I'm Scared...but I'm Hopeful

Thank you sir for your kind words. That moves me too ;]
I want to make something more clear though, bc i think that may have been misunderstood.
I said in the line you quote “The lie of racism” and since most people regard ‘racism’ as a bad thing and ‘racists’ as bad people, i have to say i am a racist. And i think we all are.
One of the problems start there, which is why i mentioned it.
Easy explanation (ill act as if you misunderstood, but of course i dont know that) is this:
We have to accept there are races. The story that started some decades ago that dna doesnt show significant difference, is nonsense. Race was never based on dna. And it still isnt in taxonomy. It is solely based on outward appearance. So the narrative that dna determines is false.
Since i am Dutch, European and 60 years old, i remember when i was young, even up to 20 something, we didnt have any ‘racism’. Nobody talked about it, because we were all white. I had never even seen a negro untill i was in my teens. 1975 i think, when Suriname became independant and half its population came here.
All i knew from negroes was that there seemed to have been 2 in my city of 25k, even when i was born. They were American soldiers that stayed here after ww2, because they liked our country so much. I hadnt seem them, untill round mid 70ies, when i went out to caffees. Both had started one and were treated with respect by all people.
We had no concept of ‘racism’. In the 80ies, we got broadcasts from the US, like Jerry Springer and so and we watched that and were usually laughing about it. It was crazy to us. Everyone in the US wanted to prove to the other they weren’t racists, but everything was about race. It made and still makes, no sense. If race isnt important, then why is everyone talking about it?
Soon after, mid 80ies and more immigrants coming in, we were told we were now a multicultural country. It was right after protests began opposing immigration. We laughed about the term. Surely it was nonsense? We were a white country. We had always been white. Why would you want to change that?
The story told was that a racists were people that were negative about people with other color. And i thought, sure, why would you be negative about that? Its not right. Of course we all still believed in nurture, rather than nature. (that proved to be not so, much later) But the principle seemed good. You cant judge an entire group of people negatively, on a non chosen characteristic.
Some years later i noticed how nothing bad was allowed to be said about negroes, but it was perfectly fine to say “negroes have bigger d*cks”, or that they could run faster and therefor won the olympics. That made no sense to me.
First of all, it meant to me that we ALL see a difference. We all see racial difference. The people that say they dont, are actually blind, or lying. And any moral judgement is subjective, so negative or positive, has the same value here. So the definition was incorrect.
Things got worse and worse, up to where we are now, where white people can be categorically demonized, while immigrants are only allowed to be addressed as demi gods. We are not white countries anymore. Except for Poland and Hungary, which have managed to keep the door pretty shut. How is this not a genocide, i started asking in the 90ies.
End 80ies, still in the left, i did a musical gig for support of freeing Nelson Mandela. It seemed fair to us that they could have, or at least rule their own country. Little did we know.
If i say the same thing now about our own countries, i am extreme right.
In which world does this make sense? I didnt change. (or not much anyway) I have the same principles i had back then.
Some years ago i saw what this was. It is all about empires and countries.
ww1 and 2 were about the german peoples (germany not an empire), against empires.
GB was and still is, an empire. France with its many colonies, was an empire. Russia (and USSR) is an empire. China, is an empire. Austria/Hungary was an empire. And the US is the odd one out. It started with genocide and since all that remained were white Europeans, it could forge into one peoples. It was then a country. But as the former slaves got equal rights, grew and gained power, it slowly turned into an empire (note, i do not blame the AA’s. It is just stating facts)
Elas, empires are always evil. They can ONLY rule by suppression and often murder of peoples (even mass murder).
The etymology of nation, state, country ALL go back to "a homogenous peoples, racially, religiously, culturally, language, tradition, etc. Only then is there sociality in peoples. It is not divided (it can be, but is not easy or fast to happen). It is strong. It has no internal squarrels.
An empire is always a collection of different peoples. They can not co-exist without trouble, or erecting borders.
Those borders are effectively, segregation, or apartheid (is actually the dutch word for segregation). Thus creating homogenous peoples again, which then of course, should have the right to self govern.
The entire term of multi-culture, in which the US (more precise NY) was given as an example cannot be. That is, the world was always a multi culture, neatly separated by borders.
The best scenario of an empire (which is a multi culture) is that its people mingle and become homogenous, as the US did with its European differing peoples. But once that is achieved, it is no longer a multi culture, but a homogenous peoples again! In other words, a multi culture can never be.
If we mix everything up in the world and call it a multi culture (as it always was) and people interbreed, we end up with a global monoculture. Again, a multi culture cannot be and in fact decreases diversity. Not increase.
So it was all a lie. Including the term used to enforce it; racism. It is a non word. It means nothing. That is, we all do it, therefor it is useless to use it. Which explains why its origin is just 100 years old.
It would be the same as me calling you a ‘walkist’, because you can walk. It has no meaning, other than to reach a goal i do no want you to know about. It is a lie.
The same applies to ‘supremacist’. It has no meaning. One can be supreme in walking fastests at 100 m dash. One person can say “i am supreme”. But it is also an achievement to be the slowest, without stopping and that person would be supreme in that. You can’t be supreme in all. So it is a non word.
There are so many non words now. You could make a small dictionary of it. In fact, i should do that i guess.
No, i do not hate anyone of another color. Green, orange, black, white, purple with red polkadots, all fine. But in MY house, i want to be with people i know. And the other ones can be over there, happy as we are. I have yet to find someone to tell me how this is wrong.
Coming back to the church now, freedom of religion was never intended in enlightenment to go beyond christianity. It was the idea that ALL christians should be able to live together in peace, no matter which denomination. And that had been hard enough, looking at the fights in history over this. But a true christian cannot kill another human, so it should be achievable. It was never meant to pass to other religions, or races, or cultures, within our own states, bc that inevitably leads to problems.
Maybe christians are a tad too forgiving with regards to this. Yes Jesus died for all and all can be christians if they so choose, but it doesnt mean we all have to lay in bed with eachother. We can be neighbours and also have a form of love.
I wanted to make that clear as this ‘racism’ thing is one of the nails in our coffins. Im afraid its rather long.

