I'm Scared...but I'm Hopeful

The number one, most powerful and effective method of rendering such a passport irrelevant is to refuse to comply. There really is no easy way around it. If you feel, like me, that you do not want to take this poison vaccine then you have to refuse to take it. That means being willing to make sacrifices.
The more people choose not to comply, the less likely a vaccine passport becomes. Even if they try to implement one, if half the population refuses, it wont last long. So, “what can you do”? You can do your part by refusing the vaccine and educating others about the dangers of it. Ultimately, you only have control over yourself though so focus on your own noncompliance…how will you get the things you need? How can you increase your self reliance ? How will you respond to various strong arm tactics [ run the different scenarios through your head ]?
My wife and I have already discuss it and we agree that we are willing to adapt to whatever limitations we have to.
Be prepared mentally and emotionally to take some lumps. You’re in a fight, expect to get hurt a little and steel yourself for the incoming blows.

Funny I read your post right after sending a detailed email to an older colleague who is fighting cancer and mulling over getting the vaccine. I tried my best to talk him out of it. I am prepared to hit my employer with the science if they get the idea that they want to push their people into getting vax’ed. I will not comply. This is a hard line in the sand for me…

You wrote:

The more people choose not to comply, the less likely a vaccine passport becomes. Even if they try to implement one, if half the population refuses, it wont last long.
That is true. And even before the virus I had seriously limited my use of airlines. I was tired of being frisked, tired of being x-rayed, tired of being taken into custody for no reason at all (that happened a few times), tired of being jammed into seats for hours on end while I could barely move, tired of being nickel and dimed for luggage costs, food, etc., tired of being treated rudely, tired of having my luggage lost and, most of all, genuinely sick and tired of the entire horrific experience that modern airline travel has become. But there is a problem. I have friends and family who are very widely distributed over two continents. If one of them becomes seriously ill, I'll have no choice but to fly. And, in any event, I am not going to resign myself to never seeing any of them again. I am hoping that when the "vaccine passports" come into existence (and they will) that there will be enough blowback to stop it. But the people running this world care little about "what we want," it is all about "what they want." It will require a major, major pushback to stop it.  

I’d like, for the sake of younger people, to read more about practical ways people can create small farming, intentional communities. That would include ways to challenge existing zoning that sharply limits more than one single family home, per parcel of land.
And Chris, Good luck with your plan to take on Big Pharma, with the Frontline doctors. Hopefully the numbers of medical people involved with that initiative grow to the point they can no longer be ignored or sidelined.

