I'm Scared...but I'm Hopeful


Here’s part of the picture: link

In late January I had Covid,
Did not know what it was, but was confused ,as it was nothing like anything I have experienced,in my 60 years. almost died.
Found Dr. Chris ,and peak prospierity…as news emerged about the Chinese plague consuming china.I knew it was here already in this country.
My hunt among prominent epidemiologist …discovering just what covid19 was, lead me to Dr. Martinson’s love of stats…and common sense…something I still value tremendously.
What I see happening today…is a pandoras box opened…of peoples problems, both virus related, as well as long simmering secret likes and dislikes(,for lack of a better description.)
This global Quagmire…is REALLY unfortunate…and imho…shamefull as we are ALL in this …and ALL will suffer …unless we ALL come to the same page of knowledge.
THAT page… has been been obvious for months.
The ONLY people…imho…that are (on target)…to not only dealing with this contagion,and sparing lives as well as coming out on top ,when it is gone…in all ways…are the Asians…
Their ZERO covid policy is the ONLY way to approach this catastrophe …There are NO…half measures…
My faith in fellow Americans…and the greed to put everything under the sun…in front of the elephant in the room…is both childish…and unfortunate…
I have come to the conclusion…that this lesson…(sent by GOD??sent by the Aliens?..or just created by careless fearfull human beings)…it does not matter…we in America… are doomed to learn the hard way…
politics,guns religion, racisms,Black rights,transgender rights,womens rights,constitutional rights,business ,stock market,proud this and that,…none of it should be at the forefront at this time…NONE OF IT!!
without those two…that Dr. CHRIS has been working so hard to beat into people heads…is MOST IMPORTANT…by a huge longshot.
without health…we have nothing…period.
Support your doctors and nurses and their families…They are giving…and risking their lives in a war…that …UNBELIEVABLY!!!..some ignorant people…do not even believe is happening…
focus on the disease.
Find and put into practice what DEFEATS…the disease!
Focus…on every aspect of the disease…ways to protect yourself,avoid it,get though it if infected.,as well as getting EVERYONE on the same page.
Drive the Fake news…and the fear of science…OUT.
leave the rest… for a less turbulent/cooler head time…for GODS sake…

Create n95 mask making facilities in every state.
should have been done in march.

During several confinement periods I spent alot of time following your comments here on PP. My children and wife enjoyed teasing me over it - eventually I was asked to change the subject at “la table” (while eating).
I was abit surprised by this posting Chris.
I perhaps supidly put stock in starting this year with a change - Trump again - Fauci out. Well enough said. I am now reminded that saying what you think to be true can be a very dangerous thing.
Chris, what will you (PP) be doing to protect our identities - if you plan to have a more public platform?
2) All this talk about vaccines and new strains of the virus (Sandpuppy re Charles Hugh Smith) raises a question that I would like to have someone’s opinion.
Cytokine Storms:
My chief worry about the vaccine is not the first reaction/protection from the virus, but rather the reaction to the variant strain of the virus. Maybe I have it all wrong, but it is my understanding that in the second wave of the Spanish Flu it was the variant which did the most killing by far. Was this not a type of misfunctioning of the immune system by a cytokine storm?
I confirm what someone has already said about vaccines - that there would have been no trials for finding a vaccine (in America) if there was an accepted treatment for Covid-19 ie HCQ+AZ.

I’m in the middle on masks… I wear the loosest surgical mask that I can find when going to the grocery store, but feel that I probably an protected by the IVM. I have worn the N95 and the KN 95 masks but don’t like the lack of oxygen and the difficulty breathing if it is for more than 5 or 10 minutes…I’m leaning more and more away from masks but always want to follow the science.

