentially more deadly than the original” ad infinitum.
So Im scared after reading Charles’ text but maybe not the way Im supposed to be.

Does anyone have links to the previous animal studies with mRNA coronavirus vaccines showing ADE?


First of all, I’m grateful to you for reaching out to other people to help educate during a time of need. I’ve gotten a great deal of comfort in knowing with greater certainty what this pandemic thing was all about and how to deal with it.
I look forward to seeing your videos and have acted on what I can from what you’ve brought to light. Thank you!
One topic that I’m curious about is the use of L-Lysine with Covid19. I take this daily in my supplement/nootropic stack as a way to help stay functional, I’m autistic and have a predisposition for heart disease in my genes. Since starting this supplement I haven’t had a single day of feeling sick. I hear this amino acid shift’s the body chemistry making a person inhospitable for coronaviruses. I think the L-Lysine replaces the L-Arginine which is needed by the coronaviruses to do their thing.
Anyhow, it would be interesting to know more about it. It’s also extremely in-expensive.
Just in case anyone is interested, there are a couple of studies that show a combination of L-Lysine, L-Proline, and Vitamin C as a way to help repair arterial damage and plaque deposits.

I look forward to hearing from you as your thoughts echo my intuition and you back it up with sound science. Just keep doing you!

Why would anyone believe a word of it, after a yeat long of lies?
Its very simple:

  1. There is hardly any increased total death over 2020. Ive looked at data from gov bureau of statistics in NL, SP, GB and even US. None of them show significant increased death over 2020. That means covid is by far not as deadly as was suggested. There is NO way around this.
  2. From the same bureaus of statistics NO influenze was reported for entire 2020, with exception of jan and feb. This NEVER happened before and means influenze and other are measured as covid.
  3. MD’s are forced to register ALL deaths, other than outside trauma, as covid deaths, if persons have been positive tested with the pcr. Lots of MD’s testifying to this.
  4. rt pcr is NOT a diagnostic tool. Even original writers of Drosten paper have admitted such.
  5. In september ALL pcr standards were dropped to using 1 primer and use ct values og up to 35-40, where the normal maximum is 25-30. This leads to massive false positives
    3,4 and 5 mean that most (>90%) of positieve tests since september are false positives.
  6. People needing hospital care with respiratory symptoms are solely tested here with pcr. No antibody testing.
  7. Pathologists are NOT allowed to perform section. In Ireland, Italy and Germany did none the less and found that ALL patients that would have reportedly died from covid, none of them did.
  8. Pfizer and Moderna ‘vaccines’ are NOT vaccines. And it is those that most of the western world get. China however use 3 different traditional vaccines, self made. India uses a traditional vaccine, self made. Russia uses vector vaccines, self made. While we get the crap.
  9. Measures are ridiculous. Our gov says masks dont work, but we have to wear them to change our behavior. How does that help against spread?
  10. We now have curfew. What does this have to do with viral spread?
  11. They have lied time and time again (and still do) about profylactic treatment wrt vitamine use and such. And treatments that actually work, like HCQ and Ivermectin. Active censoring even of MD’s and researchers. In other words; they let people deliberately DIE
    I dont believe a word they say and i suggest everyone do their own research.
    You can check databanks for, for instance total death yourself for every country. Aswell as unfluenza deaths and other

Jeff, do you have a link to that David Martin video? It seems like really good info but there’s no embedded link I can find.
Edit: Scratch that, found it. Recommended viewing folks.

Treating everyone with ivermectin relatively early in the pandemic (maybe summer) would have greatly reduced the opportunities for the virus to evolve variants. If the variants turn out to be even more deadly, perhaps deadly enough to deliver a big blow to civilization itself, suppressing it will turn out to be the ultimate crime…
Which brings us to a very important question: (which hopefully severely limits the potential damage the variants can do): How effective is ivermetin alone or in combination with other drugs and supplements against the variants? This is a very important question for all of us.
If it is highly effective, we’re still on a pandemic ending path.
If not, there could be be trouble ahead.

If ivermectin was widely used, the virus might have mutated to escape ivermectin suppression, but since the mutations seem to have occurred outside areas where ivermectin is being used, I expect the mutations will still be sensitive to ivermectin therapy. Time will tell!

Here’s my sense.

  1. variants - unless they are lab-engineered variants (which certainly could be the case) - tend to be more infectious, but weaker.
  2. positive tests in the UK, which is reportedly deluged by “the new variant”, looks like this currently. Is this drop in new positive tests about them having vaccinated 80% of their population? No. Winter, in the UK, is the most dangerous time. Easy to spread, no vitamin D - due to constant rain. And yet - positive tests certainly appear to have topped out. Has the UK Variant run its course?

    And about that horrible lethality - check out this “all cause deaths” image, via tweet by a Daily Mail reporter Peter Hitchens. Red line is COVID deaths, black line is all cause mortality, blue line is 5-year average. The deaths in April appear to have been legitimately measured. The ones now? https://twitter.com/ClarkeMicah/status/1351540787616624643