I take it you watched the video. I also take it you are smarter than the guy in the video. I think I will stick with his advice.

We could, were it not that they have done everything in their power to destroy our civilisation. So supposed we can overcome these before they get their way, some big changed need to be made. Capitalism is equally faulty as communism. And the excesses of capitalism need to be dealt with.
Financial experts have been fearing a crash for quite a while now. And even more so since covid. It is not about currency. It never was. It is about production. If people keep producing what they produce, even when entire finance collapses, economy will not and no one will suffer.
You focus on food production, with the narrative that is an ending thing as populations grow.

  1. Populations are FORCED grown and have been so since the 70ies in Europe, when our populations declined.
  2. I am Dutch/Europe. A tiny country on the map. A mere spec. Yet we are the second largest exporter of agricultural goods. And also the most densely populated country in the world. We are no where near not being able to feed the peoples and can easily feed a multitude of what we are feeding now.
  3. Our agricultural university has been researching layered production indoors. This again greatly increases production of food.
    But yes, it would be better if world population would shrink a bit. As i said, that was happening all over Europe, Russia, US too i think, except for specific non white groups. The US also had mass immigration.
    That was driven by capitalism that needs to grow. Well, also to undermine western civ, it seems now.
    If we can do it, so can other countries and regions in the world.
    But with the current NWO grab of power by using covid as a tool, it looks very bleak indeed.

I saw a lot there, bc as i said, he provides great in depth information on medical topics.
Im sure im wiser in a number of things, but he definately is the expert on the medical stuff. ;p
If you want to wear a mask, by all means do so m8. No problem. ;]
I do too, when places are real crowded and inside, sure.