I’d like Chris to host a not-medical-advice discussion but a sharing-of-experiences discussion about this anti-respiratory-virus procedure as presented by Dr Mercola, citing Dr Brownstein of Detroit who has 25 years’ experience using it for respiratory illnesses. I used it in December for a minor respiratory illness (low-grade fever, persistent headache, mild chest heaviness and congestion) and it stopped it dead in its tracks in 2 days (no, I didn’t get covid tested). I’d never used a nebulizer before but it’s dead easy and anyone can count to 1+29 to dilute 3 percent HP down to .1 percent in saline solution. Once one has bought the nebulizer, the procedure is so cheap it’s almost free. It is not recommended as a prophylactic though. But as I cannot access IVM pills I am very glad to have it in my personal arsenal. The procedure also significantly improved some longstanding chronic lung and nasal congestion I had, which is still at least 70% better a month later. I personally found the .1% a bit strong for long-term use. Dr Brownstein uses .04 percent. Of course I am not recommending this to anyone, just recounting my own experience with it so people can discuss it with their own doctor.

I would like to recommend Sustainable Agriculturalist Steve Moore of Elon University as a guest for your live show.

You might change your mind about masks if you watch the Medcram video I posted last night in the forums. There is a ton of information in it. I you wear a mask that is 70% effective (not very good) and I wear the same the multiplier effect is 90% protection for both of us. Thus everybody wear a mask

INTERVIEW IDEAS that come to mind: Bill Whittle, James Corbett, Stefan Molyneux, styxhexenhammer666, Laura Eisenhower, Ivor Cummins.

My hope is - beginning of March, the NIH will bow to the inevitable.
I have no such hope. You might remember that Former President Trump was treated for Covid-19 with an antibody cocktail produced by Regeneron. What has not been publicized widely is the cost of this treatment -- $2000 per dose. Obviously, this concoction does not have a long track record of successful treatment of Covid-19, that disease being a newcomer on the medical scene. So how is it that this treatment was approved? Compare this to the reception of the news the Ivermectin has shown itself to be an effective treatment in a plethora of studies. The NIH greeted these studies by banning the use of Ivermectin except when used in controlled studies. There are now cases in which patients actually had to get a judge's order before hospitals would use it in their treatment! So how is it that the Regeneron cocktail can be approved for the treatment of the President of the United States, but an inexpensive, off-patent drug whose effectiveness has been demonstrated time after time is suppressed? Could it be that the Regeneron formula costs $2000 per dose while Ivermectin costs about $5 per pill? Could it be that an inexpensive treatment would mitigate against the need for a vaccine that costs eight times as much? How many hundreds of thousands of deaths are acceptable collateral damage in the pursuit of profits? The NIH bowing to the inevitable? Don't make me laugh. It's not a laughing matter.

There’s Hope … and there’s Hopeless.
Fed Wednesday Assets hit a New “High”.
Or maybe the curve is effectively upside down - and it’s actually a Low.
$7.415 Trillion, up/down from previous high of 7.404 on December 23.
Reminds me of that OLD movie, “Up the Down Staircase”.

That on masks and other issues I’ve now become rather childish. So many lies, so many murders, I just can’t help stamping my feet and saying “fuck you”. Good practice given what’s coming I’d say…

My friend and boss could not be with his wife whilst she had brain surgery for a tumour which just blows my mind…
how fucked up is that?

One just has to remember …

Every dollar on the Fed’s Balance Sheet as an Asset is someone else’s Debt.

The good news (and actually, it IS good news) is that the victims of this travesty cannot nor will they pay. The “Balance Sheet” is a fraud, if it is worthless, as it of course is.

Holding a debt, against someone who cannot, nor will not pay, is not an “Asset.” It’s a Write-off.

There are going to be a helluva lot of Write-offs before all this settles out.


IVM at 98% effective plus surgical mask seems pretty safe. Are you recommending N95?

I’m a huge fan of Nicole Foss and she seems to be a fan of Chris’s work throughout 2020 (see video at 2 minute mark).
I think she’s absolutely brilliant on economics/politics and would make a really interesting guest.