Ty too for your reply!
I have to disagree here and there if you don’t mind ;]
Its going to be another long story.
So on food production in itself; that is no problem at all. You sort of ‘downplay’ what i said on NL being the second largest agricultural exporter in the world, to ‘we can feed ourselves’. And the difference is significant. If my small country can do it; produce SO much that we can export so much, almost any country can do it. The knowledge on how to do it can be learnt and with the new tech of layered crops it also uses less room. It can actually be done in cities. Obviously not for the main carbonhydrate sources we need, but for ‘veggies’. The carbonhydrates, like rice, corn, potatoes, wheats, and so will still be mostly in large fields. So for veggies, everyone can do. It is not dependant on easy to work soils, quality of soils, etc. For the main carbonhydrates, it will still need decent soil, light, water, etc. Its not going to work to grow these on steep mountain hills. Although some countries had traditionally needed to work with this, mostly for rice production. You surely know about this.
All in all the conclusion here is that this cannot be a problem.
Your second objection, or doubt is in the natural resources needed. And those we can split out in energy, water and nutrients.
As for energy (also see Roslands vid on energy consumption and population growth that someone linked below here somewhere), it is the old message still ringing of the club of Rome in 1970, or 71. That is outdated and has been for quite while. It was the origin of environmental movements and i was in those in the 80ies. Many things were lies, we learned later. Blatant lies from the top of the orgs, for several reasons that had nothing to do with environment itself, or sustainabillity. There is no shortage of natural fuel, nor will there be any time soon. That is a pushed narrative that has no basis. If you wish to discuss that, ill be happy to oblige.
But yes, eventually it will run out. That is many 100s of years away, at least. Wind and solar energy are still not viable, even though pushed by the same people. They net no energy, if energy cost is calculated through. So they are useless. Unless ofc for own use, if you have the money for it and you live remote, sure. Nuclear fission is also not viable, bc of the extremely long lasting nuclear waste and inherent risk of accidents. The future is nuclear fusion. And we are finally making progress there. It will be there long before we run out of fossile fuel.
There is no man made ‘global warming’. That is a hoax.
Still, it is a good thing to be modest in using energy. There is another way to ‘create’ energy: By using less.
The US hasnt been very good at this (sorry to say). And quite some other countries aswell, but Europe is traditionally different with regards to this. My country for instance, uses half per person, than the average US person. I don’t want to be nickpicking or play a blame game, but if we look at facts, this is one to consider. Now we can still use a lot less here, for instance by getting rid of the big windows they built houses with from the 60ies onwards (and often still do). Of course we have to take in account that more northern living people, will need to use energy to keep warm (which is a reason why iceland is at the top) and some will need to cover bigger distances, but there is SO much to gain here… so why don’t we?
When i was in the US in the 90ies (3 times) it was astonishing to me that everyone has aircondition. We didnt have any such. Now some do, but you dont need airco, or not as much anyway. Its not very healthy either. It was also astonishing that every kid in the US needs to have a car. We never did that, although it has increased in the last decades, also under influence of the US. But still, every dutch person has a bike, or more than 1 even and uses them to.
There is SO much to gain here. And no, its not the farmers that use most. Definately not.
When i was in the environment org, i made plans locally and regionally on whuch things are not needed. Hardly anything i came up with was followed through. And the reason for that was capitalism. The presumed holyness of the free market. Free market is an outdated concept that has long reached its limits and flaw. We see that in the current right globalism. Im not a communist (because it is flawed aswell) and even pick capitalism over it at this time, bc of direction of things, but reluctantly. Again, it is the lesser of 2 evils at the moment.
The best system is in between, with the best of both. The entire environmentalist movement was sucked up by capitalism and totally corrupted, from early on even. It only allowed measures that were benefical to ‘consumption’ society and expoited to make things even worse. And all structural change denied.
Early 90ies (and this still happens) our potatoes went to Italy to be peeled, by truck. Then driven to France to be packaged. Then returned back here, to be distributed and sold in bulk to whomever wanted Dutch grown fries. You see the problem? Thats just one example of how capitalism totally wrecks things. Nobody in their right mind would come up with such a thing, but because specialisation determined that it was 10 cent per ton cheaper to have it done this way, than to have it done here. In the end, it is of course more expensive, but some costs are not calculated, because they are not payed by these producers. They are payed by the citizens, in cleanup, in drink water filtering, in taxes, in subsidies, etc.
How is it cheaper and more environment friendly, to have our consumer goods made in China, while we used to make them ourselves? They have to be transported over the world and yet we think it is cheaper and better. It is not. The only reason it seems to be, is because Chinese had/have lower wages. Capitalism doesnt work.
But ok, energy. There is enough and we can do better. But it needs an overhaul of the systems we have (financially, economically and such). That requires more gov in the sense of laws. I am weary of that, specially now, when govs are so corrupt and have no intention of solving any problem. After all, it touches on their income, which should be restricted to begin with. Thats another thing; there should be a maximum on how much wealth one can accumulate.
Water is a more regional thing and a science on its own. There is plenty of it, but not all in the right place. Some have an abundance, some hardly any. Its going to be silly to transport water over the world for agriculture. Water management is important here and we have the tech, increasingly so, to make that all happen.
Nutrients is also not a problem. The main thing is to tap into everywhere existing circles of life. Main ingredient is CO2… and it is this they want to limit. Reminds me of the lunacy of restricting NP from washing detergents that had to change in the 80ies, after which fish amounts dried out. Gee, how odd…
The major problem is extremely bad management. Not anything there wouldnt be enough of, because there is plenty to feed the world. And much more even.
By the looks of it you are looking at these things a bit from the alarmist perspective. I did the same in the 80ies, but im not startled by this anymore. If you want to discuss any of this, im happy to do so ;]