I spent two years doing work at a variety of the Bros. plants and I learned two things:
Those who process natural resources want nothing more than to continually and more efficiently keep processing those resources.
And they want to leverage against all liabilities and assets to squeeze every bit of $$$ and efficiency out of and back into the plant. Lather, rinse, repeat.
In Spinal Tap guitar amp lingo this isn’t equivalent to 11. It’s like turning 11 up to 99 and then adding another gain stage and dialing that one up to 99. And again. And again.
Strip the earth and then look for more. Every single day.
On another note that is 100% related, I drove thru Janesville, WI (home of Paul Ryan and ABC Supply -big Koch material seller- coincidence?) into Chicago (big Koch material consumer) for the first time in a while today.
I can’t believe I used to spend every Monday morning hopping into O’Hare then off to the another city. I knew somewhat of the unpaid toll my existence was, but after 10 months of not living it every week, I’m truly surprised the insects lasted as long as they did.
I think we need to all become stewards of bees. Talk about a noble gesture to the world.
Each of us who can needs to keep a few bee colonies alive so the earth can have some once the happy motoring world breaks down.
21st century society has too much consumptive momentum. Time to go rural and small.
Because this energy usage train is most definitely not slowing down, quite the contrary.

" I am wondering if a network of communities and/or homesteads can be connected somehow - “remnants” in different places which are connected through communications?"
Sure it can. I have been part of building several comm networks for NGO’s. One of the best networks and experiences was being part of the Backbone network for the Rubicon (Any other former Facta Non Verbas out there?) about 10 years ago. We used HF Ham radios (and General and above operators) with SCS/Pactor/Winlink modems to create a 24/7/365 automatic freq hoping network that had more stations then the CDC did. We could receive, send, hold and forward email and messages pretty reliably coast to coast, and sometimes over the pond. The HF stations also were the hubs for the more local spokes of the VHF/UHF radio traffic. All you really need is some good people and enough moolah. I haven’t really been in long haul comms in years, so there’s probably even better tech out there now.
Ham radio is starting to get unwanted attention lately. Also, another bad part is that Ham radio equipment is starting to disappear from the market. People forget that an independent, organized HF network is a powerful thing…so much so that some years ago if you got caught with the wrong gear in the wrong country, you got shot.
But back to answering your question, yes, it is possible and has been done before.

VegasJim wrote

...I have been part of building several comm networks for NGO's. One of the best networks and experiences was being part of the Backbone network for the Rubicon (Any other former Facta Non Verbas out there?) about 10 years ago. We used HF Ham radios (and General and above operators) with SCS/Pactor/Winlink modems to create a 24/7/365 automatic freq hoping network that had more stations then the CDC did. We could receive, send, hold and forward email and messages pretty reliably coast to coast, and sometimes over the pond. The HF stations also were the hubs for the more local spokes of the VHF/UHF radio traffic. All you really need is some good people and enough moolah. I haven't really been in long haul comms in years, so there's probably even better tech out there now.
Yep. That is what I am talking about! This sounds awesome. A lot of commitment from people who love this kind of work.

Hello! This is my first post here :slight_smile:
I was just about to post these links, as a suggestion of topics and ways of being resilient. Then I saw post#81. So I am posting these as a reply to it. I hope they are helpful and inspiring.
-Freedom Airway - an initiative by Dr Dolores Cahill
-The Freedom Network - "Non-political, inclusive movement taking action to reclaim our freedom through the individual and the collective.
-Freedom Cells - Peer to peer groups organizing themselves in a decentralized manner with the collective goal of asserting the sovereignty of group members through peaceful resistance and the creation of alternative institutions.
On the other hand, to complete the picture and connecting the dots, which I am sure many of you already have, I strongly recommend watching Catherine Austin Fitts interview for the film to come Planet Lockdown: here or here
Take care everyone!

Forgive me if someone has already made this suggestion. I think that Russ and Pam Martens whose blog is Wall Street on Parade would be exceptional guests for any discussion of the economy and financial system.
From their website:
Fed's Wall Street Bailout
The Fed’s Emergency Loan Operations to Wall Street’s Trading Firms Began on September 17, 2019 – Months Before the Coronavirus COVID-19 Had Emerged in China or Anywhere Else in the World. That Strongly Suggests to Us that Wall Street Banks Had a Serious Problem Independent of the Virus Outbreak. Mainstream Media Refused to Cover this Story in any Depth, Leaving the Heavy Lifting to Wall Street On Parade, Which Has Since that Time Written More than Ten Dozen Articles Chronicling this Fed Bailout. Click on this Text to Read Our Full Series of Articles.