    Not so much. The current event in the UK appears to be a “case-demic” (possibly due to very high PCR cycles used, with lots of false positives), combined with “COVID” deaths actually just “people who died while having tested positive for COVID within the last month or so.”
  3. long-haulers do have issues for sure. The reports I get, these issues can be fixed with high dose niacin among other things. (There’s a reddit group with a whole bunch of anecdotes on the subject). Bottom line: there is stuff that works. We’ll sort it out. We might well end up discovering some interesting, generic treatments at the end of the process.
  4. If T-cell immunity from previous infections in the UK didn’t work on “the new UK variant”, then the cases in the UK wouldn’t be dropping today - there would be a vast number of reinfections. This would be international news. (Anything that’s scary is sure to make it to the headlines in nanoseconds.) I’d call this “the reinfection-dog-story that didn’t bark.” No barking dog = no problem = just fear porn. Previous-infection-immunity appears to still work, 10 months later.
  5. A faster-infection path means a more rapid path to herd immunity. Is the UK there already?
  6. A summertime surge is not likely; vitamin-D is a lot easier to generate in summer. vitamin-D sufficiency means less chance of testing positive. Warmer weather also makes it more difficult to spread.
  7. For us as individuals, Dr Marik’s point remains key: this virus isn’t that serious. The deaths come from our own immune system reacting to the viral debris in the second phase and reacting with the cytokine storm, and not from the damage done by the virus itself. This is fixed in two ways: early outpatient antiviral treatment, and mitigating the cytokine storm inflammatory response.
    We know how to do that here, with the I-MASK+ protocol. And it is looking as though the FLCCC is getting more and more traction at getting this story out there.
    My hope is - beginning of March, the NIH will bow to the inevitable.

Here’s a fragment of Peter Hitchens column, painting a stark word-picture of the pandemic response impact. The whole column is worth reading, especially in light of what is actually happening in terms of all cause mortality. Which hasn’t changed this winter from “normal”.


Imagine, if you will, a person arriving in a town on an empty train, at the empty station, for the meagre, distanced and strictly limited funeral of an old friend.

He asks his way to the crematorium. The only available stranger replies: ‘Take the right fork at the dead cafe. Go past ten dead restaurants, three dead pubs, a dead shopping mall, a dead bookshop, two dead cinemas and a dead theatre.

Turn right at the dead museum, and right again at the dead gym. Cross the road when you get to the dead swimming pool. Walk through the first dead university. At the dead covered market, turn right until you reach the dead library.

Then take the empty bus up through the other dead university, through the dead suburb and past the dead school. Watch out for the dead surgery. At the roundabout, turn down the hill by the dead church and keep going for half a mile.

You can’t miss the crematorium, as it is one of the few places where there are any signs of life.

Astonishingly, a poll in the UK largely supports the government's response. While "we are sadder, poorer, and fatter", the government apparently didn't act fast enough. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9179985/Were-sadder-poorer-fatter-Mail-Sunday-survey-finds-Britain-suffering-lockdown.html

I read your post and am overwhelmed with your honesty, humility, and desire for a better world. I’m certain that all here have similar hopes. One paragraph stands out for me:
" The lies of feminism. The lies of racism. The undermining of family and its values. The exodus from the church. The misinterpretations of rights we acquired from enlightenment. The illusion of free trade. The illusion of equality. The illusion of democracy. Etc" and I add etc. etc. etc. :slight_smile:
We do live in perilous times. Much of what we read, see, and hear today are man’s agenda driven lies. It is sad, but man’s “truths” are laughable. God’s Truths as written in the Holy Scriptures are infallible, constant, and enduring. My buddy Paul likens those without the Truth as travelers in a rudderless ship being tossed to-and-fro in a stormy sea. In Faith, we can choose to be “spiritual” beings and partake of His Holy Spirit, or we may choose to believe that man’s knowledge will bring us to “enlightenment”. We see where that has gotten us.
I by no means am a Biblical scholar, and strive daily to grow in my Christian walk, but I do know over the years, the life changing impact the Truths expressed in the Holy Bible have had on me and my family. The decision to believe in God, His Word, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, can only be made on a personal level. How can one accept the Truth if one hasn’t read it? God’s saving Grace is available to all of us…if we’re willing to accept it. Pretty simple.
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12
I realize this isn’t a “religious” forum however the majority of the problems we face today are ultimately spiritual in nature. “Prosperity” comes in many different forms. Some months ago I was going to share a short poem I wrote but thought the PP forum may not be the right venue… perhaps it is.
So many people choose to say, There is no truth nor lie today. No black, no white, but only gray, No wrong, no right, no night, no day. But as for me and my family, We’ll choose God’s Word, for all eternity.
The New Testament is the fulfillment of the Old. A relatively “easy” read. Do yourself, your family, and your posterity a favor. Read it, the choice to believe is yours.
Romans 15:13

One of the response posts to the Hitchens tweet DaveF posted above:

My elderly mother passed away recently after a period of decline.
We had to remove her from all care institutions so that family could be at her bedside in her last days. Protective isolation is a very heartbreaking medical practice.

Your loss is your mother’s gain. It’s good that you and family could be with her in her last days. We were fortunate to do so with my mother as well. She knew her time was ending and actually took part in the election of Hospice. Joy they gave, joy they have found. Thanks for the link to the tweets, some are really great. I especially liked the one: “How did humanity reach a point where we are presumed sick until proven healthy?”

My mom’s last days (she had terminal stomach cancer) were spent surrounded by her family at home. She loved every minute of it. Also, she wasn’t buried in a room - she was in the center of the action, in the living room/dining room area - that is where we moved her bed. Most of the time she sat up in bed and watched everything with a happy smile on her face. From observation, there is absolutely no better way to go than being cared for and in the company of your family.
Having been a part of this process, imagining what terminally ill people go through today - virtually alone in the hospital - it must be incredibly lonely. And heartbreaking for the family too. It is very healing to say goodbye to a parent - or a child. I wouldn’t have missed this experience for the world.
The sum total of the damage done by this pandemic response just blows my mind.