Chris explained this several months ago and others have reinforced it. The FDA did not approve these vaccines, but instead authorized their release without approval.
A very well done article in the Off-Guardian explains that there are no Phase 2 (safety) or Phase 3 (efficacy) trials. Administration of the vaccine to the public ARE the phase 2 and phase 3 trials.
Anyone who implies that the vaccine is established as 1) safe, and 2) effective, is not telling the truth. We cannot be certain what the effects might be. Lots of known unknowns, and some unknown unknowns.

What Vaccine Trials?

The most important, meaningful phase of CV-19 vaccine trials has barely begun, let alone been completed

Iain Davis, January 3, 2021
----- In 2012, 4 different vaccines for SARS-CoV-1 (SARS Classic) intended for humans were tested in lab animals. The vaccines successfully induced antibodies against the virus in the test animals, but unfortunately, also induce an autoimmune type of allergic reaction in the lungs when the animals were challenged with exposure to the wild virus. None of these vaccines were advanced past animal studies to human studies. All were dropped. It is my understanding that neither Moderna nor Pfizer has release any animal study data to the public. The vaccine may eventually turn out to be demonstrated safe and effective in which case I might get it myself. But I don't know that yet.

Great. maybe we could post books that are good to learn from and other handy ideas we might have to help others figure things out. I listed some books I like earlier and I see someone else has put some down too. Always love to hear ideas and what folks have learned from practice. And books…real books…are important as they can not be changed with the push of a button.

Hi All
Just listened to this podcast linking the great reset, the underlying technological transformation and what our future might be. There are lots of reference studies, indications of key players etc. none of which i’ve directly checked. Its not a future i want, and from my permaculture perspective, it bodes poorly for our natural systems and the creatures we share this planet with.
Here goes the link

Thats why we have to sign a waiver stating they are not responsible if anything goes bad. Nor is the gov
Yet they want to make it mandatory…
“You have to let us shove this icepick in your eyesocket, to possibly cure your paranoia, but we are not responsible”

“The vaccine may eventually turn out to be demonstrated safe and effective” > For something that IS an autoimmune disease (and not a vaccine) that may flare up at any time, how long you think thats going to take?
And it also has the potential to change dna…

Well this is an interesting idea. I don’t think it will gain much traction or have much of an effect.
I will not get the vaccine but I doubt seriously my action will have any effect. I don’t think enough people will opt out to achieve critical mass.
After 9/11 the TSA was formed and instituted unconstitutional searches on people and their possessions. The scanners in airports emit dangerous frequencies. Those Rapiscan machines (interesting name) were produced by a company the Michael Chertoff was affiliated with. Small world. Going through security at a major airport is quite the exercise. You are herded like sheeple, you are processed like cattle, take off your shoes , empty pockets etc. Your luggage both checked and carry on are gone through. I have a hard time imagining Thomas Jefferson submitting to such a search.
I opt out every time, and request I be searched in a private room. This requires 2 TSA goons. This slows the process down for everyone, including me (I leave extra time) I look at the sheeple going through the line with complete submission. I know damn well my act is purely symbolic. It has zero effect on changing anything.
The 4th amendment is supposed to guarantee we be safe in our person and in our papers.That is complete and utter bullshit. I tell every TSA goon they are violating my constitutional rights. Most of the time they look puzzled and always just shrug. I often wonder where all those Oath Keepers are.
This is a long way of saying not getting the vaccine is a purely symbolic act. If enough people don’t get it to make big pharma $ ol Joe will make it mandatory. It will be soft at first like getting on a plane then like masks all Federal employees will need to be vaccinated etc.
If the Amerikaan people will not stand up when their rights are being violated they sure as shit won’t object to either voluntarily getting an experimental shot (many are begging for it) or be forced to.
Many do not know or have forgotten that Obomba signed NDAA 2012 sec 1021 which enables the military to arrest and detain anyone anywhere w/o charges or a lawyer, indefinitely. It did away with the Posse Commitatus Act which prevented the military from acting like domestic police. Chris Hedges sued Obomba and won . The judge wrote a 122 page decision detailing how it was unconstitutional Obomba appealed and the case was thrown out by the next judge because he said Hedges had no standing
It might be useful to realize the there is now a “Domestic Terrorism” bill being proposed . It will be interesting to see how “domestic terrorist” is defined. Perhaps refusing to get vaccinated will be viewed as an act of “domestic terrorism”. Orwell would not be shocked, nor would I