“You might change your mind about masks if you watch the Medcram video I posted last night in the forums. There is a ton of information in it. I you wear a mask that is 70% effective (not very good) and I wear the same the multiplier effect is 90% protection for both of us. Thus everybody wear a mask”
I started following Mecram early last year and yes he has a ton of great information.
I wore a mask early last year, as things looked real bad. Nobody knew anything yet and i was the only one. Was treated as if i was sick.
Now masks have been mandatory for some months here, but i do not use one. And again i am treated as if i am the sick one, killing other people.
It is NOT about masks.
Yes we were right, (PP also spent a lot of time on masks and how we could stop it with that) but we were also wrong.
Fact of the matter on masks is this:
We arent allowed to wear N95! In most European countries we aren’t. You just have to put a mask in from of your face. Any mask. Gov itself said it does not work, but we have to wear them anyway. It is MANDATORY.
Obviously anything you will put in front of your face will reduce spread. Its about inoculum. The difference between getting some drops of water on you, or an entire bucket, determines how wet you get. It needs no scientific proof, because a child can understand it.
So yes, masks work. But they also DONT work, as individual virus (even with some water hanging on it) is smaller than the holes in even N95. Thats why none of those, even higher rated ones, stop all virus. You’d have to wear a gas mask, with carbon filters of airtank, to stop all.
So early last year i was telling people to wear masks, because they work.
Now im telling people NOT to wear masks, because they dont work.
BOTH are true.
And it is not because i changed opinion, or learned more. Nothing like that. It is not about masks: There is no significant excess death over entire 2020. There is no influenza deaths anymore (while there always is), but the bit (if any) overdeath is ALL contributed to covid. See above post 90 i think, where i sum up.
It is the choice between evils…
Since it is now mandatory (JEW STAR), aswell as social distancing, curfew, lockdown, almost mandatory vaccination, and talk of vaccine passport (concentration camp number), we have crossed from being scared of covid, to being scared of government.
And the latter is the bigger evil.

I grew up on a farm and have been interested in sustainable agriculture for many decades. Sustainable agriculture is a particular interest of mine, and one that I am pursuing on my own property.
I had an interesting experience a number of years ago when flying into Atlanta – my Eureka Moment if you will. While looking down at mile after mile after mile of residential neighborhoods and commercial districts, I had to admit to myself that Regenerative Agriculture, Permaculture, and Organic Gardening as currently practiced are never going to feed all those people, at least not within the physical and social structures underpinning present-day American life. In their current form, these practices require vastly more manpower and a much more even distribution of the population across the landscape than the industrial farming regime we have now. And most of those people are not going to embrace the required changes willingly. The totality of their lives has trained them to take their place in present-day Atlanta!
It’s a no-brainer that infinite growth on a finite planet is impossible. At some point, the growth curve is going to cross over the sustainability curve, and when that happens, life is going to become very harsh for a lot of people. I don’t know when that crossover will happen, but given the current trajectory, I’m willing to bet hard cash that it’s going to happen within the lifetime of some of the younger people living now.
What I do know is that what the Koch brothers want the Koch brothers are determined to get, and they have the financial clout to enlist the government and the media in pursuit of their goals. And what the Koch brothers want is Atlanta just the way it is, if not more so: millions of people warehoused in megapolises, totally dependent on huge production, distribution, and information flow networks owned and controlled by themselves. In other words, the exact opposite of the kind of resilience advocated by Peak Prosperity. Control a person’s access to the necessities of life – food, energy, shelter, productive land – and he becomes your slave. In conjunction with the woeful failure of our educational system to prepare upcoming generations for a resilient lifestyle, these economic, political, and social machinations will thwart any serious effort to move American society as a whole in the direction of resilience and sustainability.
So what are we to do? Give up in despair to the forces arrayed against us? In my opinion, the operative phrase is “think globally, act locally.” I cannot affect meaningful change at the national level, or even at the level of Atlanta. There is too much inertia there for me to overcome. But I can affect change in my own neighborhood. I can work to develop and scale up practices, tools, knowledge, attitudes, and infrastructure that will benefit my own family and community, and which will become vital when the day arrives when those curves do cross. It’s a better lifestyle for me personally, and may prove essential for my grandchildren.

I recommend masks period. N95 sure. My daughter uses a p100. I generally use a surgical mask. The silliness in this country around masks is really quite juvenile. For decades people in Asia have been using masks. It is not a problem. I was in Thailand this time last year. The Bangkok airport (which may be the busiest airport in the world ) was filled with I would guesstimate 80% of the people wearing masks. Some were doubled. They had had their first case on Jan 13th.
I had a woodworking business and wore masks in my shop everyday all day. Not a problem.
IVM? Have a huge supply from India, ditto HCQ.