Experts on natural gardening, my biggest challenge is pest control.
All of the high level economic, health and social issues are important and have an effect on my life, but the simple things like how to control the dang squash bugs is what can really have a basic impact on my life.
Deb G

Every dollar on the Fed's Balance Sheet as an Asset is someone else's Debt... [T]he victims of this travesty cannot nor will they pay... Holding a debt, against someone who cannot, nor will not pay, is not an "Asset." It's a Write-off. There are going to be a helluva lot of Write-offs before all this settles out.
True. Which brings up the question of how the write-off will go down? Private citizens in this position have no choice, they just have to own up to their position and forfeit any collateral pledged against the debt. And face a future in which they will have to pay cash on the barrel head for a long time. "Once burned, twice chastened" and all that... The Federal Government has another option. It has a printing press, so it can take the sleazy way out -- servicing the debt with worthless dollars. This very quickly becomes a Red Queen's race, ending eventually in the destruction of the currency. This seems to be the universally favored approach. I don't think the US has the courage to buck the trend here. Allocate your resources accordingly.

One possible method is netting. It requires infrastructure, but it goes a long way toward controlling pest problems. Another is Dipel. It’s a mixture of two bacteria that attack insect larvae. Early detection and application is needed for effective control.
Insect pests may indicate an imbalance. Do you have enough nearby habitat for birds, wasps, and other predatory insects? Do you use companion planting to help minimize insect damage?

I agree. Yesterday I read how the virus went down 10% I think that was ABC news. then I talked to my mom and she said the news was saying March was going to be really bad with the covid. But then you have all the vaccinations being given so shouldn’t it IF it works be going down? I believe my mom watches NBC or something…so many different stories…so many lies…I would really like to know the truth. I can only go by my gut and by piecing the puzzle together with all the different sites to get info…very confusing…

Janneman, thanks for your comments.
Regarding food production, yes, the Dutch can feed themselves at the moment, as can the US. However, the resources needed to do this are not inexhaustible. In the US under the current regime, massive quantities of fossil fuels are needed to plant, fertilize, harvest, process, and deliver food to peoples’ homes. The availability of these fuels up until now has had the effect of raising the sustainability curve comfortably above the growth curve. However, this cannot last. Use of these fuels and other agricultural inputs is a one-way trip.
I don’t know what the final stages of that trip are going to look like. For all I know, we could embrace nuclear energy and buy ourselves another century of profligate energy consumption. But this source of energy too will eventually be exhausted. One thing I’m pretty sure of though is at some point, there is going to be a lot less energy available for agricultural activities. When the world reaches that point, the sustainability curve is going to take a hit. If the growth curve is still rising, things are going to change, and not necessarily in a way that people are prepared for.
By the way, kudos to your university’s researching layered indoor production. Any method that efficiently produces more food on less ground using less energy is a good thing. Regenerative Agriculture is certainly not the only solution. It’s just a good one for me because it requires less infrastructure and yields a more nutritious product than we get from current industrial methods.
And gives me a degree of resilience against the machinations of TPTB.


Pests are a constant challenge. We’ve reached a fairly balanced state on our small farm. We use no chemicals, pesticides, etc. even our numerous bee hives are treatment free. It’s a ton of work though. Constant diligence. We use ducks, geese, chickens, Jack Russells, row covers, and lowered standards of what fruit looks like ;). We’ve also used heritage breed pigs (smaller sized), which did a great job of tilling the soil and eating leftovers. Our rabbits, cows and chickens provide the manure/fertilizer for the garden and field. We try to keep a “closed” system as much as possible. Oh, I do use diatomaceous earth for the cows sometimes (have to be careful as it will harm the bees). Anyway, it is possible to run a farm without the use of chemicals etc.,

Dr. M,
On the content side, may we have some stories on resilience? Some examples may be:
-Lessons learned from history like the great depression, Weimar Germany, the fall of the soviet union or Latin American currency crisis