I don’t think there is a more pressing topic to rally around short term than the unsettled vaccine debate. My employer is going to mandate it. Governments are going to mandate it. You are a societal problem if you’re not in line. After witnessing how Covid was handled, the rush to market with exemptions for pharma’s, we have a challenge here. You are uniquely qualified to guide us on this next hurdle, but its alot to ask.
What do we know.
What is the data so far.
How can a person forestall it.
What would indicate they are safe.
This topic is like TNT to the overlords and ANY bucking of the trend is dangerous. So it’s vital to the P.P. tribe and probably the most risky thing we could ask of you. Have we slipped so far so fast we are afraid?
You can’t record it, you’ll be sued. Its radioactive.

Early in the pandemic, James Lyons-Weiler, PhD of IPAK had a model that showed various effects from a vaccine and social distancing on the Pandemic. The link goes to his website and not the paper - so I can’t show you all the results I had just picked out a few for a presentation last year. He used the Vaccine as Treatment. ( He also posts on vaccines.)
This far into the pandemic we might just plug in Ivermectin for treatment and notice how the parameters are changed.

I have followed the discussion of Ivermectin apple paste and am also aware that FDA has a letter cautioning from having people use Vet. Invermectin.
Ivermectin has established its effective & practical use in both prevention and treatment of Covid-19 in numerous randomized controlled clinical trials around the globe as we have seen on this site.
The NIH & WHO are currently reviewing the international meta-analysis of RCCT’s and awaiting 4 ongoing trials’ data in mid Feb before making their recommendations. The NIH’s position statement 1.5 weeks ago was completely neutral which opened the door for all licenced prescribers for off-label prescribing.
As an FDA-approved drug, any US physician can prescribe Ivermectin for ‘off-label-use’ at this time.
Unfortunately, most physicians are unaware of its benefits, its history and world-wide safety profile.
Fortunately, there ARE physicians willing to listen to your Covid concerns, and see if prescription Ivermectin is a good fit for you.
In order to prescribe treatment, a physician must establish a formal doctor-patient relationship, consult regarding your unique situation, inform you of options, and discuss risks & benefits of possible therapies.
During these times, the federal Secretary of Health & Human Services and the California Department of Health Care Services has expanded access to medical care via phone consultations between physicians and patients.
If you reside in the State of California, you can schedule a phone consultation with Tom Yarema, MD at DrTom.com/CovidConcern

‘You have to think like a hero merely to behave like a decent human being.’

  • David Cornwell (John le Carré)

Would we watch?
You’re kidding, right?
Your shows are, bar none, the most important thing we have to do every day.

  • Excellent suggestions! I'd also be extremely interested in seeing a video like this.

LiveCast: As a viewer located in Norway, sometime between 11 AM and 4 PM (EST) would fit me the best.