  • Lesson learned from personal resilience Some balance of rural/suburban/urban guest spots would be enjoyable.
  • Lessons learned by overcoming disabilities. It is such a blessing to learn from those that have overcome hardships that I could never imagine.
    Dave O

I’d like to know what truth is about climate change. I have a feeling that there is more to this than we are being told and that it may be farther along than the powers to be are letting on. Some possible guest speakers are Paul Beckwith who specks about disappearing artic ice and Jem Bendall who speaks about Adaptation to climate change. It feels a little like “The elephant in the room” and that all the other issues like Covid, collapse of the dollar, politics, are just distractions from a more serious problem. What say you, Chris? It looks like you’re the one with the proper demeanor to address this topic in an educated and scientific way. This is going to be a tough one so if you don’t want to go there, I understand.

@chipshot Would like to hear discussion about the possibility of The Virus being nature's response to our overpopulation and destruction of the web of life, and the potential of an era of perpetual pandemic until our numbers and impact on the planet are brought to a sustainable level.
That's accurate but it's more of a globalist response than nature's response. Overpopulation has already been solved in a natural way. The numbers are already going to peak around 11 million and then decrease: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FACK2knC08E But some really powerful elitists who believe they know better felt the need to accelerate it with a gain-of-function chimera virus and depopulation vaccine bioweapons.
Everyone is going to have to make decisions as things like vaccine passports become reality. If there was a non-mRna option, I'd like to know about it. Becoming aware of the least poison you can have may be pretty valuable going forward.
Yes, as with "normal" vaccines you may be able to reduce the damage done by using antioxidants (NAC, vitamin C), heavy metals binders (selenium for mercury, purified zeolites for aluminum and any other), drinking lots of water to flush the crap out... and with some luck it doesn't destroy your immune system. The AstraZeneca vaccine is an old-fashioned non-mRNA one, with far less toxins than usual (no aluminum according to them). Its insert says it contains the following substances, ordered approximately from most to least harmful: "genetically modified human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells", polysorbate 80, L-histidine, L-histidine hydrochloride monohydrate, disodium edetate dihydrate, magnesium chloride hexahydrate, ethanol, sucrose, sodium chloride, "water for injections". I assume the last 8 are benign (what the hell is "water for injections" though, does it give them carte blanche to put anything in this "water"?). I do not for a moment assume that those are the only ingredients, particularly given that those embryonic kidney cells could contain a microbial population... which btw is from an aborted human fetus. However, will you really need a "vaccine passport" like you're cattle? As @astrogirl pointed out, Professor Dolores Cahill has a different idea!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9kVxL3kwUc

Hi Dr. Martenson,
My partner and I would love to see more content on creating a resilient life…from seed saving to bee keeping to storing eggs long term much like was done 100-150 years ago. We realize a majority of your subscribers are boomers but younger people have very little stock in real estate investment, bitcoin, the joke that is the stock market and other dying forms of boomer wealth. Please help us younger folks navigate through these uncharted seas. We do value precious metals but community and skills are just as valuable if not more.
Some ideas…

  • Making herbal medicine- tinctures, salves, and so on
  • First aid/CPR and basic medical information
  • Community based or several family education schools
  • Building structures from small raised garden beds to perhaps barns
  • Educating viewers on Permaculture and interviewing Geoff Lawton as he’s the best most down to earth man on the subject
  • Growing food of all kinds, propagation, grafting, layering, harvesting and storage of various staples
  • Water harvesting from springs to roofs and how to make it all potable
  • Animal husbandry of livestock, poultry, fish and their potential processing/storing
  • Heating, harvesting, drying wood and using coppicing as a way to make a wood lot sustainable
  • Tiny house living and how any person can make it work down sizing (ask us about our shipping container tiny house build and the good bad and ugly of problem-solving on a limited budget lol)
  • Crafts- DIY sowing, knitting, basketry pottery making, natural dyes
  • Soap making- from super basic to more advanced as supply chains will be disrupted
Okay that’s just some thoughts. I believe skills are the most valuable as governments or evil people cannot confiscate them like they can of currency, precious metals, crypto’s, stocks, and real estate. Now let’s get into it!!!