  • Peter Schiff (Topics: Economy, Inflation, the FED, Gold, financial bubbles, the real economy)
  • Jordan Peterson (Topics: Psychology, censorship, resiliency, ideologically possessed, political discourse, marriage and family)
  • laowhy86 (Topics: China, the true origin of SARS-COV-2, censorship, communism, socialism)
  • serpentZA (Topics: China, censorship, communism, socialism)
  • David Lin (Topics: Markets, gold, state of the global economy)
  • Nature’s Always Right (Topics: urban farming, ecological farming, regenerative systems, resiliency, censorship)

I would like for us, the members, to have the opportunity to present in some way. All of us have different levels of experience in speaking to groups. With that in mind, if members had a flexible way to speak, from simply talking about something all the way up to making a presentation, it would be fascinating and highly informative for everyone, I am sure. I would imagine having a time limit would be a good idea.
Also, private member moderated discussions. Each week could be a previously announced topic. People who wish to could prepare in advance and reserve a block of time, with time for moderated discussion.
Having a good moderator is an important part of a successful group discussion. The moderator keeps everyone focused and watches the time. Unfortunately, with larger groups time becomes a factor. Fortunately, time being a factor disciplines thought, focusing it.

I had a similar idea.
My suggestion would be to have occasional open threads, where people could post about any topic which was of interest to them. Two sites that I visit frequently (Moon of Alabama and The Vinyard of the Saker) have periodic open threads.
It would be particularly appropriate for this site, since this site seems to have a large number of highly educated and well read members. People could share their knowledge, prospectives and (most importantly) good links. I often read or listen to links posted here. Having an open thread would expand the range of topics available to members.
There is a second benefit to it. By seeing what topics generate a lot of discussion, Adam and Chris could get a better feel for the topics of interest to the PP community.

I would wish it to be a place for serious discussion with serious people and, if possible, not just commentators but people with action in their mind. If the plan is to just talk without ever having the intention to actually do something, well…it will still be interesting but insufficient. How many times do you need to see and hear the same thing? What does it take for you to trust your eyes, ears, instincts? At a certain point more info is just more noise.
I’m not sure people are actually seeing the full magnitude of what is happening. We are about to lose this planet and become rats in a maze. Literally. And the next phase is an insane nightmare - once we are in it, we will not be able to get out.
For me, time for words was over 20 years ago. This is not an incitement, it is simply me stating where I am at this point. We have been talking around the world for decades and yet here we are.
America likes it’s heroes. You have a chance to be one right now - say no.

Mid-December my morning dry cough, usually associated with high PM2.5 days, became more frequent and finally continuous to the point of distress. It was either call an amulance or try the horse paste I’d bought in September. Three hours later I could inhale wihthout coughing, and the next day could take full breaths. Smile! But then spent the next two weeks feeling lousy and married to an oxygen concentrater I fortunately had purchased earlier to study pressure swing adsorption. Sweating the power would not go out!
After the third dose on day 7 my lower legs became swollen and a search turned that up as a possible side effect of ivermectin. But no reason given that I could find.
Back in the 1980s I was pulling ticks off every day and had symptoms of Lyme disease a few times, but the FDA/CDC recommendation was not to test or treat until the bulls-eye rash appeared. In 1998 a vaccine LYMErix wss approved but withdrawn in 2002 amid fears it caused auto-immune disease.
On a hunch I searched “Ivermectin Lyme Disease” - and BINGO!
Left to their own devices, disease sufferers discovered an unapproved remedy - veterinary ivermectin. Lots of information from 2005-2014 about dosing, and books were published.
Nice video of spirochetes infecting feeding on red blood cells:
But not so much since then. The wikipedia page had no mention of ivermectin that I could find in any of the history. Recent talk is about antibiotics and new vaccines. Sound familiar?
Anyway my leg swelling may have been the “herx”, overloading of the immune system with dead parasites. In retrospect I should have taken a small dose of ivermectin to check for any baseline effect. Doing so would have alerted me to the Lyme possiblity much earlier, and I would have done a few small doses to avoid the herx, before having to clear everything out with the standard dose.
Strange the Lyme websites are mostly silent about ivermectin. Has it been discredited? Any long-time Lyme experts here?